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  1. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Hi connz, had tried not feeding her milk, but she can cry for 2-3 no choice in the end make some milk for her then she fall asleep after feeding. Her last feed at 9pm+ (240ml), will wake up ard 3-4am for another feed of 200ml. Dunno how to stop her from waking up in the nite for feed.
  2. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Hi maywong, Hy gal is also 10mth old and she is sleeping in between us in the nite. Sometime i put her in her cot but she will wake up in the middle of the nite crying. Does your gal still wakes up in the middle of the nite for feeding? Can show me the pic? Thanks.
  3. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Hi Sunsweet, I've this problem too when i gave birth to my second bb. At first my mil doesn't want to look after also..and she's not even working. But after the arrival of bb, she change her mind..heehee. Hope your pil will change their mind after seeing how cute their little...
  4. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Alicia and Adrian's Daddy, Congrats ! Indeed you are very brave to deliver your own baby ! Take care !
  5. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Hi everyone, Does anyone knows what can we do with the points printed on the Pampers wrapper? Been collecting all the points but don't know what to do with it? Thanks.
  6. J

    Jurong West Mums

    SAHM So envy you. Able to be a SAHM. Heehee, i miss my 2 yrs of SAHM will get to njoy the days spent with your little ones...cos you have all the time in the world for them.
  7. J

    Jurong West Mums

    re: drinking milk at nite Bcos my elder gal sleep thru the nite when she's abt 2mths old, so i tot the 2nd one maybe roughly the same...but...sigh...totally different. My elder gal drank her last milk at 11+ and will only wake up the next morning 11+ or sometime 12+(i wasn't working after i...
  8. J

    Jurong West Mums

    linn will try to turn on some music for her and see if she like it. cos that time i did try but she didn't like it at all...very hard to sooth her...yes, i stay in JW. serene, with her being so cranky, it's very difficult to bring her down for a stroll. thks for the advise gals.
  9. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Hi mummies, Does anybody encounter this problem before? My gal is in her 4th month now. She is fine during the day but when evening time (ard 5pm onwards)she will start to gets cranky. Give her milk she don't want to drink. Brought her to see the doc and was given colic drops but still the...
  10. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Hi Cynthia and Connz, Ya i agree with cynthia. The ideal age group bet the 1st and the 2nd child is 2yrs. That's why my 2 girls are 2 yrs apart. Cynthia, sorry for not replying to your msn that day as i was working.
  11. J

    Jurong West Mums

    shylyn, The GP at Pioneer Mall no is 68613100. The name of the clinic is Healthmark Pioneer Mall Clinic. I bring my gal to My Family Clinic also at Pioneer Mall. The last time i called Healthmark, they tell me they dun have any Immunisation package, so i signed up at My Family Clinic. A week...
  12. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Hi Connz Of cos i miss my gal on my first day of work. Called back home a few times to check if everything okie...hehehe R u back to work also? Now morning cannot push bb down for stroll liao, unless sat or sun....hohoho...
  13. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Hi, Any mummies know what can we do with the Huggies points?
  14. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Connz, Really? u saw me with my girls? Hmm..sorry, i dun remember leh...heheh... Am still hunting for a nanny..i'm going back to work next week. Hubby will take over to look after the bb while he's on leave and at the same time looking out for new job. Pls let me know if you happen to...
  15. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Wow the babies indeed cute... Connz, Use ur method...bring bb down for a walk tis morning, approach the aunties doing exercise there. There's an aunty who is interested, but she say she got no experience. Heard them saying there's another aunty looking for bb to bbsit. But her hse got 3...
  16. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Cynthia, I've 2 daughters. One is 2yrs old and the other going to 3mths old. I'm on my maternity leave now till end of this mth. Sob sob...sad to leave my bb...
  17. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Etelle, Thks for the website. Cynthia, I stay near u...@ blk 660B.
  18. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Hi connz I stay at blk 660B...currently looking for nanny for my daughter too.My husband pasted note in the lift, but think was tear down by the are you going to look for the nanny?
  19. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Hi Etelle, Just drop by the Infant care center this morning with my hubby.. hmm, everything seem okie for us. mae, The charges is $600 after subsidy for working mother. They will bath the baby, feed them, bring them out for strolling...and talk to the baby...meanwhile there are 2 babies...
  20. J

    Jurong West Mums

    Hi gals, Any of u heard of this Whispering Hearts Infant & Child Care which is located at Blk 688 JW? Due to some reason, my mum was not able to look after my bb after my ML ends, so no choice but to put my bb in the Infant care center. Any comments?
