Your's Truly - Hello Kitty

The preview is on today (10am - 2pm), they must be stand by now to CHIONG ah~~~
i thought preview on thur .. and fri to buy ..
oh.. must be mistaken..
i meeting Eliz later at 1pm.. can peek her loots... tempting..
So sorry i didn't meet u just now.. was so caught up on shopping...
Not really on the sanrio fair but stuff for my gal at the atrium. Hahaha...
Guess on sale!! I bought a pair of black boots for my gal too. So happy!!
If HK i wld be even more happy though. hahaha.

Sabbath (sabbath)
The red one we had a BP last yr? Now i don't see it ard anymore.
it is alright.. pass me again lar..
any cute loots to share? Is the sanrio fair worth going? What are some items that catch ur attention?
Sabbath (sabbath)

I'm see before that Red clock , my sister bought from TH last few month ago , I'm don't know they still have stock.
Hi gals,

Nice meeting some of you all today! Had a great spree on HK! hehe...think most of us spent a bomb. If anyone wants to let go the black leather mirror vivitix, please PM me. I'm willing to buy it at a higher price. = )
Hi Ladies

Wow it was really madness just now! I reached at 9.55am but still by the time I got in can only drool at the 'delicious' goods in other people's baskets...keke...

Btw, I have the diecut pink polka dot series tray (small) to let go @ cost $12.95. DO pm/sms me if keen.

Nice meeting u just now. Wish we had time to chat longer...

U also got the scissiors ah? Sorry need to check with u is it for kitchen or for art & craft ah?

I really feel sorry to my boy, I cheong like siao aunty forgot I slinging him, think his leg kana giap when I try to take the kitchen tower holder.

wow you manage to get so many of the die cut container, got one to spare me?
Ya...agreed this yr its reali madness loh. Tink coz' of the vivitix items bah.
Tink i saw ur hubby with ur son too.

The scissors is for art & craft one loh. U didnt buy?

Yes...i managed to grab 4 sets only loh. Me dun hav spare to give away leh. Coz' 2 for my gals, 2 for my nieces. Wan more oso no more liao.

Btw...u managed to find ur son's sock?
Hi ladies,

Selling this brand new Hello Kitty Car Seat tray which i just bought fr Taka for $42.95. Interested parties, pls PM me, pr slightly neg.

Thanks for the info.

Huh? I only brought along my son, not my hubby. Maybe u saw someone else hubby and son. It is really like a big forum HK lovers gathering also.
Yup I got the scissors. At first thought for kitchen then saw the zigzag so wondering if can use for kitchen too.

Wonder what new stock they replenish for Sat...

princessEmma: no, there are no new stock..but they did replenish their stock for quite a few items, including the vivitix range. =)
Hi Ladies
wow....seem like all hv got good goodies frm the sanrio sale.

Saw this in CLEO mag. Hello Kitty Lad in Singapore !! From 14 Nov - 29 Nov.
Hi ladies,
Nice meeting some of u gals at the fair.

Hello Kitty,
I agree this yr is reali madness lor. When the gate to the talking hall is opening slowly, some ladies actuali bend dwn & crawl in.. Can u imagine!!!!!!!

Gals, have some of these HP charms for sale at cost $4 each, let me know if anyone's keen.

Narikiri 3rd series.

Narikiri 4th series.
ho ho... yes ms brown, the SA there were shocked too! We were chatting and they were telling us about the incident on Friday morning when the gate was opening... some ladies really bent down forward to get through the barely opened gate.

Oh well... with all these adds up to the fun of getting all the limited edition stuff, right!

Oh... I went down yesterday morning and bought more stuff. Got the 2 car mat, M size. Last friday only L size only, but yesterday they have M size. L size is actually too big for the car, so M size is ideal.
OMG!! I LOVE your loots leh!!

You sure bo? Got ppl tried to crawl over? My goodness, haha

I like this pin board too! I haven't go to the fair yet, hope still have some leftover good stuffs

Ladies, got more loots to share?!

By the way, can some someone let go your extra points to me? I need to exchange for paper shredder, please.... :p
Nice way of doing it.

Yes de. At 1st it was all screams, then I see ppl crawling over wor. We duno them de.

Am looking for the sanrio $50 voucher, anyone not using, wana donate to me, will pay for postage. Pls PM me
Yes, I bought all the charms cos I like them very much.

Jasmine, there's still lots of pin board left... so no worries.

I thought the vouchers are only valid for the 1st 3 days of the fair?... can someone read the clause on the voucher?


Cos the other side not open yet. To top it off... the gate where some ladies crawl in was because the vivitix items are nearer to that gate.
