Jurong West Mums

Hi ladies

Can I join here too? I tink the other SAHM JW thread died liao...

Nick: Blurblur
DOB: 13 Apr 78
Block Street: JW St 65
Email/MSN: [email protected]
No. of Children: 1G
Deliver at: MAH
Gynae's Name: Dr Tho CK

Aiyoh Shylyn, so u hiding here huh? Now then I noe got another JW thread.... Really super blur

yaloh..dunno how come e o thread died liao..but i still loggin daily to check 4 updates...

Initially i also didn't know & i pumped until my breast were empty..then kena blisters..now i'll pump 5 mins on each side & alternating forr 3 rounds..so at least not so bad..& also apply moisturiser after tt
hi shylyn and blur,
ya..duno why the other JW thread like super duper quiet liao hor.. i tink all migrate here liao. Btw Shylyn, which pump are u using har? I'm using the medela dual pump, but like not very effective.
oh my details as follows:
Nick: sept03bride
DOB: 19 Sept 77
Block Street: JW St 65
Email/MSN: [email protected]
No. of Children: 1B
Deliver at: TMC
Gynae's Name: Dr Yvonne Soong

Hi Serene,
we are using the same gynae.. heehee
r u planing 2 pump up when u go back 2 work since u oni pump every 6hrs???? me nw go 4 partial liao .... as back 2 work...my workpl no pl 2 express out .... oni pl is e toilet..... n mor o me alway move ard... nt convenient.

btw, any1 hear of bm 4 sale????

ther 1 article in 2day paper (mind ur body) tt ther is a baby cafe at tanglin mall....since like it oni open on mon from 2 to 4pm. any1 keen 2 go????
I'm using the Avent manual pump, tried using the auto pump b4 but not v powerful..engorgement came fasterr using auto compared to manual

I'll if i can..but my office dun hv a proper place for me to express bm as well leh..see how 1st..beside rather troublesome got to sterilise & keep e bm in the office..tt's why i'm pumping & freezing my bm now to ensure adequate ss when i return to work.

Yup, i read abt the cafe as well..interested to go there but as I dun bf my bb directly, wonder applicable to me leh..heheh
Hi hi to ya too, Sept03bride.. Neber see ya these days in the lift liao hor?? ;p

Shylyn, how's life? Yr hb back fm reservist yet? How's yr boi these days? Got guai guai or not?
Counting down to end of confinement yah?
<font size="+1"> <u>JURONG WEST MUMS INFORMATION</u></font>
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>Block</TD><TD>Street</TD><TD>Email/MSN</TD><TD>No. of Children</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gynae's Name </TD></TR><TR><TD>YT</TD><TD>17-Jul-1981</TD><TD>272B</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1B</TD><TD>Jul-06</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Sim Lee Ngor </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hippo</TD><TD>8-Mar-1975</TD><TD>272B</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Mar-06</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Gordon Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mae</TD><TD>5-Jun-1976</TD><TD>272C</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Sep-06</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Kee WH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene Kor</TD><TD>30-Dec-1979</TD><TD>272C</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1B</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Song </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy</TD><TD>14-Apr-1978</TD><TD>272D</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1B, 1G</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Sim Lee Ngor, Dr Yeap ML </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jurong Gal</TD><TD>25-Jun-1982</TD><TD>275B</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1G</TD><TD>Jul-06</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr CH Koh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wong</TD><TD>26-Feb-1975</TD><TD>625</TD><TD>61</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>TTC</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>CT</TD><TD>24-Mar-1979</TD><TD>648A</TD><TD>61</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>6-Aug</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Dr Adrian B Woodworth </TD></TR><TR><TD>May Wong</TD><TD>23-Mar-1980</TD><TD>654B</TD><TD>61</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1G</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Kee WH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mumbb</TD><TD>21-Feb-1977</TD><TD>605</TD><TD>62</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1G</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jojotng</TD><TD>8-Jul-1975</TD><TD>660B</TD><TD>64</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>2G</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>FR, KKH</TD><TD>Dr Judy Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cynthia Lim</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>660C</TD><TD>64</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Oct-06</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Clifford Chan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Connz</TD><TD>21-Apr</TD><TD>661C</TD><TD>64</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1B</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>Dr Kee </TD></TR><TR><TD>Melody</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>684B</TD><TD>64</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>1G</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>1977</TD><TD>632</TD><TD>65</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1B</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hazel</TD><TD>6-Jun-1976</TD><TD>633</TD><TD>65</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1B</TD><TD>May-06</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Adrian B Woodworth </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurblur</TD><TD>13-Apr-1978</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>65</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1G</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Tho CK </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sept03bride</TD><TD>19-Sep-1977</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>65</TD><TD><font size="-1"> [email protected]</font></TD><TD>1B</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Soong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shylyn</TD><TD>27-Dec-1979</TD><TD>658B</TD><TD>65</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Apr-06</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Kee WH </TD></TR><TR><TD>April Lim</TD><TD>28-Apr-1976</TD><TD>659C</TD><TD>65</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>TTC</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Geraldine Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tamarind</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>663D</TD><TD>65</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1B, 1G</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKH, SGH</TD><TD>Dr Sim Lee Ngor, Dr TT Yong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Venus</TD><TD>1977</TD><TD>671A</TD><TD>65</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1B</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>Dr Tan KK </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD>673B</TD><TD>65</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1G</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>Dr KH Chan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Enerus</TD><TD>27-Feb-1975</TD><TD>733</TD><TD>73</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>TTC</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Dr Loh KH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dainel</TD><TD>6-Dec-1978</TD><TD>844</TD><TD>81</TD><TD><font size="-1"> [email protected]</font></TD><TD>2G</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr LC Lee </TD></TR><TR><TD>Makeupfairy</TD><TD>10-Aug-1972</TD><TD>921</TD><TD>92</TD><TD><font size="-1"> [email protected]</font></TD><TD>1G, 1</TD><TD>Aug-06</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr J Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>BbLoh</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>681</TD><TD>Ctrl 1</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>May-06</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr Selina Chan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nadiya</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>679B</TD><TD>Ctrl 1</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>1B,1G</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giggler</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>686A</TD><TD>Ctrl 1</TD><TD>[email protected]</TD><TD>1G</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
hi shylyn,
i was using the avent manual pump as well b4 i bought my medela pump.Very siong to use manual pump and also i cannot get much milk. But when i used the medela pump, slightly better
Bb's ok now loh..sleeping surprisingly despite the noise from the renovations upstairs..tot for once no more reno..but sighh..been disturbing e whole aftn :p
Hub's back frm reservist since last fri..heheh..he was saying tt bb seems like dun recognise him anymore &amp; i was telling him tt sometimes i also wonder whether bb recognises me..seems like bochap one leh

Sept03 Bride
Yeah..shiong but used to it it's ok loh..at least engorgement sets in later compared to using an auto pump.

RE: Painful Breast
Any of u ladies experienced pain across the breasts? I hv been experiencing them lately..wonder why..don't know got to do w e milk production leh
I also used the avent manual pump before, i agree very siong + not much milk... then I swop to Medela, so much better...

Painful Breast
Experienced b4, due to engorgement, after pumping out then no pain liao... u try?

Got reno meh? I yest on leave, neber hear anything leh... relax leh, i tink bb can't c clearly now rite? I tink can identify by smell nia...
Oops.. May, forgot to update - both Sept03Bride &amp; I stay at 658B, same as Shylyn...

Thks for helping to update
re: painful breast
when ur breast engorge then painful.... as blurblur said....jus pump out wil do


amore open at jurongpt.....4th level.....tink is e former library area.....any1 signing up???
Hi Connz

Me signed up for additional package at amore liao... already is existing member b4 preggie.. but now abit lazy to go... so having an additional branch at JP is great news to me!

Wanna go with me ;p
Hi Connz

Of cos i miss my gal on my first day of work. Called back home a few times to check if everything okie...hehehe

R u back to work also? Now morning cannot push bb down for stroll liao, unless sat or sun....hohoho...
Hi every1....
Below is my details. Can any1 update for me. Thanks

DOB: 28th Aug 1980
EDD: 28th Oct
Gynae: Mr Clifton

I am now 16weeks now. Am visting my gynae this weekend. I had waited so long for this day to come. Hehehe....

I do experience painful breast sometime. I guess it is normal.

Its normal to miss ur gal. Have you engage a nanny yet?
yup..luckily they only renovate for a day..didn't continue as of last Thur *cross fingers* Mabbe ur house is not directly below.,.so didn't hear e drilling &amp; knocking noises

RE: Amore at JP
Hey!! I'm interested!! Used to be Amore member a few yrs back but decided to drop out cos inconvienient. So now tt they got a branch here (i hv been hoping for this) can attend their classes oredi..missed exercising in a grp...hee..just started my exercising routine a few days ago,..but bb always like to disturb thus unable to exercise for a stretch of time.

RE: BB's eyesight
Hmm..i tot newborns are able to see at least a distance of 30cm? Felt tt Ivec know tt I'm feeding him lah..but he like always bochap attitude..heeh..wang en fu yi hee..

RE: Painful breast
The feelingg is different from engorgement leh..nevertheless still bearable lah..so bochap..hee

RE: Immunisation at Polyclinic
Any nice moms can advise on the cost of taking the shots at polyclinics for bbs? I'm thinking of bringing Ivec there tomo for his 1 mth shot..&amp; also dunno what 5-in-1 or 6-in-1..confusing sia
for the 1st mth shot, i oso brought my son to Polyclinic, very cheap i think only $18.
But i will not recommend lor cos alot of sick ppl there waiting to see doc. Virus everywhere. So for the next jab, i brought him to a PD.
Welcome Cynthia ;)


JPt Amore
Onz... lah... Let me know when u sign up for lesson ah?? then we go together yah? Anyone else wanna go together?

If i didn't rem wrongly.. 1st injection less than $20, then 2nd or 3rd mth injection got to pay lump sum of abt $300 then subq ones no need to pay liao... Only got 5-in-1 for polyclinics
Hi mummies,

Me now in 3rd trimester...Getting more n more tired and can't sleep well at nite...Erh is it normal to feel bladder full? Kept waking up to go toilet...
yes YT, i oso experienced full bladder feeling during my 3rd trimester..
But i sleep very well at nite, oni wake up once to go toilet.

Very common to get more tired and sleepless nites due to heavy stomach which is adding pressure to yr bladder, thus having the need to go toilet frequently..

not cynthia young, it's just tat we old... ha...
I wake up abt 3 times last nite juz to wee wee...Haiz...I think I m lack of sleep...Now feeling headache &amp; I just have a junk of data entry to do...Omg!!!
it's like that one haha u go toilet until u feel like sitting there hee hee might as well ha ha

amore is aerobix is it cuz they said once u stopped then will fat back very fast is it. Another thing is i quite slow in catching the rhytmic steps one leh....so wait will people laugh at me or will i be under remedial training or not...these reasons deter me form signing up leh.
I am interested also leh. But there are many courses right? Got website to see?

Pioneer Mall got a clinic, HEALTHMARK..quite good.Here's the price list:

Polyclinic - $290+ for jabs. Not so good as there are many patients there. Like what Sept_03_Bride say, alot of virus.

PD at JP - About $500 and haven't include consultation of $35-50 each time. Queue quite fast and PD quite experience lar. If u are willing to pay then go for it lor. My gal first jab is taken there. But must pay the whole package. Include Chicken Pox jab.

GP at Pioneer Mall - $360 for jabs till 18mths. No Chicken Pox Jab. Consultation each time is $15. U pay only when u jab. If u dun want to see doc, no need to pay consultation. Only pay the jab money.

I choose the 3rd one.

<font color="ff0000">5-in-1</font>
Day 1 - Hep B (1st Dose)
1 mth - Hep B (2nd Dose)
3 mth - 5-in-1

<font color="ff0000">6-in-1</font>
Day 1 - Hep B (1st Dose)
Week 6 - 6-in-1 (5-in-1 + Hep B)

Cost is the same in GP clinic. But heard from PD that risk of having fever for 6-in-1 is higher. My girl took 5-in-1 got abit fever but I can manage better. Cos when she took that jab, she is already 3mths. PD told me if I choose 6-in-1 when she is only 6weeks old. She might be too young for me to handle as she will be crying alot.
Hehehe...Time is catching up with me now. I do have lots to learn from all mummies out there.

RE Amore
Do they have yoga class for preggies? I am interested in joining this kind of classes.
May, the clinic at Pioneer Mall costing $360 is it for 6-in-1 jab or 5-in-1 jab? Can provide the phone number?

Shylyn, I also have painful breast, especially after breastfeeding, at first thought was my cracked nipple, then realised it is not, the pain is actually at the lower part of my breast.Almost wanna give up bfg, but now wat I do is to massage it whenever there is pain so make it more bareable ... maybe u can try chasing the root point of your pain and give it a little massage when there is pain, you will feel better ...
Really worried cos earlier when i brought Ivec to the polyclinic, the nurse there discovered that he has a cleft palate (to b confirmed cos referred to KK for further observation) no wonder he always have difficulties swallowing..hopefully he'll b alright. Later will b bringing him to JP PD for 2nd opinion. sighh,..:p

RE: Amore
I went there yest to enquire..might b siging up for the Unlimited package now tt I'm on leave..left w 2mths to go ..but c how 1st now..now also no heart to think abt all this.

Yup..tt's the belief tt if u dun continue exercising, u'll put on weight quickly..for me, i'm used to exercising so a habit for me..beside will try not to stop even though how busy.

Great..let me know when u gg..I hv taken their schedule &amp; will b paying for the package one of these days..c how's Ivec 1st..

Dunno where;'s e root of the pain leh..it's like an internal pain across e chest..diff to massage
Anyone has the PD at Pioneer Mall's no to spare? Might consider bringing Ivec there as well. Thks!

thks for your hlp. It is of great hlp. Really appreciate. I dont think amore have classes 4 preggies. Too bad....It is so near 2 where we r staying....
The GP at Pioneer Mall no is 68613100. The name of the clinic is Healthmark Pioneer Mall Clinic.
I bring my gal to My Family Clinic also at Pioneer Mall. The last time i called Healthmark, they tell me they dun have any Immunisation package, so i signed up at My Family Clinic. A week after my gal 1st jab(2mths), then Healthmark introduce the package.
sudden pain in breast is normal.

additional package? me also existg member b4 preggie. wat package u sign on 2???

im back 2 work since last mon.....really miss bring my son down 2 stroll ...:p hv u engage a nanny??? ur hubby k ta han ur bb? :p

me took up 5 in 1 at polyclinic....paid lump sum of $294.00++. ya ... e q is long bt 1 2 save sm $ 4 son other expenses leh....since e jap is e same everywher...so take e cheapest 1 lor....
bring my son to e pd at jp b4 ..... bt found her nt gd leh..... she oni chk on e area u complaint on n nt e whole body....heard other pd chk whole body as well leh....anyway....follow her instruction on my son problem bt til nw no improvement
she charge $542.00 4 her jap.

took up yoga at clementi sport complex during preggie...bt dnt like it cos hv 2 lay flat when doing som pose...which i find difficulty...always end up backaches ... in e end oni go 4 few session then stop....even tho e instructor shown me e modified version for preggie....tried e yoga strictly 4 preggie bt found it 2 simple ... tt y sign up e normal package.

last time hv pain at lower part of breast ...usually wil let son suck on e breast then it ok liao...

wanna join e amore 2gether as a grp???? mayb k gt better package :p
I got package but expire this thurs, so bo bian sign up another package loh... i signed up the power package @$180+ for 3 mths 12 lessons (can use shower &amp; attend any lessons). I heard fm Amore that the $120 package will cease and JPt only for power package.
U used to go which class? My fav's kickboxing...
Thks! e hole is actually near his throat. Just returned from seeingg e PD at JP &amp; she has refered us to KK so will go there tomo morn. Depending on whether Ivec needs to b admitted for further check ups on his internal organs, we will stay w him thruout if possible. Meantime, hv to b really careful &amp; patient w him during his feeds cos worried tt the milk will backflow into his ear or lungs..

Connz &amp; Jojotng
well..since I'll b gg to KK, might ask them whether can get his immunisation shot for his 1mth instead..cos today go Polyclinic, they refused to let him take his shot cos not yet exactly 1 mth :p

RE: Amore
Do let me know if u ladies want to join as a grp..hopefully it will be cheaper
RE: Amore
I called up today.
Registration: Abt $38
3mths membership: Abt $190 for 10 session of any course u wish to sign up

RE: Price list for Healthmark at Pioneer Mall

At hospital:
Hep B (1st Dose)

<table border=1><tr><td>6 in 1</TD><TD> 6 weeks</TD><TD> $85 </TD></TR><TR><TD>6 in 1</TD><TD> 3 months</TD><TD> $85 </TD></TR><TR><TD>6 in 1</TD><TD> 5 months</TD><TD> $85 </TD></TR><TR><TD>MMR</TD><TD> 15 months</TD><TD> $30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5 in 1</TD><TD> 18 months</TD><TD> $75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>-</TD><TD> TOTAL:</TD><TD> $360</td></tr></table>

<table border=1><tr><td>Hep B (2nd Dose)</TD><TD> 1 month</TD><TD> $20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5 in 1</TD><TD> 3 months</TD><TD> $75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5 in 1</TD><TD> 4 months</TD><TD> $75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>6 in 1</TD><TD> 5 months</TD><TD> $85 </TD></TR><TR><TD>MMR</TD><TD> 15 months</TD><TD> $30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5 in 1</TD><TD> 18 months</TD><TD> $75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>-</TD><TD> TOTAL:</TD><TD> $360</td></tr></table>

Optional: Chicken Pox $75 at 1 yr old
Hi mummies,

Happened to received this parenting seminar fm Fairprice, just to share.

Parenting Session - "Mistakes Parents Don't Want to Make!"

If you are a work-stressed parent who needs expert counsel on how to ensure the best for your child's EQ and IQ while coping with your work, join us in this public forum organised by Singapore Paediatric Society and Mead Johnson (MJ) Nutritionals on 27 May 2006 (Saturday).

This is also the forum for first time parents-to-be, moms and dads who have any questions relating to child upbringing that they want to be answered by medical experts.

The forum will be conducted in Mandarin.

Event Details
Date: 27th May 2006 (Saturday)
Time: 2 pm to 4 pm
Venue: Meritus Mandarin Hotel
Fee: Early Bird Discount - $7* (includes goodie bag &amp; tea break)
Normal - $10 (includes goodie bag &amp; tea break)

*Last date of registration: 19 May 2006 (Friday) at 5pm.

- ' Choose the formula for a happy and healthy child' by Prof Quak Seng Hock, Senior Consultant Paediatrician, National University Hospital
- ' Which Myths Childhood Practices to dispel: Be Safe NOT Sorry' by Dr Tan Lay Zye, Paediatrician in private practice
- ' Will expensive educational toys make your child smart?' By Dr Phuah Huan Kee, Paediatric Neurologist and Paediatrician in private practice
- ' How to read product labels and choose the right nutrition for your child' by Ms Pauline Chan, Nutritionist and Dietician in private practice

Only limited seats available. Register today to secure your seat.


YES! I would like to participate in the Parenting Session on 27 May 2006.

Contact No:

Interested participants, please fill up reply slip above and email to [email protected] by 19 May 2006. We will acknowledge and confirm your reservation once payment is received.

Payment: Via Cheque, made payable to: 'Singapore Paediatric Society'

Please mail the cheque to us before 22 May 2006 to:

BabyPlus Club
Parenting Session
680 Upper Thomson Road
Singapore 787103

For enquiries, please contact Jocelyn at 64247 619 or email at [email protected]
Thks for sharing ur experience. I hope to try something diff @ the yoga class.

Swimming is a gd exercise too. Any mummies knw where 2 purchase swimming suits?

Hi Cynthia,

I got my maternity swimming suit at Kiddy Palace. Cost $70 aft 10% discount. I also saw some funfit maternity ones at OG people's park. Mebbe you can check them out.
