(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Dun give up. Like triniti said, got to trial and error to determine what the bb like. U can start out porridge as wendyg had described - mill the rice grains before cooking. Start simple w just 1 fish and 1 veg and see if Justen like it. U can make the porridge tastier by using chicken/pork stock instead of water (boil water, carrot, potato, onion, chicken/pork and simmer for 2-3 hrs). I usually made extra and freeze in ice-cube trays for other meals.
I'm still not sure abt introducing breakfast. Today haowen only took abt 640ml of milk, so not sure if the high milk intake is due to frequent feedings of smaller qty by nanny. Will monitor tomorrow and see how. If his intake tomorrow is same as today, will have to talk to my nanny to adjust his per meal intake.
poko, dun give up ya... just keep on trying.
Daryll also rejected after taking cereal for 1 week.. den i stop for 2 week before started to introduce again & so far so good loh.

ixwong, if i make extra stock and keep in the freezer.. how long can i keep har??
Wow, the MagicIQ looks cool and amazing. Does the soft toy move by itself and talks together with the CD?
How much is it? Can't find the price in the website leh.
ixwong, 640ml is quite acceptable, considering he's supposed to take 240ml x 3 times a day. if he's not taking his solids well, maybe he needs to increase his activity level? we let sephan crawl, walk, stand, jump.. think it sort of works up his appetite.. not to mention that he's a glutten by nature.. :p

today i totally messed up his schedule. he cried in the morning n in my blurness i read the clock as 6.30am, which was his usual waking time. so i went in to feed him. only after that did i realise it was actually only 5.30am! so this morning he slept till 8.30am, and only now starting to take his morning nap.. haiz.. hope he can go back to his schedule by tonight..

poko, at the beginning zephan also took v little cereal, only later we realised he preferred a different texture n warmer. so it's really a lot of trial n error. when it comes to introducing types of food, if he rejects one type, can try to introduce it again say 1 week later. will be quite a bit of wastage, but if u dun mind mash can just eat it urself...
thanks for the advice, think I shd not be so lazy too hehehe, I find it difficult 2b SAHM :p. Too used to hv lots of me time plus spending power. Now, I need to look after when she is awake, struggle with my work when she is asleep. Thank goodness I hv a maid to handle the cleaning else think that I will go crazy. One good thing though, when the credit card company called me to offer me more cards, I would say sorry I'm out of job and they will back off. hahahahaha
Do u puree the pasta for anton? Wondering how to feed porridge and pasta coz she doesnt hv teeth to chew yet.
Re: stimulating environment, u are really on. I dun really like to let my gal watch tv as I am afraid that it will affect her eyes. Bought her lots of toys but she dun really play with them like illustrated on the manufacturer's pics of baby playing. hahahahaha
I think is about 100++SGD but I got it from US which is much cheaper..
use the promo code to save 10 dollars is save10 and it is free shipping within US as well....
Hope this helps
It does not move but it corresponds with the context on the DVD. It also comes with an audio CD which also corresponds with the toy so u can also bring it on the move

Hi adelyee
No problem at all
U can ask me all the questions you want to ask and I will try to answer them...I don't think I am a wonderful mum..I just want to try my best...

Actually prolonged watching of the TV will affect anyone's eyesight but because children have very short attention span, they dun focus on the tv all the time..maybe 10 mins on the tv and another 10 mins on the toys and another 5 mins on the tv and another 5 mins gazing elsewhere...

I try to go out myself for lunch with my friends so I don't have to face Anton 24/7...I do agree that it can be quite difficult when you feel that your whole world revolves around your child..but this is only so during the first year..subsequent years when they can walk and so on..both of you can do activities together...so it won't be so one-sided anymore

yes I puree my pasta since it is still quite 'big' and 2 lumpy but I still make is slightly lumpy so the texture is not completely smooth cos I want him to practise chewing so he can go on to nicer food. So gradually when I know he has no problem taking slightly lumpy food, then I will stop pureeing the food and just mash it..
Our ON purchase has reached vpostusa but they have not sent me the bill yet. Just send them an email checking the status.
re: pillow

i gave zephan pillow, though he slepts on folded diaper cloth for the 1st 3 over months. but usually the pillow is pulled off from his head n is thrown all over the cot, just like his bolsters..
Clarence so cute! Aiya, pink car oso nice leh..:p
Hey, he brought Clarence to Suntec Junior League right?
Keyon oso cut his hair there twice. 1st time by a man, very pro & fast.
2nd time, man 'off day', so a lady did the cut, aiyo, steady but toooo slow
until Keyon became impatient & spoil the haircut. Now very short & looks 'toot toot' liao..

I also gave Keyon pillow & bolster. He likes bolster & its easier to pat him to sleep with it.
But pillow... hmm, usu his head will slip out.

Thanks for organising the Kindermusik class today. & glad to see u all again! All babies have grown! Btw, my hands still 'sng' leh...
temple ...

thanks for organising ... not too bad lar except YC looked abit blur and bored hahaha

applejuz ...

yar all the bb have grown ... now they can sit high chair liao heehee ... aft seeing u put keyon on it ... i put YC in too aft he started making noise in his stroller and hmmm he like ... so we could quietly or happily sit there while we have our lunch

Ya!!! That's the place. Actually wanted the guy to do for him but he was busy so in the end got the 'aunty' instead. She is good too but very slooooow. In the end, Clarence became impatient and she couldn't do his 'top'
The haircut like half-done like that. Hahaha ... will try to pose a pic later tonight to show.
great, YC like high chair! Yes, it really help us have peaceful lunch. :p
Now sometimes, I didn't even bring pram liao.

ya lor... that 'aunty' slow right!
Next time, avoid thursday too coz the guy's off-day. hee hee...
Hi mummies,

anyone knows where to get fruit in jar.. (such as gerber, heinz..)

beside supermarket like NTUC, CS, SNS,.. anywhere else.. I would like to see if I can get other fruit beside apple , pear & peaches..
coffeedrinker, seen them at shop n save, carrefour too, but not too sure about their range. some organic food shops sells interesting types of fruit jars. but best is to puree/scrap fresh fr the fruit itself!
Hi all mummies,

anyone have methods of relieving bb constipation? will giving fruit juices help but i scare my bb will dislike water even more after he taste fruit juice...
nowadays he will just play with the bottle or bite the teat not drinking the water....haiz
HI TingshaoYen
You can try puree-ing dried prunes with apples but u must cook them till they are soft before you puree them...it helps to relieve constipation. Another fruit which helps is plums but they can only be eaten after they are 7 mths
shaoyen, prune juice? actually good method is to give more water. try spoon feeding him water if he doesn't take to the cup. or put in milk bottle.
Hi triniti, applejuz & tingting,

ok will try ur methods...thks hope will work on my boi...
already spoon feed him water but sometimes he will not swallow and water drip out...notti notti boi

Just a slight digression here. Have any of you bought raincoats for ur babies? Do u know where we can find them?

hi sweetpea,

yes, recently oso wanted to buy small raincoat for my baby, but those at Kiddy Palace quite big leh...actually eyeing at baby windbreaker, but not cheap leh..

anyone got lobangs?
Hi all,

Feeling excited. I'm taking my baby on a holiday next mth
Gonna be challenging! Wonder how many diapers I shld bring along for a 5-day trip??
Hi Applejuz..

Yah...have only seen the big ones so not sure where to get the lttle ones. My bb has a windbreaker already but i thought of getting a raincoat as it can cover his legs as well...

Hi Anissa,

We just got back from a 2-week holiday. I brought abt 6 pieces per day , enough for 5 days (30 pieces). Then when I reached , I went to buy another pck for the rest of the trip. For the flight ( 5 hrs), I packed 3 pieces and also changed him just before we boarded.
hi mummies, hv mia 4 a while coz my boy is hving fever on & off last wk. then it turns out tt he's teething.

anissa, clarence looks so cute in his motor car. he has really grown a lot. seems like he's making up 4 d time when he's nt feeding when he's in ur womb.
hi mummies

finally decided to start this bulk purchase..

in case any of you looking for any of these things, can join in.

hope can succeed.

ixwong, do u add milk to the oatmilk cereal? i bought a pack too, have not start ern Ray yet.

Anissa, clarence is so cute n chubby now. where are u going for holiday? if can buy from that place then dun nid to bring so much, just replenish where you are.
Poor daryll, hope he's feeling better now. He got how many teeth liao? I just discover haowen pop another tooth on top, can feel the ridge...

Yes, i add milk to the oatmeal cereal. I oso mix otameal with plain rice cereal cos oatmeal v light and would have to add a lot to make just one meal for haowen. Hope Ern Ray like it.
Hi Sweetpea,

Thnks for sharing. That's a gd idea. Shall just bring enough for the flight and buy a pack when I reach
Getting cold feet when I think of the no. of items I need to pack for the baby...


Miss lunching with you actually. Thought I saw you at the foodcourt that day but wasn't very sure. Is Daryl better now? Yeah, Clarence is making up for the time in my womb. Hahaha... I was just comparing the photos taken when he was born. Wow... it was really a far cry from now.


The bulk purchase looks interesting. Do they have ready stocks btw?

I am taking Clarence to Taiwan for a short holidays. Going with my parents and hubby actually. Wanna give my mum a 'treat' for taking care of Clarence. Also, this is my 1st mother's day!!! Shld reward myself too

Ok... one more pic of Clarence in his new haircut.

Shao Yan,

One method i use to relieve constipation is to give gripe water. I usually add 1 teaspoon to the milk whenever my boy is constipated.
Hey mummies,
Can i ask how do you all clean your babies' ears? bb Kai's ears are quite dirty leh. But i don't dare to get near them. I just used wet cotton sticks to clean the outside and whatever i can see on the inside. But still can't get rid of the dirt leh. Think he feels really itchy there cause he always uses his hands to rub his ears.
so if i feed 3 tbspoon rice cereal, how many spoon of oatmeal 2 give? me think of alternating btw rice, oatmeal n brown rice cereal.

anissa, my fren is goign to the USA again next week, n if got enough orders by the, she'll buy n bring back with her. so on 3rd week can get e stuff.

eileenp, i also only clean the exterior. i dun wan to risk hurting ern ray's ear too. we asked pd before on tis, he jus say leave it alone. maybe can hear fr other mummies.
sala lah... u meant Anissa going on holiday right? hee hee...

wow, 2 weeks is very long! where u went & how's ur baby adapting?

oh yes... u reminded me that we should celebrate our 1st mother's day!
hmm.. dunno when our babies can draw us a mother's day card???
Photo RA! :p.. hee hee.. Clarence enjoying his bath huh. but cannot really see the hair cut lah.

hmm.. good Qn! I only dig out the 'visible ones'.. in fact, sometimes i just use my fingers to scratch out...

do u all still hand-wash babies' clothes?
now I tend to throw everything into the washing machine + 1 capful of kodomo detergent. Is it ok?
re: cleaning bb ears
I will wrap the damp hanky around my finger and clean bb's ears when bath. Cos finger is big enuff not to poke into her eardrum and also easier to control. The handky is damp with bath water which is abit soapy so more effective in removing any dirt.

I just read an article in this mth motherhood that if baby keeps pulling his/her ear, it can be sign of an ear infection.
ixwong, tks 4 ur concern. tink he's better liao. it's his 1st tooth, nt like haowen, who's popping another 1 liao.

anissa, hehe... me aso. bt wif d wkload i m doing these days, it's killing me. oh, u saw me @ d foodcourt?? aiyo, y nvr call me?? i gt no time 4 lunch these days. jus tapao & go back ofc & eat & do my wk at d same time. mmm... taiwan sounds nice. njoy urself okie. wish hb can take us on a trip. haiz...

eileen, i use wet hanky 2 use my boy's ears when i m bathing him.

applejuz, ya, it's okie. if i gt no time, i aso do tt. hehe...
re: washing clothes
i must be the most lazy of all when it comes to washing clothes.. at first, i wash only his stuff in washing machine n using kodomo detergent. now, i wash with the adults' clothes as well n use dynamo.. :p but make it more diluted so that no residue will stick onto the clothes.

btw, i think i may have 1 more unopened kodomo detergent. anyone interested to buy over?
mornin mommies!
hi anissa,
recently we oso went for a 2-wk hol with my boy..almost half of our luggage was like his stuff - clothes, bb food, fm, diapers, rocker, medications, etc etc..haha. for diaper, after much deliberation (thot it was bulky n tk up space), we decided to bring one pack of petpet there, on avg abt 5-6pc per day lor. it depends on the plc u go whether it's ez/hv time to get to the supermarts to buy the diapers n oso if yr bb is used to other brands of diapers. for us it turned out dat the local supermarts there hv limited brands (only 2-3 brands!)of diapers lor (not to mention super ex), so was glad i brought my petpet along
btw, do rem to request for the bassinet for yr flight in advance!

hi eileen, my boy oso always tug at his ears, at one stage he was so violent dat they bled. we chked w pd as we suspected ear infection, but pd said if u press at the side of the ear n he din looked like in pain then its not infection. oso look out for any discharge fr the ears. sometimes they do it either out of habit or teething (as they feel discomfort at the jaw area). so dun worrie cos ear tuggin may not def be due to infection. of course a trip to the pd to confirm will set yr heart at ease

vone, saw u mentioned yr boy teething n was tinkin to myself my boy still bo gey..but he was coughin a bit over the wkend n had some persistent rash ard his mouth n chin so went to feel his gums..then tis blur mommy realised he oso has one little tooth poppin out!! haha..so blur
re: trip

how did ur babies cope with all the travelling each day? was it v tiring to carry him/her all day long, and how do u manage naps n bedtime?

Hi brownie2003,

thks for ur advice...been giving my boi gripe water everyday...hopefully he gets better and return to his usual poo poo..hehe

Hi ixwong,

been giving him oatmeal cereal until i think he sick of it liao...hehe...he never had constipation until recently but will poo after drinking lots of water...yesterday i gave him potato with milk and he luv it...guess its time to add goodies into the cereal....
