(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Oh yah zaczac,
Just something to share, I do experience frequent wake up in the night when Edna was not well feed during the day by a super lazy bbsitter last 2 mths. So must make sure the bb is eating & sleeping well before u look at what could be the problem.

Is YC experiencing teething?

I give kampong chicken but pork maybe later.

i think u can chk the ON site for the items sent out by the freight company via a internet link. From my last purchase I think there is no confirmation of the list of items sent to them, only that they received a parcel on ur behalf. U will need to pay them before they send the items over. Regarding split shipment, sorry I dun think I can help cos I dun have this prob. Any queries u can email vpost. They usually reply emails. hope this helps
cat tail ...

I hope so lar cos he has been waking up so often at night that i am almost dying liao ... and he drinks v little so much so that my mum has reduced his milk feed from 3x to 2x only but he still latch on in the morning and at night lar so i think he should be getting enough lar

from what i know, if your order is only 1 (from ON), only 1 parcel will be send to vpost. even if there are 2 parcels but these 2 parcels will be send to your place, this is consider only 1 shipment from vpost to your home address and only 1 base shipping charge, not 2
Last 2 mths I sacked my maid & get a local auntie to baby sit Edna for 1 mth. It was hell, cos she was too stubborn to listen to what I tell her & very lazy to cook semi-solid food. Only give her 90ml per feed! Weekdays I die, cos my gal keep waking up but during weekends, she can sleep thru out the nite cos I take over the care. Then it was clear, the auntie din follow my style & baby Edna looks so terrible.

Does your boy luv cereals? Can bluff him by adding more milk into it.
cat tail,
Zac is 7 months 2 weeks old now and he weighed 8.3kg at 6.5 months.

His milk feed max is 140ml, cannot finish anything more than that leh. That's y milk feed so frequent cos he can't drink more at 1 go.

What breakfast do u give Edna?

I think Zac could be teething too...but how long does bb take to adjust and go back to normal? Until todate, zac is still a bo geh baby.

zac still cannot sleep on his own leh, I must latched on, then put him in sarong and swing a bit then he can sleep.

Last night, he slept at 10pm, woke up at 1245am, feed him a while then he fell asleep. Cry again at 110am, latched on a while later he fell asleep again. Woke up again at 3am and 545am. haiz so tired.
hi ladies,

ok, will try chicken soon. do you blend the chicken meat as well? my nanny doesnt have a blender, not sure if baby can take it if it's well chopped.
I'm using Similac followup. So far so good.

I'm a Mummy,
Keyon oredi drink 240ml (4 times a day, 8am, 4pm, 7pm & 10pm), porridge for 12pm lunch. I'm oredi bringing those 400g tin when I stay out for 2nights.
As for stroller, hmm.. yeah, i'm not bringing since got 6 other family members to help & Keyon the only baby.

Oops, i better call the agency to book the cot!
The last time i went was to Phuket & langkawi but the ship dock at the port. Oh no.. thanks for ur info. If the same kind of boat to Ubin, shld be alright.

u naughty gal... really go & test the fishmonger har, haha.
And he's good leh.. emphasize its "Yellow" threadfin!

for me, chicken & pork only to make the porridge tastier. not given to baby, meat rough rough leh...
Hi I'm a mummy,

The inflatable bathtub is a Bright Starts once. We got it as a gift at bb's first month and I checked with my fren already. He said he got it at Robinsons.

Hi All: Just wondering..have any of u bought the Safety First excersaucer for ur babies? I am quite tempted to get it...just dunno how long more he will want to play in it considering the fact that he is already 7 mths. But very

Hi ixwong: pm-ed u already re: perth

Justen also wake up many time last week until I am so so tired...

his schedule:-
latch at 8pm sleep
Cry latch at 10.30pm
Cry latch at 2.30am
Cry and wake up at 6am (refuse to latch and wake up liao)

1st attempt to stop his nite feed
when he start crying at 2.30am we give him water, he rejected and cry (so we feel that he just want to latch and not hungry) so we wait for him to stop crying but this boi so long winded cry and cry for 1 to 1.5hr then fallen asleep... So at 6am plus when he wake up I tot he must be hungry but he refuse to latch although he's not being drinking for 8hrs... So we bottle feed him and he willing to drink.

2nd Attempt
after his 8pm feed, we bottle feed him at 11pm 170ml with 1 tbsp of cereal... he only finish 120ml and cry at 2am this time, me carry him without latching him for awhile and put him back to his cot and he sleep and didn't ask for milk until 5am...

Think today will try adding cereal onto his last feed again and pad him at 2am if he cry and wait until 6am then feed him...

Think he got 4 more teeth coming out, that irritate him so much that he didn't have good nite sleep...
Your boy weight looks good, so no worry lah.

For breakfast, I very rojak ones. When I feel lazy, will give Heinz Multigrain Cereal & mix with dried fruits or fresh fruits. Otherwise will cook some oats porridge.

Maybe I share one of my fav recipe I got from a mother here:

Oat & Fruit Porridge
~1 or 2 chinese spoon(ch sp) rolled oat,
~1/2 cup milk(formula/breast)
~some chopped dried fruits(I used mixed dried apricot) or chopped/mashed fruit(fruit that your baby will like)
~Cook oats in water till thick but not too dry(consistent stirring). Add fruit and milk and cook for another minute. If you are using fruit that is hard, you may want to add it earlier.

I blend the chicken meat. Edna still cannot cope well with chopped chicken.
cat tail, thought cannot boil BM else will destroy the antibodies? the helper was so terrible!

temple, i meant if ixwong paid when only 1 parcel is in, vpost will arrange to ship already, so when 2nd parcel comes in, they will re-calculate the shipping starting fr base charge. they wont consolidate for you.
Thanks for all the advice. Think I better email ON to check how many packages in my order, and wait a bit longer to make sure there are no missing packages at vpost b4 I pay up. Seem like vpost gone thru a customs inspection and there's a lot of backlog...

your nanny is terrible. U sack her and found a better one? Honestly, I quite scare to engage a v experience bbsitter cos many of them are quite set in their ways and would tell u they know best. Prefer someone relatively new into bbsitting but already has experience with their own child....and the younger the better. Many of them are in their 50s and may not be accept new thinking like BM and frozen puree....

Thanks. Will reply u tonight cos can't reply using yahoo during ofc hrs....
Have checked on vpost website. They have matched my order number and value, so all seem to be in order. Mummies who are in this spree, our shipment is on its way and look out for my email soon...
re: signing
So far no sign from bb yet (not even clap or bye). Only sign she did is to arc up her back when want to get out of sarong or carseat hehe...
Yesterday I started to formally try out signing and bb actually notice that. Instead of just pointing to the fan and mentioning 'fan', i make the sign too. She looked from the fan to my hand when i did that. Hopefully this is a good start.
Izzit? Cannot boil BM? Anyway I am using FM, so think should be ok.

Now I got a maid again but this time my mum helps me to supervise them. U r right abt the old auntie's thinking, they always think they know better than u! I have been trying to persuade her to be patient & feed Edna more. But she's very stubborn & claimed she knows better than me...grrhhh...thinking back really makes me mad... Yor bb sitter seems very nice, at least she listens to what u say.
hope things work out for you this time round. Can imagine how frustrating and worrisome childcare arrangement can be. Ya, I'm quite lucky to have found my bbsitter, and glad that I decide to try her out even though she never took care of infant before except for her own 10 YO daughter. We can see she really dotes on my son, even more than me sometimes. Got once I lightly konk my son's head when carrying him past the gate and my nanny was so gan cheong while I was nonchalant cos bb never cry mah...:p
Hi sweatpea,
I am planning a trip to perth maybe in 2-3 weeks time, I was wondering how did u manage the baby's feeding and sleeping time. Did you feed him any solids, are baby food easily available? I was thinking whether to bring my blender n all there to prep food for her. Did you rent an apartment with kitchen or juz a hotel? Been wanting to go back perth for awhile but thinking hard abt how to manage the baby. I dont want to be more tired after going for a holiday. Seriously thinking abt bringing the maid there after considering all the factors
Hi mummies, thanks for your replies. I just went to buy the S.S. brown rice powder immediately after my work and just fed him during the evening. He seemed to like it alot. Finished quite a lot of it. But the residue left around his mouth seemed to harden pretty quickly and quite hard to wipe off. Issit normal?

I will try to add in pureed vege the next time. Sounds interesting. Hee...
hi ixwong,
thanks , received your email re the ON purchases.

Not really sure about the collect of leap frog (I join the Bulk Purchase too)..

when the leap frog thing can collect ? if more than 1 week .. then I can meet at Yishun to collect from you.

Pls clarify as I did not read thru all posting here .. so maybe some detail has been posted about the collection which I missed
cat, wat type of oat dat u gave to Edna huh?
so far.. i've only started daryll on porridge for his lunch.. dunno whether i should start giving him breakfast..
usually wat do we give for their breakfast ar??

bm can't be cook else will lose all the nutrients loh..
Sorry for the delay, I have just transfer the payment to u. Pls check.

Thanks ixwong,
I really hope so or else I am going to pressurise my hubby to let me be a SAHM liao..haha. Anyway, it's great to hear that yor bbsitter is a open person. I actually trying to get a bbsitter from bbnanny but my area is really limited.

Heeehee.. thanks.. now I know BM cannot be boiled. Anyway, I stop bf very early so nothing to give..

I got the Harvest organic Oats from NTUC. Maybe u wanna try to start another semi-solid for dinner 1st then lastly breakfast.
hi eileenp,

What's the S.S brown rice thing you bought? I got a problem with feeding denzel too. He just refuse to eat anything. I tried nestle cereal, porridge.... all of these he doesn't take a lot. I gave him apple puree, potato puree, carrot puree before too, but he also just eat a few mouthful and then refuse to have more.
I am getting worried, he is coming to 7+ mth now and still not on solids yet.

I tried enfapro, but he seems to like bm better. if no choice, then will try the goat milk.
Hi Cupcake,
yup, my bb is on semi-solids already so he has pureed fruits/veg as well as cereal. Yeah...bottled food is readily available there in supermarkets. I went to Coles most of the time. What I found though was that there aren't really any single food kinds ( i.e. bottled peas , bottled spinach etc)...they tend to be combination ones like ( summer fruits / apple banana cereal / mixed veg) etc.

We got a service apt as we wanted a little kitchenette as well. That was handy when preparing simple meals for both bb and ourselves. We stayed in the city for a week and in a lakeside resort down south the 2nd week.

Daytime naps, ususally he would nap in the car or when we are out shopping. So little cat naps here and there. For nitetime, we are back by 8 plus most nites so that nighttime sleep is not disrupted. Also, we usually go out only abt 11 after his morning nap. Cos for us , it was a free and easy trip with no real intention to see any sights cos not our first time there. So our intention was to really go and just chill out...

We brought the bb carrier and that really helped.... Heh heh...the maid would be a good idea too...
Seabreeze has not confirmed the delivery of leap frog yet, but shd be soon cos the west mummies are getting theirs this Sunday from the other coordinator.

Good and conveniently-located nanny is real hard to find. Once found, must grab! Being a SAHM is oso not easy, not only no break at all from caring the bb (unless u got maids, parents or PIL), but oso more constrained financially. seem like all options got pro and cons. *sign*
This is a good story :-
After creating heaven and earth, God created Adam and Eve. And the
first thing he said was "DON'T!"?

"Don't what?" Adam replied.

"Don't eat the forbidden fruit."?God said.

"Forbidden fruit??We have forbidden fruit??Hey Eve..we have
forbidden fruit!!

"No Way!

"Yes way!"

"Do NOT eat the fruit!" said God.


"Because I am your Father and I said so!"?God replied, wondering
why He hadn't stopped creation after making the elephants.?A few
minutes later, God saw His children having an apple break and He
was angry! "Didn't I tell you not to eat the fruit?"?God asked.

"Uh huh," Adam replied.

"Then why did you?" said the Father.

"I don't know," said Eve.

"She started it!" Adam said

"Did not!"

"Did too!"


Having had it with the two of them, God's punishment was that Adam
and Eve should have children of their own. Thus the pattern was
set and it has never changed.

and lovingly tried to give children wisdom and they haven't taken it,
don't be hard on yourself.? If God had trouble raising children,
what makes you think it would be a piece of cake for you?

1. You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to
walk and talk.?Then you spend the next 16 telling them to sit
down and shut up.

2. Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your own children.

3. Mothers of teens now know why some animals eat their young.

4. Children seldom misquote you.In fact, they usually repeat word
for word what you shouldn't have said.

5. The main purpose of holding children's parties is to remind
yourself that there are children more awful than your own.

6. We childproofed our homes, but they are still getting in.

ADVICE FOR THE DAY: Be nice to your kids. They will choose your
nursing home one day.



hi samantha, that's a good one. feeling stressed these few days cos my girl has been refusing to nap in the day. Put her in the cot and she will cry and cry, like so 'ker lian'. She used to be able to sleep on her own eversince we sleep train her from 4th mth. Dont know what's wrong. Maybe, when she is grown up and ready to school, my problem will be how to wake her up and stop her from napping in class??

Btw, thanks all mummies for the feedback on the pillow. Looks like it is not time to intro yet, but can see they enjoy leaning agst our adult pillows which we used to block them from falling off the masterbed.

I have the following items for sale or exchange for either Gain IQ or Similac Follow on :

2. Nan 2 Premium Follow-up Expiry Date Nov 2006. Selling at $9

3. Promil GOLD 2 Follow on Formula with Iron Expiry Date Sep 2007. Selling at $9

4. Dumex Mamil Gold 2 Expiry Date Jun 2007. Selling at $9

9. Si Sen Yangseng & Ikan Bilis with Brown Rice Powder - Enrich in protein , minerals, calcium and Iron (400g)for baby above 4 months - 2 box Expiry Date Jan 2008. Selling at $3 each

Interested parties, please PM me. Thanks.

The Sen Siang Brown Rice Powder. Think so lah. Cannot remember what is the name. Only know both words begin with S. Hehehe...
Anyway, last night, accidently added the Heinz Cereal to it as well. Hahaha... Hope my bb don't lao sai.
Me Looking for jobs : hi mommies, if you have lobangs/need assistance for home-based jobs, kindly contact me thanks !

thanks cupcake !

Yah... It's Si Shen Brown Rice Powder. Sorry for the wrong info.

Today I plucked up enough courage to try the brown rice powder while feeding bb Kai. I realised that it is very powdery leh. How come huh? I prepare it by placing the powder in a bowl, then add lukewarm water, then hot water as advised by the packaging. Then i stir until it looks smooth. How come still have like very fine powder like that leh.
Did you all try it before? Is it powdery as well?
angel, kudos to megan! zephan also walking sideways using table for support, machiam like a crab.. haha.. heard that babies start of by walking sideways before walking properly. time to train our leg muscles cos before long we'll have to run after them all over the house!

hi triniti,

the last time u gave me the contact for freelance domestic help? can you pass me the contact again? i've lost it... thanks!

gals, if u have recommendations, please let me know too!

