(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

hihi sweetpea

megan just turned 7 months on 30 Mar. Think she will not crawl cos she can't move on tummy. Her body too heavy I think..hehehe

angel, megan is so cute!!
u nvr put cot bumpers in her cot ah? i hv 2 put double layer on mine. coz when daryl 'walks' 2 fast sometimes, he'll lose his balance & fall. he kena a baluku on his head yday. cried so hard tt my heart aso pained.
ixwong, zephan sort of crawls, but more of wriggling type, like soldiers crawling type. cos his body is not totally off the ground. think bcos his hands not strong enough, or he too lazy lah.. :p he can "wriggle" quite fast though!
Hi Angel,

Oh..she is so adorable
Oh...means my little one is just a couple of days younger then. He turned 7 mths on 3rd April.

Hmm..never know...kids have their own ways of learning how to do stuff and surprising us ...
tingting... megan can't even move when on her tummy. She tried and tried but still can't succeed.. Think her butt too heavy. whahahahah

Hello vone.. aiyo Daryl fell ah.. but how to put double layer? one above the other?

hello sweetpea

yep yep.. some babies do certain things faster.. like megan can't pull herself from lying or tummy position to sit yet.. which is very strange given that she can stand and walk with support liao.. hehehe
angel. ya lor. so heart pain. hb was laughing away coz my boy was 2 fast. ya, we put 1 layer on top of d other coz we lowered d cot liao. looks a bit ugly nw. haiz...
haha.. vone, today's joke not really funny leh.. so didn't post. i also no mood to work.. just stare at the documents but noting registers in my brain! counting down to lunch... shld have pasta or sushi?? hmm... :p
ting, ya lor. same here. i resorted 2 packing my table coz it's so messy. dun noe whr 2 start my wk. sian... mmm... sushi sounds nice. i vote 4 tt.
mummies.. n to vone.. hope tt this can help u..

A crowded United Airlines flight was cancelled. A single agent was
>rebooking a long line of
inconvenienced travelers. Suddenly an angry
>passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his ticket down on
>the counter and said, "I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be
>FIRST CLASS." The agent replied, "I'm sorry sir. I'll be happy to try
>to help you, but I've got to help these folks first, and I'm sure
>we'll be able to work something out." The passenger was unimpressed.
>He asked loudly, so that the passengers behind him could hear, "DO YOU
>HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?" Without hesitating, the agent smiled and
>grabbed her public address microphone. "May I have your attention
>please," she began her voice heard clearly throughout the terminal.
>"We have a passenger here at Gate 14 WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If
>anyone can help him find his identity, please come to Gate 14." With
>the folks behind him
in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at
>the United agent, gritted his teeth and swore. "F*** you!" Without
>flinching, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but you'll have to
>get in line for that, too."
angel... i tot megan is coming to 1 year old.. think her development is very advanced hor.. mine at 7+ months still can't sit without support yet...

vone.. now only i realised dat our boy share the same name.. but mine with extra 'L'
Hi angel,

congrats on megan's achievement...she really very adorable...wah really advance lei...mine like to stand and jump up and down with me supporting him...hehe

All mummies,

Weekend is here again....enjoy!!!!
vone, maybe i forgot liao.. hehe

eileenp, so far i only let daryll tried once.. he dun really like it and it takes a very long time to cook into a very smooth paste.. i stand at the stove for almost 20mins and still get make into a smooth paste..
Must cook ah? Cause the instruction in the packaging just mentioned adding lukewarm water first and stir, then add hot water and stir further leh.
After which it still tastes powdery leh. Didn't know must cook.
eileenp, mine also Si Shen Brown Rice Powder but it's yu ren seng brand loh. needs to cook, maybe your nonit...

daryll rejected it totally.. have not try for the 2nd time yet
Really ah? OH MY GOD!
How come the packaging never say must cook huh? I thought just add water leh. GOODNESS!!! Wonder if anything will happen.
I've thrown away the packaging cause i place the powder in a container for easy access.
Can you tell me what's in the instruction so that i can prepare it correctly tomorrow?
I know firstly i've to add lukewarm water and stir, then add hot water and stir until dissolve. After these 2 steps, what do i have to do?
Thanks so much for the trouble.

1. put 3 to 3 teaspoon into a container. mix in a small amout of boiled water to make a smooth paste.

2. add a cup of warm water to the paste and mix thoroughly.

3. simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes untill the misture has a smooth consistency
hi eileenp
the si sen brwon rice powder comes in a box with 2 foil package inside right? I think the one u bought is not from eu yang sang...
I bought that si sen brown rice powder too and it's correct to just add water. no need to cook
I have the same problem as u, very hard to dissolve the powder into smooth paste... so i add a little bit into Zac's milk and let him drink instead.

wah angel,
MEgan very fast leh...my zac cannot sit long on his own, dunno how to go into sitting position, cannot crawl but can wriggle. likes to stand with me supporting him. bo geh somemore...i tink he very slow! hahaha
Phoebe and zaczac,
I'm not sure which is the one that i bought. I just know that it's si sen brown rice powder. Heee... Bad mummy. I think the best is i make a trip down to cold storage and take a look. Hahaha... Silly me.
Thanks to Phoebe for being so patient with me. Hee..
Birth to 8 Months: Young Infants

I Learn Who I Am ( A baby's thoughts to mummy)

I learn about my body. I suck on my fingers or hands. I study them.
I discover that my hands and feet are part of me. I can move them.
I learn to trust your love. I learn I can depend on you if you come when I cry.
I feel secure when you hold me in your arms.
I feel good when you smile at me.
I learn my world is safe to explore when you watch over me.
I learn to comfort myself. I may suck my fingers or hands it soothes me.
As I grow, I can wait a few minutes because I have learned you will always come.
I can make things happen. I can shake a rattle and make a sound.
I can kick a mobile and make it move.
I can smile and you will smile back at me.

I Learn About My Feelings
I can show you many feelings pleasure, anger, fear, sadness, excitement and joy. I smile and wiggle to show you I like playing with you.
I frown or cry when you stop paying attention or playing with me.
I laugh aloud sometimes with a belly laugh.
Sometimes I need you to help me with my feelings. I need you to try to understand how I feel.
I need you to comfort me when I am upset or frightened.
I need you to protect me when I feel overwhelmed.
I share my deepest feelings. I know and trust you. My smile is brightest for you.
Sometimes I cry when you pick me up at child care. Sometimes its because Ive missed you. Sometimes Im just fussy. I know youll understand.
I can protest strongly when I am upset. I know you will be there for me no matter what.
Ill show you more of my feelings than I may show others.

I Learn About People, Objects and How Things Work
I can tell the difference between people I know and people I do not know. I recognize my parents voices.
I relax more when I am with you and other people I know.
I sometimes am afraid of strangers. I prefer the special people in my life such as my mom, my dad or my grandmother. I may begin to act differently and fearful of strangers, even at this young age.
I sometimes cry if a stranger gets too close to me or looks at me directly in the eyes.
I may cry or cling to you until I know I am safe with a new person.
I like to be with you. I like to be held by you.
I like to play with you. You are more interesting than any of my toys.
I like you to talk softly and smile at me. I smile and talk back to you.
You are the most important person in my life.
I learn about how the world works. I like to look around and see new things.
I like to play games with you, like peek-a-boo and hide-n-seek.
When I want you to keep playing knee ride, I know I should keep bouncing up and down.

I Learn To Move and Do
At first, my body moves automatically. I search for something to suck.
I turn my head when something blocks my breathing.
I turn my head or close my eyes when it is too bright.
Within a few months, I begin to learn to use my fingers and hands. I put my hand and objects in my mouth.
I can hold something, let go, and get hold of it again.
I can move an object from one hand to another.
Over time, I move my body with purpose. I can hold my head up.
I can roll over.
I can sit without your help.
I have favorite positions. But I like change! It feels good to move from being on my back to my stomach to sitting up.
I can crawl by myself.
I may even be able to stand up if I hold on to you.

I Learn To Communicate and Relate
I can tell you things even as a newborn. I cry to tell you I need you.
I communicate through the expressions on my face and gestures.
I have different cries, facial expressions and body movements to tell you I am sleepy, hungry, wet, frightened, uncomfortable or just need a break.
Within a few months, I develop new ways to communicate. I learn to make many different sounds. I laugh.
I use my sounds, change the expression on my face and move around to get your attention.
Sometimes I may just listen to you I love to hear your voice.
I learn to babble. I make some of the sounds that I hear you use.
Sometimes I try to imitate you. I like you to imitate my sounds too.
My babbling can even start to sound like adult speech...a question, an exclamation, a request, a song...
I like to talk with you even though I dont yet speak words. I may catch your eye and smile to tell you I am ready to communicate with you.
I pay attention to the tone of your voice and the expressions on your face when you talk with me.
I stretch my arms toward you when I want you to pick me up.
I look at you when I am ready to play. When I close my eyes or turn my head away, I am telling you I need a break.
I learn how much fun language can be when you talk, sing and read with me.
hi mummies.
How do you clean/wash the meat before cooking? Currently, I only wash the fish/chicken under running tap water and then rinse with hot water before putting them into the slow cooker to cook with the porridge. Wonder if that is sufficient? My MIL said must rub the meat with salt and corn flour.
triniti, tt's veri meaningful.

brownie, i wash fish under running water wif salt. as 4 chicken, i wash under runing water oni.
triniti ...

v meaningful ... must remind myself not to flare up at YC hahahaha he is trying to communicate to me only heehee

some photos to share too

nichole, YC & megan


and guess who's buttock is the sharpest??


YC in his fav pose

morning! nice to see so many pics of megan YC n nicole...
indeed all our babies have grown so much.. it's hard to think of how they look when they're newborn.

i'm trying to fight a cold that's threatening to blow up, now dozing myself w Vit C... too bad i can't take normal cold tablets...

a little relaxer to start the day:

<font color="0000ff">We purchased an old home in Northern New York State from two elderly sisters. Winter was fast approaching and I was concerned about the house's lack of insulation. "If they could live here all those years, so can we!" my husband confidently declared.

One November night the temperature plunged to below zero, and we woke up to find interior walls covered with frost. My husband called the sisters to ask how they had kept the house warm. After a rather brief conversation, he hung up.

"For the past 30 years," he muttered, "they've gone to Florida for the winter."</font>
ixwong, paracetomol, which is found in normal Panadol, is safe for BF, but not sure about the Panadol for cold? i understand that most medicines safe for BF will cause drowsiness. the last time i had flu, i wasn't given the non-drowsy type. so dun dare to take.
hi brownie,
yap.. i also wash the fish/meat under running tap, then pour hot water over &amp; put into slow cooker. Din rub with salt/flour leh.... but for vege, i'll cut with a different chopping board.

I love Megan's chubby cheeks &amp; Big eyes! Aim for 2024's Ms Singapore Universe!

YC is a sure enjoying with the 2 pretty ladies beside him..:p

take care dear, ya, better suppress before it explodes.

collected my Leappad yesterday.
So happy &amp; tried on Keyon. But alamak, I'm like 'dui4 niu2 tan2 qin2' leh.
Keyon can't seems to sit still. And I gotta 'jaga' in case his saliva drip onto the books &amp; tear the flimpsy pages... Gals, pls test the leappad, coz i think mine, the software abit coo-coo... halfway thru' the pages, no sound liao. I'll try again tonight see can re-set or not.
have you tried the herb that increases milk supply? My supply dipping leh... thinking of trying, but the strong herb smell really puts me off...yucks.
Hi all mummies here

any baby FM brand "mamil gold"
want to ask if it recommendated to change to step 2 follow-on or remain at step 1 infant formula (it says suitable from birth to 1 yr)
tingting, samantha
GNC fenu has no smell. I ran out - haven't been taking for a few days.. but my supply seems the same up till now..

i think i read somewhere that the leap pad pages are "tear-proof". Mine's quite crumpled, but not torn yet. But i'm not about to try....
Hi mommies,
How have your little ones been sleeping? My gal seems to be cutting back on her afternoon sleep. She would sleep for only 1/2 hr (when she is supposed to sleep abt 2 hrs) and wakes up crying. Depending on her mood, she will either latch on to sleep or cries to wanna play.
Recently, she has been waking up crying. Thinking that its the noise from the road, I stayed with her through her nap and realised that that is not the case. It seems that she would juz cringe her face and cry even before she is fully awake. Anybody having this prob?
hi vone and seabreeze
yeah it is quite touching to know what's going through our baby's m ind..so pure and innocent and greatly misunderstood

my son afternoon has also been reduced to one hour..but he dun cry when he wakes up (he will whine abit and proceed to practice his crawling)
and when I come in he will give me the big great gummy smile
I think it is perfectly normal that kids at this age would sleep less and play more
Hi all,

There is this shop @Suntec that sells very good books for kids. It's just diagonially across Happy Kidz. I think it's worth checking it out. I bought quite a few for Clarence last weekend. He is busy 'munching' on the books now. *LOL*
Hi triniti
the poem is so true and heartwarming...now I must learn to control my temper so as not to flare up at zac again.

Megan is so cute and chubby...love the way u dress her up, floral and sunshine.

zac also cringe his face, eyes still closed and cry, when i latched him on, he'll stop crying. this has been going on for quite some time liao and it's usually at night. all along he naps very little 30min-1hr max about 2-3x a day.

hi samantha
I've tried Nursing Mother's Tea and fenugreek in capsule form. the tea has a strong smell, the capsule form not too strong smell. I've stop taking for few weeks liao.

hi mummies,
those who are still bfdg, have your menses return? any symtoms b4 your period came?
Hi coffeedrinker,

my boi is on mamil gold step 2, previously he was on S26 gold...me not too sure also whether u sld switch to step 2 but i think step 2 have some extra ingredients such as AA and SA...actually me quite blur also when comparing fm cos now they have so many extras....maybe can call Dumex to check the difference...

Hi all mummies,

Lately my boi has been tossing and turning in his sleep especially at night...babies also have insomnia meh...dun know whats wrong with him just cannot sleep properly...he's not hungry, hot or cold lei...anybody has this problem also?? Maybe teething but will last for how long this phase cos like this very tiring for us...
There was one stage where my boy also cried in his sleep and needed to be cuddled b4 he wld stop. It's usually around 3am to 6am and can happen 3 to 4 times per night. Luckily it only lasted about 2 weeks.

According to kkh website, it is common for night waking to occur at about 7 months of age, when the infant begins to experience separation anxiety from his parents http://www.kkh.com.sg/PatientHealthLibrary/ChildrensHealth/GrowingUp/Sleep.htm

Recently, my girl also cries when she wakes up from her nap. She used to be able to play on her own when she wakes up. Now, she will cry whenever I'm out of her sight...sigh

hello mommies

do you have dom to let go cheaply at $25 per bottle? I am currently looking to buy 2 bottles. If you have, please pm me. thanks
