(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

hey ... chicken rice is out for me too. I cant swallow anything this week ... quite bad
nothing appetise me, not even my fav B&J ice cream .... strange this happen at 10th week

Movers coming tmrw, can't wait to get this over and done with. I'm fed up with dealing with the service providers here, zero service at all!! Wouldn't have internet till we reach sg on sunday.

yvonne oic... yeah i know wat u mean with the electric pulses.. have to tell them i'm preggie then. Looking forward to my facial. Think I'm gonna arrange for a pre-natal massage too, checked Amore brochure and found that they offer it after 1st trimester.

samval so uncomfortable yah, the bloating? I stopped drinking milk a couple of wks ago cuz it makes me super bloated...

suika i dunno if it's the pregnancy or just me, been easily irritated these days, esp if kenna bad service like just now when I was on the phone with FedEx. Find it very hard to calm down and cool off, will remain irritated for much of the day once something like that happen.

mercs bo pian lah otherwise nothing to eat, worse for BB right? when i was working, i often dun eat proper meals, if no proper food or lazy to buy/cook, i'll just have digestives and milo or 1-2 char siew bao for dinner. Now cannot like that already. I figure cereals healthier, more nutrients and easy to eat too.

Congrats on getting through the 1st trimester!!

sel ur colleagues n bosses know u preggie? did anyone comment abt wearing maternity clothes?

pinkie pirate ur nick very familiar... were u once at sg brides forum? I'm ur opposite, used to have sweet tooth before preggie, now prefer savoury food. Kenna warn by my mom not to take too much salt else might get high blood pressure. How come ur gyne advise amnio? U not doing OSCAR first?

blessedmum i guess babies can turn... they are supposed to be moving most of the time, just that still too early for us to feel. A bit funny tho, the other day at the doc, i felt a funny jab / poke feeling in my left side, as if someone poking me from inside with an elbow or something... i guess it's a muscle twitch, way too early for bb to be poking me i think!
eerr...I just finished a whole pack of chicken rice for lunch. I usually avoid the chilli cos of the afterbreath, especially back in the office. Now at home, whack man! I think my baby also gave it the thumbs up!

hi pinkie pirate, u should get better after the 1st trimester. I feel much better now in 13th week, nausea seems to be subsiding and napping less in afternoon (cross fingers & toes), though sleeping at night is still a torture. Feel my energy level coming back slowly...TAKE HEART.
de_luxe, oh toorak is a lovely area - lots of good shopping and food. and yes, i was at caufield. lived in Melb for 6 yrs. enjoyed the place.

pinkie pirate - your symptoms sounded like mine - MS, bloatedness, tiredness... recently, i have been seeing blank when i got up from bed...maybe my blood pressure is low due to MS...
<font color="0000ff">de_luxe
ya, i'm not going for OSCAR at all, straight to amnio. Gynae says no point, cos I had down's bb before and OSCAR is not 100% accurate, just a risk assessment. If do OSCAR even if low risk, still means there is a risk, so might as well just do amnio and find out once and for all.</font>
<font color="0000ff">nope, I'm not from sg brides forum, I guess many ladies like to use "pinkie" or "pink" in their nicks? Interesting if there is another pinkie pirate!

bluen16, oh yes, I am SO looking forward to 2nd trimester!</font>
mercsboy: glad to hear u r gg to 2nd trim...my friend bought the dual electric 1 i think cost abt $210 like that

gezzam: mi too....can't take chicken at all...not just my fav chicken rice...even fried chicken or chicken chop

de_luxe: mi too....i find myself cursing at alot of things...seems like alot of things ard me i see liao 'buay siong'

need to take leave for NT on 10th jul....dun noe how to tell my boss and shd i let them noe of my pregnancy now? just got my increment oni...like SHIT lor and now all the rest of the secretaries go on leave left me n i'm ask to help others then y i on leave or mc no help extended.....increment more then me some more
i juz back frm my gynae check up!! bb is 11 weeks 1 day, 4.2cm!!! got head arms and body... so cute.. look like peanuts!!!! and can see the heartbeat too!!! so excited. 2 more weeks to 2nd trimester! looking forward!

after that went zara sales! so many pple... bought $300 worth of clothings! mostly leggings dresses and tubes, to accomodate growing tummy!
pinkie pirate, all the best to your amnio test!

Ni - wow... your bb so cute... and you bought so much clothes from zara? are the leggings nice? maybe i should get some too!

btw - someone mentioned Mango sells drawstring pants - was there last week at the sale and cannot find any....

suika, take it easy at work... work slowly... ke ke...
i've told some of them abt it le.. several others, dunno hear from who also.. news spreads fast leh.. i only wore the pants with a normal top that's more flare at the waist area... so i guess it's stil nt that obvious..

ur baby is so big le.. hehe.. 2 days MC, shiok hor..? envy envy.. u got a high threshold for pain la... i also noticed the patch of blue black today... u taking TMC?
trima: trying to please myself now

sperzz: it shd be a factory sales...not at shopping centre....heard it's at Toh Payoh there

i hope my bb's not so grouchy as me now

I was also diagnosed to have high risk based on the OSCAR test. I am so upset about it and really praying hard that during the amnio test, everything will be fine.

This is my first pregnancy and guess there is nothing I could do now but to wait till its time for the test.

Take care all...
sel: ya lor..i not scared of needles, so drew how many tubes also ok.. how big is your baby? i think mine is big isnt it...5.49cm...i told my mil, she told me not to eat too much, wait hard to give birth...hehe...ya, i think i will go TMC lor...i personally think coz dr ang is from there, so i believe he is more used to TMC, so just stick there la, anyway, just a 2-3 days stay so doesnt really matter where. our EDD so close, maybe we will see each other leh?
pinkie: i believe the doctor should know what is best for you. maybe some will think oscars first, if not too good, then go further test. amnio test is more ex rite?

Ni: ya ya ya...tats the word to describe...now BB look like peanut! really lor...i also think so leh...coz the hands &amp; legs are so small...can see the head &amp; body clearing only lor...

suika: i think hor...i will go check out the sales tomorrow...hopefully still have la, coz today hubby not free to accompany me there leh...i dunno how to go...
de_luxe: so u be back to sg soon hor? then can have alot of food...but sometimes, u feel like eating, but suddenly when u see the food, just dont feel like eating anymore...reject...better stock up food then when u are back..
wau. i had a mini scare just now, went to the ladies, cleaned there after peeing, den i saw fresh blood!!!! den wipe again to make sure, no blood leh, den i try wiping my anus. so its blood frm my anus!!

i think i ate wrong food for lunch yday. LS all the way last nite, woke up at 1am, 2am, 4am and 6am to LS! so pain! just went up to my company doc, he gave me charcoal pills. dunno is it safe to eat anot. tml call my gynae to ask better...

1 more week to 12th week! i must jiayou and keep my peanut safe, better dun anyhow eat medicine
NI: i ever also leh...anus got blood...i did ask gynae before, he said pregnant woman will have constipation problem, so when we shit, we tend to use more strength, thus tear the tissue at the part...so its ok actually, not too worry ok..
hi.. i just came back from the national library. Went to collect the free baby journal, quite good. It's mean to be for a new born baby, but can start to record all the feeling/experience u been through now.

Have been taking half day off lately, so can take a good nap. Luckily the office has been very quiet, the boss actually appreciated that i clear my leave during this period. So i don't need to worry that it will affect my performance. Got my promotion today, increment is not as expected but better than none. Hopefully can go and celebrate tonight. Like what pinkie said, no appetite, i just feel like vomit at the scene of food. I really peifu those mother who been through all the morning sickness symptoms in their 1st pregnancy and yet wanted the second one. My hubby kept teasing me when he saw me in that miserable mood, as i used to say i want a dozen babies.. now the 1st one, cannot tahan liao.. hope that the first trimester can quick over and MS will disappear.. another two more weeks to go!!!
hi ladies,
sorry took the aftn to rest and spend some time with the kids.

today me dunno why just feel very nauseous whole day. i think the duphaston, which i up the dose to 3x a day makes it worse. i cant keep on taking the MS pills cos don want it to be habitual. so i tahan and when i have the urge,i will just sleep lor. monday going back to work, so can't sleep if have this feeling so sure will throw up one.

today i'm exactly 8 weeks 3 days. hope the 1st tri will end quickly so that i'll be better in the 2nd tri onwards, as cant afford to keep taking MC. later mc mc then go back to work no job liao...

congrats to those who are starting t heir 2nd tri soon

hope - got free journal meh? which part of library to collect from? i also want one copy.

samval - me slightly more, 8w4d
we are one of the latest to step into 2nd tri here.. cos our edd is month end mah... long way to go.. luckily got you to accom me.

also feel very nauseas whole day, esp just now. sit in the car also want to puke. but so far nothing come out lor. its jsut gas and burps.

just now went to clarins again to look at the stretch mark oil. very tempted to buy leh. so far thats the only scent i can tolerate. but it's $80 so ex!! and this weekend taka got sale, so can get 10% off. still considering to get it or not. any rave about this stretch mark oil?
janjan: haha yeah we're about 1 day diff only. lucky got u to accom me too

can use clarins oil or not ah? is it safe in pregnancy? cos i know some oil/skincare cannot be used. not very sure. i got one sample of palmers cream but dare not open cos of the butter smell. maybe will apply during 2nd tri. which hosp u giving birth at? u going for OSCARS or just the normal test?
jo: me also ma, initial stage doctor will see u bi-monthly. but when stablize, the doctor will see u once a month only. my next appt also one month ma....
<font color="0000ff">mercsboy, ya, agree, just trust your gynae lor. Mine advised to do amnio, so i just do amnio lor. Case by case la, since I got Down's before, so it's standard procedure, will be recommended amnio.

Jenrei, keep your spirits up! I heard lot of ladies got high risk from OSCAR but amnio results clear, so there's always hope. OSCAR is not definite whether got or don't have Down's, so try not to worry too much - spread some positive tots to your bb!

Food - oh boy, nowadays, food is so difficult. So hard to decide on what to eat. All my faves are out. Sigh. Really looking forward to getting my appetite and tastebuds back!</font>
<font color="0000ff">jo, so far I have only seen gynae once, when i was 6 weeks 1 day. My next apptment is 4 weeks after that, on 1 July next week. I guess I am quite lucky (touch wood) because no spotting no bleeding, so considered quite stable. Probably yours also is considered good condition.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hope, ya actually i suspect that a lot of ladies actually 'forget' all the misery that they have gone through in the previous pregnancy haha! Especially those from older generation, always hear them saying no problem, very smooth - i keep thinking cannot be everyone also no problem right cause a lot of these things is natural - caused by hormones and people have been researching these symptoms for so many years. Some things i agree will be more severe for the new generation of mummies cos of lifestyle and different food, but surely not all symptoms... hee.</font>
Went to celebrate my promotion with hubby just now, but all the yummy food ended up in the toilet bowl.just threw up all the sparerib that i have eaten.. sigh.. waste of money =).

janjan, I don't think all the libraries give out the free prebirth kit, (that's what they called). I know the national library at Bugis does, and the one in Tampines if i am not mistaken. You just need to go to the counter and ask them for a copy, they will ask u to fill up a form, give them the EDD, and they will handover a baby journal, CD, and some other stuffs.

Pinkie, i don't think i will go for Oscar test or amnio.. will check with the gynae in malaysia what is the typical test they do, may be just checking the NB.. unless the doctor specifically asks to do.
<font color="0000ff">Pinkie Pirate</font>, good luck for your Amino tests! My tastebud also gone, now always very small frequent meals, my latest craze is white porridge cook with dry scallop and gou ji zi... plain porridge and bread actually make me feel better with my appetitite.

I now have a craving for lemonade or lime juice all the time.

<font color="0000ff">Mums to be</font> are you ladies pooping alright? I seem to be pooping only every other day and its pretty hard stools! Though I think my fruit intake isn't too bad leh... Can we drink prune juice frquently or are there any other healthy juices or habits to help? Anyway my pimples are disappearing, hopefully they stop appearing!!!

<font color="0000ff">samval</font> I think Clarins oil is ok leh... I ask my gynae liao and the smell fits me perfectly, I have been using since I knew I was pregnant coz different individuals have different skin growth and skin stretching you never know when the stretch marks will start to appear...

<font color="119911">Reaching 2nd trimester in one more week!!! Can't wait to start on the birdsnest and tonics and get rid of the Morning Sickness symptoms!!! I heard 2nd trimester is the best time to enjoy!!! Crossing fingers!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Jo</font> I think towards the last trimester then you see the gynae every week... 2nd trimester about twice a month and 1st trimester is about once a month! Not sure if thats the same in Singapore. But my gynae gave me a timetable hehe... and a list of different things to do each visit.

<font color="119911">My next visit which is my 12th week, I'll be doing a detail scan where they will do the down syndrome test too... And I can see baby again! So exciting!</font>
<font color="0000ff">novakido, yeah, i'm also experiencing constipation! Sigh, i wonder which of the symptoms will remain throughout the pregnancy...

Hope, it's great that you don't have to do amnio or OSCAR. I guess most of us prefer not to do unless advised by gynae. All the best for your tests! </font>
novakido: i checked with gynae today and he mentioned that it is common for pregnant ladies to have constipation. and i heard that some multi vits that we are eating contains iron, and iron make ppl constipation. doctor did mentioned that eat more fruits...juice should be fine too..
oh no...i had been drinking tonics even in my 1st trimester leh..my MIL makes yummy chicken soup for me for the past 3 weeks...maybe that is why my BB measured 5.49cm??
pinkie: yeah~~ keep your spirits up. no matter what must relax lor.. ya older generation seems to give birth easily lor...not much problems like us. think we are too pampered in this century thats why...
jo: hehe...i think u want to see your bb more often rite? hmmm...there is a website that suika give me before which can check the weekly outlook of the baby leh....anyway, now it look like a peanut la...hand &amp; legs not so obvious yet
<font color="0000ff">Pinkie Pirate</font>- i really hope the MS goes away in the second trimester, thats my most headache part hehe... I also cross fingers for the detailed scan... Make sure whatever is there is there!!! Hehe...

<font color="0000ff">Mercsboy</font>, come to think about it, my gynae did mention that the multi vit might also contribute to the MS!!! And he did say that I can stop the multivit till I feel better... But I have a feeling the MS will be better leh so I never stop. So I guess now I shall go get the prune juice this weekend. So nice... when I was back in Singapore last 2 weeks, my mum also made me birdsnest and chicken soup! I miss my mum! Actually there are different rules la, for my mum all her tonics is for anytime, she thinks that as long as you eat well you can eat anything just not the herbs that are considered harmful. But my mum did mention that the tonics for 5th month to 7th month they are for the baby but for 7th month to 9th month is more for the mummmy already... So I decide to start on my 4th month till about 8th months anyway a lot of the tonics are really expensive to start with... Hehe...

When I first went to Dr Chris Chong, he was quite funny, he said, "Don't you wish you have this ultrasound machine at home? Then you will see your baby everyday!." Haha...I do wish!!!

<font color="119911">mummies, are you ladies having a phobia to eating your vitamins? I am taking a Multivit, Calcium tablets, folic acid and the DHA fish oil and they are all huge tablets, the other day I choke on my calcium tablets and now I seem to have some phobia swallowing them!!! It takes a while now for me to swallow 1 pill... Do you take them all in the morning or break them out throughout the day?</font>
jan jan,

for the clarins tonic oil, u can try those neighbourhood cosmetics shop, like lee wah and pretty pink.. they use have like 30%-35% off. I got my bottle at ard $53 or $54 i think...
yah if every week dun see baby like a bit odd hor. If got scan machine at home will be perfect. But i heard not good to scan too often..dunno true or not.

mercsboy: babycentre.com has week by week. but different leh from seeing your own child. guess oso wanna reassure myself baby doing fine and growing

yesterday sat in jacuzzi to massage my back. damn shiok lor. no more backaches keke
novakido, i am also taking folic acid, calcium pills, and DHA fish oil. have to agree that the pills are very big... hard time to swallow!!!! no choice, for the sake of my peanut baby! =)))
did the doc pass u a brochure abt the fish oil pills he's carrying?? did u buy??

me also hving prob passing out the solids leh... everytime got feeling, bt den cannot really expel out the waste... must start to buy prune juice liao...
samval: I've bought the stretchmark cream...i don't find it smelly maybe coz i've got blocked nose at nite ba

MTBs: Here's the website i've given mercsboy http://3dpregnancy.parentsconnect.com/ u just need to key in ur EDD and it'll show u how our bb would looks like....best to view it just before your visit to gynea so when they scan for u, u'll know what to look out for....maybe coz my gynea toks like m/c gun so this is very good for me

yest nite was watching tv halfway and i juz cried for no reason...sometimes even feel like dropping the whole pregnancy.......don't know what's gonna into me

today feeling very xin ku again
suika: alamak. got talk to your hubby? aiyo take mc today lah. Go jalan jalan, facial or something to destress. Hope u will feel beta. hugz
jo: my hb oni pat pat me den back to his TV

can't take mc now...boss already not too happy on my mc coz now busy time...i've yet to tell them on my pregnancy yet...dun wana it to affect the whole progress of the work here

sukia: poor thing. Men can be so dense sometimes. But if feeling lousy then dun be hero leh. If not burn out then won't be good for you or BB.
