(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

re: window grills
wendy, so qiao3. How much is it for how many room? actually, i only bring baby home at night after work, weekends, we usu go out, need to make or not har? I'm think wait till baby is older, but my mum insist I do asap...

mine is 5 rm flat.. i think $700+..
we were thinking that Isaac may be rock-climber in the making, so we install lor.

for my flat they took 4hr. Yes there was dust, so vacuum & mop & change bedsheets.. but hubby did all that =) i just brought baby downstairs =))
re:pooing and feeding
Anton have at least one small poo in the morning and 3-4 big poos in the afternoon. He is having 3 meals a day. His schedule goes like this

7am-Rise and Shine
7.10- Bathe
7.25- 120ml FM
7.35- 5-6 tsp of cereal with 30ml of FM and 2 cubes of fruit, followed by 20ml of water
9am- Nap
1130am- 2 cubes of cauliflower mixed with zuchinni and one cube of butter squash with mixed vege ( which includes peas, sweetcorn and carrots), 1 cute of blended baby pasta

3pm-120ml of BM followed by 60ml of FM
5pm-120 of BM followed by 2 cubes of cauliflower and zuchinni, 2 cubes of pumpkin and mixed vege and 1 cube of pasta.
6.30pm-90ml of FM

Then he will sleep from 7pm to 7am and the cycles continues
I go marketing every weekend just to buy fish for my ds. That's why know the fish prices v well...

I started haowen on fish when he's 6.5 mths old. Since then, have also introduced chicken.

What type of pasta are u feeding Anton? Always thot we cannot feed wheat yet. Where I can buy?
HI ixwong
I am feeding organic alphabet pasta from Vitakids in Forum.Actually as long your family does not have any history of allergy, you can start wheat based products from 6 mths. So far Anton does not have any allergy towards the pasta.
Hi ixwong,
When you puree the cooked chicken, do you put it thru' the blender, dry mill or wet mill? Still very confused over the diff parts.
For chicken, use the blender if u want liquid-like consistency or wet mill if u want coarser texture.

Thanks, will check it out this weekend. U just mix the veg puree into the cooked pasta right?

Have fun but remember not to feed too much banana cos will cause constipation...
thanks ixwong, cmy and applejuz....

finally i know what's ngoh her is called in English...

wendyg... just trying to find out what is ngoh her called in English... my hubby suggested to check it out with the fishmonger... hahahaa.....
poko, ya u r right, he's very challenging. always testing my patience. but lucky i've lots for him to test.

ixwong, so u also freeze the meat like u did for e veg? or is yr babysitter providing fresh ones for haowen everyday?

triniti, so envy, Anton has a good schedule. how u manage that???
Have checked the size availability with the seller :


still checking for estherlee74's M.


only XL and 1 L avail so this 1 L goes to cat_tail.

seller offered another shoe - same design but all in white and only avail in L. anyone interested?


OK for cat-tail's L.


only 1 L avail so this 1 L goes to triniti (cos u said if dun have M, will have L).


Seller offered another shoe - same color but animal's elephant; avail only in M & XL. anyone interested?


only S avail so no orders confirmed.

seller offered another shoe - darker tan shoe with same giraffe; only M avail. anyone interested?


OK for wendyg's XL, snoopy's M, zaczac's L.
still checking for cupcake's L.


seller offered another shoe - same design but in tan color; only 1 L avail.


no orders


only M avail so no orders confirmed.

Seller also offered another design - velcro design like (A) but plain tan shoe with a little bear at end of velcro.

For those who wish to confirm orders, pls PM me your name, email & contact no. i'll tabulate on an Excel sheet and you can check your orders before making payments.

For those who still wish to order either the existing designs or the new ones offered by the seller, you can still send in your orders.
Hi Temple,

Have manage to find a replacement for my knidermusik slot on 2 april.

she is Corinne Lau (twinkle.starz)
I don't know her too.. she just email me to indicate her interest in taking up me slot.
hi poko, saw fr the other thread that u're also staying in punggol?
next time can "jio" u when we have a mini gathering in punggol..
Hi ladies,

Sorry for the long post har, cos I seldom post, now got so many issues to seek advice..

Hai... think all of us are facing the same problem - dwindling milk supply... I was feeling quite down recently with my low supply, just cant understand why it happened. Seeing my colleague's milk in the fridge makes me so envious of her volume.

Tried to squeeze in 1 pumping session before I sleep but I think it makes matters worse. Ended up sleeping late and the next day feeling tired with headache.. Also tried to squeeze in 1 pumping session in office yday but dunno how long I can last with the work piling up. Really stress..

My girl is getting naughty these days. She doesnt want to sit in rocker, either wants company or be carried. Otherwise she'll cry and scream, can see her using so much force at her throat with face turning red. It's a very bad habit and I dunno how to make her stop doing it. It also makes it very difficult for me when I'm on my own, especially when I need to prepare her bath or meals

Do you ladies prepare fruit and vege cubes for freezing? I'm doing that now and my colleague suggested asking my nanny to do it instead.

Now that our babies are on solids, do you ladies prepare their food and feed them when outside? Then what about pumping? I mean they'll skip 1 milk feed and if we dont pump out, supply will drop further right?

My baby is still waking up at night, sometimes twice. They should be able to sleep through liao right? How did you girls train them?

Yah, I agree with Cookies, you have a very good schedule for your baby. How did you manage it? Are you working? Your baby seems to be eating a lot compared to mine!
hey poko,

my son also has 3 bottom teeth!

hey wendy,

i also need to install window grills liao... think i'll adopt ur strategy, let the rest do the work, i just bring baby away! hehehehe!

hi tingting & ixwong,

i've added u gals to my msn!
HI Cookies and Ras
Hmm I followed the Gina Ford Feeding Schedule though my boy's sleeping patterns for the afternoon time has somewhat changed. I think primarily because he is learning how to crawl and more alert than before. I think as long you feed your baby till he is full, he will not fuss till his next meal times. I am quite strict on the time he eats so he will know what time he will be eating. Babies settle best in a fixed schedule but the down side is you cannot bring him out incoincide with the meal times or else the schdule will get disrupted. Letting your baby having enough food and sleep in the day time, will guarantee him to sleep though.

Yeah my gf said the same thing but she saw how thick I gave Anton his food and she told me that her baby don't eat so much and maybe she should thicken the portion so she can last longer. Yes, I am SAHM
I prepare most of Anton's food fresh but only freeze one vegetable. I forgot to add, after dinner , I will also give him 2 cubes of fruit. ( it can be mashed peach, pureed apple and prunes, pureed pear)

I also make sure everything he eats except fish are organic ( since I cannot find fresh fish which is organic yet)
Although Anton eats alot, he is only 8.5kg compared to the other big babies in this thread hhaha..he is coming to 7 months next week
Hi brownie,
Oooh... they r 2 little darling. Ya, they look different & luckily jie jie got more hair than di di.. :p Bryan got a nice face shape!

ha ha, the 2nd photo, Bryan trying to stangle Rachel or comforting her? So lovable!

dun mention, hmm... but i doubt fishmonger know the english term leh..Oops.
raistan ...

triniti's anton is a Gina Ford bb mar heehee

anyway my ds is also waking v frequently these days ... aiyo i nearly wanted to just leave him in the cot to cry it out ... but hear him cry v heartache then woke up to carry him again

last night i was so tired that i just carried him to zzz ... actually v dangerous but dunno how I managed to do that

think he is teething ... now he got ZERO teeth hahahaha

temple ...

can check with them what precaution are they taking for the HFMD? aiyo my parents keep 'scolding' me for signing him up for the trial but when we signed up .. the HFMD not so bad mar ... if not you can pass me the number and i can call to check =)
Not a 100% Gina Ford baby haha...cos I did some minor modifications in the plan

Yeah I seldom bring him out and even if I do, I make sure he will be in time for his meals and all. He sleeps by 7pm which also means I cannot bring out for family gatherings in the evening...so there are pros and cons...

But according to Gina Ford, if the baby is having a good schedule, he won't be too disturbed even when he falls sick or when he is teething..so hope that is true.

But Anton can play by himself and even watches the TV by himself. He will learn his crawling and plays his toys and bite the mat..hehe.I do not need to be in the same room as him and that gives me alot of time for myself to do my own thingsWhen he wants to sleep, or he poos ,he will then call out for me.
hi brownie2003,
does your bb play together? I always wonder how bb play with each other hehe...

Anton sleep at 7pm then would he able get to see his daddy during weekday? Most of the time we only manage to visit bb at 8 leh.. and during weekend we bring her out alot so there's hardly any schedule at all.. Or maybe I shld considering not to bring her out so often and let her establish a routine..

I saw on various website all mentioned banana cause constipation in bb... my gal just ate a whole bottle no wonder yesterday constipation...
re: baby playing
cakey, reminds me of the time when i brought zephan to wendy's place. the 2 babies looked at each other n isaac was babbling more. then suddenly zephan cried! isaac was so shocked that he cried after a while also! dunno what happened also..

raisin, i also follow Gina Ford's philosophy to a certain extent. my boy's daytime nap schedule is not really fixed but roughly there. only prob is, he still takes the 3rd late afternoon nap cos he refuses to sleep long in the morning n noon. he sleeps fr about 8pm to 6.30pm.

re: crying n screaming
babies want us to be in sight. but i find it helpful when i talk loudly enough for him to hear, and pop my head back once in a while, lengthening the duration each time. i also find singing to him soothing, but dun choose the hyper songs that will agitate him further.

re: going out
i usually bring him out max half a day, and after his afternoon nap, so say about 3pm - 7 or 8pm. that means his only feed outside is his dinner. i'll usually bring his cereal n mix it for him outside. i haven't got a thermal tupperware to bring porridge out yet. when he reaches home by 8pm, it'll be a quick bath n his milk feed before sleeping.

re: night waking
I agree with the theory that what happens in the day affects the night. If the day is too exciting or irregular, baby cannot settle well at night. he may fall asleep due to exhaustion, but will wake up more often. So regular meals and nap times are important, and make sure he has enough to eat. sometimes when baby cries at night it's only momentorily. wait a while and see if it intensifies. more often than not they'll go back to sleep after a while. if u keep picking them up when they first cry, it'll develop into a habit and they have poor quality sleep.

re: pasta
can they eat the normal pasta sold in supermarkets? am thinking of trying macaroni. Do u blend or just mash?
Hi Ting Ting
Me stay in Punggol do add me in if there is some gathering...

Anton is really a good baby 8) I think Mommy Triniti play a very important part!

Milk Supply Drop
Actually I also feeling very bad about my supply dropping too, but I think from a acticle they say BB above 6th moth only need 240ml... So I decided not to stress myself to produce more milk but to ask nanny to increase one meal of solid in the morning. So with more solid he will not need so much milk milk liao...

Prepare Food
One fine day I pass a potato to nanny, and ask her to prepare for Justen so the 2nd day she call me say BB eating just a bit and we are paying her extra after he start solid and she ask me not to pass any food to her she will prepare for him. Think she is those old fashion type so will prepare everything new daily so I just let her decide on what to give to Justen, just give her a note of the item not to consume and what to consume so that she know what to prepare for Justen.

Can tell that you are very stress, try to relax as nanny should be more experience than us and she will know what is good for your girl.

Crying and Cranky
Justen also cranky recently will cry when we are not around even crawling to get what he want will cry. So we conclude that he is teething and tired and need love, so just hug him and give him the "Ai" he need to comfort him.

Nite feed
Justen drink at 8pm and he will ask for milk at 3am and I will just latch him, think he is used to it liao as last time he's not drink alot during day time. So wheneven he need milk when I am around I will latch him. BTW he only increase 100gm from the last Jab...

Going Out
I try bring my BM and Cereal to feed him once really messy don't think will try again.

I bring Justen for BJG trail two weeks ago, and I don't allow to put his hand into his mouth or anything into his mouth as from another thread a BB get sick after going to those enrichment class, so after the class I ask my ang to clean his leg and hand and mouth immediately, but hor I think the best way to prevent it is to avoid it leh...

Brownie your BB is totally different, easy to recognise 8)
ting ting ...

yar know tat not good to pick him up ... usually when he cry .. i will go pat pat him first and if he can fall asleep then good

but these day he doesnt ler ... he will cry even louder and then flip himself up and cry until v frustrated like that ... then move himself (like he wan to get out of the cot lika that) then bang himself against the cot and ganna stuck there ... so end up i still got to carry him

dunno why ... i really hope that its teething so that i can get over this pharse soon

re: going out

i usually bring the cereal, puree and milk out .... def more troublesome then just BF him outside ... but i guess i rather go thr the trouble then having to stay at home the whole day heehee

oso i dun wan to rush home to feed him cos i wan him to be able to eat out of his house ... i have fren's bb who refuse to eat unless they are at home on their highchair ... think not good lor

poko ...

dun stress abt the milk supply ... in fact the more stress u are the worse it gets =p
Yes Anton wakes up at 7 am and my hubby wakes up at 8 am. So at 815am I will bring Anton to our room to see the dad dressing up .Anton loves to see daddy washing his face, brushing his teeth and shaving as well hehe...He finds it very amusing..
So Anton gets to play with daddy abit every morning and sees daddy dressing up

You can also use normal pasta just that they are abit harder and has other preservatives. Have to blend it since they are not able to eat food that are too lumpy
triniti, really 'pei fu' leh.. u did a great job.
anton already 8.5kg, mine already 7 months and only weighing a pathetic 7.7kg.. think daryll is the lightest baby here..

milk supply
mine also drop these few days.. 50ml lesser liao.. so sad
this morning i drink milo before express also the same.. no increase at all

raisintan, daryll is behaving exactly like your gal.. can't even leave him alone for awhile.. the other day he was crying to be carried while i was preparing his porridge.. boh pian but to carry him but he just flung his hand and the whole bowl of porridge fall down.. all effort wasted.. haii
in the end i had to prepare cereal for him which he has been rejecting.. but surprised, he'll willing to co-operate and manage to take half a bowl..
U r very discipline & really did a gd job, so tat's why Anton is such a gd baby. For me, I din follow Gina Ford 100% unless I am a SAHM.

Care to share your baby's day schedule? Maybe we can help to identify what's wrong with her.
Hi Seabreeze, triniti
Regarding having meal outside and other stuff, sometime i have this dilemma where i hope bb can learn to be flexible and adaptable, but yet sometime it's good to have a routine... So after alternating btw. these 2 methods I find myself going nowhere... *sigh*
Oh yah forget to tell her... Better remind her today.

Justen crying pattern is like that too, even pat pat him no use so need to sooth him by carrying him around for awhile... Think he is teething can see two white white thing and gum is red red.
cakey, u can still have regular mealtimes even when outside, just that u have to bring the stuff out. as for sleep, well, there're different schools of thought about sleeping on prams, but if ur baby already have a regular schedules most days, it's ok to have a deviation once in a while n they're not too affected.

was thinking of going cruise leh.. at least it's a form of going overseas that's less stressful for both parents n baby. read that star cruises can provide plain porridge and bottled baby food. but bottled food got only vegie n fruit variety right? nothing like meat/fish?

Star Cruise got promotion. Pay for 1 person and 2nd person get free. But limited period. I just took the package for 10 May. Maybe you want to check it out? Btw, starkid is not allowed in this promotion. Need to pay 25% from normal rate but still worth it.
Wow triniti,

You are really v good at training your baby. I am also a SAHM but I found it hard to follow the schedule on weekends. You really feed anton alot for dinner (5 cubes in all?) .I think I must increase my gal's nite intake liao as I only feed her cereal (abt 8 tsp) and 2 puree fruits.

Regards to sleeping at 7, I find it abit tough cos my hubby would love to see the baby when he comes home. He is v sad to see the baby sleeping when he is back from work.

How does your baby goes to sleep? Mine will only sleep when she is nursing. Very bad habit but I really have no heart to reject her when she is searching frantically for breast. She will wake up abt 2 times a nite to nurse. Cant do the cry it out method cos 1st my hubby needs to sleep due to hectic work, and my PIL will intervene when they hear her cries.
hi tingting & ixwong,

I've added u gals to my msn! Oops...better go and change my profile to accept pm...

hi wendyg,

wah ur hubby very good leh....well mine will offered to help once in a while..most of the time he's busy with his Xbox games....haiz..men..
ting shao yen, my hubby also like dat.. prefer to play games, watch tv rather than taking care of his own son..
really envy those with a hubby dat helps around..
Ya, luckily jie jie got more hair than di di. Dont know why, di di hair never seems to grow. Have not cut or shave his hair, still like a botak. My hb has been complaining abt jie jie awful hairstyle 'cos I DIY..haha. She doesn't like strangers to touch her, so dont think can bring her out for a hair cut.

Have to constantly keep an eye if put them together 'cos they like to touch each other, which will end up scratching each other's face. Jie jie is quite fierce. Sometimes will 'scold' di di if he makes too much noise or 'complain' when i played with di di while she is strapped on her highchair eating.

According to gina ford, bb between 6 to 12 mths still need min 500ml milk, inclusive of milk used in solids.

Remember seeing bottled food with chicken and beef in ntuc.
brownie, the jie jie sounds fierce!
just went to the tanjong pagar outlet, but limited variety. maybe will check out the heartland ones this weekend. but so far he doesnt like jar foods leh.. tried the fruits ones..

yah, cmy, where did u get the promo? is it only for wed departure?

hehe shao yen, we had gone through the "men n their games" issue in this thread some time ago also.. just have to focus on the times he helped...

today went to tanjong pagar market area, found 2 shops selling baby stuff.. so happy, cos no need to go chinatown anymore! and can shop in aircon comfort..haha.. there's a cake shop that sells pretty nice muffins. their cake looks delicious n classy too! price also reasonable.. yumyum.. i'm already eating one of the muffins i bought for my tea.. haha..
hi tingting
Thanks for advise on schedule for bb. Guess will remind myself to take note.. realise I din really take note of routine when gg out.
can share where's the shops? U mean bb food shop? Their price cheap?

cakey, no it's more toiletories, basic clothing, etc. but they do sell medela membranes..
some of their clothes are quite nice, but didnt manage to look closely. it's at tanjong pagar plaza, opposite amara hotel.

today v sad, only managed to express 30ml...like trying to squeeze water out of stone...
