(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

wah, talk to u all hor...many things float in my mind leh...durians, bubble tea, milk tea...aiyo...my tummy hungry liao leh...
mercsboy (mercsboy) you really so steady leh. still have time to bring the stool. when I vomit, I already half of my life left. haha. I really hate to brush my teeth,cos it will automatic have the vomit sign and make me so xi koo. haiz..
oooh.. MOS milk tea... my fav drink at MOS... used to drink a L on my own.. haha... nw can only steal a few sips.. nt shiok sia...

u so funny la.. still can bring stool to sit down.. haha.. i only hope that i can reach the toilet bowl in time...
Now i keep on have pain aound my bum there,if I rub it, it will be quite painful.. feel like become old people liao. here pain there pain. This pain dun know related to what.. anyone have the same problem as me?
hahaha, reading all your posts so funnie. so many addictions and cravingss...

but mercsboy, cannot drink too many packs of ribena in a day! read behind the pack of ribena, i think got instructions there...
and also sometime will have itchy red spot around hand,leg and bum. doctor say cos our body temp is slighty high will case those problem but not the pain.
NI: really ma? cannot drink too much ah? but then hor...sometimes plain water is so boring...

sel: ya lor...coz i was thinking want to vomit also must make myself comfortable, so i took a stool sit and vomit...more comfy leh...hehe

cjteng: no leh...my bum ok...just getting wide only...hehe

i only feel that my body temperature increase leh...hands warm warm one..
cjteng: like ezenma ah? itchy one ah? how about applying some "snake powder" it will cool the area and more comfortable leh...
mercsboy (mercsboy) ya, plain water really boring. maybe can try some milk.haiz. i wonder my pain when it go off leh.whenever lay down to sleep, will feel the pain lor.sianz.. ya lor, our hand warm warm but hor my body scare cold wind.whenever my mum switch on the fan, i will go and take a blanker and cover myself.. my hbby throught i very sick. hahah
Samval (samval) ya lor.. our company alway will have all those kind of thing for free. cos is related to gov.This friday will have Kacang Puteh for free.
y u no chose Gov hospital leh? My friend's wife work in the army, she said no need to pay any fee for the check-up. Actually my husband is also in the gov sector, but only sudsidy an amt of $ not free so i juz curious. And I also wonder ur reason is it the same as me for not going to gov hospital. Actually I went KK for a few appointment for my first kid but sick n tired of the waiting time.
Need some advise, Who's master bed matress is using seahorse brand? good? I plan to buy one mroe to step up my bed to let it high so that when stomach getting bigger will easy to get down from my bed.
i dun like kk leh... heard many negative things abt kkh...

even when i m sick, i'll go pte.. although hv to pay.. bt better than waiting at the polyclinics... imagine when u are v sick still gotta wait wait and wait...
cjteng - i always have pain at tail bone, first pregnancy also the same. After give birth it will go away. I cant sit too long ... my bum would sort of "cramped" !
Hi all!

Did OSCAR (scan + blood test) today. Just wondering if anyone went to TMC and how much u paid. Cuz they charged me $432 (incld GST) and later at the gyne's clinic i paid another $92 for a blood test and urine test. No idea why. I asked the nurse and she said the charges were correct. Was surprised and wondered why since gyne said the OSCAR is $300+...

The scan was ok, had to wait a bit before continuing cuz bb moved out of position but later positioning was fine and the radiographer was so happy. But the blood test was absolutely awful, painful and traumatic. Ranks as the worse I've ever had in my life and I've had quite a few blood tests before. The nurses were confused and didn't seem to know what they were doing and what test i'm doing. 1st time it seems that they tot it was a normal blood test and tried to draw 3 tubes but i didn't have enough blood for the last tube so they asked me to wait till after the scan. When I asked for a tube, as instructed by the gyne's nurse, they were all confused and confused me too. Seemed like they dinno i was doing OSCAR. Never mind. I went back again after the scan for more blood to be drawn. But it was another person and she inserted the needle tho the vein wasn't very prominent, still ok, could tahan the slight pain. Halfway through, they changed pple and someone else came to hold the needle. I tot that was a bit weird. This other person pushed the needle even deeper and that was when it really hurt big time. I actually teared, 1st time that this has happened during a blood test. After a while, my arm was getting numb and I tot they were getting enuff blood. But when I looked when she withdrew the needle, there was not a single drop in the tube!!!! She wanted to draw from my other arm but saw the plaster from earlier and asked if I drawn blood already. So I told her abt wat happened just now. She and the receptionist looked completely blur. After a while, the recep said oh so you're the one doing the oscar and told the nurse to go ask somebody if the blood from just now was enough. Turned out that it was enough and all the pain i went through was for nothing!!!!! Just because they screwed up!!! So upset. My mom was waiting for me and quite shocked to see me almost in tears! I tot they would know what test I'm doing since everything shld be written on the form they had in front of them!!! So ridiculous!
de_luxe : oh dear!!!
sure damn painful

i think i will kill the nurse at that point of the time.
i cannot imagine that im gonna take the blood test in 2weeks time.
my first pregnancy, they took 5 tube and i fainted. that's the most embarrassed thing.
gezzam (gezzam) hope it will go away. haiz..really pain lor.

NI (ninilicious) thanx. will see and look around.

Just now while i alone to take my dinner.. so amberless.. I went in Mos bug.. and there is a very strong smell.. and it make me suddenly have the vomit feeling.. end up..i know it gg to come out.. i hold my hand to my mouth.. while i walking out to find a place to release.. until i cant tanhan.. i vomit on the staircase,so many people. I dun ever want to look up... wow lau.. so pai say.. so more very er xin leh.. my hand and face kana.. so helpless..
no choice.. go one side quickly open my bag and clean up myself.. wow lau.. make me day bad lor..
Wow so many posts.. sorry if i din reply to anyone... lost already... lol

giggler I'm living on ntu campus. Thinking of pre-natal yoga cuz didn't find any pre-natal pilates so far. Not sure where I would do it, maybe near work at Tg Pagar or near home, depending on the timing of the classes. Have you found any in Boon Lay? Most of those I found were in town.

I just bought Elancyl yesterday at Robinsons, special offer 2 for $40+, the salesgirl said it's a promo, buy 1 get 1 free.

Also got the clarins oil cuz robinsons giving extra 10% discount, so quite worth it... din think i would spend so much... but can't resist a gd deal leh.. lol

mercs i dunno wat really happened btwn my aunt and grandma. My mom ask my uncle if she could help meditate but he ignored her. It's hard for me to believe that my grandma would have said or done anything mean cuz it's not her character. My guess is that it might have been some off hand remarks that my aunt took offence at. But anyway, it's over now, so no point thinking abt it.

kellie i dun understand why family must squabble over things like that. If money is tight, and help is needed for others to chip in, then just be honest and say so. Maybe it's a chinese thing, want to save face. I hope won't have this kind of issue with my sis and parents later on.

my ex-boss' wife had a malay lady going to their place to massage. Dunno if that's the reason why she din have trouble losing all that weight. They r Eurasians so I guess they dun really follow Chinese confinement customs.

janjan yah no clothes to wear is depressing, i've been having wardrobe crisis nearly everyday!! Bought a pair of pants that can be converted into shorts from bellasima, on 50% sale, only $36. Maybe u can check it out. Cutting is a little big so i got the S instead of M which I usually wear.

cjteng did u quit ur job when u found out you're preggers?

miyuki u can get the clarins oil ard $60+ at people's park. Think shld last for quite some time as dun need to use a lot. Body shop's one is $50+ but i din like the smell and tot brand wise, might as well pay a little bit more for something more reputable.

ni i know some gals married to swedish guys, they say it's 2 yrs paid leave - maternity or paternity, up to the parents to decide who wants to stay home.

It'll be great if SG implements something similar and improve / subsidise childcare facilities. I just hope the policy wouldn't make employers even more discriminating. I was discrimnated against just b4 i got married liao, when i went for interview.

ange i think most impt for strollers is light and easily folded, esp w 1 hand, since might be carrying bb in the other. Just found out that we might be assigned an appt on 3rd flr, no lift. Wah lau... siong man... dun think i can lift a pram + bb. Avg weight of pram is 7-8kg... newborn abt 3kg... total 11kg.. really can build biceps ah!

Hmmm.. durians... usually i dun eat much, prefer durian cakes and puffs to the actual fruit. Been wanting to buy Goodwood puffs and cakes but nebbe go there so far. But recently keep smelling it, also feel like eating. Maybe cho my mom go with me cuz my hubby can't stand them.
de_luxe (de_luxe) I was taking my blood test under TMC. My charge for them is 318+ GST. then I paid another $107 for my gynae side leh. consideration HIV,HBEF Pramilets. That y i took a few tube of blood. In the hospt they are ok. the nurse who took for me since to like not singaporean.. but she is ok. I was wonder y dun u shout or ask them. they should not change people like that while they inj the needer.If my hb know, sure complain!! I guess, your hand will be swollen wor.. pity you.

i should be entering 12 weeks in 2 days' time. but thats not the end of 1st tri right? hai...

next visit is next fri (3 weeks from last visit), and it seems like a long time leh. i want to see my baby picture again leh. wonder how the little one has progressed so far

seems like most of you have done your blood test liao. i guess i should be doing next fri ba. not sure if we are gg to do in the gynae's clinic or have to go to TMC or some other lab. hai.. gonna spend $$ again.

deluxe, i keep procrastinating my shopping trips, cos i realy have no energy leh. now i'm depressed. cos the result of procrastination is no clothes to wear. argh!!!!
janjan16 (janjan16) ya, me also wish to visit my gynae a.s.a.p, cos i m enjoy seeing my little one growing fast... My next visit will be Aug 2 sat.. and I can see baby gene.. hehehe cant wait for the time to come. Wish my baby dun shy.. if not have to wait for another one more visit..
de_luxe: Hey, I'm gona start prenatal pilates classes @ Sky Pilates next month. The studio's @ Liat Towers.
cjteng: it just refers to pilates suitable for women during pregnancy.
Group classes are $320+GST for 8 sessions.
cjteng: I hope it's good. I was recommended by a friend who took the classes there. So let's see how it goes when I start next month.
xpink 5 tubes??!! Why so much? No wonder u faint lah... Actually I dun mind fainting just now if i could, make them panic haha! Got forced by mom to get yong tau foo w seaweed for lunch since i dun have enuff blood..

cjteng i also dunno why i din scream at them. Guess too stunned, confused, in pain and trying not to cry bah.. no swelling, arm was painful and slightly numb for a while, sometimes like no strength. My hb wasn't w me, but he was quite put off by what happened, din want to listen to the end of my story. I dun need to do HIV, etc leh, cuz did them already. Hmm... really must ask doc why charges so high, feel kinda ripped off. I dun understand why they will ask what test we're doing when it's already written on the form, as if we will know... i blur like sotong just now when they were asking me, so just say oscar.

I tot u said earlier that u're not working? Erm.. a bit confused..

janjan try to find something baggy in ur wardrobe bah... then go grab something in the shops. I also been procrastinating cuz lazy to go out and i didn't really see anything that i liked. I hardly have any baggy stuff so kapo some from my sis but our taste in clothes quite diff so most of it are stuff that i would normally not buy but they fit for now and can help to save money. I'm seriously contemplating the Belly Belt, if it'll make our bottoms last till full term, quite worth it. Just procrastinating cuz dun like the idea of using a piece of cloth to cover up the opened zip area at later stage. Wat u think?

ange wats the timing of the pilates classes? was hoping to find something in raffles place/tg pagar/west areas cuz would be more convenient for me. Going to orchard will mean a longer mrt ride for me.
de_luxe: prenatal classes are weds 3pm and sat 10am. There are pilates studios in those areas you mentioned though I'm not sure if they offer prenatal sessions.
morning ladies.

gezzam: your pain is at where? cos i'm having pain at the centre of the buttock, near the line that side. if sit down then get up will be very painful.

de_luxe: aiyoh. i will scold the nurse if it was me ah. reminds me of last time they took my blood test and couldn't find the vein so the nurse poke and then twisted to find the vain!!

ange: those prenatal clases are what type one? what kind of exercise? issit something like yoga?

janjan: haha me also this fri going to be 12 weeks and my stomach already showing as if 4 months preggie. i seeing gynae on sat for NT scan. so far i also never have any 1st trimester blood test for those heb B, HIV, rubella etc etc. if gynae no say anything i will ask lor.

ladies, this morning still feeling very crampy. and when i went toilet i wipe and saw fresh red blood! was so shocked. then keep wiping and wiping again and discovered that it is actually from the anus that side, cos last nite i was straining while passing motion till bleed. but dunno how come this morning anus still bleeding leh? anyone ever had this ah?

anyone going for prenatal yoga or aqua aerobics?
de_luxe, i did my OSCAR test on last sat & the charge same as u $432. The TMC nurse explained to me this was included a test when enter to 5 months. So is a package that saves a few dollars. For blood test total 3 tubes, 1 tube for OSCAR & 2 tubes are for clinic to perform HIV & the rest of test. So I also pay to the clinic $92 for the 2 tubes test.
Samval (samval) I think u better cal your gynae now about your case.

de_luxe (de_luxe) no la. maybe is not me.but your nick since like i know u from the brides thread. hahah.
Samval (samval)I have the same problem as u.Having pain around centre of butt there. So hb rub for me, now feel better but still pain lor. Heard that it will go off after we give birth.
de_luxe: how come so ex one...means lets say the included the detailed scan is total $500+?
i remember my side is $200 for the oscars then detailed scan pay another $107. the gynae charge is included in the package leh...although when i did the test, i haven sign package yet, but only charged me consultation $40 + $40 for the normal scan...thats it...
samval: tat day when i put put also got blood leh...should be one or two times only...coz now its harder for us to put put lo...i also have problem...
wah u guys really paid alot of the test done. So far me only paid NT scan + DS at abt $190+. Last week, my Dr drew some blood for HIV, etc...but no charge me leh....
mercs: aiyoh. now my bum bum very pain leh. still got a bit of blood....sigh.. lucky the vagina not bleeding else i'd be very very worried. how your constipation now?

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