2WW - for those TTC-ing

Ladies, I think it is really good to test for LH surge twice a day when nearer to supposedly ovulated date.. Yesterday was my CD13. I started testing using clearblue. Got an empty circle (negative).. This morning at 7.15am I use the first morning urine to test using clearblue.. Empty circle again (negative).. Then in the afternoon, I started to feel wet down there, and getting EWCM ... so when I came home, I tested again at 7.15pm and I got the smiley face. I'll be checking twice again tmr.. Jus wanna see how long this surge last .. Will be monitoring my bbt to confirm too.. Praying my luteal phase this time will be longer.. At least cab have about 14 days.. So that when I start engine in May, my body will be more ready to conceive successfully
Ladies, I think it is really good to test for LH surge twice a day when nearer to supposedly ovulated date.. Yesterday was my CD13. I started testing using clearblue. Got an empty circle (negative).. This morning at 7.15am I use the first morning urine to test using clearblue.. Empty circle again (negative).. Then in the afternoon, I started to feel wet down there, and getting EWCM ... so when I came home, I tested again at 7.15pm and I got the smiley face. I'll be checking twice again tmr.. Jus wanna see how long this surge last .. Will be monitoring my bbt to confirm too.. Praying my luteal phase this time will be longer.. At least cab have about 14 days.. So that when I start engine in May, my body will be more ready to conceive successfully
Yes! I agree! I tested once at 7am of CD14 and got negative. Smiley face appeared on 7am at CD15. But since it was a working day, I decided to check again after work and smiley face remained at 9pm! But negative from CD16 onwards. I should have tested again on CD14 night. But who knows right... Testing twice daily during the ovulation week does allow us to catch the right moment...
Yes! I agree! I tested once at 7am of CD14 and got negative. Smiley face appeared on 7am at CD15. But since it was a working day, I decided to check again after work and smiley face remained at 9pm! But negative from CD16 onwards. I should have tested again on CD14 night. But who knows right... Testing twice daily during the ovulation week does allow us to catch the right moment...
Urs lasted pretty long. i tested ard 11am negative and ard 5 plus pm also negative but next day temp spike liao.. sian...
I'm flying on next Thursday, I confirm will eat n shop like crazy!!!! Lol....
Enjoy ur trip!! I love Taiwan. Ppl nice and courteous and gals very pretty. Erm not much cute man around. I love the sotong at the "yu ren ma tou" mrt stop. But haven't cross over to the jetty yet. Just around there. Wah so nice. Think got free trial. After trial u will just pay sgd5 for a small portion of sotong. Love!

Bring me along. I'm going to slp. My fever is 38.5 Liao. Night ladies. I hope it won't go up further.
Aiyah, already disappointed 10+ cycles already, no feel liao... some more having a rough patch with my hubby now, I rather not bfp now n make all of us suffer lo...
Relax and enjoy your holiday.. Good chance to bond.. Don't buy any prepaid card there.. Then lesser chance for your hubby to play Hp.. It's good to have a break from TTC then can enjoy BD better..
Ladies, I think it is really good to test for LH surge twice a day when nearer to supposedly ovulated date.. Yesterday was my CD13. I started testing using clearblue. Got an empty circle (negative).. This morning at 7.15am I use the first morning urine to test using clearblue.. Empty circle again (negative).. Then in the afternoon, I started to feel wet down there, and getting EWCM ... so when I came home, I tested again at 7.15pm and I got the smiley face. I'll be checking twice again tmr.. Jus wanna see how long this surge last .. Will be monitoring my bbt to confirm too.. Praying my luteal phase this time will be longer.. At least cab have about 14 days.. So that when I start engine in May, my body will be more ready to conceive successfully
Looks like you are pretty well prepared.. Maybe by may, one strike and bingo!
Enjoy ur trip!! I love Taiwan. Ppl nice and courteous and gals very pretty. Erm not much cute man around. I love the sotong at the "yu ren ma tou" mrt stop. But haven't cross over to the jetty yet. Just around there. Wah so nice. Think got free trial. After trial u will just pay sgd5 for a small portion of sotong. Love!

Bring me along. I'm going to slp. My fever is 38.5 Liao. Night ladies. I hope it won't go up further.
Sleep early.. Get well soon and plan for a holiday with your hubby..
Enjoy ur trip!! I love Taiwan. Ppl nice and courteous and gals very pretty. Erm not much cute man around. I love the sotong at the "yu ren ma tou" mrt stop. But haven't cross over to the jetty yet. Just around there. Wah so nice. Think got free trial. After trial u will just pay sgd5 for a small portion of sotong. Love!

Bring me along. I'm going to slp. My fever is 38.5 Liao. Night ladies. I hope it won't go up further.
Take good care hopeful mum.. Take paracetamol at regular interval until fever is controlled then slowly space out the interval.. Hope you get well soon.. And drink lots of water and have plenty of rest
Hi ladies, jus wanna hear your opinion.. I've bought a new pack of cheap OPK from a new seller.. Wanna test if it is good and accurate.. I've shared earlier that i tested with clearblue ovulation test kit at 7.15pm just now and has gotten a smiley face (positive). 5 mins ago , I decided to test using the cheap OPK to see if this batch of new OPK is working and I've gotten two lines .. Can share if you think the cheap OPK looks positive to you? By right , the result should tally with the clearblue ovulation test kit.. It looks dark lines to me but I wanna hear your opinion.. If the cheap OPK is working, then I'll continue to use them.. I bought 50 of them to test test:D
Hi ladies, jus wanna hear your opinion.. I've bought a new pack of cheap OPK from a new seller.. Wanna test if it is good and accurate.. I've shared earlier that i tested with clearblue ovulation test kit at 7.15pm just now and has gotten a smiley face (positive). 5 mins ago , I decided to test using the cheap OPK to see if this batch of new OPK is working and I've gotten two lines .. Can share if you think the cheap OPK looks positive to you? By right , the result should tally with the clearblue ovulation test kit.. It looks dark lines to me but I wanna hear your opinion.. If the cheap OPK is working, then I'll continue to use them.. I bought 50 of them to test test:DView attachment 230766
Oh yes... The lines looked really dark to me!
Looking back at how I TTC last year, I think I made two big mistakes:
1) I followed closely to the fertility apps estimated date of ovulation .. Those are jus an estimation, can't rely completely.. Silly me ! :D

2) when I started using clearblue ovulation test kit, I only bd a few days b4 I detected a smiley face on clearblue.. And then bd when I detected smiley face . The moment I see empty circle (means negative) on clearblue, I stopped bd .. My Chinese sinseh reminded me that the smiley face means detect LH surge.. The egg may release 1-3 days later .. Though clearblue may show empty circle (negative ) after two days , she advise to still continue to bd.. She said some women even release egg as late as 5 days later after LH surge is being detected.. So don't stop bd so quickly.. :)
Looking back at how I TTC last year, I think I made two big mistakes:
1) I followed closely to the fertility apps estimated date of ovulation .. Those are jus an estimation, can't rely completely.. Silly me ! :D

2) when I started using clearblue ovulation test kit, I only bd a few days b4 I detected a smiley face on clearblue.. And then bd when I detected smiley face . The moment I see empty circle (means negative) on clearblue, I stopped bd .. My Chinese sinseh reminded me that the smiley face means detect LH surge.. The egg may release 1-3 days later .. Though clearblue may show empty circle (negative ) after two days , she advise to still continue to bd.. She said some women even release egg as late as 5 days later after LH surge is being detected.. So don't stop bd so quickly.. :)
Looks like I'm making the same mistake too! We used to bd on the day of smiley face and not after that... I shall continue bd during my next cycle!
Looks like I'm making the same mistake too! We used to bd on the day of smiley face and not after that... I shall continue bd during my next cycle!
Yes, you must do that .. To ensure you cover all bases:) and of course at the same time, to enjoy the process of being close to hubby:) relax is the key:) Jia you!:)
Yes, you must do that .. To ensure you cover all bases:) and of course at the same time, to enjoy the process of being close to hubby:) relax is the key:) Jia you!:)
We tried to bd once every 3-4 days.. Then once every two days during ovulation week. But really takes a lot of effort to try... I pity my hub. He really no mood and tired but still hafta entertain me.
We tried to bd once every 3-4 days.. Then once every two days during ovulation week. But really takes a lot of effort to try... I pity my hub. He really no mood and tired but still hafta entertain me.
Heheh.. I can understand :D me too, last year near the estimated ovulation period, I also bugged my hubby to bd alternate days .. There is once I even ask him to do daily near ovulation period cos I Kia Su.. Worry will miss the boat .. He is very funny.. Raise up his arms in surrenderness and pretend to faint on the bed :D then he told me to do whatever I want with him :D feel really bad Loh... machiam we treat them like sperms-producing machine.. Heheh.. Very poor thing :D
Yes, you must do that .. To ensure you cover all bases:) and of course at the same time, to enjoy the process of being close to hubby:) relax is the key:) Jia you!:)

good analysis angel !
i also suspected that i am those that even with smiley face, i might not O but only few days later cos temp is not increasing immediately.
good analysis angel !
i also suspected that i am those that even with smiley face, i might not O but only few days later cos temp is not increasing immediately.
Ya, that is why it is good to jus continue to bd after detected positive on OPK. Did u do that for this cycle?:)
Actually I really don't know how to read bbt chart and can't be sure whether I've ovulated and if yes, when did i actually ovulated .. That is why I find it helpful to let my Chinese sinseh look at my bbt chart and she will examine and tell me if I've ovulated and on which cycle day.. I find it very helpful.. Take last cycle as an example.. Clearblue shows smiley face on CD 11 and 12 only. From CD13 onwards, clearblue shows empty circle (negative ).. But when my Chinese sinseh look at my bbt chart, she told me I actually ovulated on CD15. Last year when I TTC, the moment I saw empty circle, I actually rest and then didn't bd so actively liao.. So I really think taking bbt and using clearblue ovulation test kit + OPK is very helpful and shed lights to help me understand my body better:)
Hi ladies, jus wanna hear your opinion.. I've bought a new pack of cheap OPK from a new seller.. Wanna test if it is good and accurate.. I've shared earlier that i tested with clearblue ovulation test kit at 7.15pm just now and has gotten a smiley face (positive). 5 mins ago , I decided to test using the cheap OPK to see if this batch of new OPK is working and I've gotten two lines .. Can share if you think the cheap OPK looks positive to you? By right , the result should tally with the clearblue ovulation test kit.. It looks dark lines to me but I wanna hear your opinion.. If the cheap OPK is working, then I'll continue to use them.. I bought 50 of them to test test:DView attachment 230766
Looks dark to me !!
Ya, that is why it is good to jus continue to bd after detected positive on OPK. Did u do that for this cycle?:)
Actually I really don't know how to read bbt chart and can't be sure whether I've ovulated and if yes, when did i actually ovulated .. That is why I find it helpful to let my Chinese sinseh look at my bbt chart and she will examine and tell me if I've ovulated and on which cycle day.. I find it very helpful.. Take last cycle as an example.. Clearblue shows smiley face on CD 11 and 12 only. From CD13 onwards, clearblue shows empty circle (negative ).. But when my Chinese sinseh look at my bbt chart, she told me I actually ovulated on CD15. Last year when I TTC, the moment I saw empty circle, I actually rest and then didn't bd so actively liao.. So I really think taking bbt and using clearblue ovulation test kit + OPK is very helpful and shed lights to help me understand my body better:)

I also kiasu tis time try to do even on cd 19 mn... I plan to do even until cd 26 haha ... don c af don give up continue do.. hb also nice tdy tho he come bk late like 12.30mn he still wk me up ask me Ai mai .. last bd was cd 16 mn also ... 3 days apart ,hopefully we caught the boat ...

Tis ttc 2nd mth for me I added alot of stuffs !

From Juz bd to supplements to opk cb for me n dh. If still don strike .. only new add up is TSB. . If still still don strike lol maybe drag him do sperms analysis!
Chocopiggie: my cycle buddy! Enjoy ur tw trip!

My af still hasnt arrived. But has those cramp. Temp is still on high side. 36.84. So suspect mayb I din o on the day I saw darkline in opk.
Hi ladies, jus wanna hear your opinion.. I've bought a new pack of cheap OPK from a new seller.. Wanna test if it is good and accurate.. I've shared earlier that i tested with clearblue ovulation test kit at 7.15pm just now and has gotten a smiley face (positive). 5 mins ago , I decided to test using the cheap OPK to see if this batch of new OPK is working and I've gotten two lines .. Can share if you think the cheap OPK looks positive to you? By right , the result should tally with the clearblue ovulation test kit.. It looks dark lines to me but I wanna hear your opinion.. If the cheap OPK is working, then I'll continue to use them.. I bought 50 of them to test test:DView attachment 230766

Yes the cheap opk works too.
Aiyah, already disappointed 10+ cycles already, no feel liao... some more having a rough patch with my hubby now, I rather not bfp now n make all of us suffer lo...

Hugs.. dont give up. Have a break in tpe & enjoy to the max. I'm also trying for 10+ cycles :(.. Did you seek professional help?
Looking back at how I TTC last year, I think I made two big mistakes:
1) I followed closely to the fertility apps estimated date of ovulation .. Those are jus an estimation, can't rely completely.. Silly me ! :D

2) when I started using clearblue ovulation test kit, I only bd a few days b4 I detected a smiley face on clearblue.. And then bd when I detected smiley face . The moment I see empty circle (means negative) on clearblue, I stopped bd .. My Chinese sinseh reminded me that the smiley face means detect LH surge.. The egg may release 1-3 days later .. Though clearblue may show empty circle (negative ) after two days , she advise to still continue to bd.. She said some women even release egg as late as 5 days later after LH surge is being detected.. So don't stop bd so quickly.. :)

Thats very helpful info, thanks! I didn't use OPK regularly.. we just BD regularly close to ovulation as i have v regular menses. And i agree, really pity the hubby...had to work during the BDs...
Had like 2 faint pink spots in my cm after BD.. I'm on Cycle day 17 yesterday .. Anybody encounter that?? Is that ovulation spotting ?
Hugs.. dont give up. Have a break in tpe & enjoy to the max. I'm also trying for 10+ cycles :(.. Did you seek professional help?

Er, sort of ba? I'm visiting dr loh for a few times to do all the fertility checks, next time visit him will be follow up on my hsg xray results lo...
Looking back at how I TTC last year, I think I made two big mistakes:
1) I followed closely to the fertility apps estimated date of ovulation .. Those are jus an estimation, can't rely completely.. Silly me ! :D

2) when I started using clearblue ovulation test kit, I only bd a few days b4 I detected a smiley face on clearblue.. And then bd when I detected smiley face . The moment I see empty circle (means negative) on clearblue, I stopped bd .. My Chinese sinseh reminded me that the smiley face means detect LH surge.. The egg may release 1-3 days later .. Though clearblue may show empty circle (negative ) after two days , she advise to still continue to bd.. She said some women even release egg as late as 5 days later after LH surge is being detected.. So don't stop bd so quickly.. :)
same same mistake!! stop immed after expected O date... >.< 5 days means at least 2 more times wor
same same mistake!! stop immed after expected O date... >.< 5 days means at least 2 more times wor
Yes! I made this mistake the whole of last year! So this time we jus bd a few more times after detected LH surge.. To cover all bases.. Best is to do it regularly if have stamina :D
I itchy hand.. Tested using cheap ovulation test kit again for fun (I think I bought too many cheap ovulation test kit :D ).. Test line still quite dark but last night seems darker.. I'll test again tonight to see if the line grows fainter... Heheh.. Really itchy hand :D
This morning at 7.15am again, I used clearblue ovulation test kit.. Still got a smiley face.. After that dun wanna waste clearblue stick again.. Feels slight crampy feeling at abdomen area too.. EWCM as well.. I'm not surprised if tonight got a negative.. Jus wanna track how long is my LH surge.. Then look at tmr's bbt again.. Quite fun actually.. Heheh.. :D
Yea we're not giving up so easily.. but having tried naturally for 12+ cycles, think it's time to try with some help...
I also tried for a year plus before seeing gynae.. By now easily 24+ cycles and still here trying.. Lets be positive and hope our turn will come soon..
I itchy hand.. Tested using cheap ovulation test kit again for fun (I think I bought too many cheap ovulation test kit :D ).. Test line still quite dark but last night seems darker.. I'll test again tonight to see if the line grows fainter... Heheh.. Really itchy hand :DView attachment 231131
Cd15 cheap opk shows a negative already. For the monitor think it tracks estrogen levels as well that's why still positive.
Cd15 cheap opk shows a negative already. For the monitor think it tracks estrogen levels as well that's why still positive.
So does it means the LH surge is over liao? Today my boobs feels tender. So I'll have to check my bbt for next few days to confirm whether I ovulated.. I used the clearblue ovulation test stick.. So it track estrogen level , is it? Sorry, I very blur blur one :D
Hmmph! The egg so difficult to catch! If only some genius can invent a test stick to detect the moment the egg is being released! :D :D
Hi ladies! I am new here but am also ttc like all of u. Just want to ask if you all BD on alternate days near O or everyday? I feel safer if Bd everyday but scared DH's sperm quality will be affected.
So does it means the LH surge is over liao? Today my boobs feels tender. So I'll have to check my bbt for next few days to confirm whether I ovulated.. I used the clearblue ovulation test stick.. So it track estrogen level , is it? Sorry, I very blur blur one :D
not sure how the estrogen tracking would work differently, because it also drops upon LH surge


Hi ladies! I am new here but am also ttc like all of u. Just want to ask if you all BD on alternate days near O or everyday? I feel safer if Bd everyday but scared DH's sperm quality will be affected.
i still stick to alternate days... just to be sure the sperm quality/maturity is maintained, and relying more on faith that my CM can keep the sperm alive for >1day

So does it means the LH surge is over liao? Today my boobs feels tender. So I'll have to check my bbt for next few days to confirm whether I ovulated.. I used the clearblue ovulation test stick.. So it track estrogen level , is it? Sorry, I very blur blur one :D
Cox apparently cheapies can detect high LH. But ur monitor acts as another level to confirm u are going to ovulate when it can detect estrogen. I think u probably going to O today on tmr already. When u take ur temp today did it dip? If ur temp works like a textbook version and dipped Meaning u are going to o anytime today. Then tmr u will see a spike in ur temp.

Today I totally missed temp cox I'm still having. Fever and didn't hear the alarm ring at all. That day I had a dip in temp also same day I got positive on monitor plus cheapies. But at night cheapies negative already monitor was still positive. Then I has cramps and bloating (I would like to believe ) it's probably ovulating cramps. Next morning my temp rises.
