(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Shao Yen,
Hope ur bb will poopoo soon
. I give my boy gripe water oni when he has constipation 'cos doesnt want him to be too addicted to it. I usually start with 1x on the first day. If it doesnt work, 2x the next day and 3x the following day (max u can give is 4x a day). By the 3rd day, he will poopoo already. Aiyo, when it comes, it is a lot, 3x a day.

My bbs like potato + milk + apple and rice cereal + apple. You can give it a try. Helps in poopoo also.

Hi ixwong, applejuz , anissa

Yeah..a holiday is always nice. We went to Perth..free and easy cos we are quite familiar with the place. A good thing bb was relatively good on the flight and did not fuss too much.

Packing for baby was a logistical nitemare as we seemed to have so much to bring for him. In the end, he had his own luggage, stroller, carrier and diaper bag.

Re naps: He would jsut nap in the day and most time he would be in the carrier if out. We rented a car so could just dump the stroller in as well. Most evenings we try to be back by 8 plus 9 latest so that his nite sleep in not disrupted.
re;Washing clothes.
I can't put the baby clothes in with adult clothes... cos got other thingy.. like err... our undies... :p So waste water abit, wash separately lor, but definitely easier than hands. Only hand-wash new clothes..

I think I'm lucky that Keyon can sleep everywhere cos he don't sleep sarong...
So easy to bring him out. also expose him to difference night environment by staying over at sis or bro-in-law house...to get him used to it.
Hi Applejuz,
Re: Laundry. Now we still wash the baby clothes seperately in the washing machine. Problem was though that we never seemed to have enough hanging space cos we had to rotate between our clothes/ hubby's work clothes and bb clothes. So..after months of trying to find the best solution, we finally decided to buy a dryer. So laundry woes solved!!
i could imagine the luggage size for 2-weeks! cos 1 pack for 1 night oredi 1 BIG luggage, not to mention 2-weeks! Hmm.. must start jotting down the 'things-to-bring' list for my Labour-day Cruise liao! Yippee!
timie & sweetpea,

Wat? You mean I need a stroller, rocker & carrier as well?? Oh dear! I just reserved for a pick up at the airport via internet and one of the clauses stated I have to provide my own baby car seat as well or the cabby has a right to reject boarding. This can't be true, right???
Hehe...when we went we tried to keep in relatively light. Cos when we came back, we had a lot of shopping to bring back. So came back with another luggage

Think for baby stuff, it is better to be over-prepared than to realise that you dun have enough stuff esp for essentials like diapers/ milk powder etc etc/ For bb, we even brought an inflatable bathtub. And think that was a very very good thing to have! Other essentials we had were 1) Bb fever/ cough/cold medicine 2) Thermometer 3)Fever strips 3)Insect repellant ( the stick-on kind)..
pai say. Blur me.

can buy the Healthy times or earth best's oatmeal cereal from organic shops or brown rice paradise (tanglin mall) or supernature (park house).

I'm not sure how much oatmeal = 1 tbsp of rice. Easier to judge using output, if Ern Ray is taking say 1/2 bowl of cereal now (after mixing w milk/puree), then u got to mix enough of oatmeal cereal to form the same 1/2 bowl too....

me going perth in Oct too! Can share with me your iternary? We never been to perth before. Any good recommendations of attractions, hotels, etc? PM me.
wow, seems like travellng w baby is a logistic nightmare! zephan is quite flexible with where he sleeps during the day, but for night we've only so far tried once at a hotel.. a tip is to bring something familiar, like pillow/bolster/toy that he always goes to sleep with.
re:leap pad
I've received email on collection this Sunday for West side. And they have a mini-gathering cum collection at Jurong West.

the inflatable bathtub is a good idea! ok, will put into my list..:p btw, how abt baby food? u give bottled puree, cereals, porridge or purely milk?
may I know where is park house? I ever ask cabby, he says never heard of this building. I read through the threads and note that you are feeding your baby porridge. How much are u feeding him? How do you know that the baby is full?
Hi brownie2003,

thks...will try out ur suggestion and hopefully he will like it...cos when give apple on its own..he dun really like...anyway he poo almost every day...just that these 2 days the poo is hard and he make a lot of noise...btw, u like to eat brownie....cos of ur nick...haha..me luv brownie with ice cream...yummy...
it is indeed quite a nitemare to pack bb stuff..so its good to collate a listing to pack. we had no problem w the cab driver cos i carried him using the bb carrier. can't imagine having to bring the car seat?? but for self drive, do rem to rent the bb seat fr them as most countries esp austr r strict lor..but i tink overall, my boy enjoyed his trip cos he seemed pretty mesmerised by the new environment each day, always lookin here n there. when he's back to the car, he zzz and when it's his bedtime, he sleeps probably too tired fr his "busy day"..haahaa..however, depending on where u r going, bb may hv to adjust to the time difference..mine couldnt get to sleep till midnite on the 1st nite which is his singapore sleeping time..
Hi Shaoyen,
I will be collecting the organic cereals from blursotong this sunday so can pass to u on sunday evening or anytime after that.

Hi Anissa,
Clarence is so adorable and chubby. will grow up to be a handsome boy!

re: laundry
I throw Zac's clothes into the machine together with adult clothes and normal adult detergent but will wash adult undies separately by hand.

Hi mummies,
can help me see what's wrong with zaczac's schedule cos he keeps waking up at night...he was waking up 1-2x previously, now it's 2-3x, very tiring.

10pm - Sleep
2am - latched on and goes back to sleep
5am - latched on and stays awake till 6am
6-645am - asleep
645am - wake him up to bring him to nanny.
7am to 9am - play
9am - 130ml milk / bath
10am - nap for an hour
12pm -130 ml milk and 1/2 small bowl cereals
2pm - nap for 1/2 to 1hr
4pm - 130ml milk
5pm - cereals or porridge
6pm - bath
645pm - pick him up from nanny
730pm - latched on
930pm - latched on
10pm - sleep

I've tried giving him 100ml of FM after latched on at 930pm but he still wakes up at least 2x at night. Now he has eye bags liao, very jialat.
Hi Anissa,
For us, I did not bring a rocker. Only brought stroller and bb carrier. I found the bb carrier very useful as it left my hands free to carry stuff or browse through the racks. And it definitely a lot easier than carrying all the while.

We rented a car and it did say that we had to have a car seat for the bb. But then they only had the car seat for bigger kids so we just made do without one. From the airport, we took a cab to the hotel and I just carried bb on my lap. They were ok with that. No problems whatsoever.

Hi Applejuz: For bottled food, I brought 2 bottles for the flight, some cereal and also some biscuits. When we got there, our first stop was the supermarket so just stocked up more there. My bb is on partial formulae milk too and I was afraid that we could not get Nan HA in all supermarkets so I brought a small tin. Then when we got there and found it , I bought another bigger tin. Then bb had not started porridge yet so it was just cereal, milk , bottled veg/fruits and also biscuits.

Porridge, I only started abt 2 weeks ago , now feeding porridge 2X a day with pureed vegetables. And also one serving of fruit.
little joke to share:

A woman wanted to reach her husband on his mobile phone but discovered that she was out of credit; she instructed her son - to use his own phone to pass across an urgent message to daddy who is at site.

After junior had called, he got back to mummy to inform her that it was a lady that picked up daddy's phone the three times he tried reaching dad on the mobile. (Women!!) She waited impatiently for her husband to return from
site, immediately she sighted him, she gave him a very hot slap, while the man was trying to ask why? She repeated the slap, people from neighborhood rushed around to know the cause of this.

The man asked junior to tell everybody what the lady said to him when he called, junior said "the number u are Trying To call Is not Reachable At the Moment. Pls Try Again Later".
re: leap pad collection

i am arranging with the supplier on the delivery to bishan. will keep u all posted over the email so keep a lookout for it. the west side will collect first as the supplier have send them over to serrich earlier.

zaczac ...

is ur bb teething?? cos YC has oso been waking up v often and we think tat he is teething ...

just wondering how come he has milk at 4pm and cereal at 5pm? seem like the interval is too close ... how abt have milk at 4pm ... bath at abt 5.30pm then have cereal/porridge at 6pm? with the semi-solid at 6pm you prob can skip the 7.30pm latch on.

latch him on again at abt 8.30pm or 9pm and let him zzz

cup cake ...

after u drive pass four seasons hotel ... u will then pass by some construction area then a traffic light. Once over the junction, Park House is just 2m on the right hand side from the traffic light

btw their new stocks arrive every wed ... so i think that is prob the best day to visit supernature
Hi tingting,

u always have good jokes to share hor....very funny indeed...
guess the morale is dun jump to conclusion and only listening to 1 side of a story lor...

Hi zaczac,

no problem...thks for collecting for me..will sms u next week to collect from u...
my boi also sometimes wake up 3 - 4 times crying...not hungry also...probably bad habit or bad dreams...agree its very tiring indeed..
Hi all,

Thnks for sharing. Now kinda regret booking the tour already. I am a no-fuss person. Hate all the planning. Hahaha...

Btw, any bb carrier to recommend??

thnks for the update on the leap pad. shall await for email on collection cos now zx is very naugthy and need new thing to keep him entertain
Hi Anissa,

I am using the Baby Bjorn carrier and find it really good. They have good lumbar support so the back dosen't start aching after a while.

Dun worry, am sure you will be fine
Anyway also got hubby and parents to help when needed.
Hi mummies,
back in town again.

Need advice:-
I am going to supplement denzel with another brand of FM. PD recommended Enfapro/Promil but says very heaty. Do you all know any brands that are less heaty? Nan's out cos he had LS for 3 weeks since i last supplemented. Don't dare to try again.
Hi Anissa,

I am using the Baby Bjorn carrier and find it really good. They have good lumbar support so the back dosen't start aching after a while.

Dun worry, am sure you will be fine
Anyway also got hubby and parents to help when needed.
samantha, wanna try goat's milk? it's supposed to be more acceptable to humans than cow's milk, but not sure whether it's heaty or not. Another choice is Friso?

shao yen, haha, bcos i subscribe to a joke portal, so they send me one each day... can brighten up ur day..

sometimes zephan will cry out during the night, and i'll keep my fingers crossed that he settles back to sleep. last night was a close call.. he was crying on n off.. i would have gone to his room if i wasn't feeling so tired that i was reluctant to get out of bed and could not wake hb up. after about 3 min he went back to sleep. phew!
Hi Sweetpea,
Where can we find inflatable baby bath tub?

Hi applejuz,
I brought my bb girl for the penang/phuket cruise. packing was crazy! she had her own pull trolley bag, and her bag was bigger than hubby & mine combined...brough stroller, carrier also..and big umbrella (just in case penang phuket raining. small one would be useless to shelter me and baby) and i brought along her mini bolsters and soft toys also..and blanket..diapers alone i brought 30 pieces...FM i brought a 400g tin, and i brought my own jar food and bb cereal, just in case she wouldn't like what Star Cruise provided. and true enough, the flavours they provided very limited. like what sweetpea says, its better to overpack than underpack. i also brought laundry detergent to wash her clothing in the star cruise cabin haha sterilising i used the tablets, so i had to bring a sterilising container..aiyoh i tell you..i cant imagine packing for a 2 week trip
Hi I'm a Mummy,
u r my Saviour! Your tips is most helpful as mine is the penang/phuket cruise too.
was still thinking if i shld bring the stroller thought carrier is enough, but ship is big.. so better bring the wheels. :p
i tot of bringing the 900g tin Similac! Mine a milk monster leh. And yes, the sterilising tablet is ok, but the container bulky leh... And I gotta bring Keyon Potty (just the toilet bowl cover), else he can't poo.
where did u bb sleep?
Park house is just next to Camden Medical Centre. Go mid April cos their cereal stock only coming in then. As for porridge, Haowen can take abt 1 rice bowl. I know he is full when he looks disinterested or turn away from the spoon.

u wanna try Friso Gold? Haowen has constipation on Similac and LS on Nan, but ok with Friso.

Does zac always need to be nursed to sleep? Have he learnt how to fall asleep on his own?
hi anissa,
i'm using domaro bb carrier cos my boy cannot fit into bb bjorn n the model dat can fit him is not avail in spore. brought the rocker along cos it doubles up as a cot for him as not all accommod provides bb cot.

sam, denzel has sensitive tummy? poor thing LS for 3wks..

applejuz, u train yr keyon to use potty liao?
ya, since he's 3 mths. My mum trained him everyday. And I follow up on weekends. Very good... long time din poo in diapers liao. very clean.
But must have patience. Morning dun have, afternoon try again, then evening. 10-15min each time. usu after milk & he fart, 100% guaranteed poo! hee hee...
I also use domaro carrier, will still feel some ache on the shoulder, not as comfy as infantino, but easy to clip on. This is those ($60-$80 range). For better ones, >$100 (BJorn & Ergo)
Hi Applejuz,

how much does your boy drink? wah, 900g tin very big! my girl takes 180ml water + FM four times a day, in addition to 2 times cereal/puree/porridge...

Stroller good if you wanna push baby around the ship..but i find if you have other people to help take turns carrying bb, and bb can sit bb chair already, don't really need stroller, quite ma fan..but only if there are people helping you lah..carrying by yourself quite xiong...

I requested for a baby cot upon booking, so there was one waiting for us when we got to the room. Can request for bathtub and airpot from cabin service also. they do provide sterilizing service, can try, if you 'trust' them hee hee... Baby bottle food can request from Blue lagoon.

best to do all your requesting once you get on board, cause limited quantities, so better 'chope' first haha
Shao Yen,
Ya, i LOVE brownie with ice cream. I even name my dog Brownie. She is now in heaven watching over my bbs. This nick is named after her...

Re holiday
I really miss my beach holidays. I cant imagine packing for 2 bbs!!
Hi Applejuz,

Forgot to ask, have you been to this penang/phuket cruise before? there are some changes leh..on my previous trips on this sunday cruise, the ship would dock at the penang & phuket port/dock. However, since 2006 i think, they stop somewhere off shore, and we have to take the tender boats (small boats) to get from the ship to the shore. very troublesome, especially if you are carrying bb, and worse if someone in your party tends to get sea sick...

i didn't know they changed to tendering..tot it was still docking at the port. If i knew had to take small boat to shore, i would have gone for the Cruise to nowhere with bb instead... :eek:)
Hi mummies,
sorry i've so many questions. Thanks for answering my previous questions.
Hee... I've one more.
I've been feeding bb Kai Heinz Cereals since last week. It's been 11 days already. Tried giving him Carrots and Banana puree from Gerber. Didn't take them really well. Instead of giving him Heinz cereals all the time, what can i do next? Do you all add water to your cereals or BM?
Oh. Another thing. Besides feeding him plain water during feeding of cereals, do i need to feed him water at other times of the day? I only feed him semi-solid once a day.

I'm still giving Haowen rice cereal for past 2-3 mths liao, but mix with veg puree such as sweet potato, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, zuchinni, carrots. I add FM to the cereal. My nanny feeds haowen water throughout the day.
How old is your boy now? 130ml feed seems a bit too little. I would suggest you to increase the volume of the milk feeds & skip away some. Maybe u would like to take a look at Edna's time-table for some reference.

7:30am 210ml Milk
9:30am breakfast
12pm lunch porridge
2:30pm/3pm 210ml Milk
6:30pm Dinner porridge
8:30pm 210ml Milk
9pm Sleep

Maybe u can be a bit creative like add some dried fruits into the existing cereals or make your own porridge? As for adding water into cereal, I dun get it leh. Tot must add water to mix until u get the right texture?
Btw, I feed Edna with water after her meal & very often during her wake up period.
cat tail ..

YC oso takes v little milk one ler .. his max is 150ml some more its BM ... not as filling as FM

eileenp ...

i started to add in the vege puree after a few days of plain cereal ... like what ixwong suggested ... those are nice n yummy vege to add into the cereal

re: drinking water

YC dun like to drink water (better dun let my MIL read this cos she has been warning me that if i dun give him plain water when he was NB ... then he will grow up to not like to drink plain water ... seem like she is correct) ... so i try to offer him water all the time but think he takes less than 20ml per day but he is still on BM so maybe thats why he is not so thirsty
Hi ladies,

Wow.. you girls can really chat! Im having a hard time catching up..

Thanks for the replies and advices to my queries. your babies seem to be eating a lot! my girl is 7 months and her schedule goes something like this (not fixed though)

4am latch on in bed
6am~7am wakes up
7.30am latch on (on way to nannys)
8.30am~9am bathe
9.30am~11am nap
11.30am bowl porridge (1 cube fish + 2 tbsp vege)
1.30pm 120ml milk
2pm~3pm nap
3.30pm bowl rice cereal (with BM, oatmeal, 2 tbsp vege or fruit)
4pm~5pm nap
5.30pm 120ml milk
7.30pm 140ml milk
9.30pm latch on
10.30pm sleeps

Food intake seems low? Sometimes she doesnt even finish her 120ml of milk, maybe takes only 100ml. Shes 7.6kg at 7mths

What I do is Ill use a thin cotton bud dipped in olive oil and clean the exterior while latching on. The oil is really effective in removing the dirt. Have tried water and dry cotton buds, doesnt work.
feather, i'm using Nestle Nan 2 as a supplement, as well as to make milk formula for cereal in the morning.

re: water
not sure how my mum does it, but during weekends, i will give him water before n after his solids, and also at intervals during the day, esp after he just wakes up fr his naps.
Hi mummies,

And I was thinking going on a holiday is an easy affair, to relax and 'let my hair down'. Hahaha... Ok, will do some 'research' before I go.

Small Bell,

Was just thinking of you yesterday
Thnks for sharing the pics. You mummies on a match-making sessions? 2 boy babies and 2 gal babies. Hahaha... chop chop first, eh? Btw, saw your sharing on baby sign language in another thread. The link you provided is very gd. Shld share with the mummies here

another question. i'm feeding my girl threadfin and cod fish - is cod fish suitable for her age? i realise it's very oily. when can we introduce chicken and pork?
hi i'm a mummy,

i just went for the cruise a couple of weeks ago and you're right, gotta go onshore via tender boat... but it's ok, the ride wasn't choppy or anything. in fact, there was this lady who brought twins on the cruise and on the tender boats and all!
guess what... the other time i was asking what ngor her is called in English and i also said maybe i should ask the fishmonger... so last saturday, when i was at the market, i really asked the fishmonger and he has the answer... it's called yellow threadfin.... haha ;p
haha temple, good for u! there's another type of threadfin which is cheaper, but not as nice n may have fishy smell when cooked. it looks smaller than the yellow threadfin.

raisintan, i've not tried cod fish yet, but the fish oil is omega 3 (i think), so no problem.

need your advice on ON purchase. I just received a shipment alert from vpost. But how would I know if my ON order has arrived in full? The email from vpost did not detail out all the items leh, got 2-3 not mentioned in the description. Does it mean I got another package? Should I wait or pay huh?

can feed cod fish (v ex thou). The oil is supposed to be v gd, fill with omega 3? I have introduced chicken to haowen at 7mths. So far only use pork for flavouring, not for eating yet....

this tells us never underestimate the elder uncles or aunties nowadays. Many can speak good english ya.
