(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

actually my first pregnancy also can't see anything..
but i just worry..
don't think i will go all the way to glenE to take MC.. still trying to 'tong'.. :p
btw, my edd is in feb.. :p

bluberi: agree. thats why when he said i was only 5 weeks, i told him no. he base on the size of the sac, but every women sac got diff size mah. so the most accurate is still based on LMP.
Samval, but hor.. if those ladies whose AF come oni every few mths, den they cannot based on LMP calculations liao.. tink LMP calculation is for those with regular AF cycle.

hopefully tis fri can see significant growth for my bb.. i wan to see both bb n heartbeat leh.. did u see both last nite?
Hi all,

I have the following brand new medala product for sale :

1. Medala storage bottle pack (3 bottles in a box)
- $25.20

2. Medala spare parts, Valves & Membranes - $24.40

3. Medala Nipple Cream (Big tube) - $15.40

Interested, pls email to [email protected]

Juz bought them at the bb fair at expo, with receipt to show. Selling coz my sis have extra for me liao.
mercsboy: ya i feel relieved aft seeing bb heartbeat. and i think i will draw up a list weighing the pros and cons of choosing adrian compared to caroline... will decide & update u guys.
samval: ya lo, think u must be comfortable with yr gynae lo, coz u have to see him/her for many more months. so maybe u can try seeing dr adrian for another time before u decide.

initially i also wanted a female gynae, but i realize they are more expensive and nearby my house, no female gynae...so in the end i chose dr ang. convenient also in case hubby not free to accompany me, i can also walk there.
bluberi: what is AF ah?
ystdy i managed to see a white dot moving / flickering only. i think Dr. Woody's machine not so advanced. My gynae in TMC the machine is very advance and i can see baby + yolk sac + water bag.
maybe depends on machine lor.
samval: my gynae machine also i think not so advanced leh...coz i only see black patch with one white dot...flickering...must be interesting when u can see baby + yolk sac & water bag
mercsboy & suika: i think dr. andrian's machine is those standard ones lor. maybe all TMC women's clinic have the same machine? cos those gynae in TMC are privately owned so they can spend more $$ on investing on better technology. dunno.
suika, dats y the LMP is nt really accurate unless the period is regular.

Samval, AF is auntie flow (period). u also see heartbeat oni ar.. i dunno anything abt all tis machine..

swan, hw u hear the heartbeat? nw we oni see heartbeat as a white flickering spot on the screen leh.
swan: coz initial stage dr did not on the speaker so cannot hear the heartbeat...can only see one white dot flickering so we "see" heartbeat.
ask ur ar... do ur intend to take full 3mths maternity leave or oni 2mths/2.5mths with the bal to clear over a period of 6mths?
Also depends on the machines at the clinics and how advanced they are.
When I did Vscan at Mt E with prev gynae at 6 weeks, the machine detected heartbeat and sound. It sounded just like horses galloping...very fast.
But with current gynae at TMC, no 'sound system' when I did the V scan or tummy scan now. Actually most important is the heartbeat is there.
i did see the flickering spot on the screen. then out of sudden did hear heartbeat sound lei.. very fast beating sound... gynae explained tat foetus heartbeat is like tat, very fast de.
bluberi: i will take 3 months cos if not will not have a chance to clear later on. and i still have my annual leave still struggling to clear.
i told my GM i wan to take either 8wks or 10wks... den balance use within 6mths.. but still need hkg boss to approve.
i intend to take 3-mths no pay leave after the 12wks maternity so i should be off work for abt 6mths. Reason is that i want to bf longer. Based on my 1st experience, once i come back to work aft 12 weeks, i become lazy liao to bf and pump
I feel that my bras are starting to get tight. Thinking to buy bigger size bras but will our breasts continue to get bigger? Or should I buy those maternity support bras instead?

de__luxe: after birth, its best to start breastfeeding immediately and not to bottlefeed, as the baby may get fussy and its difficult to latch on. for my sister, in the end the lactation consultant, Mrs Wong, had to come and help her. She is a very experienced consultant.

But from what I heard, she does not visit every mummy. I do not know if it is the same in other hospitals. Maybe some experienced mummies would like to share?
miffy_ang: you are rite, mrs wong will not visit every mummy, but will send her nurses to see you. alternatively, you can go down to the parentcraft centre to see her or her staff.

the reason why i chose to give birth at TMC this time cos of her lor. cos i was having trouble with BF in the past and both my 2 kids were born in diff hosp, and that time got prob, we went all the way to TMC to see her. she make noise lah, say why i never give birth in TMC lah etc. so this time i choose TMC lor. know her for many years liao..
samval - can take, but risky. Cos promotion will be affected. But to me, family comes first. And BF is very important ...
Miffy_ang : the nursing consultant at ESH, Mrs Fonnie helped me alot, even aft office hours. She helped me thru engorgement and was very patient when trying to latch my daughter. Perhaps ESH has small nof patients, so they can afford to spend more time with us.
this lactation consultant provides services FOC? do 1st time MTB thinking of signing up those preparation classes?

gezzem: oh is it...maybe can drop by and see...its attached to the back part of the bra is it....i also realize my bras getting tighter
the bra extension can be found in all lingerie shops/dept i supposed.. just ask the sales person.. i bought mine at spring maternity... it's like a small strap with the hooks and few rows of eyelets, just attach to ur existing bra...
mercsboy - yeah i dont pay anything extra, its all in the package i think ?

i prefer to up a size rather than get an extension, felt more comfy
are ur engaging massage ladies for post-natal massage?

mi tinking of doing so, but nt sure who to engage n when to start booking.
hello Mtbs jan 2009, im from Feb 2009 mtbs, dropping to say Hi ! Hello bluberi its Saro ! From SB forum Dec brides ? hehe congrats to u ! btw, i got a contact for pre-natal massage from my fren who did post natal massage. Its a malay lady charging $50 per session, if interested, i can email u...
Hi all!

I juz went to see the gynae today. We are at 6 weeks 4 days. Can see BB and heartbeat, measuring at 6mm. Due 31st Jan. what a relief man!

Actually i didn't see or hear the bb's heartbeat during the scan which was done at a specialist clinic doing only x-rays and scannings. The technologist didn't say very much to me except that the report will be sent to the GP. Only when I went to see the GP again, he said that the heartbeat was detected... i was surprised n a little upset that the technologist didn't point it out to me.

sel the bra extension is only to lengthen the back strap right? i'm having trouble with the cup, feels like squeezing everything together. I tried wearing one of my front clasp ones and macam everything spilling out, aiyoh, might as well dun wear. :p

miffy i read a breastfeeding book, it does say that having bottles will interfere with the baby taking to the breast. So it's very impt to me that the hospital takes my instructions seriously.

mercs i'm thinking of taking the classes offered by breastfeeding association and fourtrimester since hubby and me have absolutely no experience with babies... but i think i will only sign up later

babykayden too bad lah, hope you feel better soon. The dry plain toast isn't the most exciting food around but it worked for me. Have you tried sour plums or preserved mandarin peel?

Where's Dr Lim's clinic located in Bkt Timah? I'm looking for a gyne in the west. Have a few options but not decided yet.
