Jurong West Mums

Hi Tamarind,

my boy attends nursery 1 at Whispering Hearts Infant & Childcare centre. It is at Blk 688, JW Ctrl 1. The school is quite alright. My boy seems to enjoy the school.

which schools did u send ur kid to previously?

Hi Nadiya,
I sent my girl to a playgroup at Blk 664, I find the teachers quite bad, cannot even speak proper English or Mandarin, so I withdraw her after one month.

Then I put her at a playgroup at Jurong Point 5th storey. At first they have a very good teacher, but she left and the new teachers are very inexperienced. Then one day they told me a white board fell onto my girl, I was so angry with their lack of safety, I withdraw my girl.

I will check out Whispering Hearts. Do they need school uniform ? Need to pay one extra month school fees when you register ?
Hi Tamarind,

Must purchase min. 2 set of uniforms. And need to pay deposit of one month school fee. If u r working full-time and u put ur girl full-day, the fee would be $350.

there is a playgroup at Jurong Point #05? what is the name of the school? Thank you.
Oh that is a childcare centre. I have someone to look after my girl at home, only need 2 hour playgroup. Do they have 2 hour programs ?

The playgroup at Jurong Point is Clement's playhouse. It is quite expensive, and not worth it given the quality of the teachers now.
Hi Ladies
wow..a few days never loggin & e poast hv moved so fast..
Just got home yest afternoon from TMC as I just ggave birth to my bb boy on 11/4/06 at 9.57am. So i guess i'm e newest mum in this thrread now ^_^ Life is indeed different w a little bb..but definitely worthwhile..
Ok..shan't post further...life is busier now.
congrats!!! oooh gave birth early in the morning ah...hee hee good for you yeah definitely life be busier with bb around...but enjoy
Hi Tamarind,

I am not sure whether the childcare has 2hr program. It is either half-day or full-day programme.
HI there

I would like to join in too, I am a JW mum and I am staying @ Blk 686A JW Central 1. My gal is now 3 1/2 months old. I am also on fully breastfeeding
Sorrie gals....oni manage 2 log in on wkend....

Tamarind & Shylyn: my son going 3mths next week...gave birth 2 him on 21 jan 06'.

Jojotng, thks 4 ur concern.....managed 2 find a nanny liao....initally 1 2 paste at e lift lobby bt in e end din manage 2 do it :p juz bring my son 2 walk walk in e neighhourhood in e morn and ask e aunties 2 pass ard e msg :p..... maternity leave also end end of tis mth ..... however m looking 4ward 2 go back 2 work......realy tired 2 look after son.

Shylyn: Congra!!!!! mus jia yo n take care hor...esp during e 1st 1 mth n u plan 2 breastfed..... going 2 b v tiring n worthwhile....jia yo! my son stil breastfed fuly ....going to introduce formula milk 2 my son 2moro .... as nanny going 2 look after him on 24th.

Welcome Ling Ling

Gals...heard tt e childcare centre at blk 671 nt gd ..... e teachers as well as e food provided.....heard 1 of e girl gt sick many times during her 1 mth stay ther.....she was withdraw frm e centre. realy hv 2 chose centre carefully.
Hi Ladies
I hope u dun get bored w my birth story, cos i hv been posting on 2 of the o threads as well..so dun mind if u hv read it b4.
Here's my birth story

10 Apr, 6pm - Visited gynae in the even for the check up to c whether my cervix has dilated but was told that it has only soften. Gynae offered us 2 opions to either wait for a max of 1 more wk for the contractions to take place naturally or induce the next day. Hub & I decided to induce since if after waiting for a wk & if bb still didn't want to come out, still need to b induced. Plus, we were worried tt stayingg too long migght not b gd for bb..so was told by gynae to admit into TMC the same night at 9pm.

10 Apr, 8pm - After taking dinner, head to TMC for admission

10 Apr, 10pm - Nurse inserted tablet into vagina & was told to stay in bed for at least an hr.

Didn't manage to sleep thruout e night

11 Apr, 4am - Slight contractions similar to period pain but bearable

11 Apr, 6am - Admitted into labour ward & put on CTG to check 4 contractions.

11 Apr, 7am - Wheeled into operation room & put on drip as contractions mild. Contractions became stronger but still bearable

11 Apr, 7.30am - Gynae came & broke my waterbag. Rather painful as didn't expected it.

11 Apr, 8am to 9am - Contractions became closer & worse. Pain level increased & became unbearable. Given laughing gas.

11 Apr, 9.15am - Buay tahan oredi, laughing gas like no use one & asked for epidual instead

11 Apr, 9.30am - Was informed tt needed ano half hr more for the doc to arrive to inject the epidual. Felt like dying oredi.

11 Apr,9.45am - Couldn't tahan anymore, felt a strong urge to shit & was worried abt e mess. Shouted to hub tt i wanted to shit & he told e nurse abt e pool of blood which came out suddenly..nurse told him tt it would b too late to get e epidual injection as bb is coming out soon.

11 Apr, 9.57am- Gynae came & told me to take a deep breathe & at the next contraction to push as long as i could. Followed his instruction & ggave a long hard push & bb's head appeared. Withthe next push, bb Ivec is out. Was really happy.

11 Apr, 10am - Gynae stitched back my epitosomy wound and though can feel the stitching, i was more anxious to c my little bb. Asked nurse to place Ivec on my chest after they were done with e necessary stuffs. Fall in love immediately when i c him. Called out his name & he seem to understand ^_^

11 Apr, 10.30am - Wheeled back to my room with Ivec in my arms. Really feel a sense of achievement.

Hi Shylyn, ur son so so cute!!! look like u or ur hubby??? ur labour also v fast.....mine v long ....start my contraction at ard 4am and gav birth 2 my son at 5.25pm w e aid of epidural :p
Not too sure also leh..some say look like my hub some say look like me..heheh..
Well..i was surprised tt my labour lasted for around 2hrs..cos even my gynae commented tt I'll only deliver at around 3-5pm but instead, bb Ivec chose to come out when i decided to go for epidual..so we r saying tt bb wanted to help us save $..heheh
Ivec is so cute. He is very fair hor..
Wow..u are so brave.. without epidural..he is so guai indeed to help u save money. My gal let me pain until 24hrs..ended up c-sect..
Right now u must be very bored at home? Got to stick with the confinement rules?
hi shylyn,

finally u had popped !! so cute ur boiboi...
my turn next mth soon.. heehee quite nervous ..
Hi shylyn,

Congrats 2 your newborn. Thks for sharing your delivery process with all of us. Hope i will be like u, without the need of epidural.

I went to see my gynae last sat. i saw my little baby. At first, she is sleeping, the next min, both my hubby n i saw my little baby doing exercise. Hehehe. At that very moment, i feel so close to my baby. My hubby is amazed too. I am looking forward to my next appt, which is 4 weeks later.
Hee..guess all bbs r cute & adorable one lah..& definitely esp in the eyes of their parents..

heheh..so adorable..So ur makeover cost how much? Did u have a hard time getting ur bb to pose for the camera?

wondering whether it;s becos i got tell him e night b4 i admitted tt he has to come out the next day & b4 i admit into lab ward to come out within 2 hrs..heheh..anyway, i'm not brave lah..just tt he came out in e nick of time..hee
Honestly, not bored leh..bb's keeping me busy most of the time but luckily my hub & mil are around 2 help..i also got many books & magazines 2 read..tot will b free during confinement then thus borrowed lotsa library books & bought several VCDs 2 watch...hopefully bb's routine will settle down & b better in the next few wks
Ur gal so cute.. got so much hair. How many mths is she? My gal going bald already..very little hair and she looks like boy.

Wow the babies indeed cute...

Use ur method...bring bb down for a walk tis morning, approach the aunties doing exercise there. There's an aunty who is interested, but she say she got no experience. Heard them saying there's another aunty looking for bb to bbsit. But her hse got 3 children, youngest in primary 1. What do we look for when finding a nanny for our baby? Can tell me? Although i'm a mother of two, but tis is the 1st time i'm looking for nanny. My elder was looked after by myself when we were in france. So dunno what to look out for when choosing a nanny?
The make over cost $38( sign out during mother & baby fair in expo)
Hummm only take less than 15 mins.
Heee price cheap cheap then i will let him to take.
Ic..i was at the fair as well but tt time still preggie so didn't consider at all..heheh..hopefully there will b similar offers during the upcoming Motherhood Fair in June.
Yaloh..how comesuddenly all so quiet..like nothing to post..hee..ok..i shall start the ball rolling

Wanna ask mothers who hv bf ur bbs, did ur nipples hv blisters after expressing ur bm? Mine just recovered & now it's showing signs of blisters again. Quite sad cos i hv to throw away my milk frm tt breast cos afraid bb will take in e blood if e blisters broke. Any mtds to prevent blisters? I hv tried pumping 4 5min & resting 4 another few min but again it happened. :p
i got a diff problem, my nipple got cuts!
it's worse than nursing a teething bb i tell u...

anyway, wat i do now (cos i got >5 times liao) is i 'moisturise' the skin ard the nipple with my bm first, then i start to pump.
i was thinking mayb the skin dry i go n stretch it then it tear.. ouch
dunno if it's the same for blister.

RE: Motherhood Fair
Wonder what kind of things they will have there. I hope to get a stroller for my gal. Anyone going for any of the competition there?
I moistured my nipples w my bm earlier but seem to b no use. Ended up applying steroid cream on e blisters & it recovered. But worried tt it will go into my bm though i wiped the area clean each time b4 expressing. But bobian leh..also been airing my breasts..heheh..but cannot do so for long cos willleak ..so paisey w mil, fil around.

Nope..bb too young lah..u hv intentions to enter ur gal forr e competition?
hi serene,

Saw u on sunday morning (i.e. yesterday morning), think u were going out with ur hubby n javier...where did u hubby see me? was it at the carpark?
Hi mommies,
Have you tried the new Crystal Jade at Jurong Point 2nd floor ? Super crowded on Sunday !

There is also a new Subway on 1st floor.
shylyn - y dun use breastpad? mayb u want to try breast shells. by design it'll help the nipple 'breathe'.

tamarind -it's a SUNDAY!
alot of new shops sprouting up. looks fun...
new crystal jade? Hmm, never saw leh...

Btw, I just found out there will be a new shop - Charles & Keith...Opening 29 April!
jojotng: r u e gal i met last wk w 2 daughters at e playgrd area???? 1 of them is ard 21/2 months??? when chosing a nanny....made sure u r comfortable w her n she likes children. Prefer nanny w no kid at home.....mor attention 4 ur kid. her house has 2 b clean.

tamarind: going to try e new crystal jade 2moro lunch ....hee hee...update u all.

gals: my nipple recently sore .... dnt noe whether my son stuck 2 hard or position wrongly....anyway...currently express out bm as going 2 weaning out bm 4 my son 2 try fm. start work next wk.
charles and keith opening in jurong point??? goody goody good hee hee :p New crystal jade ah does it serve dim sum or not...carrot cake, char siew su all that have? ha ha...u good hor update us
Yah have to avoid Sunday, especially when it's new opening.

It's on the 2nd floor, same floor as the new Charles and Keith ! Beside Soup restaurant.

No they don't serve dim sum ! Quite disappointed.

Weekday lunch should be not crowded. But I can't go during weekday because have to work :-C
Really? u saw me with my girls? Hmm..sorry, i dun remember leh...heheh...

Am still hunting for a nanny..i'm going back to work next week. Hubby will take over to look after the bb while he's on leave and at the same time looking out for new job.

Pls let me know if you happen to know anyone looking for bb to bbsit...

Heheh..I did for a start..but realised no use cos i'll leak a lot of bm..even my nipple shield is filled w milk! So now everytime i express, i'll use sanitary pad to act as breast pad 2 soak up e excess milk...

aiyo..u ladies r tempting me huh? Now in confinement cannot go out...:p Heheh...but atleast i still aga aga know e JP happenings cos been there last thur due to e need to go to my gynae for a follow up check up. Gee..do hope there r more of such outings durring e confinement period..

Hi Etelle, yah its at the 2nd flr. I m looking foward too.

When I told my colleague, she say Oh then you next time no need to go town. Jurong Point almost have most of the shops liao. Hehehehe.
