Jurong West Mums

Thanks for all of ur concern...
Jamie's fever has subsided after many times of sponging.
She cannot take panadol now until I bring her back to KKH for blood test as doc suspect either she is allergic to panadol or the solvent/colouring/flavouring used to make the medicine.
Now still still have abit rashes on her legs.
we will miss you.....6 mths dun worrie i will continue to put you on the chart you will not be forgotten...hee hee maybe can every month also join the bb contest, log on to msn this way no matter where you all we're always in touch
hi mummies + daddy

Been so busy with wk lately, that haven't got time to come into this thread...

RE: Healthmark
May,have you considered giving your feedback on this incident to the Spore Medical Association (something like CASE)? Would it not be more cost effective than issuing them with a lawyer letter, and may not have any results in the end?
I think that this is a very serious situation for there are some babies who could suffer worse conditions when taking a drug which they r allergic to.
Glad to noe Jaime's feeling better now. But it will be important for you to follow up on the exact thing she's allergic to, to prevent a future occurrence *touch wood*

RE: Sleepless Nites
Connz, me also like zombie these days, but my gal's not sick, for some reason, she has been waking up in the morning abt 4am everyday and she'll play by herself. As she's crawling around already, I also worried she will climb up the bed rail and fall of the bed... Sigh... Hope Bryan's cough is recovering already.

RE: CC in JW
Welcome Alicia's Daddy! Very heartwarming to see a daddy online chatting with us...
Sorry but can't help u cos my gal still very young, not gg to CC yet ;p
Currently, I'm putting her with a nanny during the day.

Etelle, when yr last day? Looking forward to being a SAHM?

Wah... u really buying the playmat ah?? Ha... next time yr hubby'll b banning u fm future gathering liao... Later say, we influence you to spend money... ha...
Thanks for the welcome.
I went to see a couple of CC yesterday (clearing my leave) at my area. One of the CC has all the little children sitting together for a sing-along session. Because their uniform is yellow, really looked like little ducks in an enclosure :)

Glad to hear that Jamie is recovering well.

SAHD (Dad)
Wonder if there are SAHD around in the forum?? hmmmm.....
stil hv sm cough.....at least sleeping pattern better already

yup....buying e bumper mat :p anyway...he gav up hope liao.....he said so long im paying 4 it ...it ok lor....almost everywk gt new stuff 4 my son :p even my son nanny commented nt 2 buy so many stuff 4 him as he wil outgrown it v fast....which is quite true lor....bt sm x k nt resist leh :p

nw lookg 4 bp 4 f.milk :p
hi may..

i think that the doc name is dr soo..i prefer dr adrian..

connz..wat bumper mat u buy? is it from smallsmallworld?
Hi, I juz came back from my checkup...Baby now is 36 wks and 2.8kg liao but sad to say his head still didn't turn down...And gynae suggest me to hv c-section on the 1st wk of Jul whereby bb is 38 wks liao at that time...Abit shock for me n hb lor as I hope to have natural birth but of course really bo bian got to c-section as long as bb is healthy...as for my right hand wrist, gynae say after birth shld be ok but not ok maybe want to see gu ke yi shen
RE: Cough
Connz, Glad to hear that he's feeling better... Realized the weather these days not so gd, many ppl falling sick.

RE: Bumpermat + Toys
Connz, ha... so which pattern u getting? At $120 izzit? Seems this mat really popular ya? This is one thing that I've no regrets buying ;P
U can shake hands with Sept03_Bride... ha... can go spree together liao... (As if I'm any better.. oopss)

RE: C-section
YT, erm... y gotta go 4 C-section? Any special reasons? I tot gynaes will usually recommend natural birth?
blurblur, now i m in my 36 wks liao...and bb head is still facing up which they call breech position...if by next sat bb head still face down then hv to go for c-section bcoz its risky to have bb leg facing down...so the ideal period is 38wks to c-section but she got say if that day lucky bb head got turn then cancel the operation lor...
hi blurblur,
is the mat really good?
I'm thinking of getting it heehee...
okie 1st baby, can buy more things cos still can pass to 2nd bb or my nephews
RE: Playmat
hee..find it rather expensive leh..though its really colourful & pretty but a bit diff for me cos no suitable place to put in my house leh..beside diff for my mil to mop e floor as well..

RE: Toys
Heheh..i hv also been spending so much on buying bb's toys as well as educational items..guess it will b good for me to return to work so tt i hv less time to go shopping & spend unnecessarily

RE: Going back to work
Sighh...time flies..i'll b gg back to work on tues..dunno whether i'll b able to cope a not..work wise as well as family..really worried tt i wouldn't hv enough time w bb given my job nature..:p

Envy u leh..able to c ur little one soon & start of e maternity leave..hee..take care & looking forward to hearing ur gd news.
i officially SAHM liaoz hee hee last day was yesterday friday hee hee :p Well anticipating and looking forward to carrying out my tasks as a SAHM

the nature of your job is busy one leh...Hmmmm think u will miss Ivec alot...will u still be BF him??? wow time really flies leh he 3 months liaoz ah very fast hor ha ha :p

whetehr c section or natural as logn as baby is safely dleivered then it's alright lah some things are not within our control leh

Bumper Mat/ play Mat?
My boy has 2 mats leh...all very colur ful one...wondering if it's the same as what u guys talk about...or can anyone show me some pics? hee hee
hi YT,
dun worrie u still have 2 more weeks till 38 weeks. Maybe by then ur BB's head would have turned down.

maybe not getting liao cos already buy alot of things for BB liao.

Stranger Anxiety
very sianz.. my ds has entered the stranger anxiety phase liao. Keep crying when ppl wanna carry him. Keep looking around wen we go to our friend's place, bian zui when he realise that he is not familar with the place.Then he cried out loud.
So envy you. Able to be a SAHM. Heehee, i miss my 2 yrs of SAHM days...you will get to njoy the days spent with your little ones...cos you have all the time in the world for them.
im getg e world map frm ssw
tink deliver in early july. lookg 4ward 2 it :p

wat kind of toys u al getg 4 ur bb??? nanny advise me nt 2 gt any mor toys 4 my son leh

dnt tink i k b SAHM. wil go crazy man...
Best Wishes to you.

RE: Shoes with pi-pi whistle
My gal loves wearing her shoes with "pi-pi" whistle. Recently, the "pi-pi" was lost, and went without the "pi-pi". She was so creative, telling her nanny to change batteries. ha..ha.. ha.

Anyone knows where to get a pair of "pi-pi" for replacement???
Counting down to e day whereby u can finally c ur little one eh..all e best!! ^_^ Do keep us informed ok?

Yaloh..oredi have a taste of it liao..just started work last tue & i hv 2 night meetings & 2 weekend functions plus sat morn working as well..really tirring cos i still expressing bm for Ivec..got to wake up earlier to express & also forgo my lunch hour to express as well..& not forgetting b4 i sleep..so quite tedious cos after night meetings is oredi very late..:p

Heheh...despite my complaints abt working, i doubt i can be sahm..irony eh?
Got DHA , folic acid & TL cod liver oil(Unopen) to give away.
Who need it.
DHA can give to ur kid too.
Hee still left alot.
Hello Mummies,
These 2 days are tough! Alicia is down with viral fever, and temperature shot up to >39C. Got to use suppositories to suppress the fever.
She got her second febrile fit yesterday morning while waiting for the PD to arrive, with temperature around 39.7C. Fortunately, this is a mild one.

Have been deprived of sleep for almost 48hrs now. Took turn to take temperature with my wife. Our air-con was down to 18C to cool her down. A slight increase in temperature will cause a sudden surge in the temperature, quite scary....

Hope that her fever will subside today *Pray*...
oh dear - how come? jus fever? cld it be UTI if there's no other obvious physical symptoms? take care.
Blood test showed some minor viral infection. Urine test did not show any UTI.
She is still eating well though.
Will have a follow up with the PD again tonight.

Her fever subsided this morning, but we are continuing with the schedule of giving her paracetamol, and anti-biotics (Me and wife both on urgent leaves). PD initially do not want to to prescribe anti-biotics, but on second thought, he prefer to do so due to high fever.

Tomorrow will be a better day :)
if it's a viral fever then it'll yoyo for quite some time
bao zhong n hope she gets over it soon
Hi YT,

Read from BP forum that u bot some chinese flashcards. May i noe if the flashcards printing quality is gd? Are the colurs nice n vibrant? I tot of getting a set too

Hope to hear from u soonz..thx for the info. Btw i am staying in JW st. 24 too
hi mae,

yah...i bought some of them...the quality very good...if you want can pop by my hse to see...

which blk are you staying?
mi staying in 272C, u leh?

Did u do the dots cards for ur bb?
If u dun mind, i can pop by one of these evenings..hee
U can sms mi at 98174770.

Do u noe how much Popular sell these flashcards for?
Hi Mummies,

I m new in tis forum.. I would like to join in your group lehz...

Me also staying in Jurong west area... Near pioneer mall... I usually patronize the Family clinic instead
Please can I join in ur group??... mayb we can have gatherings or chat or via sms or calls or online or meet ups or even exchange tips and good GP or clinic in Jurong west area...

I dun mind exchange HP no. or MSN address : [email protected]

Me now serving my notice... will be offically a SAHM in mid july next week 13 July will be my last day at work... Would loved to meet up wif u mummies...

PS My own hse dun hv PC so I will be off line for a few weeks so better
Welcome Angela,

Me also new in tis forum. I also staying in Jurong West Area (near pooneer mall). Which block r u staying. Me staying at blk 633 (I have moved in midst Jan 05, very new to Juong West area).
Hi Yuki
My blk at 620 tink we quite near each other care to exchange contact no ... we can meet up lehz... at Pioneer Mall hor..
Paiseh hope u dun mind lehz...
Do u have MSN? mine is [email protected]
My HP 98621752 hehe
Venus, Wendy,
Thanks. Her fever shot up again to >38C when she took afternoon nap today. Really like yoyo. PD says need at least 6 doses of anti-botics to take effect. Aiyo..more sleepless night again.

Welcome. FYI, I am a JW daddy. I visit Pioneer Mall Mac and Giant sometimes (I stay at St 91).
Hi ALicia's daddy

Bb is like tat... the fever yoyo.. tat time my boy also like dat n I did not even sleep a wink tat nite... so worried too... U good daddy lehz... help ur wife... my HB tat time out of town... so me alone... no one to take over...

Me stay at street 65 lo
longtime no see, hee 2 more months to go.....
The flashcard is very clear & nice material

All the best to u.

Nice to meet u that day
I also travel for work, but has cut down a lot this year. My wife sometimes panic more than me, so good thing I am around.

1+ day, counting down. Enjoy your prenancy to the fullest, and best wishes again.
Nice to see u too.

Alicia's daddy,
U got try the cool strip? My girl's fever also up and down in June. Lucky got cool strip.
Yes, I got the cool strip to help cool down, but the rapid increase in body temp seems to render the cool strip useless. The best way is still to do tepid sponging lor. It hurts to see Alicia shivering when being applied the sponging, but I guess this is best for her. Thanks for offering the suggestion.
