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  1. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    hi mummies, like to check if you have wean your 3 year old from milk bottles? I wean my kids off pacifier when they turn 2, thought of targeting milk bottles this year.
  2. B

    Advice pls: Starting on Solids

    hi i'm a mummy, This is how i cook my veg stock: 1/2 carrot, peeled and sliced 1/2 sweet corn, sliced 1 small potato 1 small onion 1.5 bowl of water Bring all to boil and then simmer for 1 hr. After cooked, its probably left with 1 bowl of water. Enough for 2 bbs and i dont freeze the...
  3. B

    Advice pls: Starting on Solids

    hi mummies, I'm quite bored with my own porridge. Any suggestions on variations? Thought i better come up with new variations b4 my bbs get sick of my porridge and start rejecting. This is how i cooked mine: - veg stk/dry scallop/ikan billis powder, + - orange veg such as sweet...
  4. B

    Advice pls: Starting on Solids

    hi quackers, Yr girl enjoying her porridge again? How do u feed bread? Do u toast or just peel n feed?
  5. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    i need milk i also quite bad. Recently my girl has been refusing to nap. There was once i got angry and decided to leave her in her cot for her to cry it out while i sat on a matress and watch. My MIL cldnt take it. She knew i hate it when she tries to interfer. So she went out of the hse and...
  6. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    hi ineedmilk, samantha, Frankly, i also dont know what shd be the correct way. Initially, i tried not to cuddle him but he won't stop crying. So no choice, i will usually carry and cuddle him for a while as didnt want him to wake up my girl who is sleeping in the next room. There were times...
  7. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    There was one stage where my boy also cried in his sleep and needed to be cuddled b4 he wld stop. It's usually around 3am to 6am and can happen 3 to 4 times per night. Luckily it only lasted about 2 weeks. According to kkh website, it is common for night waking to occur at about 7 months of...
  8. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    hi mummies. How do you clean/wash the meat before cooking? Currently, I only wash the fish/chicken under running tap water and then rinse with hot water before putting them into the slow cooker to cook with the porridge. Wonder if that is sufficient? My MIL said must rub the meat with salt and...
  9. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    hi samantha, that's a good one. feeling stressed these few days cos my girl has been refusing to nap in the day. Put her in the cot and she will cry and cry, like so 'ker lian'. She used to be able to sleep on her own eversince we sleep train her from 4th mth. Dont know what's wrong. Maybe, when...
  10. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Shao Yen, Ya, i LOVE brownie with ice cream. I even name my dog Brownie. She is now in heaven watching over my bbs. This nick is named after her... Re holiday I really miss my beach holidays. I cant imagine packing for 2 bbs!!
  11. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Shao Yen, Hope ur bb will poopoo soon . I give my boy gripe water oni when he has constipation 'cos doesnt want him to be too addicted to it. I usually start with 1x on the first day. If it doesnt work, 2x the next day and 3x the following day (max u can give is 4x a day). By the 3rd day, he...
  12. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Shao Yan, One method i use to relieve constipation is to give gripe water. I usually add 1 teaspoon to the milk whenever my boy is constipated.
  13. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    hi poko, Dont worry, you are not alone. At least you only hv to deal with one bb. I hv to deal with 2. Previously, it was my girl who didnt want to drink milk. Now, it is my boy. He will only drink when he is asleep. He doesnt like cereal and porridge either. Feeding him is so difficult...
  14. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Re twins wendy, i was on fertility treatment but my sis had twins as well. Re handedness my boy's dominant hand is also left though none of our immediate family members are left-handed. Hope it will change when he is older. Re pillow Hv been thinking whether i shd start introduing...
  15. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Applejuz, Ya, luckily jie jie got more hair than di di. Dont know why, di di hair never seems to grow. Have not cut or shave his hair, still like a botak. My hb has been complaining abt jie jie awful hairstyle 'cos I DIY..haha. She doesn't like strangers to touch her, so dont think can bring...
  16. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi ixwong, When you puree the cooked chicken, do you put it thru' the blender, dry mill or wet mill? Still very confused over the diff parts.
  17. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    hi mummies, 2 recent pics of my girl n boy. Jie jie Rachel (left), Di di Bryan (right)
  18. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Applejuz, Agree with Wendyg. Think Keyon is the cutest among the 5. cat_tail, Their wt were 2.68kg n 2.70kg, quite even and good size for twins. Now, i think they are the lightest among the bbs in this thread. At 6 mth, my girl was only at 5.8kg n my boy 6.6kg. poko, Ya, not easy taking...
  19. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi wendyg, cat_tail, Applejuz Ya, can close shop liao. Mine was a natural birth. Had been begging gynae to induce me since 37th wks but he rejected 'cos chances of complications higher with twins. Didnt want c-sect, so no choice but to wait. Waited and waited and waited, finally one day...
  20. B

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi, My bbs are 1 boy, 1 girl. Can't sit n still no tooth yet .
