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  1. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    hey ladies, have you felt your baby moved ?
  2. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    hi ladies, been awhile since i logged in i have started to wear maternity jeans, pants and tops, feel so much more comfortable
  3. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    cjteng - i always have pain at tail bone, first pregnancy also the same. After give birth it will go away. I cant sit too long ... my bum would sort of "cramped" !
  4. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    hey ... chicken rice is out for me too. I cant swallow anything this week ... quite bad nothing appetise me, not even my fav B&J ice cream .... strange this happen at 10th week
  5. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    mercsboy - not legs flat on bed, you lie flat on bed, then ask hubby to put his palm on our soles, then push forward .. you sure will feel the strain on your calves. that is good, cos your calves are stretched. I tried it and it really works. no more cramps. and yes the pain is...
  6. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    mercsboy - i attended pre-natal yoga for my 1st pregnancy, i was taught to do this before sleep : lie flat on bed & hubby to put palm on sole of our feet and push forward, you will feel the strain of stretching on your calves. The cramps really were eliminated ! I didnt experience those...
  7. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    hospital give the bath tub ? ESH didnt provide one for my 2005 delivery. Not sure if they give one now.
  8. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    mercsboy - yeah i dont pay anything extra, its all in the package i think ? i prefer to up a size rather than get an extension, felt more comfy
  9. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    Miffy_ang : the nursing consultant at ESH, Mrs Fonnie helped me alot, even aft office hours. She helped me thru engorgement and was very patient when trying to latch my daughter. Perhaps ESH has small nof patients, so they can afford to spend more time with us.
  10. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    mercsboy - i saw the extensions at Robinsons, at the lingerie cashier counter near La Senza
  11. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    samval - can take, but risky. Cos promotion will be affected. But to me, family comes first. And BF is very important ...
  12. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    i intend to take 3-mths no pay leave after the 12wks maternity so i should be off work for abt 6mths. Reason is that i want to bf longer. Based on my 1st experience, once i come back to work aft 12 weeks, i become lazy liao to bf and pump
  13. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    hey ladies , by the time i am travelling, it would be the beginning of 4 months. will see how when i reach the date of travelling .. if too tired, cant go liao. rachel - going to attend to family matter
  14. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    Hi rachel, 2 days before i found out i am pregnant, i bought tix to NY. It will be a 20hr flight ... i worry abt the baby and if i can tahan the long journey ... cos i always get tail-bone cramp ... Dr Heng says ok to go in 2nd tri, but not 1st and 3rd.
  15. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    samval : have you travelled before during your 1st or 2nd pregnancy ?
  16. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    i burp alot too .. i was given Cuplaton medicine. Seems to help, i didnt burp as much as before. I think the size doesnt matter, what matters is that we are eating nutritious food and baby is healthy. At 6 weeks 4 days, mine is 0.78cm
  17. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    Hi SamVal - you can try and share your experience ... i dont have MS (thankfully!), else i would try anything to help me during MS ... Rachel - here goes : Nick = Gezzam EDD = 26th Jan 09 BB Gender Child # = 2 Hospital Gynae = ESH / Dr Heng TL
  18. G

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    hi ladies, I'm one more to the list ... EDD end Jan. Btw, i just read on BabyCentre abt a mummy recommmending eating almonds as it absorbs the acid in the tummy. HTH,
  19. G

    Spotting for 4 days but no menses at all !

    ladies, i happened to find a cheap test kit - SGD1.90 @ Mustafa Pharmacy. Works successfully for me Troublesome part is that you have to pump urine on it, not pee directly on the stick .. but the cost savings is enormous !
  20. G

    Any mommies staying in Hougang?

    Hi mummies, I am urgently looking for Chinatown eclair contact. Any of you ladies can share with me ?
