Jurong West Mums

RE: Meeting at Poshies Place
Sure..no prob..cyta ladies at 1.55pm. I try to rush home in time..hee..gg to my parents place 2 stay mah..

Yup..will try to attend tog w u..cos i also enjoy kickboxing..will b gg 4 tomo's 3.30pm class

U attended e Sun's class? Cos after e bellydancing class for Sat is the BodyBlitz & CardioBlitz..not Kickboxing leh..

Hi ladies

RE: Amore KB
Went to last nite's class, had a gd workout but hv some comments to share
1) Instructor will show the steps and then stop exercising with the class at times. (I'm very forgetful so I will stop as well as I can't rem the steps)
2) Don't like the music
3) Not such a strenuous exercise as compared to Ray's class (as my whole body'll usu ache after attending his lesson)
Ha... above are my personal opinions ah... (mayb i'm bias as I still prefer Ray ;p) but will continue to attend cos i still prefer a sweaty workout compared to other classes.

RE: Young Parents Magazine
Anyone bought tis magazine b4? Thinking of subscribing tis... Any comments? (Can share with Shylyn)
re: parenting mag
- i subc both today par n young par for 2+ yrs liao once u r a parent, these r also good sources of info, other thanforums, frems, colleagues, relatives... imo
just to share my son photo at 5 months
yaloh..wondering where all the moms went to..

Wow..ur boy so young oredi reading books liao..impressive!! ^_^ I'm also trying to teach my boy some basic words..hee..
Hi mummies,
Does anybody encounter this problem before? My gal is in her 4th month now. She is fine during the day but when evening time (ard 5pm onwards)she will start to gets cranky. Give her milk she don't want to drink. Brought her to see the doc and was given colic drops but still the same.
At first thought was the teat of the milk bottle cos after we change the bottle, for a few days she's ok, but the problem came back these few days.
Do your baby still wake up in the middle of the nite for milk when they are 4 mth old?
hi jojotng,

my boy now 14 mths, still wake up 2 to 3 times each night, sign, i guess some bbies are more cranky loh. when reaches 9+ to 10 pm each night, he will try to make some noise until he fall asleep, then wake up aro 2am and 4am each day.

u can try to turn on some musical cd every night at the same time to sooth her, make it a routine....maybe that work.it work for my gal but not my boi,lol
serene,ur boy look very mature at 5 mths, like "small adult".

seem like jw mummies like to work out alot......hehe,.....me lazy bug,never ever thot of signing up any program in my WHOLE life yet.i guess i have give myself another excuse after having kids of not exercising.
ya my son used to be like this too.
Hee later found out that he want to go kai kai.
Try bringing her down to walk walk.
hi linn
heehee..me too.. i prefer playing sports like badminton. But i dun like to go for aerobic classes..me slow cannot catch up
will try to turn on some music for her and see if she like it. cos that time i did try but she didn't like it at all...very hard to sooth her...yes, i stay in JW.

with her being so cranky, it's very difficult to bring her down for a stroll.

thks for the advise gals.
Hi mummies

finally got time to come online... very busy in office these days...

RE: Drinking milk @nite
I was quite blessed cos my gal stopped her nite feeds after she turned 3 mths. Now she sleeps tru the nite w/o waking up. But I also hv tis habit of playing a musical cd for her to listen every nite to let her noe that it's nite time, time for bed

RE: Exercise
Linn, u so slim liao, no need to exercise liao lah...
Sept03_Bride, For me, i don't even noe how to play badminton, so can only do aerobics/KB to tone up my fats... ha...
yvonne - were u the preggy lady wearing strips at the 181 bus-stop this morning ard 8 am?

i was with my son behind u... jus trying my luck...
RE: Drinking milk at nite
My boy still drinks at least once each night..he'll usually fall asleep by 11pm & wake up for his next feed at around 2-3am..& if lucky, managed to wait till around 7am to wake up..but these days, dunno why, he wakes up so early..at around 6am..kept on making noises such tt i hv to stuff e pacify into his mouth to shut him..heheh...my hand also getting tired frm holding on to his pacify..cos it'll fall after sometime..:p
hi shylyn,
my boi is also waking up for night feeds as well. He sleeps at about 9pm and will wake up at 4am for his feed. After that he will sleep and wake up at 7am. Very jia lat on wkdays cos we are busy preparing to go to work..
Hi mummies.. Actually I from the other SAHM in Jurong Thread.. er.. almost all mummies form there shifted to here liao.. so i come lo.. dun mind??

Jus to intro myself.. Currently I staying at Boon Lay Place, having a 9.5mths of bb boi (31st August 05, a SAHM (er.. temp only lo..)..
wendy, juz saw ur post...
Hehehe...So far I never take bus 181 before...Hehehe...Maybe 1 day we can meet up...

serene, so coincidence to meet you at JP...Nice chatting with you...

Hi mummies, it had been quite some time i never post/come to this thread liao...Me now 35 weeks...Starting my maternity leave from 10 July onwards...

Since last sat, I feel my pelvic area n right hand wrist so painful until i cry at nite...Bcoz whenever i move/toss i feel the pain...Till last wk, i realise that even wearing undies also pain pain...Last wk everyday really drag myself to work and getting worst n worst...

Sat, juz had my pre-natal massage amazing all the pains are gone...After massage I took a nap, then when I wake up...Hb was saying Hey you dun feel the pain anymore? How come u can get up so easily? Then I try moving around, hey really wor...Its not that painful but I think me too stubborn kept using my right hand now my right hand wirst really very painful...Ouch!
re: drinking milk at nite
my boy stil wake up every 3hrs 4 nite feed
realy envy u al... sm time realy let him cry bt nt 4 long cos my parents wil cm in n scold us
tt e -ve of staying w parents
so we sleep early lor...no social life 4 us

also turn on sm soothing music bt no use 4 my son leh.....stil wake up so many x

re: xcersie
yest went 2 e gym....din do muc .... no stamina after a while.... tink hv 2 build up slowly....hopefuly in time 4 e shape run.

Hi YT, u may consider taking raspberry tea....it relieve e pain .... it help 4 me.
re: drinking milk at nite
Bcos my elder gal sleep thru the nite when she's abt 2mths old, so i tot the 2nd one maybe roughly the same...but...sigh...totally different. My elder gal drank her last milk at 11+ and will only wake up the next morning 11+ or sometime 12+(i wasn't working after i gave birth to my elder gal).
Hi Connz, previously i have been trying the tea bag of raspberry tea...but finish liao and nature farm got no more stock...
re: drinking milk at nite
my boy (~ 41mths) used to sleep thru the nite, but now will wake up at least once for milk, despite he'll drink 6oz before his sleep (~ 9pm).
wonder did he not eat enuf for dinner?
Hi JW Mums,
I am a JW Daddy.
My girl is 2yrs 1mth old, and I am looking for a CC for her in JW area. One of the CC I am looking at is Q-dees along Yunnan Drive. Anyone has any experiences or feedback?
Hi Venus,
Pai Sei. Thanks for your welcome note.
Actually I posted before, almost a year back to find out more about remedies to toddler constipation. It was a great source of help here. (Finally found the right formula that my girl can take without constipation - NAN 2HA.
CC "hunting" is really tough, so maybe can tap some sharing from all the mums here. I believe it will help me with decision making.
In fact, NAN 2HA is also recommended by my PD. I recently switched to Friso (he he.. lower cost) and the constipation came back, got to switch back again.
hi wendy, nice meeting n chatting with you...thks for the raspberry tea...

hi Connz, thks for offering...i hv took some from wendy liao...so i think its enough for me...thks once again...
yvonne - no prob la. hope u have a smooth delivery. tummy very low liao. all the best that bb has turn head down.

alicia's dad - my son 28mo is currently at agpae at st 25. so far so gd. but i dun have basis for comparison too. but 1 thing to note on gg cc is the prob of getting sick is higher lor. now i SOOOO scared to see my sun fever or running nose... cos they'll get cranky when unwell, n of cos i scared spreda to my 4mo ger...
i keep forgetting that you are also in jurong west thread leh hee hee so we stay near near ah ha ha :p if FEB got gathering we can together if i am going lah hee hee :p How old are you ah?

Hi alicia's dad...i am also from jw thread but not very active hee hee :p

long time no talk to you, when is ue due date?
Yeah, ppl told me about the getting sick portion. My wife EDD on the second one is end Sept this year (it's a boy!). Baby sitter only want to take care of one, so have to put the elder one into cc. Logistically, I have to take convenience as top of the list because I sometime travel for work, and my wife dun drive. I like one cc in Jurong East, but logistically not viable leh.

I guess I am the only daddy in JW thread, but I am sure there are some daady's around the forum.
wendy, thanks...

etelle, yah lor...long time no talk liao...me? due is 20 july but will start my maternity on 10 jul...now pelvic area pain like hell everyday drag myself to work lor...
Hi mummies,

Long time never come in this threat..
I have some warning for u all.. please see what happen to my gal..

I am very worried and mad this two days. Brought Jamie to KKH this morning.
This is what happened:

-Previous 2 jabs we gave her panadol(liquid) after the jabs so that she will not have fever and she is fine.
- 6 Jun she develop rashes after taking the same medicine from the same GP and I stop the medicine immediately and change to NAM SENG (another GP)
- yday brought her to the usual GP again for jab but I told her Jamie HAS GOT allergy previous time when taking panadol.
- GP reply is never mind can take
- 3pm feed Jamie..7pm rashes starts
- I stopped her 9pm dose and wait to see if it will subside
- 12midnight swelling began and rashes spread from her neck to ears and now to face.
- 5am she is running high fever at 38.
- Brought her to KKH
- Doc say she is allergy to PANADOL..we can do nothing now..only can sponge her
- must go back to KKH after she recover to do a series of blood test for drug allergy

Poor Jamie still having rashes and fever but no medicine can help her to ease the pain. I am very worried that the fever will cause brain damage.

I am very angry for the GP that don't bother abt my feedback on the drug allergy. Was telling hubby that I feel like sending her a lawyer letter to ask her to compensate the hospital bills. Although it is not huge but I consider it as very dangerous.

Any mummies has suggestions/knowledge/experience with this kind of situation?

may - wow the GP very bo chap, not professional. the GPss at Gek poh is more patient n they listen. heng u tell us. thks... u take care ok? hope your girl recovers soon.

stella - i'm 28 this yr. very sad i cant join the feb outing! cos i'm bz preparing for my trip to usa in 2 wks time. will b there for the next 6 mths. follow hb for trg. dec06 i'll b back dun forget me huh...
Thanks for the link. It is useful, but if the mummies here can share their view on some of the CC centre, that will be great. I am looking for CC around JW st91, 92, 93, and Yunnan area.

Sorry to hear about Jamie's fever. When Rashes appear, it is definitely allergy. The GP should take this seriously. Do take extra care in monitoring her fever. My gal's fever went up to 40C last month (viral fever- throat infection), and had a mild febrile fit. Sent her to KKH immediately and was given tepid sponging immediately. Was in KKH for 3hrs (until fever subsided to <38C) before doc send her home.
I suggest you consult KKH on alternative anti-fever medicine when you go back for the blood test. Take care, and hope Jamie recovers soon.

Bon Voyage and enjoy your stay in US. Which part of US will you be going? Oshkosh is cheap during the factory sales there (depending on which state).
hi mummies,

me 2 nites din slep wel liao....son gt fever, cough n runng nose
realy pain pain c son so painful n restles..... lucky fever subside tis morn n son start smiling
me nw kep yawng. hope his cough wil go asap.

so all mummies mus monitor ur bb health closely....or else end up like us .... zombie 4 few days.

i'll b gg to south carolina
i'm not intending to go there to shop till i drop one.

cos my bro was at california for 1.5 yrs n he already bot TONS of oshkosh apparel for my son n my ger now wears them too. i even packing those my son haven't wear one lei...

i'm tryong to get an xtra laptop over so i can maitiain contact with the forums yey...
