Support group - Miscarriages

Horsie, Sorry for your loss... hope some other ladies who have had the experience can help you. If you trust you gynae, then go with his recommendation otherwise you can also get a second opinion when you are preggy again..

Castiel's mummy, I like your optimism. Jia you on the rainbow baby! I can only start ttc end of July. Sigh.

ChrisL, I did eat raw salad from restaurants and a lot of strawberry shortcake during my preg too. Not sure if it was the cause but I will stay away next time.

Princess leopard,
Ur SIL also another kind, talk without using their brain.
Last night my hubby receive a call from his relative, asking him to book a place for his baby girl birthday celebration.

My eyes open wide. We haven't recover from the pain.
They didn't even call n concern abit, now call n ask us for all this. Bth them...
Yes, what I can only do.
Only can get far away from them.
Have to say my hubby stuck in between us. It his mother n yet this thing happen. He can't say bad words abt his mother n same time hurt by them too. He a very filial type of man.
Jia you to all the mummies here.
I lost my 2nd boy,Donte when he is 26weeks old this Jan.
If he is still around,he would be a cheeky 1 month old soon.
Up till today,I dont even know what cause him to leave me.

But I believe they left us for a reason.
A reason unknown.

Same here. When i mc & stay home that period. They din call at all to show concern. When we met one day, they also treat as if nothing happened, topics only on their unborn dragon babies. But after this whole thing, at least I see their true self. Try to avoid as much as possible lo, so we can live happier.
Hi Ranice,

Sorry for your loss. Hugs...
Seems like there are also quite a number of mid-term termination around lately. I think if I were to get preggy again, I will only rest my mind when I give birth.
Princess leopard,
That wat I'm doing, will not attend any gathering anymore.
They forever have those none stop gathering, often will ask when we trying to conceive. They think getting conceive isas easy as their mind.

Big hugs to you.
Lost at mid-term, I can't imaging what you gone thru.
Realize nowaday so many cases on MC.
Horsie/ Ranice,

I can feel you . Me too lost my baby boy at week 20th in Sept 2011. Conceived thru IVF at NUH and within a night I lost my baby boy due to unknown reason from my gynae.

They just can't tell us the reason. Could be due to incompetance cervic or infection?
Hello mummies,

I originally posted my story on the stillbirth thread which I found out about from a really nice mtb from the Aug 2012 thread. My baby boy was due in Aug.

I lost him at 18 weeks. I went into labour suddenly and delivered him. He was still alive and kicking when they did a scan at the A&E, but I was too far dilated and having too strong contractions for them to do anything. He didn't survive the birth.

I'm sorry to hear about all the problems with the in-laws that you gals are having. It's very sad that when we need care and concern the most, the people around us behave so poorly, making the situation so much more difficult to bear.

I have similar problems with a SIL who has very poor EQ, but fortunately she lives in another country. My major sources of insult to injury comes from my own parents and brother. I won't go into the details; it's the stuff that Taiwanese dramas are made out of.

I can't deal with seeing pregnant women or newborn babies very well at the moment. It brings back a lot of pain. I have decided not to see / visit my 2 SILs who are both pregnant until I have managed to conceive again. I am not sure how practical or achievable that is since one of them lives with my parents, but I will do my best to avoid them. I don't even want to look at their babies when they are born. Is this childish? I don't know. All I know is that I will do everything to protect my heart since none of them did anything to ease my sorrow when I desperately needed emotional support. Instead, they added salt to the wound.

Horsie: The circumstances surrounding my delivery appear to be different from yours, so I can't offer you much help. But I feel your pain. I have been through 2 rounds of IVF, both of which failed. To lose a child conceived via IVF must be a hundred times more heart wrenching.

Farisah: I'm so so sorry for your loss. I feel your pain immensely, for I too lost my boy in a matter of a day. Coincidentally, I also did 2 rounds of IVF at NUH, but both were not successful. My gyne this time round was the same one I used with my 1st child, also at NUH. She did not have any conclusive answers for us either. I too was told it could have been an infection or cervical incompetence. No testing was done on the placenta.

I have to say that NUH is not the best hospital to go to if one does end up with a late / midterm miscarriage. The nurses were very caring and kind, but there wasn't much in terms of cleaning the baby, dressing the baby etc. KKH sounds like they are so much more prepared to deal with such cases and even take photographs of the baby for the parents. I suppose they too have come a long way in setting up such processes in place to help the parents cope.

I've requested and gone for a round of blood tests to check for any possible blood disorders/diabetes that might have caused my loss. Still waiting on the results. You might like to consider getting tested before getting pregnant again.
Ranice, Farisah and Baby_Lang: Big hugs to you... It must be so devastating. Hope you girls can somehow find the reason. Sigh, don't know why such things must happen..
I'm now obsessed with thoughts of ttc. Really have to wait 3 months? Seems so long. And time is not on my side... Feel like I can't afford to wait. Sigh.
Tomorrow is mother day, how to celebrate mother's day when your baby is not with you?

Yet you have to celebrate with your own mum, can you imagine the pain?

Ya and have to celebrate twice.. Once on saturday and sunday.. Cos for mother and mother in law.. And see my preggy sis in law..


Ya 3 mths feels so long.. Dun get too stressed out.. I'm trying not to think so much.. My hubby too.. We just BD whenever we feel like it.. Don't bother about the ovulation and all.. Maybe we shld just take this time and relax and enjoy the love with our hubby.. I'm sure it'll make the 3 mth wait feel better

Ranice, farisah, baby_lang,

So sorry for your loss.. Can't imagine the pain you guys went thru.. Must rest well and then jia you k..
1cloud, I did not wait for 3 months to start ttc. After my first AF came back normally, my gynae & tcm doc gave me green light to start ttc. So, I start on the 2nd month. Perhaps u can check with ur doc.
Horsie, just think that u are celebrating for ur mum who carry u for 9 months and bring u up. It's hard work for them.

I am celebrating for my family side, It's a huge gathering & all grown up. So, it can be a happy occasion. But I am avoiding my in-law side, cos of 2 inconsiderate, preggy SIL + their 2 toddlers.
Horsie, princess leopard,
What I did was, celebrate mother's day only with mother.
My In Laws, i dun care. But I already encourage my HB to go back himself. Whatever they wan to say abt me, I dun care.

Most imp is myself now.
Alway I'm putting them infront of me. When it time I need emo support. They say hurting words to my HB. Toward me, not even a phone call or SMS. Why I need to celebrate with them.
I didn't wait for 3 mths.
After my D&C bleeding ended, my Dr did a scan to see womb condition etc. Immdently he give me approve to start TTC.
Same as princessleopard, I didn't care much abt ovulation calucation or basal chart anymore. The more u want conceive, the more it harder. I keep avoid thinking of trying hard. Just stay relax, not easy.
Horsie: it's so bittersweet. Try to do something special with your hubby and remember your baby. After all, even though he is not with you now,you are always his mummy.

Min81, princessleopard and celestine: thanks. I try
but age catching up and we are not those who can conceive easily, so very hard to relax. Plus, what if I get preggy and the same thing happen again *touch wood*. So many worries.

Celestine, don't worry about your in-laws. Yes most impt is protect yourself. Face them only when you are emotionally ready.

Ya can empathise with you.. Hugzz.. I'm also in my 30s.. Also dunno why healthy but can't conceive easily.. If not for IUI, i would not even had this chance of being pregnant.. When i had the miscarriage, i had asked myself was it cos i went against god's will and i wasn't meant to have a child..

When is your next appt with gynae? Can check with him whether or not it's safe to try already.. My first AF after mc juz came few days ago.. Will check whether i can start trying at the next appt.. I will go for 1 more round IUI and if not successful, will go for ivf..

We all jia you k!
Hi all, just happened to read this thread, understand many of us cant feel happy for tomorrow mothers day, but why not temporary switch attention to our own dearest mum for one day! Dont forget they loves us just like how we love our bb. We must treasure our mum when she still with us, tell them we love her, imagine how happy u will when ur own kids celebrate with u!
Hi min81,

Where did u do ur iui? After e mc, i start ttc maturally for 3 months but no good news. So i going to do so-iui this month. Really hope can succeed! My last clomid-iui failed
Min81, Don't think that, i'm sure God will bless you with a bouncing baby soon
good luck with the IUI! I have a hard time conceiving too, I know how it feels..

My next appt with gynae is 1 months time. Fingers crossed everything is good and I can try soon.

Princessleopard, hope you have success this round!
Hi princessleopard,

I had my IUI done at NUH under Prof P C Wong.. Dr told me best not to get pregnant for now.. Must use condom when BD.. But we were thinking, unprotected sex few yrs also never strike, don't think we need to use.. Haha..

Which gynae are u with? Best of luck with your IUI!!


Thanks.. I will still try my best
Actually, i've just tendered my resignation.. Will leave my job end june.. Hope it'll help to have more rest and less stress.. My next appt also in about a month.. Wishing the 2 of us good luck!!
min81, I am with TMC under Dr Joycelyn Wong. A few ladies shares that they quit their jobs & rest for a couple of months & really got preggy. I had been thinking of that too. Good luck to u!!
Hi All

sorry to hear about your loss. Hope everyone is coping well here. This forum support is indeed a great channel for us to share and motivate us to be strong and move on.

i just had my D&C 6 days ago. Baby stop growing at week 6-7. Went check-up on week 8 and realised foetus had stopped growing n bb no HB. so gynae said its a m/c and asked me to go for D&C. However, i did not give up. i went on to seek a 2nd opinion and realised the same outcome. Hence, i really have to face the reality and proceed to D&C to move on from there. indeed very saddened as this is my 1st preg and cried for the a couple of days. however felt better now as i told myself if the baby is not healthy and not meant to be mine..i should learn to accept. its all fated.

Right now doing mini confinement at home for 2 weeks since am on 2 wks HL. Can anyone share your confinement days at home? weather is so hot nowadays and my mum told me i cant bathe just have to wipe my body with warm/hebal water and no washing of hair. am still coping not to wash hair and felt very sticky and oily esp this season so hot and humid. Was told to avoid aircon and fan too but i just try to on at night to allow me to sleep and day time on the fan indirectly at the other direction for circulation. Really a challenge to do thru this stage and also doing a confinement without bb. sigh..was told to take tonic and chicken essence after 12 days later as prior consumption will result in more bleeding and the bu wil not be absorbed into our body.

i hope i will be able to cope thru my complete 2 weeks of mini confinement as i always have cold hands and feet. Hence must eat and rest well. After my confinement, i wana go to tcm to bu my body before i ttc again as i really dun wish to go thru this stage again.

any good recommendation of good tcm?
Hope to hear from anyone of u and do share your confinement days and good masseus to recommend too as im new in this thread. thanks.

Baby dust to all of us...=)
Hi chrisy (chrisy774),
I did the full 4 weeks at home. 1st week was worst, my hubby wanted me to put a wind breaker, long pants and walk in home slippers. No open windows, no fan at all. Basically, every where I walk, door or windows are to be closed. Partially, I wanted to try soon so he being concern wanted to make sure I really rest and recuperate well enough to try again, that's why he is so strict with me. I did the same thing that you mention, no bath unless in the herbal water and no washing of hair. I sweat like crazy and I can literally feel the oil and persire flowing down my hair.

Personally, I don't quite believe in all this, however I still did it. I just don't want to risk my health for not being able to endure the heat. Then again blame myself again for not being in tip top of health to conceive. Then again, just my advice. You need not follow all through..

I had my miscarriage last month. I am on my 3rd week of confinement period now. Supposed to be on mini confinement 2 weeks but my mum insisted for 4 weeks. So, I just follow but not strictly. For the first two weeks, I bathed using herbal water for every two days and no washing of hair. Everyday wear socks at home and sandal. I never experience cold hands and feet, so not sure whether you need to see TCM.

Btw, on the first week of confinement I went to see TCM to tiao my health. I brought my husband together. I was given 4 packs of herbs to be brewed and consumed. Husband only 2 packs. So, just finished it yesterday.

The tonic and supplements must be consumed after 12 days according to my mum too. Reason being same as yours if take earlier, it will promote bleeding. The first week, you must eat a lot of old gingers and black fungus to expel out the gas and also the leftover blood clots.

If you need any recipe, just let me know. I will attached the photos and instruction here. Btw, I am not an expert. I just follow some recipe books. I did my own confinement as my parents live far away from here and I don't want to trouble my MIL.

Rest well for this period. Hope you will conceive soon.
Thanks Horsie and niko for your sharing..

Both of you done 4 weeks of confinement. My mum wanted me to do for 1 month too but i dont have many days of leave left so no choice i only make use of my HL to do 2 weeks. how many days of HL did both of u got?

Niko- do share your confinement receipe with me as im keen to know too.u even do your own confinement. thats not easy. mind to share where u go for tcm to tiao your body?

today is another day of my confinement. sweat like crazy with oily hair and sticky body. Endure all.

I made a schedule for my four weeks confinement period as each week focus on different things e.g. first week focus on expel gas and old blood clot.

I list out here for you and you tell me which one you are more keen on to make and ask your maid/parents to cook it for you.

First Week
Daily Drinks - Fried Ginger Rice / Red Date Longan
(My mum said cannot drink plain water first week. So up to each individual)

Breakfast (either one)
- Mee Suah Soup with Pig Kidney and Black Fungus
- Bread with Egg and Milo
- Fried Ginger Rice

Lunch / Dinner (I only cook 2-3 from the list below)
- Braised Shredded Black Fungus with Rice Wine
- Fried Kampong Chicken with Ginger Slices and Garlic
- Steam Spare Ribs with Wine and Ginger Paste
- FRied Egg in Ginger and Glutinous Wine Soup
- Black Beans with Chicken Feet Soup
- Black Chicken with Lemon Grass and Shallot Soup
- Steamed fish with Ginger
- French Bean Omelette with Gingers
- Fried Char Siew / Siu Bak with Garlic and Soya Sauce
- Sesame Oil Sunshine Egg with Gingers

Please eat well and also rest well during your confinement period. Don't carry heavy stuff. If you need to touch water, please wear glove. Btw, since you are on 2 weeks HL, for the second week you must drink DOM / Martell (boil with lean meat). I heard from my mum that if you didn't drink any tonic during confinement period, your body will be very weak after that.

For the TCM, I went to Ban Choon Chuan. There is only one Chinese Sinseh there. The queue is damn long. I took about one hour to queue that day. The herbs are very bitter and need to brew. My follow up visit will be on Day5 menses which will be next week if my aunty come.
Hi ladies...

I did not go on confinement. Actually my doc only gave me a few days' MC. Not sure if it's becos I miscarriaged at 6 weeks? Anyone know what's the number of days one should go for confinement if early miscarriage?
HI Emma,

SOrry for your loss. The number of days of confinement really depends on individual. Normally the MC doc gave is about 5-7 days only. Some ladies only do for a week, when they return to workplace, they resume normal foods. But like some of us here, if MIL interferes, we do a longer period of confinement. I did for a month as my MIL insisted.

sorry for 'newcomers''s not a nice thread to have new members here..i did only about 2 weeks non strict confinement..meaning i still bathe and wash hair (a few days after the ordeal) but i consumed lots of ginger and black fungus dishes as well as longan red date drinks..

do you have the recipe for 'Black Chicken with Lemon Grass and Shallot Soup' ? Im interested to try to keep warm hehe but can use normal chicken instead of black chicken? cos here no black chicken

anyway, also asking if anyone here cook and drink bazhen in the afternoon instead of the evening? Cos the recipe book said make and take usually b4 bedtime and it made me need the toilet often in the im thinking if afternoon can or not?
Chrisy, sorry about our loss. It's good that you have your mum to help you out with confinement. Psycho yourself by thinking about your next pregnancy and bb and maybe you can tahan better ;)

Emma, I m/c at 10 weeks and did not do a proper confinemt too. Cos I did not announce either the pregnancy or m/c, I had no help so very hard to manage. I took longan red date drink and ordered confinement food. Still bathe and wash hair but I make sure I blow dry my hair immed. Try to do what you can.

How have you been? When is your next IVF? Mine will be on next month. Looking for cycle buddy now. I seldom login nowadays as I busy with my guests and some works.

As for the the recipe of Black Chicken with Lemon Grass and Shallot Soup, here it is:

Black Chicken, Shallots (8), Lemon Grass Stem (8)

1) Remove the black chicken skin, clean it up and blanch it with boiling water.

2) For the shallots, just peel off the skin and wash it clean.

3) For the lemon grass stem, choose those fat one if you buy from wet market and also wash it. Smash it.

4) Put chicken, shallots, lemon grass in a pot. Pour in about 8 small bowls of water into it. Boil it in high heat for 20 mins and cook in low heat about 2 hours. Put some salt to season it.

1) Buy the lemon grass stem from wet market. I have tried with NTUC and coldstorage one. It did not taste good. Maybe old stock?

2) I never try with normal chicken but if you are doing confinement, I think select the best chicken for yourself.

3) The whole soup taste like tomyum!!!...LOl, after you drink, you will sweat. So, remember to change your clothes after that.

Thats very kind of you to share your confinement receipe and also the bu tips. =) Mind to share the receipe for -Fried Kampong Chicken with Ginger Slices and Garlic . thanks alot. your receipe seems to have a variety..normally my mum just prepare almost the same food daily.. always eat rice until sianz. but i just bear with it loh since she is helping me to do the confinement so whatever she prepares i just eat. cant grumble much. must appreciate our love ones around us. =)

i read a few forums of the TCM around serangoon area. Guess after my 1st AF, i wil pay a visit to TCM.

Actually i did asked my gynae to extend my HL to another week but i tik he said after 2 weeks will be very boring at home and normally a rest after 2-3 days u will be fine. I told him my mum insisted me to do a proper confinement. As usual if u ask the gynae any confinement is required, he said not required actually. But then we just listen to our parents and follow.
Emma & icloud,
I Mc at the 10 week. Didn't did any confirment too.
My in laws dun care much abt me n my parents in hospital at that moment. Nobody to help me out, but I manage to only boil red dates/longan drink everyday. My hubby only boil chicken essence with Dom once for me. That all.

Does anyone sudden gain lot weight after D&C?
The amount of food intake is the same as previous before pregnant. But after D&C, I total gain 5kg. Took me alot time just trying to reduce it but fail.
Not easy to do confirment ourselves, when that time our emotion still up n down.

I am a freelancer aka self employed. So, I don't need the HL. Maybe have to check with the rest of the sisters here.

I started to see TCM on my first week of confinement because i think might as well tiao since will be taking tonics during confinement period. It is up to individual. I will be doing my 2nd IVF next month.

Btw, for the recipe of - Fried Kampong Chicken with Ginger Slices and Garlic, here it is:

Kampong Chicken (1/4 - 1/2 of whole chicken), Old Ginger (10 Slices), Garlic (3 - Slice it), Sesame Oil, Rice Vinegar, ShaoXing Wine, Pinch of salt.

1) Fry gingers with garlics till yellowish using sesame oil.
2) Put Kampong Chicken in and fry till all mix well.
3) Season it with rice vinegar (1/4 bottle), ShaoXing Wine (4 tablespoon) and pinch of salt.
4) Make sure all cook well before serve.

1) I usually cook my own portion only. I use 1/4 of whole Kampong chicken.
2) The old ginger better buy from wet market cos from NTUC or Cold Storage tasteless sometimes. You can put more than 10 slices. Some ppl tend to get heaty easily. For me, I take up to 20 slices.

Anything not sure, you may ask me again.

I do agree with you it is hard to do our own confinement without baby but life have to goes on. So, look at the bright side and tiao your body. I do my own confinement so I eat more and in a variety but I don't gain much weight.

I regained back my original figure since last week. My tummy become smaller not as before which you can see obvious baby bump.

If you need any recipe for tonic, do let me know.
Celestine, your weight gain is after D&C? I did gain weight but I think it is from the pregnancy time. Maybe it's due to staying at home and not moving around so much.
Hey niko and ladies..

Been good, and also went and came back from a short trip. It's good to take mind off from all the emotional roller coaster ride from the ivf and bad episode. But then too much walking so lost 1kg! lol hahaha Good since i put on a little since being preggy and all that injections. Xie xie ni! For the recipe! You enjoy cooking too?

celestine i put on say 1-2kgs after think the hormone jabs for ivf and then got preggy and ate a lot..but then as said, i've lost 1kg again after my trip. *Pat pat* on your shoulders..i know and understand it is hard...but as what niko said too, life has to go on..try to think positive ok? You can also pour out your grief here and share with us..although we can't physically do anything to help but at least we can lead a listening ear or ears..and most of all, we had gone thru too, so we feel you..

And just to share and rant, today i finally went to my doc and did a scan. He said 1st time miscarriage very common. I was like ''what? Common?'' Then i had a list of questions to ask about-

like eg: have i pcos? Can i undergo any tests before the next pregnancy to determine why i had m/c etc etc. Then my husband said i read too much on the forum! And that the doc agreed with him saying that i shouldn't read too much. I was furious at my hb! Instead of 'kanjeong-ing' me, he said i read too much! I later scolded him in the car saying that ''Of course you don't understand cos the one having m/c and pain is not you and also instead of having questions in my mind and clueless about it, sure have to ask doc as they know best and since we are already there!!'' So angry! ....sorry just ranting...but i feel that sometimes i am taken for granted lor!

Haha, I love your ranting cos I have the same experience as yours. Being commented read too much info online and also gather info from forum. Sighs. I ever asked the same question why I had a mc but Dr. TanHH unable to give me a definite answer. He said many things can be happened in between. Sometimes it is about luck. I don't like to hear that cos to me, this is about science. There is nothing about luck. I read some human reproductive info online and I find that some of the areas that the scientist still unable to explain or haven't explore deeper yet? That why being a doctor is not easy too rite...need to handle disease and also human like us...LOL

As for the comment on common miscarriage, my friends recently visited me and shared with me about their mc stories which I never expected that they had it. Out of 8, 3 have it among my peers. Some had it on first one and some on the 2nd or last one. So, I am not sure whether this is common or not.

Btw, I love cooking when I have time but I don't know how to bake. Maybe have to learn some day
Niko & Icloud,
Thanks for sharing ur recipe.
Duno what wrong with my body, will visit my TMC very soon to find it out. Could be water inside my body as well. Remember my Dr saying press the area near the foot, if the pressing spot is there for a while. Then could be water retention. Sianz. Hate to see her, alway scold me for not taking care my body. Hehehe!

Did u ladies had any massages?
Thinking of trying a few round. =D

Heng, my hb dun comment those words or i will sure hit him hard. But he did comment, he felt so stressful looking at me getting depress. At that moment of time, believe it expected wor. Im human, and tend to have feeling ma. What he expect from me, jumping high and low laughing away.

What my priest say is right.
Studies shows,
Mens able to get over sadness & pain in just a short 5 days.
Women tend to use longer times, 3 years. That why we see mens can have 2nd wife very easily.

Agree with Niko.
Actually MC is getting more cases in singapore, could be the lifestyle we having. Stress at work and demand from others. Haiz!
Duno what the cause and where to seek answer is so scare and tiring. But still we have to continue trying. I'm trying to stay positive and leave it to the past.

I had this feet swollen during pregnancy only. After mc, it will subsided by itself. For your case, I am not sure. I think you better see TCM and tiao your body at the same time.

lol sorry me yesterday was so emotional...

celestine which part of the foot? Me too have pain around the feet esp when i stand too long. It's at the arch of the heel..
Chrisl,My hubby said the same about me. He also said I worry too much! Lol.. But I agree on both points...

Yes, m/ c is unfortunatly very common. I read it's 1 in 5 chance. See, I read too much. Celestine, yeah try to be positive. I tell myself, I will do my best to protect my next pregnancy, but the rest will have to leve it in god's hands.

Niko, good luck on your ivf!

Niko, ChrisL,
Could be too much water inside my body.
Plan make appt with a Malay lady to massage my body too.
The area is arch of heel. I also feel pain when I stand too long. Will ask my tcm. Previously she say my body too "liang".
That why alway got backache n MC. I need to stop drinking cold water etc. Even room temp water also cannot.

ChrisL, pls dun say sorry.
It a forum for us to vent all our feeling. That why it call supporting group. Guys dun have much emo problem, so they dun understand what we gone thru. When they wannto help is, it turn things worses. Believe ur HB just concern abt u.
