(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

i'm having constipation again and din poo poo for few days liao. now stomach so uncomfortable leh. how? anyone like that ah?

samval: i everyday also managed to put put leh...no constipation for me...

i took 1 box of duphaston by 2nd appt, i finished liao, so means i took for 2 weeks, twice a day. by 2nd appt, doctor nvr prescribe to me liao leh/
wah, i finally found someone who eat as much as me.

I heard the Oscars test is something that came out 1 -2 yrs ago. It is abt 90% accurate. The triple test has been around longer but only abt 70% accurate. Oscars test would be more expensive.

Ya, some of my pants also felt a bit tight now, so i don't dare to wear.
Samval, my appointment is every 2 weeks too. I guess when it reaches 12th week, it should follow the package, ie. monthly.

By the way, i saw many discussion on the OSCAR test. What does it do and how is it done actually?
i also took 1 box of duphaston...but din follow gynae's instructions to take morning and night... only took once a day in the morning...
actually dun exactly know wat for...was told to increase the blood flow to the bb...??... why bb needs so much Blood flow??
my previous preg. also dun have this pill...sey

keke, ya,supposedly cant eat raw fish la... but couldnt resist...
but my gynae says good quality sashimi still fine...
i just got a call from my gynae. asked her abt the OSCAR test. said that its 90% accurate. if we opt out from it, then we take the NT scan + blood test. NT scan is 85% accurate + blood test is 65% accurate. if taking OSCAR, then NO NEED for NT & Blood test.
kim: OSCAR is to test for down syndrome. the test is done by drawing blood samples then sending to the lab to test the levels.

2boys_mum: Duphaston is a hormone pill, to increase the HCG levels. mostly given to ppl who had MC before, or bleeding, spotting. it can reduce the cramping, and reduce the % of MC. how come your doc say blood flow?
samval: mine from the pic u can see the dotted lines if it starts and end on the sac that means ur gynea took the measurement of both if the line is oni on the bb then that's the measurement of ur bb

merscboy: u too duphaston twice a day? i oni took once a day and i took 3 boxes
samval: OSCAR is much more expensive rite? if NT scan is 85% accurate then no need to spend so much on OSCAR rite?
suika, ya...i took duphaston for twice a day. dr gave me one box only...but i think after eating, i feel so tired lo...

my gynae charged $200 for the oscars test...the NT scan is included in the package one rite
suika: thats what i was thinking too. since she now tell me that NT scan is 85% accurate plus we still have blood test 65%, then i dont think necessary to do OSCAR ba, altho 95% accurate lor.

i tot the NT scan comes in the package of 12th week, but she said no, its seprate.
merscboy: my gynae told me no need to do NT scan if do OSCAR leh. then if NT scan comes in package, then rugi lah cos she wun do if I opt for OSCAR. so wasted. think better we all calrify with our gynae to get clearer picture
mercsboy: i not too sure if NT scan is included in mine anot...if i'm not wrong it's not inclusive

samval: OSCAR got a certain % that might cause MC too.....so if u really wans then ok lor
if u do OSCAR liao than there issn't a need for NT scan anymore
suika: huh? OSCAR got % of MC?? oh i din know that leh... i tot only the amnio got % for MC. how come OSCAR also have since its only draw blood leh?
Ya, I don't think OSCAR has risks of MC lah. It's just drawing some blood for lab tests... it's the amnio that has the risk. And i heard amnio is painful coz they inject the needle directly into your tummy, so the risk happens because the needle may poke the baby.
hi... can i know what type of milk are you drinking now? fresh or powdered? If u are drinking powder milk, what brand is nice? I got a bit sick of drinking my HL milk now...
Hey, mummies....

you ladies are serious about inducing your little angels ah? why do you want to induce? For me, even though i wish very much to have a mickey mouse, i don't think i'll induce the baby. For I myself was also a 'year-end' baby. meaning i was born jsut before chinese new year. and i hate that.

my mum always say i'm one of the oldest in class, why i study is not the most clever. then she always compare me, the january girl to an oct boy (same year) and say he is top in class where as i am almost one year older than him yet bottom in class. so i tell myself that i don't want to have a 'year-end' baby. and all my classmates are tiger, whereas i'm the only cow. feel so out of place
sob sob. SO this round, i won't want to induce my baby. jsut let him come naturally. skali he choose to come on jan16, then will be same birthday as me!! then he's destined to be a little rat...

btw, i did up a list of things to buy. not sure if i missed out anything. maybe u ladies can help to list down also. then we can aga how much we wil need to spend on our little angels?

1. baby cot - $300 (kapo from aunty)
2. baby pram/stroller - $500 (mum to sponsor)
3. Diapers - $200
4. baby clothes - $100 (kapo from aunty)
5. nappies (cloth type) - mum alr standby one stack for us
6. milk bottles - $50
7. breast pump - $500
8. confinement food - $500
9. CL (pay to parents) - $2000
10. nursing bras - $200
11. maternity clothes - $300
12. baby's mattress / blankets / towels - $100
13. standby cash (in case need epidural or c-section) - $3000
14. gynae's package - $500
15. birdnest (heard its good for baby complexion) - $don't know how much

those $$ are my estimates. if you think they differ greatly, please feel free to let me know. anything else to add? hope to give everyone a good guage on how much we are expecting to incur from now till baby's confinement
wow.. i dare not think liao...
wow.. so many posts liao... was on course today, dun hv time to read the thread..

today, for once, after so many weeks, i am able to eat.. although nt alot, bt still, appetite is already much better liao.. manage to hav tea-break, lunch and dinner...

i stopped taking the duphston le, since the spotting has stopped.. think maybe its the hormone pills that made my MS so bad...
wah this thread v fast leh!!!

i now in my 10weeks, just 2 weeks more and i will be in my 2nd semester.

blurberri : sad to hear that.
pls take gd care of yourself and body.
your lil angel will come back to you again!
so pls take care and let your body slowly recover so u can try again.

i dunno what u all talking abt oscar test leh.
is it needed?
for my #1, i did the amnio test and ya there's a 1-2% risk of MC.
not much pain actually but will feel numb for a week like that.
but i paid $700 for the test!!!

my MS is getting better abit.
at least, i din vomit out everything i eat.
really damn horrible.
when i look after my dd alone, i will fall asleep without knowingly.
so scary!!!
i quickly wake up and see my dd, scare later she go in toilet and play with water.
but its uncontrollable.
yvomne: fresh milk of powdered milk also ok. maybe you can try frisomum?

janjan16: was thinking of starting labour naturally, but gynae said since both were induced in the past then this time around prepared that it will be too. cos she said that if the cervix already dialated 1-2cm, might as well induce leh. so just go with what she says lor. also we want a rat baby lah. but if really cannot induce then no choice ox baby also can, so long as baby is healthy. oh, you sure you wanna get those cloth nappies? i bot so many and end up using them as cloth to wipe table cos really no time to wash and wash. end up just use disposable diapers. but just remember to air the buttocks everyday.

i think you list looks fine, just that u may wanna include the bath tub for baby to bathe.
morning ladies, I agreed with samval on the cloth nappies, provide u must have time to wash and able to dry it as Jan is a raining season u must prepare alot extra. Disposable is expensive but very convenience. But as for the bath tub I think no need to buy as the hospital will give u 1 when u discharge.
MTBS: yday i met one of hubby friend wife who is 5 months pregnant, she told me that she although dont have MS, she has cramps on her legs almost every night leh....until wake up in the middle of the night...

yvonne: how about trying MEIJI milk? i realized that their milk expired quite fast, so i personally think their preservatives probably not as much as HL ba...HL expiry date always very long one...frisomum also not bad leh...vanilla flavour...
smaval: sorry i think i mix up with all the tests liao

My gynea told me not to drink any milk for now as it will make our MS worst so till now my tin of milk oni drank twice...i bought chocolate favor 1 coz scare vanilla later no like the taste coz i very scare of powder form milk

yest nite just heard a very saddening news from my hb....his good friend's sis who's juz 3 wks away from delivery lost her bb juz like that...i was so shock of the news....her bb's heartbeat just stopped for no reason....she'll be gg for operation today to remove her bb and they'll examine see what went wrong...she must hv been very sad coz since start of her pregnancy her hb was seldom with her
my free tin of milk also haven start drinking leh....just cant make myself drink...gynae also did mention initial period no need to start drinking yet
suika: sorry to hear abt your hubby friend. must be very devasting cos almost due.. so sad. hope they will pick up the pieces soon and move on. God will bless them with another child soon.

mercsboy: my gynae also said no need to drink milk now cos it will make the constipation worse. also i don like drinking milk. so she suggested i take calcium pills instead in the 2nd trimester. she said preg women drink milk mainly cos they need the calcium, but some misunderstand that must drink cos the bb need to drink milk.
samval: oh...i am fine with milk actually. i think i will prefer tat to medicine la...everyday now already got to pop folic acid, later part got to eat multi vits...i rather dont...
mercsboy: i also think so...some things if i'm able to get it from other food source i'll try to eat more rather then taking med
sperzz: oh thanks for the info. i think other hospitals dun have ba. my #1 delivered in KK and never give. #2 in raffles also never give. this time #3 in TMC dunno will give or not. maybe will find out from them what do they give for MTB during hosp stay. heard that we have to bring our own pyjamas cos they don provide. funny. first time i hear got such thing.

mercsboy/suika: ya me also try to take vit from other souces if i can, rather than take med. but now keep vommitting so no choice lor. hopefully it will get better in time. i love fruits, vege & fish. past 2 days i eat tuna and gynae said cant eat too much cos got mercury levels.
samval: tuna, salmon better dont take too much coz of mercury content lor...nowdays food from outside might not be safe also...haiz...

suika: dont mentioned durian leh!! now i feel like eating leh...zhen me ban!!!
sperzz: MtA gave u 1? hmm... how's the service there har? i'll delivering there ...my hb says the food n service good wor ask me delivery there
mercsboy - i attended pre-natal yoga for my 1st pregnancy, i was taught to do this before sleep : lie flat on bed & hubby to put palm on sole of our feet and push forward, you will feel the strain of stretching on your calves.

The cramps really were eliminated ! I didnt experience those painful strains in the middle of the nite.
Samval, I think all the private hospital had to bring own pyjamas.

suika, I like the feel there. The nurses r all very friendly. I am still thinking TMC or MtA. 1 thing gd abt TMC is that if u chose 4 bedded usually they will give u 2 bedded but charge u at 4 bedded price, but I dun really like the feel there.
gezzam: thanks for the tips

mercsboy: ya lor. outside food alot of msg leh. i just threw up and gosh, saw got blood! dunno is it cos of my gums bleeding of blood in my throat?? scared scared. now i feel like eating pizza...
Hi Mummies,

I am a Feb'09 MTB, need some advice from you gals.

Yesterday received a job offer from another Co as a managerial post, now that i am pregnant should i accept the offer? How much increment then worth this big move? My current job not very stressful and quit flexiable.

Would also like to check any mummies out there work half day on Sat? I never had job that required to work half day on Sat but this new job required to work on Sat. How do you all managed your time? Haiz i am in dilemma,thinking of my job advancement & the other hand thinking should spent more time with family.

Confused lar.
sperzz: thanks for the info. hey, actually now we chose TMC, but also comtemplating Mt. A. dunno leh. mt. a seems a bit run down from the outside lah, but have not gone inside the wards to see see look look yet. maybe will arrange for a hosp tour.

ladies, is it true that its better to get gynae based near the hosp or in hosp itself, cos in the event of any emergency, they are like just upstairs and can rush to you immediately? if from outside those private clinics, wonder how the gynae gonna come asap if got emergency?
gezzam: really ma? u mean legs flat on bed...the hubby just push on our soles? prenatal class hubby can attend together or not hor...

heard tat the cramps really unbearable one leh...aiyo...scary man!
samval: i went MT A for my colposcopy...the nurse there are really nice lor...the porridge tat i was given taste nice too...hehe...but then all i knw its a christian hospital, they wont do some procedures for u, i dunno which english words for that la, like u dont intend to give birth anymore then want to "tie", MT A dont do it...got to do it elsewhere..
sperzz: MtA must bring own pyjamas? like that TMC charges cheaper wor... but confirm will give u 2beded 1 anot?
mercsboy: the cramps really very bad 1...my colleague say can wake up in the middle of the nite cramp till very jialat de
ya MtA dun do the "tie" so if u intent to do it then cannot chose MtA.

samval, wat I understand is that ask the doctor which hospital they usually goes, the nurse know the Dr 'pattern' so easier to work togather.
sperzz/mercsboy: ya heard Mt A wont "tie" (ligate) for you if dun wanna have any more kids cos they are a catholic hosp and against the religion. oh issit? the nurse know the doc pattern so easier to work ah? okok... sekali they tell me cannot induce how?

yup the cramps are really bad. can happen in the middle of the nite especially when you are turning or make sudden movements. so what i usually do is get up, put your feel flat on the floor and press it down.
