(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

<font color="0000ff">Ong, ya, 4 weeks is very early, it's not unusual that you cannot see anything. Moreover, LMP is not always accurate because LMP calculation is based on assumption that we ovulate on CD14 but we might ovulate later than CD14 sometimes, so bb may be 'younger' than expected. No worries yar! Congrats by the way, and do keep us updated on your bb's growth!</font>

ya man. in my case, my O day was CD19, not the usual 14. thats why my EDD also a bit haywire. so Ong, you don't have to worry.

later gg to see doc. I'm keeping fingers crossed. so scared wait doc say, actually its false alarm.

bluberi.. where are you??? hope you and baby are ok. drop us a line so we know you are fine?

mrng ladies,
janjan: all the best and relax ok?

am still praying for all the mummies here. got my elder gal to pray too

i'm also scared. tmrw is my check-up and i'm really praying that can see bb heartbeat. last night can't sleep, dunno why. this morning feel so sian sian..

mercsboy: take care &amp; do let us know what the doc say. shld be ok. just relax and if you don't feel like going to the fair, just don't go. most importantly, do what you feel that can make yourself relax &amp; happy.

in fact, i'm going to the fair tmrw, but only aft i see gynae. i hope aft i see and there is good news, i will continue to go to the fair. if bad news (really really touchwood) then i will also have no mood.
samval &amp; all other mummies: Lets all think positive....like the BB then will have smiling face ma? right....

pinkie_pirate: Thank you thank you!! i am positive this round...maybe becoz i have lots of support!!
Hi Ladies!

thanks for all the well wishes!

Samval, the finance n admin manager is married but no kids.

mercsboy, thanks. dr. adrian nv give me any 'an tai' medicine. u take care too, i'm sure both u n bb will be fine.

yesterday was really scary.. was abt to go for lunch so i went to the washroom 1st. was really shocked to see that i'm spotting. first thing i did was to call my sis and dr. adrian. no point calling hubby coz his hp always in locker. my sis immediately told me to wait for her while she get a cab n send me to kkh. heng her office is at shenton way, nt far fm my office at tg. pagar. dr. adrian said SK clinic was closed caused the nurse on leave n i could oni see him at CCK. haiz.. so i told him i'm gg kkh instead n will see him again.

my sis arrived within 10mins.. i had already informed my GM (who was on 1/2day leave) n no choice gotta tell the finance n admin manager i'm preggie coz i need to leave the office asap. i was really scared at dat time dat i was crying in the cab, the cab uncle drove really fast when my sis told him to go kkh A&amp;E. heng i didn't need to wait to long to see the doc. did a v-scan n still oni see sac.. hope can see bb real soon.
was told it's PV (or PF) spotting coz the pregnancy is nt stable yet. doc prescribed hormone pills n told me to rest at home for 2 days.

spent $120+ at kkh for the consultation n medication. went for lunch aft dat n back to my sis place where i slept the aftn away. my mum was real panicky when my sis called her n said i'm spotting. the hubby oni called back after work n was shocked when my sis told him wat happened.

by nite, the spotting was lesser.. tis morning it stopped. hope it permanantly stopped... my mum ordered mi to go to my sis place for the day coz she dun wan mi to be at home alone.
bluberi: glad to know that you and baby are ok. be positive. in the meantime, please do not walk about too much and take more rest. like me lor, walk like ah mah like that lor. no choice.
bluberi: its good news that you are fine. Actually i also encounter abit of spotting. your spotting is fresh blood or brown spotting. sometimes its old blood clearing.

now more important is less walk, no carrying of heavy things and rest more. And of coz dont get too panicky ok...it wont do yourself good...even pregnant, life still have to go on....rite? take it naturally. just make an effort to avoid stuff that is no good for pregnant ladies ok...
samval: initially hor...i really walk like tortoise leh...but after 2nd trip to gynae, i realized i forget to walk like tortoise...doing all my normal stuff except carrying heavy things, running la, heavy chores...i am thinking i forget that i am pregnant....i dun even have MS...
bluberi, glad to hear you &amp; your bb are fine. Must rest &amp; don't walk so fast slowly slowly ok. Feel 2 days is not enough, I suggest get more mc &amp; rest @ hm.
mtbs...u all realize how fragile we women of this century is or not? my MIL told me last time when they pregnant, they do anything and everything...and they dont even go for scans so normal like us do...and she mentioned that she give birth like lay eggs..haha~~

i wonder why now women are so fragile....little bit also cannot...u all realize tat as well??
mercsboy, my MIL also told me last time she have to carry heavy thing &amp; only after 3 mths than got to c doc. and eat everyting not like me
this few day I lost my appetite so eat very little. Further more my FIL cook fried chicken for me but I also don’t feel eating. What can I do?
this morning keep throwing up but nothing come out. just water. i feel very very nauseous today. started yesterday but today is worse.

sigh. have to go for meeting now till 12.30pm. dunno can tahan or not. better bring plastic bag.
thanks ladies.. i'll rest as much as i can..

mercsboy, it's brown spotting. mi mum n sis had to keep on reminding me to be relax else bb can feel dat i'm panicky n scared.
yiwen....sometimes i also see the food i like but i dont feel like eating. but sometimes i will tell myself to try to eat a little, coz i dont eat, but bb need to eat. just take everything in moderate. got eat better than dont eat right? and if anything "floats" in your mind, go ahead and buy and eat ok...
bluberi: brown spotting is alrite...its balance old blood...as long as not fresh blood is fine. my gynae said more than 50% women faces this prob. i realized that u are very panicky...remember now only how many weeks, you have months to go....so enjoy this process. most important is relax and less walk, more rest. so no Motherhood fair for you this week...

dont be so panicky and stress ok...
Hi Blueberi,
don't worry too much, I was also in same state bleeding brown blood continuously during weeks 5-7 every single day.
Confined myself at home, no household chores, prayed everyday and watched out that the bleeding is not pink or red.
As grouchy and depressed as I was staying home with no activity and lying down most times, the bleeding completely stopped on its own eventually. Gynae didn't give me any an-tai medicine/jabs cos wanted body to run its natural course. So you rest rest rest whenever you can, don't move around except to pee or bathe!
And also try to take a bottle of chicken essence everyday just to boost your system...it kinda worked for me since my appetite super lousy.

Hi mercsboy,
my mother also said the same thing abt pregnant women during her time! She was still cleaning windows and working FT blah blah blah...of course commented why I'm so weak so much problem etc etc. Take it with pinch of salt or else baby can detect unhappy hormones....I just tell baby, "See lah, that's your grandma claiming to be superwoman..."
bluen16: ya ya....my MIL also told me that...my hubby was born premature at 7th months...but look at him, aiyoh....so fat and strong...so we have to think back and relax...that time when i have brown discharge, me also like u, lie on the bed...and funny thing is can sleep and sleep lo..haha
bluberi: dont get offended ok, just trying to tell u to be a happy mummy...u dont want BB to be panicky rite?

and i also 1st time MTB leh....i not experienced also...
hi gals,

i am back from my 2nd gynae check up.. Dr adrian said baby is normal. i saw my baby and the heart beat liao. So excited when hubby and i saw our baby. nothing can describe the excitement that we have.i only managed to see it on my 8weeks. was very worried when i went to scan during my 6weeks and saw nothing. So do not worry, if anyone of you encountered the same scenario as me. jus stay postive.And i also lost 3kg becos lost appetite.

anyone experience aching buttock? i cannot sit too long. if not, one side of the buttock will b painful.

i got a whole list of stuffs that i m prohibitated from eating. thanks to contribution from mother, MIL and colleagues. They are as followed:
sashimi, cockles, oyster,
water melon, del monte banana,
stingray, crab,
coffee, tea and cold drinks.

anyone keen to share what else should we avoid or consume less?

BTW, i am a FTWM. Please help me to update. Thanks.
hi mimylassy, great to know that u heard yr bb heartbeat. stay positive ya...

wah...most of yr list i eat leh...

sashimi, cockles, oyster, - In moderate
water melon, del monte banana, - Never take
stingray, crab, - Just had yummy peppery crab last weekend
curry, - haven take yet
coffee, tea and cold drinks. - coffee (one cup per day), cold drinks like ribena &amp; fruit juice, tea - No...
Contrary to popular belief to help w nausea, I was advised not to take preserved fruits like 'sieng boey' - it itself is salted/sugared and not good for baby. So I take grape gummies instead which works for my nausea.

I take ribena / honey water but don't make it that cold....can't seem to tahan the taste of plain water lately.

The modern people says rule of thumb everything can makan in moderate..though have to beware of seafood intake cos of mercury content, even in some fish. The traditionalists will give u long long list of No Nos.

Talk abt crab....yummy! sudden craving...
I fulfilled my hokkien mee craving last night...

why crab cannot eat? i just had softshell crab at sakae y'day..

just realised that my weight has gone down by 2-3kg since i discovered the pregnancy.. dun have appetite to eat proper food, cos of the funny taste that lingers in the mouth.. everything also taste funny.. only chocolate tastes good.. hehe...

glad to know that you are fine.. i also have the spotting like you do few weeks ago bt it has since stopped... like you, i'm also very worried initially... don't worry so much...
bluen16: ya lo, i also try and do that la. ribena all that i will make sure its not too chilled before drinking. plain water seems so...sian right?

if got cravings then dont eat meh, hard leh...especially when the food "floats" in your mind for many days, hard to curb leh...

so anything i eat, just in moderation. some fish have mercury content, but we need fish intake too rite?
sel: crab cannot eat coz old ppl believe that next time the BB will have itchy hands, aka shou duo duo, like crabs...

huh...u lost weight ah...try to eat more meals but lesser...if u feel like eating chocolate, then go ahead....

now i feel fat leh....hungry every now and then, once hungry means cannot wait, must eat already

I had my scan last night. My baby is only 0.4cm. 6 weeks and 2 days.

Just now I feel like vominting when u say u eat hokkien mee.... I dont know y... whenever i saw yellow noodles i just feel nausea. I think i am very terriable.

Its seem a lot of ppl lost weight. But I gain weight. maybe due to the past few day keep on eating durains ba.... very strong craving for it...
ic.. itchy hands.. hehe.. anyway i ate le..

lost weight but still feel so bloated everyday... i kept burping.. my sis find me so disgusting.. lol...
snow: mine was 0.23cm when 6 weeks...even smaller isnt it...but not to worry ok

snow: maybe can think the mee dont look yellow? hehe...my friend said she loves durian when she pregnant with no. 4, and her baby come out to be very fair and chubby...hmmm....maybe i should buy some durians too...can share with my dog, my dog loves durian.
sel: never mind one la...its not like u eat every day rite?
u tried before sun plaza sakae or not? heard there got teppanyaki
bt durain high in carbo.. nt too much ppl say... or may have a big baby, den hard to pop out also..

haven tried the one at sunplaza thou.. i went to nth pt.. shld try the teppanyaki someday.. just fufiled my durian craving last week... made poor hubby go buy durian at 8plus.. lol..
re: crab=bb itchy hand
personally i dont believe this anymore. bcoz for my #1, i totally stay away from crab(one of my favourite) for at least 1.5yrs (pregnancy+breast feeding period). turn out my boy is itchy hand leh, practically want to touch whatever things he can lay his hands on.

rest well, since weekend coming, throw everything to hb and you just rise your legs and relax! haha

i oso burp alot but is those without sound one la =p
with sound or not, my sis still find it disgusting la.. she can see frm my facial expression... sometimes i just like to irritate her by asking- can you smell (watever i've just eaten)? lol.. abit psycho these days.. haha...
got lots to buy at the fair, though i didn't get anything for this pregnancy as i'm trying to ROI on my last pregancy's "investments" Haha only stocked up on elder boy's stuff..
thing is that the fair is only once a year, so there may be bargains that we will miss out if we don't get it now.. we would have popped by the next motherhood fair... hais.. dilemma right? to buy or not to buy so early on...

yeah, way to go!!
let's all look forward to a happy and healthy baby

baby's size...
now i get a little jittery, gynae said the sac was only 0.13cm at 5 weeks 3 days..... hopefully baby's developing ok... when i last MC, the embryo just stopped growing... i'm just taking a day as it comes...
i burp alot too .. i was given Cuplaton medicine. Seems to help, i didnt burp as much as before.

I think the size doesnt matter, what matters is that we are eating nutritious food and baby is healthy.

At 6 weeks 4 days, mine is 0.78cm
rachel: ya lo, i also dun believe that. thats why i ate peppery crab at still road last weekend!! yummy yummy...i will think and think of it if i got cravings, thats why i bug my mil &amp; sil to go eat...
ya lo, size doesnt matter right? coz now is the sac measurements only rite? still cannot see the baby ma...only white flickering
rest well and stay positive! bb might just grow alot by your next scan =)

even since concieved, my tummy just cant seem to contain spicy food anymore =( and spicy food somehow can spice up my appetite alittle bit.
sel: you go where to buy durian in sembawang huh...i feel like eating also...must ask hubby go buy. at 6 weeks, i always have funny cravings, then he will said i funny....at 6th weeks gt funny craving.
pinkie pirate,janjan16 actually I know when is my ovluation time should be around cd19 if I am not wrong. Coz that time I got use clearblue ovluation to test and it got a smiling face
ok...hope u all have a nice weekend..me going for my health review liao...hope its nothing serious...

must relax, rest more, ok MTBS
i dunno where he bought it leh.. think he drove to chongpang to buy bah.. nt sure also.. tonight i ask him..

good luck for ur review..
haha it was really funny when I read abt your burping experiences, I thot I was the only one! It really happens quick after makan...and bit by bit..many times...I take it that baby is satisfied with the food.

Hi rachel, I also love spicy food but realised can't contain esp during dinner. 2 occasions I had curry fish and curry chicken I was queasy, burped and burped and wanted to puke all evening, all the way and couldn't sleep...maybe it's the oil or my own greed...so learnt my lesson have to sacrifice my fav and take very little at any one time.

any of you experience constipation? My system gets jammed up so easily now no matter how much fibre I take...sometimes scared I 'force' too much and baby comes out too! Haha!

mercsboy ,

Hee... I just cant help it when i see or smell or the yellow noodles. it uesd to be my fav food now i feel it terriable.

One joke about this. Last night I woke up sudden just to vomit... Do you know y?? I dream of hundreds of ppl eating Ba Cho Mee (mince pork mushroom noodles) in front me... -_-'''...
I woke up my huddy and tell him... and he laugh..

My dog also love durians. These few days I also have craving for French Fries... I think i a bit wired....
