Jurong West Mums

My wife did scream (in the hall), while Alicia was sleeping in the room with the door closed. Alicia did wake up when the parmedic arrived but I asked her to go back in.

oh my, long time nvr come in liao this thread so happening ah...

Alicia & Adrian's Daddy,
i did not mng to read your birth story but it's at home ah?!
anyway, congrats.
btw, it's abit early to try to pump now. now sure very little one.
right now jus try to latch on as often as possible.
supply = demand
I will be concern of the aftermath if Alicia witness the birth of her di-di, especially when he came out from the womb.

Yeap, at home.
Thanks for the advise.
Hi Alician's & Adrain's daddy
heheh..been sliently reading this post but no time to post till now..peifu indeed..was telling my hub as well as my friend, who's due in Oct abt ur 'happening'..heheh...give her some mental preparations
So how r u coping w ur little one?? Back to e days of changing diapers & waking up in a middle of the nights eh?

I'm keen..u let me browse thru hor..will try to confirm asap..heheh..i also saw ur thread in e bp & wanted to order..but no time to do so as yet..will do so later
Aiya, you are scaring your friend :)
The little one still have jaundice so need to take him for blood test every alternate day until the level is good enough. This time, I am in charge of taking care Alicia while my MIL help out wife with Adrian, so no need to change diapers and waking up at nights, however, I am waking up at night now for work :p
Shylyn... keke... easy for collection ya? Keke... finally picked up courage to organize the BP... Hope no hiccups *Cross fingers*

Etelle, I've not used gaia b4.
I'm currently using the calendula cream for diaper area and aloe vera cream for any scratches (also use it myself)...
love the aloe vera cream as it helps to moisturise my cracked heels.
Haiz... got hooked to this brand after buying some to try during the last BPs
A&A daddy,
So now ur wife at home doing confinement already?
How's Alicia adapting with Adrian around? Will she get jealous or merely touching and Sayanging her didi?
I wonder how will Jamie react if she were to have a bro/sis.
I did something very bad last nite.
<font size="+1">I FELL down WITH JAMIE in my arms at chalet! </font>
I was crossing the drain and I trip and fall. I try to shield Jamie as much as I can. Jamie had a big cry and I tried my best to get up. My friends help me up and carry Jamie. After washing my hands, I quickly check Jamie. Blood was coming out from her saliva. I was so shock and didn't know what to do. Hubby rushed over. He was very angry and say.. let pack up.. I bringing both of u to hospital. I was in dazed and just follow. But jamie cried awhile only.

Reached KK A&amp;E children's clinic, Jamie was diagnose with a bite tongue. Called my mum to come and pick Jamie up so that she can go back to sleep.

I then went over to the women's clinic, was very angry with the doc and nurse there. I have got abrasion on my both knee caps. My right elbow is very painful when bent. They tell me that they only look at PREGNANT WOMEN.. ask me to go Tan Tock Seng to check and x-ray. I ask, if a pregnant women fall down, will u all check. The doc say yes..check the womb to make sure the baby is alright and will do x-ray. if it is fractured, will send to Tan Tock Seng. Then I ask, now I am not sure if I am fractured, she say I think u are fine as u can still move ur arms. I am abit pissed and went to Alexandra with my hubby as it is nearer my place.

While there, the doc disgnosed that I have a torn ligament after x-ray. So I will be on MC till next Wed. Sigh.. what a chalet!

Thank god that Jamie is fine. Hubby was very angry with me for this incident. If Jamie were to have any head injuries, he will be very mad with me. And I also dunno how to explain to my in-law.

Oh dear! Dont feel guilty k? No one wanted tis to happen. Most importantly, Jamie's fine...

Hope yr elbow's feeling better. Take lots of rest ya? Try not to over-use yr right arm.
i also got cracked heels and quite serious somemore...hee :p

you din want this to happen...it's an accident and yeah if it happens on me think my hubby be pissed with me too...but its alright lah think we ut ourself in their shoes we will be angry too so after a few days be fine....as long as jamie alright then okie lah..u also got hurt....

Dun feel bad ok? Maybe your hubby is worried about you and Jamie that's y he look angry...But in fact he is juz worried abt both of u?

Take care and rest well...Everything will be fine...
I do not think your hb is angry with you. It is because he care for you and Jamie. You know lar, for man, the basic instinct when our loved ones get into problem is to react to save the situation without delay. "let's pack up and go to hospital" is just the immediate decision he made as the head of the family. He may look angry but I believe it is just an impression of decisiveness, IMHO.

Importantly, nobody wanted this to happen, and both you and Jamie is fine. Take care of your hand. :)

Wife is doing her confinement. My MIL came down to help out, and I take care of Alicia. Alicia is excited when she saw di-di the first time. There is no jeolousy yet. She will tell me that di-di wants to drink milk when she hears his crying. We are not letting her touch Adrian too much because she can be very "chu-Lu".

She is beginning to show protection over di-di because when MIL asked if she can bring di-di home, she says cannot :)
May, don't blame yourself, it's an accident and u already tired your best to protect your baby and hurt yourself. You hubby sure will understand and he just feel bad about your and Jamie's injury. Glad that u and baby are ok now...do rest well and try not to use your right hand...hope u can fully recover soon!

Alicia's daddy, Alicia is so cute! Already knows to protect her little brother! So happy for you!
Hi May, understand hw u fel ...cos my hubby wil react e same way as ur hubby .... gues guy r like tt 1.....anyway, take care!
just wonder if any parents are interested to let your child learn creative art?

My dad had more than years 20 of experience in teaching children art.
Where he used to teach at Community Centers as well as private home tutor.

Parents who are interested to give their child the chance to learn creative art, can contact me at 9100 7866 for more information.

The Fees goes:
K1 - P6 : $80/month (once a week - 1.5 - 2hrs per session)
Sec 1 - 'O' Levels : $100/month (once a week - 1.5 - 2 hrs per session)

Class can be conducted at your place if you can gather a few children to form a small clas of 3-5.

hee remeber my javier fall off from bed before during 4 months &amp; just got knock on his eye yesterday on the my bed frame.
Hee use boil egg on his eye twice as least the blue black gone 95%.

Maybe my son too active liao.
Hee can stand now by holding thing liao.
Me going to headace liao
My nanny use boiled egg to rub Alicia's body when she had high fever previously..hahahaha, After rubbing, she opened up the egg to check for hair ?????.

Be careful of sharp edges.
Mummies &amp; Daddy,
Thanks for the concern. I am better already.

A&amp;A daddy,
My mum say use egg to rub on the body of anyone who has fever is to see got MO DAN (in hokkien). If got hair means have and can be a matter of live and death. Dunno true or not. BTW, u post so many times already... which yr are u and ur wife born in? Just curious =) hehe...

Ur boy so fast..can stand by holding things already. My Jamie still learning..she can pull herself up but stand not very firmly but HAO LIAN, want to let go hands.
Glad that you are better.
I also do not understand the rationale behind this method, but since Nanny is doing it out of concern for Alicia, I just let it be. If what you said is true, luckily no hair came our from the egg.. LOL.

Aiya, very shy of our age mah. Old already..LOL
Anyway, myself in 1971, my wife in 1974, Alicia in 2004, Adrian in 2006. So you see, we have a pig, a tigeress, a monkey and a dog in the family :)

I guess a lot of mommies here are still young :p
Hi Mommies + 1 Daddy
Some items I'm letting go. Pls PM me if keen
T-zone spot rescue gel $10
Biotherm Acnopur $50
Hoyu Currensia G9 Amber $10
Vidal Sassion Duo action vent brush $10
Vidal Sassion Thermal curling brush $10
Hi all Jurong West mummies and daddy,
I am very new to this form of interaction.. don't have a lot of 'parent' frens, so tot I should start making some, and my little one can have more frens too!
Currently a SAHM to a 2 year old Ariel.
haven't really read through your thread so dun really know what you guys are talking about.. anyway, nice meeting you guys!
Dear Parents of Jurong,

I need your advise here, Infant care or Nanny is a better choice for my child?

Some say Infant Care cos baby grasp their live skills better than with Nanny. However @ Infant Care baby falls sick more easily.

Some prefer Nanny due to 1-to-1 care given.

Whats your opinion?
Dear Sunsweet,

I saw one nanny at Jurong west my area... she took care of 3 kids which include 2 toddlers n a infant...

So not nec. nanny is 1 to 1 care lo...

Well, both is the same la.. in my IMHO...best is if can take care by yourself or if not your parents or parents-in-law...but need to consider them spoiling ur child...

Haha... me got lots to catch JW mummies &amp; daddies...

Etelle, tot u going to arrange a meet up.. So how never heard from u liao...U let me know can?

Alicia's Daddy wow u r one wonderful dad... stand by ur wife and help out now u still help in d delivery of ur 2nd bb ... u r reali great n wei da haha

I also wish to take cre of my baby myself but the opportunity cost is too high.

parents-in-law also may not be able to take care cos they are working unless MIL willing to sacrifice?

so my next best option is to find a 1-to-1 nanny, or a good infant care center.

I am not familiar with the products you are selling leh :)

Welcome. There are many SAHM mommies here, so you get get good advice from them. Ariel is 2YO, my Alicia is coming to 2.4YO, while Adrian is 1.5wks old.

IMHO, I prefer 1-to-1 nanny care if <1YO, because kid at this age needs to have attention to prevent any accident/injuries during their development stage. On the flip side, it is difficult to monitor the Nanny if you are not around, so as Angela mentioned, your parents, or PIL will be ideal. Whether Nanny or parents/PIL, you must be prepared to let them have their own way.

Infant care ratio is 1:3 or 1:5 I think, but they are usually trained professionally to handle babies.

No lah *shy*, I am just playing my part as any ordinary husband, daddy will do :). Delivery of the 2nd bb is something beyond my control :p
Welcome Happyxin!

A&amp;A daddy..
haha.. u so funny.
Then my house got snake, monkey and dog.
Hubby is 1977, me is 1980 and jamie is 2006.
We intend to have a rat baby in 2008.
Told hubby that we will have "SHE SHU YI WO" - direct translate.. snake and rat in a nest.. haha
Wah, you and hb still so young *envy*
3 dollars still got change. Me and wife must must top up leh.
LOL, than Adrian and me is "ZU PENG KUO YU" :p
We have 2 animals the same hor.
Hi Sunsweet,

I've this problem too when i gave birth to my second bb. At first my mil doesn't want to look after also..and she's not even working. But after the arrival of bb, she change her mind..heehee.

Hope your pil will change their mind after seeing how cute their little grandson/daughter..
i need some help.
i'll need a nanny for my 10mo baby ger in mid dec 06.
anyone got lobang?
i'm at blk 272d st 24.
thks ah...
wendy for temp or permanent? if temp, u can always drop bb off at my plc, i am just gng to be opp. those terraces...
Hi wendy,

I stay in blk 272C, got this contact number from one of the advertisement pasted near the lifts.

The auntie wants to babysit, she lives in our area..not sure of her name, u can try to call this number n see if she is still available 96178130
carole - it's perm lei. i gg bk to work fulltime. my elder don will go bk to the agape cc at 274d. thks anyway

mae - thks! i'll get my family to call n chk

anymore contacts pls tell me!
Wondering any mummies keen in getting home made beansprout pillow? My mum had some leftovers after making for my baby so she intend to make it and sell it off.

Interested, please kindly PM me. Thank you.
I have an auntie also.. interested to babysit...She lives in Clementi, near mrt, anyone interested can let me know lo...

she is reali experience and she could speak english...bbs under her care learn tings veri fast... my bb is an example althorough not take care by her but sometimes she visit and she will teach my bb new tings and he picks it up...reali fast...babies loves her and listen to her too...

No. lo... Alicia's daddy.. I still tink you r good le...

Jus wondering mummies &amp; daddy,

Wat have I been missing so far haha...

Is there any meet up ? Dun forget me k.
Hi Angela
which part of Clementi (near CTSS?) Can ur auntie help to take care of my 14mths old bb gal for just 2 weeks?
Mummies &amp; daddy,
Jurong Point Level 2 finally have something good! There is a new Baby Nursing Room at the 2nd floor toilet. Very nice. I went there just now. It is much nicer than the 3rd floor one.
Aiyo, you make me so *shy*...:p

Thanks for your info.
This reminds of an incident in Bukit Batok Polyclinic last week. Adrian was hungry and we looked around for a nursing room. The signboard directed us to the nursing room but the room was converted to an office, so we asked around. I saw a nurse and asked where we can find he nursing room. She told me if we have an appointment *shocked*. I asked again politely, my son needs to drink BM, where can I find the nursing room. The nurse told me to go down to take queue number..."Argggg". Finally, I asked again, where is the room my wife can use to feed the baby BM...breast feeding rooooom...At last, we communicated, she pointed to the room, and even switched on the air conditioning for us *phew*, I thought the term nursing room is obsolete...hahahaha..
oooh 2nd floor i seldom go 2nd floor shall check out when i am there hee :p

Alicia daddy
haha yeah nursing room a bit like jargon for some hee :p have to sy breast feeding room then they comprehend or baby changing room maybe hee :p
Just went to the nurrsing room in JP 2nd level earlier..pity daddies aren't allowed to access cos it's located in e ladies..but its definitely nicer than e 3rd floor

I tot it is not relevant for daddies to go into nursing room? Most nursing room has curtains. The only place we are allow is the diaper changing room :)

How is the blood donation drive on Oct 1? I was planning to go, but by the time I complete my errand, it was almost 4pm. I am due to donate blood liao.
