(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

so fed up with magic cup & mag mag.. isaac only chews on the spout/ straw, doesn't suck. Maybe i'll give him a regular cup & let him make a mess...

hahaa.. you're very funny..
my gal also like that with lucky bb's cup. But she's drinking/sucking ok from tollyjoy cup leh.. funny..
Be patient..haha...starting they are like tat one.

What could be bad like mine? My gal must sit infront of the tv then can guai guai finish her meal. I really want to peng sanz liao lah.
zephan also tends to chew his nuby n mag mag spouts, but usually he'll take a few gulps first, then choke choke a bit on the water. 2nd attempt to let him drink then he starts to play. at least some goes in at the 1st time... :p my mum spoon feeds him water sometimes also. but if i give him the cup over the day he can finish nearly the entire cup, that's maybe about 125ml?
u stay in the west too? Yeah!
sorry, no lobang on facial leh, i'll chk with my frens.
me dun go facial cos my skin very acne-proned, currently consulting Joyce Lim Skin clinic in paragon. Very Good!

wow, ur twins natural birth! Great Work!
hee.. i know the wait is sufferring cos mine was born 2 days after EDD!

Before the cereals, I'll feed 1 spoonful water to wet the mouth first. Then every few spoonful of cereals, I quench his thirst with water, then continue the cereals..

ha ha.. that's common... Keyon also play with the spout more than drinking & I've got to tilt the cup for him else he drink air leh... I oredi bought the mag mag (step 3, with straw) to standby... but think gotta wait longer.

Gals! Just to Share 2 good news..
1. Keyon can crawl already! Finally! Now mus baby-proof my house liao.
2. Keyon in Top 5 of the cutest kid contest. Though only the 5th place lah..A bit dissapointed, but better than nothing!
Congrats 8) Top 5 with so many BB participating not bad liao... and furthermore the Top 10 selection is by jugde one de leh.

You are great man! Taking care of two BB and two different character is not easy leh... Take care of one already make me very tiring liao.

I also not very into facial but after confinment I go to one at level 4 taka I think they are using KOSE pdt which is quite good leh... That is the latest one liao 8( me face also turing yellowish.

Let down
I just squeeze my br to let the milk come out... If I sit there do nothing I will only get about 40ml each side after massaging I will get at least 100ml each side...

How many mommie BF but mense come liao har?
Wow, Joyce is very expensive. I wanted to remove a mole on my face (just a tiny dot) she charges 500SGD!!I think if I go to National Skin centre its less than 200 bucks hehe...
Keyon won the 5th place!!Very good alrady heheh....

My period comes when my baby is 3 mths old but I mostly express now...Thought of my bfing him till his one but now I can only pump 250 a day..dun think I can last that long...
Thank you (^^) Ya... its a great achievement in top 5!

Triniti & Phoebe,
Ya, i should say she's on the high side but very effective for me. But I've been seeing her for years liao. Though on & off lar. Now my hormones changes, & breakouts very jialat. So gotta go back & get something to apply lor. My previous visit was $100+. quite ok. My hubby always say i 'high maintenance'... hee!
Thank you (^^) Ya... its a great achievement in top 5!

Triniti & Phoebe,
Ya, i should say she's on the high side but very effective for me. But I've been seeing her for years liao. Though on & off lar. Now my hormones changes, & breakouts very jialat. So gotta go back & get something to apply lor. My previous visit was $100+. quite ok. My hubby always say i 'high maintenance'... hee!
i'm a bit apprehensive about feeding formula, cos BF is much easier! dunno how to prepare formula also.. hehe.. i also dunno if i can sustain my supply. thinking of taking fenugeek..
I also very sad when I pass Nanny a can of Anfalac last week... And my son is a fussy eater he eat only plain cereal and he don't like to try any new stuff and he drink very little 8(...

How many time you express per day? How much your Boi is drinking? I express twice per day in office if I think I got not enough to pass to nanny I will express earlier before we sent Justen off to nanny in the morning... You can do that too...
Hi tingting,

thats a good one...ya sometimes baby fuss over nothing..really feel like smacking them but their sweet little smiles will really melt hearts and made our day hor...
can see my boi 2 bottom teeth sprouting out liao...hopefully he will not find me delicious and decide to bite me..ouch..
btw u on MSN..can pm me ur contact....

Hi poko,

ur baby so adorable..decide to close his mouth tight tight to refuse cereal huh...btw what cereal r u feeding him and u tried any puree?? if i feed my boi cereal then must not let him see the milk first
...if not he will make a big fuss and refuse the cereal ...haiz..
Congrats! 5th is not bad already & Keyon is progessing very fast! Now u have to watch out his movement.

Really can see your boy dun wan to eat..haha.. so cute.

Congrats! Keyon deserves a treat

Phoebe & ixwong,

Thnks for the info. Any idea the chinese name for the fish?? I told my mum but she 'catch no ball'. Hahaha...
my dad buys "wu yu" (literally 5-fish or afternoon-fish) for Isaac. Teochew is ngoh her. I think quite expensive type.. but not i pay.. =P Fish porridge is yummy =)
Congrats to u and Keyon...

my Zac also likes to bite on his mag mag cup spout, usually he doesn't drink much from the cup only bite for fun and he also likes to bite my thighs and arms...no teeth yet though...can see abit of white white on the bottom think the teeth is coming out soon.

I think cod fish is called 鲤鱼 li3 yu2 in chinese.

I was on fenugreek for the last 3 months but my milk supply is still miserable leh. I take up to 6 pills a day but milk supply only 80ml during each pump. I gave up fenugreek since 2 weeks ago, milk supply dipped even further. now can only manage 50-70ml each time.
mayb I shd try oats with milo and massage.
6 pills?!?! I thought max is 2 pills a day. I've been taking 1 pill a day since i started bf.. until now still taking.
Eh, li3yu2 is koi lah... hiak hiak
Agree with Wendyg. Think Keyon is the cutest among the 5.

Their wt were 2.68kg n 2.70kg, quite even and good size for twins. Now, i think they are the lightest among the bbs in this thread. At 6 mth, my girl was only at 5.8kg n my boy 6.6kg.

Ya, not easy taking care of 2. Lucky I have a maid who is more patient than me and can see that she dotes on my son (usually i take care of my girl myself).

My son is also very difficult to feed. Need one person to feed and another to entertain him with toys, funny faces and sound.
hi shaoyen, yup, i'm on msn, but only online some nights. can't access in office. will pm u soon.

poko, my boy's coming to 8 mths in a few days. i only pump once in office, and in the morning i tandem pump, but this morning the amt is much less than previously. my office pump only yields 50ml. not too keen to pump more frequently cos 1) boss not happy 2) i dowan to disrupt my weekend schedule cos i time my office pump session to when i latch him on during weekends. if pump more often means i'll also have to pump during weekends.
hey, wonder if the effect will be better if we take enfamama plus oats? hehe.. but scared put on weight leh.. .haiz, this vain mummy... :p
temple: thanks for the reminder.. hehe.. am out of job for this week.. finally has got time for my dear son!.. but next week.. flying to shanghai.. for a short holiday before i start my new job.. the week after.

for those who hve been to shanghai.. can tell me what can i do there? like shops? thank you thank you. pls feed me with details!
Nice to see u here at this thread! Have u tried feeding Justen sweet potato puree? Baby usually loves it. Alternatively, can try oatmeal cereal instead of the normal rice cereal. Oatmeal cereal is not as tasteless.

same lah. Haowen oso only interested to bite and chew on the magmag cup soft sprout, than drink. Got to spoon/syringe feed. Nowadays, i start to introduce cup to him, let him practise sipping from the rim, but can be quite messy cos water will dribble down his chin.
hey hey your boi will still chew on the magmag cup my boi throw away once he taste the water 8(

Think will ask my nanny to give him sweet potato to try.

I pump 3 time on weekend to so that I got milk for Justen on Monday... This few day I try eat soup in the afternoon and drink milo before pump hope the supply will increase slightly more... Waiting for my boss to complain on my long lasting pumping hr in the store room... Last time I take about 20min or less now I need at least 30 to 40min to get the amt I want.

Your boi like mine, always need to be entertained while milking... That day my ang bottle feed him see he drink very slowly but after about 5 to 10 min he finish about 150ml reason he is playing with his changing mat and that make him drink faster...

Just got a message from my ang
Nanny say Justen got another 2 teeth coming out! Is it funny if all his 4 teeth is bottom teeth har?
tingting.. whoa.. enfamama still want to add oats somemore ar??
last time i was addicted to bread and take 4 slices for breakfast and a bun in the afternoon, ended put gained 4kg in a months time... hehe

poko, justen good leh.. mine still toothless
drats, my meeting ended late, in the end gotta pump 2 hrs behind schedule.. hope will have enough later for his night feed... now trying to take as much fluid as possible...
i think 5th plc is certificate, gift voucher & Kidzoomer's discount voucher. Dunno how much yet cos haven't collect, but not to have high expectation.. hee.
Ha ha.. hope the 1st plc mummy not reading this thread...Oops. My BIL even says judges 'kelong!' hee hee..

hmmm.. actually i find the 3rd plc baby the cutest. Tot she's the strongest competitor.. anyway, just for fun loh..

wah, so siok, holiday in Shanghai. Bringing your baby?

temple, wendy,
Ngor Her, in English is threadfin.
hi tingting,
hv u try the nusing tea from MIM? i bought a pack to standby, but hv nt try yet.

re: sit up
Ern ray still cant sit steadily, will fall to the front, back and side after awhile. but he enjoys sitting up so much now that he has master the skill of sitting up on his own. this is really headache, cos he'll wake up n sit up then tople down, n knock onto his cot..heart pain. any mummies hv same problem?

today he master a new skill, he get out of e bumbo seat, luckily i saw in time, if not another accident will happen..
yes, confirm ngor her is Threadfin. Costs abt $30 per kg vs $38 for cod fish. Aiyo, I sound so auntish!!!

I thot bb not supposed to be able to get out bumbo seat???
cookies, i've tried the tea and honestly.. it really yucks. i dun see any improvement after taking it.

ixwong, bb can get out from the bumbo.. dats y the instruction ask to let bb sit with adult supervision
u always go marketing ar? so familiar with the prices.. hehe

i thot so too, but i m proven wrong today. so scary, jus nid 2 watch ern ray more closely now.
btw, when u start feeding haowen fish? hv u start on other meat?
Yah lor my nephew who is about 1yr 3mths also have a hard time trying to get out from the bumbo... Cookie Your boi really challenging... My boi can sit only we position him to the siting position and will fall left right front left too... he now trying to learn how to crawl but like swimming free style.
Hi Mummies,

Need some advice here. My baby is 7 mths and she's taking 2 solid meals a day (1 cereal or brown rice, and 1 porridge). Is it enough? When do we give them 3 meals?

I'm still bfeeding her. She used to poo everyday but ever since I started her on solid, she poos every few days, record is 6 days. Bfeeding mummies, how often does your baby poo now and what's consistency of the poo? My baby's poo is a bit sticky, no longer the watery poo when on full breast milk
raisintan, daryll also like dat even before starting solid. will only poo alternate day.. and if he did not poo for more than 2-3 days, once he poo he'll do it 2-3 times a day. think he got to clear out his bowel since so many days no output.. hehe

so far, i only started one solid meal in the afternoon.. his poo is very sticky also
Justen poo twice daily one at around 8am and one around 5pm... Now his shit no more watery but a bit sticky, btw he only take 1 cereal in the afternoon...
sounds like 2nd honeymoon. & How abt 2nd Baby 'Made-in-ShangHai'? :p

hmm.. my bb only eats 1 solid per day (porridge for lunch), the rest on FM every 3-4 hrly. So far, my bb poos in his potty everyday, but sometimes once every 2-3 days. Greenish Yellow! And Smelly too!

Window Grills:
Now that our bb are very mobile, do u all fix you window grills?
re: boosting milk supply
i dun really dare to take herbal tea cos my boy is sensitive to certain herbal stuff. i'll prob check with his PD on fenugeek. Dunno what goes into the herbal teas.

today meeting ended late, and i got to pump 2 hrs behind schedule.. hope there's enough for his night feed later...

when babies start solids they tend to poo less, and it becomes more formed, either thick paste or even soft lumps. remember to give them more water. i started 1 meal solid at about 5.5 mths, and think by 6.5 mths 2 meals. at 7mths added breakfast.

re: bumbo
zephan also trying to get out of the bumbo nowadays, but thighs still too big! haha... his thighs have slimmed down though, so i expect him to come out anytime soon. gotta buy him a high chair already...
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those who have not replied ... pls do so ...

applejuz ...

i tot the 2nd bb was q cute too ... anyway top 5 v good liao heehee ...

poko ...

me too still bfing my bb ... he is going 7mths too ... my supply is dropping ... now it takes v v long before i will feel v full n uncomfy ... but i told myself ... v good liao lar ... till now still on TBM ... anyway now already started on solid .. replacing the BM with FM will not make much of a difference ... so I dun get myself too stressed up abt my milk supply heehee

raistintan ...

yap .. now his poo is super sticky n my mum keep saying that his poo is gold bar hahahah
