Support group - Miscarriages


I think it is common for pregnant ladies to have a swollen feet but after mc, it will subside naturally by right. I only feel the swollen feet when I walk or stand too long. ERh, you still drink cold water? Me totally stop three months before I pregnant last time cos I scare the womb will have contraction during pregnancy. Heard from the old wives tales...LOL...I totally quit cold drinks since then. However, I still drink tea occassionally. I try to order teh halia / himalayan tea / chai latte better for womb.

You go for massage first as per your plan. Can you check with your massager whether they do jamu massage. Looking for one to do for me. Just for relaxation and heal the womb faster... TIA

I totally stop drinking cold water after knowing I'm pregnant.
Was trying very hard to conceive for past 2 years but no news, that time I'm giving up on TTC. Shorty I realize im pregnant. After so many tension n stress during the CNY period, I MC.

Went back to see my tcm.
She say even I stop drinking cold water. My body still very liang. Which no good for my body n baby. After MC til now, I dun even dare to drink any tea, only warm water.

That is a Jamu massage, I'm using. She will come to our house n do the massage. Was intro by my friend, she use her massage after she give birth. Which quite good.
Didn't manage to slot any appt with her yet, now I'm TTC. Afraid it will affect me. So meantime I better stop any massage. If u wan her contact, let me know.

Hope your pain is getting lesser by the days...

I'll be going to my bb's mini funeral later in the day...can't really sleep..been thinking of getting a nice pot of flowers too as well..I'll be taking a picture of the vintage wooden box meant as a mini coffin to bb as a memory too. it'll be like a closure this time before starting my fet again next week..

Try to avoid liang food and wear socks I feel it helped me. And oh I pasted some Chinese medicated plaster on the feet and that want the brand of that 'koyok' let me know. It's good to treat it now before getting pregnant as the plaster is not for preggies..
Princessleopard yes actually we intended to just bury bb near the house here after the ordeal in winter period but FIL told us we can have a spot for BB in the church cemetery grounds near my hb's grandparent's plot.
And bcos there's still snow in the church grounds until recently all snow melted away but then last week both hb and i were away for short trip so today is the best day to do it. (PIL's schedule are also taken into considerations as some weekends they were away as well) - so all these while, my poor bb is frozen in a glass jar in the other freezer (we have 2 freezers at home) --feel so bad for bb that he/she have to stay frozen like this..quite crude/gross..but no choice leh hv to preserve, as im not going to flush bb down the toilet bowl just like that

I see. Back then I was too grieved to thought of all this. I did not ask for test to be done to check what went wrong with this pregnancy & did not request to keep it. Actually 3 months after the mc, one night I heard bb's laughters, it was 2+am then. After my mc, I went to look for my fengshui master to consult about this. He said if I din hear any cries or laughter, den we dun do anything yet. So, after i heard the laughters, my fengshui master do 点灯 for bb first. cos he say now cannot do 超度,have to wait till lunar 7th month. I really feel so sad over this.
sounds creepy leh princessleopard..makes my hair stand...but you mean now you still must hv to wait till say aug/sept then? You can say a short prayer for bb yourself despite not having remins of bb i feel..i supposed you're Buddhist so maybe a prayer in your religion to rest your mind? *hugs*
Thanks Chrisl. luckily, my fengshui master did pre-m me about it. If not I will really freak out. Now after they do the 点灯,it seems ok now. Just that have to wait till 7th month to 超度 lo.

You going for ivf soon right?
Chrisl, you're not in SG? It's sweet you're doing a funeral for bb.

Princessleapord, that sounds creepy to me too. At least you can still 超度bb in 7th month.

I didn't know e can request to keep the remains? I rem reading my d&c report and the remains are described as 'product of conception' and feeling so sad..
1cloud, yes i know. If it did not happen to me. I wouldn't believe it either. It was after the d/c then i realised we can make the request. Before that, I was crying for 2 whole days that I did not even do any checks on all these.
yup my ivf-FET soon..hv to monitor OPK these few days.

yes not in sg and it's a little thing i can do at least for bb
huh? the name 'product of conception' is kinda not appropriate..
Oh! We can keep our baby remains. Only now then I know that.
Only remember after a week after D&C.
My gynea show me the report that my baby have totally suck of from my womb. For the rest of details, I told dr not reveal to me anymore. Only wish move on my life. The only thing I did is, giving a mass offering for my baby in the church.

Believe that we need to move on from here, so that our baby will rest in peace in heaven. The more we cling on our baby, the more they can't bare to leave.
Xie xie ni Princessleopard..just praying hard that my ovulation test is positive tomorrow (wed) and then can do on latest friday..not anything later cos they don't do transfer on sat or sun and PH is next monday as well! Then worse scenario is that will hv to wait another month more then *crossing fingers*

today been back to work with young 1.5-2 year old ang moh children and they are so so so cute! Wondering when would be my turn to hv a cute bundle of joy

ah well...anyway positive vibes everyone!!! Jia You!!
it's 2 lines(1 faint) on the OPK but then sisters in other thread said it's negative leh as it's different from hpt results..anyway i've sent the pic to my clinic to ask as well, they replied that to test for another one tomorrow morning and see how..they'll ask doc tomorrow and crossing fingers that i can do the transfer tomorrow if everything's good..praying hard!
I want to graduate in 2013! My husband said it's my last chance as he dont wanna go through it again. Although these 2 months menses back 28 days aft 2nd miscarriage never take chinese medication, i find aft 12-14, my mucus heavy so hope for the best now. As this coming 1 Jun will be my 3rd menses. Ironically, my fertile days might be on my birthday on 13 Jun. So stress, will keep positive.

Let all of us graduate in 2013 please, GOD, Buddha.....please
Gemini! Our birthdays are so near! If you dun mind how old are you? Why your hb dun want to try already(well besides the pain of a mc), hv you gone to test for underlaying reasons etc? I feel it's a pity loh..
Hi Chris, this birthday 40, my husband same age. He is very stubborn, old school. Men these days very weak, cannot be stress. I told him its my body so up to me to try. I explained have friends who success aft 3rd mc and they few years younger. But he just not keen. I did blood test, result high glucose so I cut carbo and no other issues. Western and Physician said nothing much so if mc again then go NUH for more detailed check but my husband reacted this way so ..... I first x try conceive, pregnant aft 3 mth, aft 2nd mc, I tried aft 3 mth pregnant but both never exceed 6 wks mc. That's why I feel pity if give up. For him he won't go check but his client happened to be a gynae in HK advised us take vitamins, usually aft 3 mc go detailed check

Princessleopard, u been encouraging all for a while here, u will be rewarded very soon with all your good deeds
I see gemini*HUGS* it could have been progesterone not enough leh..but anyway, don't give up or stress him further..for now, do what you supplement/TCM and acup. You tried? Some ladies on the other thread i frequent recommend Dr Zou YuMin at AMK Ave 8 #01-2670, Tel:6456 0833 Opening hours:

Mon - Thus: 9.30am - 1.00pm; 3.30pm - 8.30pm
Fri: 3.30pm - 8.30pm
Sat, Sun & PH: 9.00am - 1.00pm
Closed on Wed.
Hi ladies, glad to know that is a support grp. I had BFP under med FET under the hands of Dr Tan HH. However just on the very day of my HB scan, I had a heavy bleeding, bb's HB very faint and the very same night, i lost my bb. So distraught, I felt I being tested left and right, my very 1st fresh ET was cancelled to OHSS and then I was estatic when I BFP under med FET, but I guess God loves my bb more
I'm at kk now, warded since Fri and I lost my bb on fri nite itself. So long cuz my dr is out on overseas conference n now under the care of another dr which I dun even hv in contact cuz whatever her instructions/information is being relayed by the ward dr..
Sue Ann~
*HUGS* for you in this difficult period..have you managed to get home to recuperate now or? Did you undergo any tests to know why? Have you been given more support eg inserts and such before the heartbeat scan? I feel so sorry for you..i myself will be undergoing my natural FET next month and know that it's very hard for you now esp when your hb is away. When will he be back? It's impt to cry out and grieve over with him for support..

You can see more on the document on the charges on the diff TCM docs..Hmm..on if she's good, im not too sure as i've not been to her b4 but it seemed that she's very popular as the sisters talked abt her lots and rather a 'motherly' figure so i think should be nice ba. But there are of course other popular ones like that one in marine parade (refer to list) which are popular as well
so see where you're more convenient in getting to and of course hehe..the price..cos nowadays things getting more and more ex so hv to manage budget
Click on the link I shared if you scroll up a little, it'll open in a new window. Then after opening, you can see there are subdividers under the doc, click on 'TCM drs'
Princess leopard,
All best to u..

Last night my hubby n I went to attend a 1 to 1 session on Billing method. Have to keep track on my mucus, starting from day 1 of my menses. Realize it really not easy, as my mucus not alot n sometime even nothing. Cross finger. Hope it works.
Thanks Chrisl and Celestine!

Too bad, my AF still came.

Why fate is making things so difficult for us?? Already so difficult to conceive, yet when succeed, still take the bb away from us?

So sorry, very difficult to stay positive today.
Celestine, I always have problem with the mucus thingy. It used to be ok, can know when I am ovulating etc. But ever since I started ttc, I cant tell exactly when its happening. Need to use ovulating kits now.
Princess leopard,
Big hug!! I know how u feel.
Everytime my AF starts, I felt very down too. Sometime even cry out. This a channel for us to vent out sorrows in pain.
It not easy at all, but dun give up. It just matter of time we will receive our rainbow baby.

My mucus goes down after my 30s starts.
Duno how to keep track, but will try very hard.

But mine start before 30 leh. Dunno why though. Done all the checks and all are ok. Did mention the dryness to doc but she say its ok. But I thought mucus is important for the troops to swim, right?
Princess leopard,
Yes the mucus helps to give nutrition n allow the worm to swim smoothly to meet our egg etc. Dryness is also expected during some period of the cycle.

For my cases, i wouldnt feel the milky or egg white mucus.
Only watery type of mucus, which yesterday the lady told me it fine. She say very seldom ppl dun have any mucus. Only the issue of lots or little mucus. Which she give me a chart to monitor. End the mth, I need to go back n show her the chart.
This is the website I go thru n decided to give a try.
Will update abt it.

U going to try the iui? Jiayou jiayou. Dun give up. Believe our rainbow bb will sure come to us, it only matter of time. Big hug hug! It tiring but if we dun try, then how can the baby dust works. Jiayou!!
where is my rainbow baby? sigh.. feel so demoralised.. and just as i thought that I am managing well the sucky feeling is back again....
Me too can't help but feel sad..esp yesterday been to work with the cutie angmoh of them just learning to walk and she was taking a few steps to her mother who received her with a special twinkle and pride in her eyes and they were chuckling out loud when when they hugged each other..that moment just took my breath away and i almost cried...i really wonder when will be our turn to feel pride when our babies take their 1st steps?
hey thanks celestine for the link! Very infomative! I too, never heard of that b4. But it seemed to be corresponding to what i felt when i took my opk that last few days. (ie. appearance of the mucus)
Liang n ChrisL,
My hall window is facing a playground.
Each time I get to see n hear babies n kids running up n down playing. Sometime it a huge torture staying at home. I'm also trying my bests to stay positive. Each time I Alway have the image, how great it will be for my baby to lay beside me now.

Last week I went to see my TCM.
She feel at my pulse, she say that I need to wait another 3 mth to start conceive. My body is still very liang n lot of water retention. Haiz!! Been so careful with wat I drink n takes, yet nothing much improve.

No point of looking back, We could only look foward n TTC asap.
5 years ago i learn abt this during our marriage preparation course.
During that time, both us no time to attend, so give it a miss.
Until not long ago, I remember this course. So done a few research n decided to give a try.

Hope it really works!! Finger cross!!
