(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

cherryale...why dun u give a call to ur gynae and try to bring forward ur appt by letting him/her noe ur crampy situation....

xpink...gota be realli careful when out esp in malls....dats why I am veri cautious by avoiding ppl cos they sure are scary...if im you would definitely pretend to bend and make a fuss letting them noe u are preggy....make them panic oso good to teach them a lesson....

Hi, wow this thread is moving very fast and unlike other forums I've visited, this forum's format is different and I'm not too used to it. Pardon me if I miss any of your msgs.

Sel: yes I'm posting on behalf of my wife because I'm more into forums

all: regarding the palmer's stretchmark cream, my wife is responding well with it.

As for the sunsweet prune juice, wife said there's no effect.

Ok I'm going to watch tv now.
Hi Mums, been missing in action for a bit...

xpink_xuan, I think I would have screamed at the aunties or exclaimed loudly for all to hear (wayang abit!) How come your hubby didn't shout at them? I'm also very careful when i'm outside now esp when I see kids running around or big groups of teens...I'm sure all of us will be very protective of our little one now.

About stretchmark, Mum had it so think I can't escape. I bought my cream from Mothercare though the fragrance not very nice - I haven't been diligent in applying it anyway. Also my gynae did warn me abt Palmers, that some mummies only develop the rash after 2 weeks or so. So those using Palmers, hope you will not experience any rashes in any case.
I am in my 16th week now / 4 mths...any of you see red spots around your tummy area? I have some red ones dotting around and it's all flat...very weird....

I still have constipation from time to time, whole system feel so jammed...started taking fybrogel but once a day and then try to poop naturally. Downside of fybrogel is it causes inflatuence so will burp even more to get all the extra air out.

At this stage cos baby is growing my whole body feels very tight, as though cannot stretch anymore. Esp tummy and chest areas, find it tougher to breathe now too, esp breathing for 2. And worst that nose seems blocked though I am not down w flu. According to books, it is normal cos more blood vessels at the nose now. Sigh, have to remind myself to take more deep breaths and expand chest area.

People say 2nd trimester is honeymoon period...though MS has subsided and some energy is back...I still don't feel so good...
My next gynae check is at mth end so maybe will be able to determine gender...though hub and I kinda have inkling might be a boy...
maybe your wifey wld like to try prunes instead of only the juice.. i find it works better than juice...

oh my.. why the aunties liddat one... mtbs, do be more careful when u go to crowded places wor... cos our tummy still nt very obvious, sometimes ppl will just hack care de...

think the tailbone pain i kenna before, it's a sharp pain leh.. bt now its those sng sng kinda pain.. hehe.. nt sure if u understand...
daddytobe: yup i'm referring to the maternity packagae in the link. but they never say got dateline to book leh. confusing. maybe i will call them again to find out, cos the lady i spoke to sounded very rude and impatient!

janjan: me also appetite slowing coming back, but still MS and feel nauseous every now and then. hope it will fuly subside very quickly..
cherryale: my sore breasts only before 1st trimester. me at 15th week already, and i think its not as pain liao...

xpink: stupid ppl! i simply dont understand why singapore women especially aunties so kan cheong...even when praying also must push...thats why sometimes i will stick behind my hubby, let him protect me..weekends nowadays i seldom go out, if i need to buy anything, weekdays better, not as crowded...hope u are fine..
sel: hope u are fine...dont drink cold drinks for now...me also back from work after 2 days MC but today my flu seems to be back for revenge
mercs: oh no. why you go to work when flu is back? better take half day go home rest. anyway weekend liao. its better to rest then monday willbe more re-charged and can work better. just bring the MC to doc and ask to extend.
samval: i paiseh ma...somemore early next month i be going to take 3 days leave...then yday also just took bonus...maybe later lunchtime i will take a short nap...hope will feel better
mercs: i see i see. better take care ok? if cannot tahan just leave. i'm feeling lousy today. MS and headache. then somemore later got meeting in office, aft that i'm taking half day cos got meeting with my girl's teachers...haiz..dunno can tahan whole day or not.
Good Morning to all mums!! Thank god is Friday!!!

Samval (samval) good luck for your scan.

sel (selenal) you still have the pain until now??

xpink_xuanx (xpink_xuanx) ya lor. Those auntie dame aunty type leh,I also meet one aunty in the train leh.. dame yayapapaya.. I find a sit and about to go and sit.. when she come in.. give me a "f" face expect me to give her sit leh.. therefore I give lor. dame angry!!

Who want to buy palmer cream pls go watson, more cheap.. mine brought it to ex.. sob sob..

mercsboy (mercsboy) you are back.. flu also me + cough, yesterday during my shower, suddenly cough and vomit all my dinner out.. waw lau .. make me sian leh..
cjteng: palmer cream watsons got sell meh? dont seems to see any...i bought 6 tubes during the motherhood fair at 50% off per tube, so for me still worth. i dont want to spend too much on those creams la.

bluen16: i had been using palmers organic version cream, so far so good..not oily, absorb faster than mothercare one and no rashes or itch leh
today seem very lousy for me. MS come back again, now feeling abit of giddy. feel like going home but lazy, think of the bus and MRT make me super sianz....
mercsboy (mercsboy) got leh. so sad. I brought 30+ at kiddy pala.. watson sell $10+ only.. sob sob. ya dun spent to much, as now we dun know whether it really work or not leh.. smell still ok. I also buy same type as you. tel you.. got one time my hb use it.. haha he also got fat sketch mark haha
sperzz (fionayap) can take time off?.. work until thise afternoon then take cab home & have a good sleep. that day I also, now i feeling ok.
cjteng: kiddy palace things always so ex one hor...watsons one is it not organic one? erm, one tube i dont think can see whether it works or not la, same like essence or moisturizer, may not work also...

my hubby also leh...he saw me touching my tummy, he also will touch his lor...said he also pregnant
sperzz: my MS is also back. and i'm having very bad headache today. i just vomitted all my breakfast and now i'm feeling giddy. can't take morning off cos i've got meeting later and then aftn i'm taking off to go to my gal's sch to meet teachers. sian..
I get a little confused looking at all these acronyms. Is there a 'help file' that explains the AF, MS, OSCAR?

I'm having a bad day too, at work. :\
mercsboy (mercsboy) ya got sell lor. haiz..in cheap price.wei. I m finding my baby name.. christ name.. heheh same here.. hb also say he pregnant.. that day i say.. his nose very big.. he reply say.. ya lor.. cos my one is a boy.. faintz... hahah
Anyone using Clarins SM oil now? May I check the steps to use it? I actually went to the damp my body, dry it, apply and massage with the oil. After that carry on to bath with shower gel. Hope I didn't interpret wrongly from the instruction manual.
cherryale my breast soreness has tapered off abt 3 wks ago or so.

Nowadays not so many discomforts, but since this wk, every evening ard 5-6pm will get headache n i find that i cry very easily, over small small things that are really nothing.

Just wondering any of u still wearing heels or switch to flats already?
morning all

cjteng: u went watsons check the price?

mercsboy: gardian oso got sell too....cannot find juz ask the staffs there.... when i first buy oso cannot find n i oni tell the staff i looking for stretchmark cream she brought me straight to this oni....heehee as if she can see i'm preg liao hahaha

so xin ku today....now hv to keep relying on the pills to bring dwn my MS n gastric problems
de_luxe (de_luxe) 1week only 1 day wear low type but not too high. cos it will cause my legs very pain. most of the time is flat shoes.
deluxe: I am wearing some heel lift in a shoe. This week in today's there is an article about pregnant woman with flip flops. The advice is to avoid wearing flip flops and to wear some heel lift in a shoe.
mercsboy: my hb's tummy is alot much BIGGER then mine lor....heehee

Miyuki: Clarins 1 so troublesome? not bath 'hao liao' den juz apply oni?

de_luxe: i'm being forced to stop wearing heels now....starting to flat shoes at times now
i now wearing big jeans oso kana scold by my colleagues.......think my colleagues pampers me much more
makes me feels more comfortable being pregnant.....
de__luxe: I switched to flats the moment I found out I'm pregnant. I have a history of falling down for no apparent reason. My husband always laughs at me about it. So better to be safe.
cjteng: but i think watson sells the normal type not organic type....maybe that's y cheaper?

Miyuki: what u mean to wear some heel lift shoes better?
daddytobe: oh dear. what happen at work? hope everything is ok and dun think so much. its the weekend liao.

ladies, i think NTUC pharmacy also got sell palmers cream
Ange: heehee i'm like u too....last time always falls dwn stairs...always trips over my own legs....very clumsy type

so now i see stairs i go even slower... heehee
yeah, quite troublesome... tried a few times then felt that something missing... the instruction manual indicated but briefly so want to make sure the right steps.
Ange: ya lor....coz they sees it as too tight...must wear loose loose type.....coz all my bottoms cannot fit in anymore n i go dig out those bought wrong size jeans....last time wear can drop but now fits juz nice....OMG really scare later after birth dun noe how to go on diet

daddytobe: chat here ba can makes u feels better
suika: im wearing skinny maternity jeans...cos Im not ready to go into those bigger, flare types yet. Always kena nag by MIL, telling me not to wear such tight clothes but honestly, if it's tight, I'll know right? Grrrrrr
Miyuki: how come it's apply before bath? like that apply liao n then bath? ain't we washing away the oil?

sounds like wasting of $$ applying ley
Ange: but how to define tight wor... i wear liao can feel tight la but not that kind of cannot breath that tightness mah...... i wear those maternity like bottoms oso feeling the same
just that jeans, my tummy will drop out when i seat dwn la
suika (suika) both they also sell.some more is in bottle.

A-n-g-e (ange) funny leh your MIL. actual we must wear sometime confortable ma.. if not very "xi ko" leh..

suika (suika) ya. colleague alway will say. anyway sound like your colleague are good to you.
so envy you.
suika: my MIL old fashioned mentality la... she must see me wear those maternity dresses then she'll be happy one la... but I won't compromise on this. I'm already trying to deal with the new weight gain, I don't need to make myself feel any worse by trying to please her. :p
hi ladies, been awhile since i logged in

i have started to wear maternity jeans, pants and tops, feel so much more comfortable
haha ladies, work can never be fun. can't linger here for too long because alot of work and superior keep on tasking me stuffs.

enjoy your chat. I'll pop by in for a break later.

just to add, my wife has switched to flats at abt 10 weeks. Reasonably priced shoes can be found at mondo or mon something, can't rem. There's a branch at IMM.
cjteng: some of them is not too bad.....but it might b oni a put up la....colleagues r hard to say coz office got too much things flying ard....too hard to say if it's from their heart la....but still feels nice to hv ppl comforting me esp when i'm so pissed off with my MIL side
suika: i am not too sure too... but that was indicated in the instruction manual. Think I will go Clarins counter to check with the sales person. :p
