Jurong West Mums

Hi, I have 1 bottle for sale @ $3. Collection @ Jurong West Street 24 or Ho Ching Road (Taman Jurong)

Interested, pls PM me.

Thanks in advance

<font color="0000ff">JP 2nd floor got nursing room? I didn't know and went to the one at 3rd floor last Sat. When I was nursing, a group of Malay boys ran passed the rooms and flipped open the curtains and they repeated the act several times, laughing away, when they saw me breastfeeding. I have to actually ask them to "pls close the curtain". Aiyoh!</font>
hi bbloh, 2nd flr nursing room is near to the ladies toilet and its 2 room with doors not curtain. I never been to 3rd flr nursing room before. How can they do that? So bad.
<font color="0000ff">YT,
Thanks for the info.

Hmm ... it's time to "rackie" the 2nd floor room liao. I always visit the 3rd floor one. There are 2 cubicles there with curtains only. There was once where the curtains were removed for replacement and I was quite shocked that I have nurse so openly. Luckily, I brought a cloth diaper with me to cover up. So quite malu as there were daddies walking around that area too.</font>
Thanks for the pricing.

It has been sometime since I post in this thread cos it seems to die down. Last 2 weeks have been lots of business travelling, and I am in US now. Jayden is so adorable. Adrian is 2mths+, and seems like he is tryng to talk liao :). Alicia has mild bronchitis last week, and is recovering well. Thanks for aksing.

Welome back!
bbloh, welcome...then i think 2nd flr nursing room is better as its located beside the ladies toilet...guys won't be walking by...

alicia's daddy, thanks...i see...then u must be very busy...nowadays baby learn very quickly...hehehe...glad to hear Alicia is recoving well...
Hi everybody,

im back again...k chk w u all ... u let ur bb sleep in mattres?? cos e bb cot since small 2 my boy of 10 mths ... n recently he kep sitting up frm sleeping position...v scare he wil fall. pls advise. thks
My girl also 10mth. She still sleep in sarong. But I am training her to sleep on mattress recently. Cos I bought a mattress with side bumper so that she won't roll out of it. Her sleeping position is terrible, can turn 360 degrees one. Started training her cos I realised that she dun like sarong anymore and always want to sleep in between hubby and me. I always kena kick or elbowed by her. So bought a mattress from supplier lor. Let me know if u need the pic or the contact of the supplier.
Hi maywong,

Hy gal is also 10mth old and she is sleeping in between us in the nite. Sometime i put her in her cot but she will wake up in the middle of the nite crying. Does your gal still wakes up in the middle of the nite for feeding? Can show me the pic?

<font color="0000ff">May,

Thanks for your reply.
My boy (7 mo) is also sharing the bed with DH and me. He doesn't like his cot and will cry when we place him inside.

Can you send me ([email protected]) the pix of the mattress and the supplier's contact too?

Hi, me brought a mattress w side bumper 2....1st nite my son xploring e bumper n knock his head on e floor
after tt he v careful when leaning at e bumper. he has been sleeping all over e mattres .... luckly ther side bumper 2 act sme 'protection' o it. hubby nt happy w it leh.... pain his heart when son head hit e flor.... me gt it at babyhypermat.
Hi jojotng, has nt nite feeding my son since he 9mth old. initally let him cry til he tired n he wil slep...e 1st time v siong ... going 2 tear dwn e whole blk. luckly e 3rd nite he ok liao.... nw he slep b4 9.30pm n wake up btw 6-7am.
Hi connz, had tried not feeding her milk, but she can cry for 2-3 hours...so no choice in the end make some milk for her then she fall asleep after feeding. Her last feed at 9pm+ (240ml), will wake up ard 3-4am for another feed of 200ml. Dunno how to stop her from waking up in the nite for feed.
hee seem like everyone become SAHM
Wish i could too but.... better not as my JAvier is too playful.
hope to see u soon.

me also go take pic for Javier at IMM
As usual he like to take pic.
hummm might go to other place to take his makeover soon.

u also become SAHM liao so good.
Hee ur boy look so HAndsome lei. Eye big big one.
Hi Serene,

Thks. Ur boi is handsome too. Wow so fast he 10mths old liao.

Actually being a SAHM also have stress. Juz that different kind of stress from work.
hi moms and dad - i'm back in sg ;)
still suffering from jet lag and bz cleaning greenhouse (mouldy la)

btw, anyone got lobang or advice on getting maid pls let me know. urgently looking 4 one.
Last nite i was at Jurong west blk 652.... WOW! i love this plc manz.. never know the residents in tt area so friendly and cosy!

I went to the xmas party organise by the RC, and the RC really did a good job in organising and decorating the plc too! and the prizes are EXpensive stuff from Taka too!

Any mummies went?
wendy: when i first went to shop for a maid, i was little worried after listening to tonnes and tonnes of scary stories.

maybe some pointers u wish to note when u shop for one...
1. Making sure you bring along your kid. This is to ensure your kid and the maid(s) have a special bonding and making sure kid wont fear to go near her.
2. Transfer Maid. Not all transfer maid(s) are bad, but do check why the ex-employer does nt want to employ her.
3. Capability. Making sure what task she can do and wat she cant do. Experience from ex-employer will always be an added advantage.
4. Language barrier. Never fail to ask the maid questions in English, and see if she able to understand. Some agents will put down tt the maid know how to speak, but not all the time true.
thks carole, serene and yvonne.
hope to have the time to meet up too.
now that i'm going to have a maid, life shd b easier ah? :p

carole - we've chosen one. she got 4 yr exp, incl looking after bbs. so ngarm lor. somemore my son willing to talk to her. and my ger dont cry when she carry! she got stranger anxiety towards our parents cos for the past 6 mths i've been sahm. carry until slp somemore. she's philpino and consider speaking gd english compared to indo maids. so fingers crossed man. hope everything goes well.

IMPT - btw, mus the maid be under my name inorder for me to claim the maid levy tax relief?

serene - i noticed we have the same child seat leh. mine is red

it really feels good to b back home.
though i miss the shopping and touring.
we've been eating alot of local delights for the past few days.
we r still not satisfied!

oh i got a pack of mamy poko XL diapers to let go.
think left 3/4 pack for $10
anyone interested?

welcome back!!!

u became a SAHM??? not that this thread is quiet think alot of us moved somewhere else. let me post that thread here....the JW mummies became active over there maybe we should move back cuz we belong to JW hor hee :p


i agree working and being a SAHM is a different kinda stress but i prefer stress of sahm hee at least don't need to get outta bed to go work....i am a sleepyhead hee but SAHM no leave, no MC one hee 24/7...
I need some advice on adding cereal to FM when feeding bb. How do you all add? I mean now I am feeding him 5 scoops of FM so how much cereal shld I add?
welcome back home!

Been around the forum but active mainly in May2004 bb thread, where I started. Great blog, and nice pics of Jayden. Are you considering being SAHM permanently?

Sounds like you have a great fun in the block party.
for me when i feed solid ah the FM amount is much lesser than his normal take le. Let say my son now taking 3.5 similac scoop ah. For cereal i only make 1 scoop of formulae le to achieve the consistency....
Alicia's Daddy,

i see...Hehehe. Thanks, now not working so do up a blog lor. Permanently SAHM? No lah. I think I will go crazy. hehehe. Plus cannot depend on my hubby income for long term lor.


I see. I think I have added too much. Hehehe. Thanks!
serene - i also victim. my floor 'kai hua' 5hrs ago. u chosen the tiles liao? everything foc? hw long will they take?
so sian. tmw i start work lei.
nw worry until cannot slp.
Due to weather change lor
And HDB do one never will be gd one lor.

You so lucky too ha......
My hubby will chose the tiles.
Humm later on must repaint my hall liao.

Your one no 'kai hua".
serene &amp; wendy,

ur tile pop up or crack? Cross my finger. Mine ok leh. So they going to change all the tiles for u all? Aiyoh how come like tat one. Stupid tiles.
Hi Mummies,

Sorry to intrude. Thinking of sending my girl to a playgroup when she turns 18MOS. Does anyone have feedback on Loving Development Centre at Blk 660D #01-344 Jurong West St 64?
hee seem like everyone knw my hubby car
The carseat u put front or back.

Heard that 272C 4th floor also kanna crack today.

Haaaa good luck to u.
Anyway they change the whole flooring for us.

me going to chose playgroup at pioneer mall when my son turn 18mths.
serene, i lost ur contact number. This morning wendy sms me for ur contact number. I think she have something to ask you. Do you have her contact? You might want to sms her.

haha. me dunno ur hubby car leh. hehehe
Hi Serene,

Pioneer Mall is a bit far cos I'll need nanny's help to bring/ fetch girl to class and this one at Blk 660D is within short walking distance. Have you heard of any feedback about them?
serene - car seat i put at the back.
cannot pur in front cos got airbag right?
also, ds might disturb hb when he's driving.

*super sian*
