Jurong West Mums

ur girl like piglet, mine like longmao

venus - ya. i still tbf. i'm a die-hard. wanna bfd long long one...like now, not feeding bb, v hardworking pumping ah...
Dun buy clothes first..will slim down one. I bought elastic skirt so even next time slim down still can wear. But not those too auntie kind lar.
may - buy liao, if not no clothes to wear lei. really expanded sideways ALOT.
but hor, went retail therapy feels a bit better :p

venus - i hope bfd help me slim down too. any toning exercise u can recommend?
btw, did u train ur bb to sleep thru? how?
i'm keen cos now with 2 kids, i feel that i've no breathing space liao. prob jus delivered adjusting to new life. but dun want my bb to b like my son who's a superglue to me, even at night.
btw, where in JW best to buy cheap bb clothes, home wear type?
i'm lookg 4 long pants 4 my bb, with the ends capped.
i know near nanyang cc there's one, near the 4d store.
hi serene,

sianz hor..so fast 3 mths maternity leave going to be up soon. Bet you will miss javier when u r back to work.

Btw, who will be taking care of javier when u return to work?
hi wendy..hmm toning exercise..how abt crunches for the flabby tummy??

i been wanting my boy to sleep thru the night..but he still wake up once per night for feeding...

home clothes..how abt trying boon lay market?? or st 52 market??all the home wear clothes i have are hand me downs from cousins
using ur gauge, at least i aga aga know the amt of weight to lose by when...hee..so did u do any particular exercise after ur delivery or fully rest until e doc's ok?

yeah..it's always e case of reluctance to go back after spending a few mths w ur child...think i'll also miss my bb when i go back 2 work after my ML.

was Dr Kee late yest when u go 4 e appt at JP? He had a last min labour after seeing us at TMC..anyway, ur little girl look so cute next to Piglet, both r in pink! So sweet ^_^

RE: Home Clothes
Think markets hv a lot of these stalls around..i always see them around e 900 series neighbourhood..can try 500 series as well as Boon Lay market as well..or even those neighbourhood shops..or hypermarkets?
etelle - how much u weigh jus b4 deliver?

girsl - i jus bot liao @ 900 series. the place i mentioned. only shortfall is they dun have much choice for sleeveless tops. but alot of long pants for both my bb n son

also, when to stop swaddle bb huh?
i weight 73.3 kg when i admitted for delivery. After delivery 5 days later or so i weigh 67.7 then 1 mth go gynae weigh 64...hee hee still got alot alot alot to go sigh....

Actually i stopped swaddling baby a couple of days after bb back leh cuz hor dun want to hinder in the motor skills development for bb.

your weight increase not alot right...dun worry about weight first lah after delivery then say now hor take it easy
Aiyo..increase by 13kg oredi leh..another 2/3 wks more to go..so hopefully my weight remains and my bb's weight increase..heheheh
My appointment was cancelled due to his delivery lor. So sad.. tot can talk to him..wanted to ask him why my menses not back to normal yet and want to ask him abt birth control pills.

It is a good weight leh..easier to slim at 13-15kg. I gained 20kg.. now still got 7kg more to go. But bb is 2mth liao..I scared cannot slim down leh.

I stop swaddle when week 2 cos my gal dun like hot. I heard from another thread is 1mth.
My appointment was cancelled due to his delivery lor. So sad.. tot can talk to him..wanted to ask him why my menses not back to normal yet and want to ask him abt birth control pills.

It is a good weight leh..easier to slim at 13-15kg. I gained 20kg.. now still got 7kg more to go. But bb is 2mth liao..I scared cannot slim down leh.

I stop swaddle when week 2 cos my gal dun like hot. I heard from another thread is 1mth.
TQ 4 the replies...

etelle - i see. so u've lost 9kg + liao. me too. but 6 more kg to lose. doesn't sound like a lot but dunno is it i got 2 kids liao i getting wider...

think i better cut down my snack intake :p

re: sawddle
- oh then i can stop swaddlmy ger liao. cos i think she also hot... got red dots appear on her face yday :p
Hi mommies,
Have you read about the new developments near Jurong Point ?

It is regarding the empty plot of land in front of the MRT station, together with the old bus interchange which will be torn down. The new building will have the bus interchange at the 1st level, a hypermarket at the 2nd level, and condo residences on the higher floors.

We are going to have the largest mall in the heartlands. Sounds exciting, right ?

Jurong West may not be so boring after all
sure i miss Javier alot. My MIL will help me to look after but i might be chaning to part time job inorder to have more time for him.
yup just read it in strait times yday..

sounds exciting cos new shopping place to go to heehee..

there is 12 blks of condo above the shopping mall..must be small area to have 12 blks..
yaloh..kinda expected cos dunno eventually what time did his patient give birth also..he told us it's estimated to be around 5plus but the patient was admitted e early morn 3am...wow..indeed a long labour..dunno whether i can tahan if i'm in her shoes. So when's ur next appt scheduled? What is the normal timing for the period to return to normal? Tot it will take a while..2 mths not very long mah.

RE: developments near JP
Yup..getting excited abt e new facilities..i'm getting rather sian of the current JP..shopped till i know e exact layout of each shops..heheh..so looking forward to something new. At least next time can bring bb there to shop..& also meet up w all e mums here as well..what ya ladies think?
Hi gals,
Any of u heard of this Whispering Hearts Infant & Child Care which is located at Blk 688 JW? Due to some reason, my mum was not able to look after my bb after my ML ends, so no choice but to put my bb in the Infant care center. Any comments?
venus, shylyn,
It will be nice to stay at that condo, so near the MRT and shopping. Raining also got a lot of things to do.
Me too sick of JP, and totally sick of the eating places there. Hope they open many more new restaurants !
Yes it will be nice to meetup !

Oh u mean u return to owrk liao ar?
Godd at least MIL help look after ur bb. For me most likely hv to look for nanny.
well..staying in tt condo does hv its advt, at least need not walk so far 2 e train station as well as the shopping centre..but other than tt, not much diff from staying nearby..still hv to bear w e noise from the planes plus air & smell from nearby factories..hee
i agree with you that other than evry near to shopping centre and public transport. A condo in that area not worth the price leh hee hee sure very noisy one...ha ha ha :p might as well stay HDB right hee hee :p

you may want to drop by the place for a look and see how they intro the place and have alook at the staff and all that. Understand more. it's a christian based care centre. The staff should be very nice i think
hi jojotng,

Wat are the charges at the infant care that u mentioned?

I am still deciding on getting a nanny or put my bb in infant care.
Yo Serene,

Nice to see you at the void deck yesterday

Din noe was u wor cos could only recognised ur hubby...was jus suspecting cos u carrying a newborn..hee

Still cant really register ur looks for now..if next time i forgot to smile...dun b offended okie
RE: New Development
I am sick of JP also..my colleagues says I am a walking directory of JP. Cos when they ask whether JP got this or that or not.. I can tell them and even say which floor.
JP has a new DIM SUM restaurant..last time is Seoul Garden. Opening in April..YES!! I love DIM SUM...hehe..looking forward.

But West Mall there also got a condo very near MRT leh.. should be ok bah..

Think the lady haven't give birth till my appointment time. Cos my appointment is at 6pm and the nurse call me at 5pm to tell me Dr Kee cannot make it in time, he is still in the labour room. But still ok lar.. that time I admitted Day 1 at 7am.. Day 2 at 3am then give birth. My contraction start at Day 1 3am..so got labour pain for about 24hrs lor. In the end got to waste money on Emergency C-sect. Dr Kee even stay overnight in TMC bcos of me..maybe that's why my bills are really ex !!!
Hi May Wong,

i am also seeing Dr Kee.
Jus wana chk with u how come u go emergency c-section? bb couldnt come out?
Hi Etelle,
Just drop by the Infant care center this morning with my hubby.. hmm, everything seem okie for us.

The charges is $600 after subsidy for working mother. They will bath the baby, feed them, bring them out for strolling...and talk to the baby...meanwhile there are 2 babies which is 4mths old and 6mths old...Pampers, milk powder, bathing shampoo not provided. Think if u need to find out more can go down and take a look...
May Wong,
The new DIM SUM restaurant is another branch of Crystal Jade, my favourite ! I love dim sum too !

Shylyn, Etelle,
Agree with you about the plane noise. Also it is directly above the bus interchange, meaning that there will be more pollution and noise from the many buses coming in and out.
I think many people will still buy, because it can fetch good rental.
After 24hrs of labour pain, my dilation is still 8cm. Doc Kee think it is very tiring for me already and bb heart beat is getting slower. Cos he burst the water bag 17hrs ago..no much oxygen inside. Furthermore, he say my bb is turning wrong direction. (Cos she is not engaged when I admitted)But I can feel her pushing on my pelvic bones already. But he still feel unsafe lor.. so got to do emergency c-sect.
yah..think such things r diff to predict..wonder whether mine will b tt long as well..hope not, been telling bb to cooperate & come out easily..dun anyohow turn & miss e opening..hee..

RE: Dim Sum Restaurant
Hmm..but that store seems to be under reno for quite sometime oredi..wonder when r they opening..in fact, just realised tt quite a no. of the food outlets hv either underwent or undergoing reno..like KFC & currently Pizza Hut. Wonder what's what leh
The B1 Banquet Food Court half also under reno.. think after some time.. these food related shop got to revamp to attract pple bah. Or maybe being threaten by the new building? Hehe...

Here's my gal latest pic. She is 9weeks old now.. was surprised that she is learning how to turn already.


Same here my Javier also start to learn turning which mean i need to be extra careful. So gd ur baby like to smile while taking photo. Mine boy look cool cool one lei seldom smile.

Ya nice to meet u that day. Really hate the person who let their dog poo in the lift some more don want to clear the poo. What la wait next time others people think we are the one hee.....

Ya lor...so sick leh...left the poo in the lift jus like dat ..so inconsiderate...can imagine the smell in a confine space..urgh! The person shd hv clean up the poo after he brought the doggie home mah...

Best..i think someone could hv stepped on the pooh..then sprea over to the other lift lor...faintz
May wong
KFS is up leh....pizza still reno...yah i think they need to attract people so one shop after another going through facelift hee hee
it's okie to drink coffee leh. My gynae said not more than 2 cups per day. Drinking 3-in-1 is okie lah no worries
during my last trimester of pregnancy i almost everyday also drink a cup of cuppucino from long john silver leh hee hee
but bb's evry fine and healthy. Nothing has proven that caffeine will hurt bb but then it's safer not to drink too much cuz scared it hinder bb's development i heard
but 2 cups per day is still fine but my personal advice is as long as u feel comfortable then do it. Don't don things that makes your heart guilty or wat lor
RE: Coffee
Oh..my fave beverage..doubt i can make do a day w/o it..hee..so YT..shouldn't b a prob lah..think try not to go more than 2 cups..or rather..depending on the cafferine level..not to go over 300mg
is it? not over 300mg ah hee hee those 3-in-1 is how many mg hee hee :p i think coffee shop coffee only once a day but 3-in-1 should be okie with 2 cuz diluted mah...
Re: Coffee
Before I got pregnant, I was addicted to coffee. During my pregnancy, I don't drink any coffee at all, because I heard drinking coffee may cause the baby to have darker skin. My first baby is a girl, and she is very fair. Although I think it is a myth, still better be safe than sorry.

I used to drink instant coffee everyday. If I don't drink I will get a headache, so the addiction was very bad. Later I changed to filter coffee, it was much better. Now I don't dare to drink instant coffee at all. I will advise mommies to drink filter coffee instead of those 3-in-1 which I think the caffeine level is a lot higher.

haa...i read the thread yesterday hor...waa..today gian coffee liao

Jus bought myself a cuppa tis morning..hee
