(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

my girl has started to wake up more often these days too and i was wondering why..... so what shld we do when they wake due to separatn anxiety? I know the fastest way is to latch her on but i refuse to do it cos its a bad habit..... I usually just stand at her cot and pat her but some nights she just cries non-stop. Tired.
Hi zaczac/wendyg,
Oh... the capsule i have got very strong herb smell. guessed it's because i mixed it with some other capsules :p
I am experiencing that for the past 2 weeks. denzel is waking up every 1 hrly for the past one week and it has "improved" to 2 hrly the last week. i have been latching him to stop him from crying. Oh no, didn't know it's wrong. What can be done to change this?
hi ineedmilk, samantha,
Frankly, i also dont know what shd be the correct way. Initially, i tried not to cuddle him but he won't stop crying. So no choice, i will usually carry and cuddle him for a while as didnt want him to wake up my girl who is sleeping in the next room. There were times that I had to on the lights to wake him up as he just wldnt stop crying while his eyes were still shut, as if having a nightmare. Once he woke up, he will give me this huge smile of his... Luckily, the problem went away after 2 weeks. Probably he had the assurance that mummy is there.
hi mommies, any remedies for baby who's restless in sleep ? My boy keep shouting/moaning in his sleep nearly every half hour...

I couldn't understand why (tried making room cooler, feed milk etc). My mom say he's too restless (want to play etc). Does anyone has similar problem ??? thanks
actually i am quite bad.. the other night when she was crying (woke up at 12am, 1am, 4am, 5am, 7am).. in the end, my hb just left her in the living room (on her bouncer) at 7am... and we closed our bedroom door to shut out the noise. She cried for 1 hour..... until i can't take it went to check and realised that she poo... poor thing, kena tortured by her parents.
i need milk
i also quite bad. Recently my girl has been refusing to nap. There was once i got angry and decided to leave her in her cot for her to cry it out while i sat on a matress and watch. My MIL cldnt take it. She knew i hate it when she tries to interfer. So she went out of the hse and later complained to my hb...

whatever it is, i think it is impt that b4 we leave bb to cry, we need to be sure that they are not crying because of hunger, wet or discomfort. Also, it is not safe to leave them unattended in a bouncer 'cos at this age, they might overturn. Usually if i need to leave them for a while, i will put them in the cot 'cos think it is the safest place. at most a 'ba ru ku' if they knock their head agst the cot.
angel, megan looks like a toddler. so cute!
hi angel,Megan is so cute.
hello all mummies, I'm an Oct mum but likes to read this thread too. If anyone is working near suntec / bugis area. we can lunch together coz I work near there !!
Hmmm....nowadays this thread is going slow. Tink most mummies are saving all their comments for the nightly MSN chat congress
ixwong ...

hahahaha ... u going to be a regular member soon?? its q addictive heehee

zac zac ..

my menses was here when I was 3mth into BF-ing n my supply will drop for the period ... but i must say that the flow is v mild n duration is v short
hi there...

really 'peifu' u all...go back home and still will surf/MSN. For me when i go back , the last thing i want to do is to switch on the PC :p

Hi ixwong, know I still owe u a reply. Will reply soon ...

Hahaha... must use 'ji jiang fa' on you mah. So hard to get you to lunch with me these days! These days I also lunch in. One myself no fun lah.
i also cannot bring myself to stay in front of the pc after work.. of course, one deterrent is the slow start up of my pc at home.. :p

i've decided to throw in the towel n engage a part-time domestic helper to clean the house. decided that no point making myself tired over the weekend n cannot enjoy my time w family. i also wont grumble at my hb that he doesn't do enough of his share.. :p if anyone has good recommendation for helpers, please let me know ok? thanks!

i now realise the wonders of rest on breastmilk supply. yest was down w flu so rested pretty much the whole day, and for both yest n today's expressing session i could get slightly more than 100ml. that's double of what i get previously.
haha nite owls,
Ixwong, din kno u r regular too... din see u when i login, though me oni chatted twice.., still 'guest' i think...cos either hubby using PC or me already shack out after work.. hee hee...

Anyone knows where I can download the English/Chinese Words if I wan to DIY flash cards?
Intend to start educating Keyon liao... the small flashcards that I bought doesn't seem to catch his attention. SO intend to print BIG ones... hee hee...
hi does anyone know how to book east coast park chalets? seems to be under costa sands, but when i checked the website cannot find any link leh..

anyone thought of birthday plans already?
Hi Mummies
How much sleep does your child really need? Use these guidelines:

1 week old: 16.5 total hours, including 4 naps
1 month: 15.5 total hours, including 3 naps
3 months: 15 total hours, including 3 naps
6 months: 14.25 total hours, including 2 naps
9 months: 14 total hours, including 2 naps
1 year: 13.75 total hours, including 2 naps
18 months: 13.5 total hours, including 1 nap
Age 2: 13 total hours, including 1 nap
Age 3: 12 total hours, including 1 nap
Age 4: 11.5 total hours, with no naps
Ages 5 to 9: 10-11 total hours, with no naps
Ages 10 to 15: 9-10 total hours, with no naps

Source: Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems (Simon & Schuster, 1986) by Richard Ferber, MD
triniti, thanks for the guideline..
i can only let daryll sleep more when i'm around.. can't depend on the maid when i'm at work, she always tell me dat my boy refuse to sleep.
whole afternoon leh.. not even nap. haii

today even worse.. she forgot to feed my boy. just tell me dat she forgot liao... so jialat
Re MSN chat
me only recently started but usually log in/out quite early cos me early sleeper....

your maid v busy huh? feed baby oso can forget?
phoebe, ur maid is terrible! how can forget to feed baby one? maybe u want to keep calling back to remind her until it's drilled into her mind. also, can try not to ask her to do too many things during the day so that she is not too busy to forget?

temple, i'm trying to find a reasonably large chalet so that while guests are mingling in the hall, baby can get to sleep if he's tired. Also, to be able to get my own catering. Think costa sands insists we need to get their contracted caterer. The east coast one is no longer available for rent huh?

For once, TIG Thursday! hehe..

<font color="0000ff">A kangaroo kept getting out of his enclosure at the zoo. Knowing that he could hop high, the zoo officials put up a ten-foot fence. He was out the next morning, just sauntering around the zoo. A twenty-foot fence was put up. Again he go out.

When the fence was forty feet high, a camel in the next enclosure asked the kangaroo, "How high do you think they'll go?"

The kangaroo said, "About a thousand feet, unless somebody locks the gate at night!" </font>
Hi tingting,

That's a good one. hahaha.
Wow, you thinking of birthday plans liao?
BTW, i remember you mentioned that you bought some books from a website. I couldn't find the link from the previous archives. Could you give me the link? Intending to buy some books for denzel to munch...kekeke
Tat's a gd one...

Chalet..hmm... how abt civil servant chalet?

U leave your maid alone with yor baby?
tingting: the east coast chalet is still open for rental.. jus opened up only in fact.. but i think its no longer under costa sands if i am not wrong.. if u want.. i can help u to check it out.. i live jus opp... east coast park.. hehe...
hi adelyee, will be good if u can help me check. cos they have the double storey type right? think they can allow outside caterers. thanks a lot!

samantha, haha, yah, might as well book the venue first since i'm quite certain i dowan to clean the house after the party! i bought the books from www.wonderbox.com.sg

cat_tail, too bad i'm no longer classifed under "civil servant", so cannot book the aloha chalets at loyang which are big n nice.. theh public rates are so expensive!
U have any civil servant frd?
In fact I am oso trying to get my frd to help me book the Changi bungalow, which is so much bigger &amp; most importantly with a spacious kitchen.
smallbell &amp; seabreeze,
Thanks alot for the info! Really appreciate *muah* *muah*
But the chinese ones seems to be 'fan2 ti3 zi4'(taiwanese chinese), is there simplified chinese wordings?

ya, those aloha bungalows are big &amp; good. Maybe see u got any 'civil servent' relatives/ friends can book for u?
applejuz, cat tail,

but if fren books the chalet then he/she will need to check in/out right? can authorise others to do it on their behalf?
Re chalet
me working in stat board but dun think I'm considered 'civil servant'. I'm hoping to get my company's 2-storey bungalow but must ballot cos it's super popular
Heard we can only celebrate BF earlier but not later, rite?
ixwong/tinging, tis is not the first time somemore.. 2nd time already.. and the worse part is dat she's super free in the afternoon.. usually those are her chit chatting time with friends on the phone.. i'm suspecting dat she's too busy on the phone.. so jialat leh
i also dare not tell her off, scared she might take it out on daryll when i'm at work

tingting, me also thinking of celebrating daryll's 1st party in at chalet.. but still long way to go and tis kiasu mummy already start making plan and even decided on the cake liao.. hehe

cat, me leaving my boy with the maid for the afternoon half. i'm only working in the afternoon now. got no choice coz half day nanny is so ex leh...full day charge $550 but half day alone cost $400
ixwong, me same situation as u, under SB so not entitled to the aloha special rates. which bungalow is urs at? the changi one or pasir ris?

yah, heard that no good to celebrate birthdays belated, but dunno why.. my parents also dun want us to celebrate their birthdays after the actual day.

phoebe, poor u.. not easy to handle maids these days. if she really forgets again then u may have to consider changing her. y dun u put him w a nanny full day n u go without a maid instead? that way u can do some housework during the morning n may not need a maid anymore.
maybe u can leave her and bb with your mum or MIL in the afternoon?

my company's bungalow is at pasir ris park. V big one, 3 bedrooms upstairs, downstair is living, dining rooms and kitchen. The car pouch can squeeze in 7 cars leh....

Our ON items are arriving this afternoon. I'm meeting Seabreeze tomorrow. Should I pass your purchases to her? If so, pls let me and her know, ok?

Haven't heard from u since my email. When u wanna pick up your item?
anissa, u noe my situation nw. so no choice. bear wif me 4 d time being okie.

featherg, okie, bt no promises.

triniti, tks 4 d info.

phoebe, aiyo, hw can ur maid do tt? u shld ask her whether she'll 4get 2 eat or nt. hw can she 4get 2 feed daryll?? gosh, is any 1 supervising her when u r wking? mayb u can get ur maid 2 write down in a bk wat daryll is doing 4 d day, eg, wat time he eats, sleeps, etc. i do tt wif my maid so tt i noe wat she's been doing when i m nt around.

ting, yeah, d long wkend is coming soon. haha... tt's a gd 1. oh, if ur fren booked d chalet 4 u, he/she will hv 2 chk in &amp; out personally. can't authorised any1 2 do so.
My frd told me can authorise other ppl to check in &amp; out. Hmm.. better reconfirm with him again.

Not KS at all! It's better to plan earlier..heehee..

Ya, bbsitter is very exp and not necessary u can get a better one around. Your maid really blur like sotong, ask her whether she will forget to eat her lunch or not.
So how long she's with u?
