Support group - Miscarriages

Good morning gals!

Thank you destitonia, hama and coral

Hi hama,
In 3D scan, the gynae can rotate the image on the screen to see the different views.
The features are clearer. It's more amazing to see the scan on the screen. When it's printed out, there's some lost in resolution, but my hubby still can see the features
I can only show him the printout cos he's not free yesterday. Then my hubby asked if I know the gender from the 3D scan... hahaha... he's so "kan cheong"...

Hi coral,
She's only 11 weeks
. My gynae examined my abdomen and he said about 3 months already. So, I am not very sure also
. I dunno if my baby is growing faster than usual due to the supplements I am taking.

I went through the stage you are in now. Last time, I was hoping to get pregnant, and at the same time worrying whether my body can support a pregnancy. I did not really follow what my friends follow. I try to get back my health and at the same time try my luck to get preggie
For my friends, they really take care of their health for a few years before getting pregnant. It's better to "bu" yours and your hubby's health.
My gynae said my ectopic may not be due to my health, it could be becos of the sperms. After that, my hubby became more health conscious and changed his diet and took care of his health. And getting pregnant is not a very difficult task
Getting back your health will take time
It's really what you want and your priorities
Take some time and give it a thought and make a decision with your hubby and you will get out of the confused state already

Hope the stork will visit you soon

Ya destonia. I'mjust hoping that I hv no endo and no stone in my urinary tract. Have not started to ttc. Just that a very strong urge in me. Still gotta wait for my appointment to do all the scans and x-ray.
Hi Lyn,

It's been a long time since i last come to this thread.

It's good to learn that you are pregnant! Congratulations!

You are still seeing Dr Chew? Now his clinic got 3D scan machines?
Wow, so quick, 11wks already. Jia you! Jia you!

I think after all having a healthy body is most important. Cos we'll be the support system for bb during that 9mths. Just impatient to wait until mid-dec to find out if there's anything worng with my health. But no choice next Monday leaving for business trip so can only do check-ups after the trip. Waiting for a verdict is the hardest thing.
Hi Starlite,
How are you lately? Haven't seen you around for some time. I lost your contact in my email cos I forgot to log in for some time :p
Yap, I will still see Dr Chew
He gave me a lot of hopes and encouragement when I was down
And my hubby very comfortable with him, so will stick with him
. Yap, his new machines can scan 3D. I was surprised when he showed me yesterday...

Hi joy wee,
Thank you very much

Hi Coral,
Thank you
. Yes having a healthy body is very important
. And our babies will take in what we eat. Meantime, try to take good care of your health
Even before the verdict, better start taking care of yourself

Jia you!
Dun give up
Lyn, u know ur bb gender already.. read that u mentioned that is a SHE...
a little princess for you..

thanks for the explaination of the 3D scan..
coral, like what the other ladies had said, a healthy mind and body is important in preparing for a baby..

dun give up yet my dear... Jia you Jia you...
Lyn, gong xi gong xi!!!
really happy for you!
where's Dr Chew located? :p take good care of yourself!!

Coral, dun be depressed! you'll be a proud mum someday!
Hi Lyn,

I'm ok so far...may start ttcing soon.
How many months have you been pregnant? When is your edd? I'm happy to learn about your pregnancy.

It's been six months since i last since Dr Chew already. I believe his clinic is still as crowded as before?

Can you send me your email contact again? I terminated Singnet a/c and have lost all your gals email addresses too.
Hi Starlite,
Thank you.
I am about 3 months already
EDD is based on LMP on 18 June 06. Dr Chew does not measure the baby everytime and date the EDD. I think it's ok cos it doesn't make much sense to change EDD everytime. Furthermore, baby might not come out on EDD
Just roughly know when can already
. I have been seeing him weekly, then fortnightly, then now gonna be 3 weeks once
. His clinic is still as crowded especially on Saturday. Ok, I will allow PM for you to PM me
hi Lyn, i see.. hehehehe..

somehow I think the Guan Yin lot will come true leh.. u might really expecting a little princess.. Ai yoh, i am so kan cheong to know ur bb gender now...
3mths already?! haha.. all the "previous" calculation we talking about wrong?

how r u? still being disturbed by ur neighbour? rest more. always see u online so late at nite.

hanny aka bluebells
Hi Lyn, so happy to hear your good news!! A BIG CONGRATS to u! it must be really amazing to be able to see your bb on 3D, too bad my gynae don't have this machine but i heard its not proven safe to have too much exposure to 3D scan yet, so if can, don't do too often. wow! u already in your 11 weeks?! so fast! going into your 2nd tri soon huh, this period is the most enjoyable in the whole pregnancy. very soon u will be able to feel your lil' one kicking away. i'm in my 22+ weeks now, saw my bb's gender when i was 12 week, so i guess u should be able to know very soon if bb co-operates. enjoy your pregnancy!
hi hanny, still sort of on and off basic having those noises..
thanks for ur concern..

hehehehhe, i am a nite owl... so always sleep late.. but not as late as be4 liao.. body old already..
Dear ladies, thank you for yur encouragement. Will stay positive. Have not allowed myself to feel down, everytime the unhappy tot come by I sweep it away. But been experiencing some dull pain around tummy so abit worry. Will see if I will arragne for earlier date to see gynae once I'm back from KL.
In the mean time, please take care.
hi coral, i am planning to go for checks as well when i am back to singapore next week. which gynae will you be going to?
hmm, dunno what to expect...

hi gals, i was very upset this morning when i realised that i may not be ovulating this cycle. bbt has been super super low. felt so discouraging
long time didn't feel upset about ttc already, dunno why it happen this morning. that's why i decided to go for checks next week when i am back... let's pray for the best... hubby said that i have been too hard on myself...
beautiful, I'm now seeing a gynae in KKH. He has been very supportive when I lost Kaden. HB and I feel he's patience and knowledgeable so we decide to stick with him.

Please don be too hard on yourself. The process of bringing a bb to this world should be filled with joy. Let's try our best to let nature take its course and enjoy the journey and not make it a tough trip.

I have been TTC for close to 1 year and this is my first pregnancy and 3rd cycle on clomid but I suffered from a miscarriage last week.

Sorry to hear that, take a good rest and don't think too much about miscarriage. Lady here will support u.
Hi Lyn,
You can check out the Breast Cancer Support programmes at They even have support groups for male members of patient's family on every 2nd Sat of the month. This may help your cousin's husband.

Hi all,
I am new to this forum, and stumbled upon this as I was having an impending miscarriage for the last 1 month and was having bedrest + given progesterone to see if it could help. But the baby's heartbeat finally stopped when my husband and I saw the gynae last Friday, and I had a D&C done last Friday after going through 1 month of emotional roller-coaster. Pregnancy was at its 9th week.

I have been feeling sleepy and a friend who is a nurse told me that could be the after-effects of the GA cos different pple react differently to it. I would like to find out if it is normal to feel cramps after the D&C?

I would also like all you guys to know that this is a great forum, and a great thread as it helped me alot throughout the last 1 month.
hi mayling,
sorry to hear about your loss..we are all here to support each other..

hi sophie,
sorry to hear abt what u went thru..for me, i did have some menstrual-like cramps for one or two case quite different from yrs though..but also went through D&C
hi coral, let me know when you have seen your gynae, ok. just want to know what kind of tests you took. thanks.

well, i am feeling ok now. just needed to write down my feelings last night...
Hi Lyn,

I tried to PM u a while ago but it said the the user does not allow PM leh...

Hi Missy,

Mind if i ask the gender of your bb?

Mayling & Sohpie,
Very sorry to hear about your lost. We all know its a painful process that you have to go thru' now. Take care and have a good rest.
I did not went through a D&C,hopefully not. The day I have my miscarriage, I experience terrible menstrual cramp and found big pieces of blood tissue when I am in the toilet. I went back to work the next day and I also did not take any tonic to "bu" my body.
saw my babies pic last nite..after one month of wait, hubby finally let me see..can't help but have tears rolling down my cheek again..thought i will be strong enough..seems like my hubby know me better than i baby has my hubby's eyebrow and eyes...and he has my lips.. he was so handsome.. too handsome for earth, the angel said..
hi gals... long time no "see"...... just came back from a holiday. Hope everyone is doing well...

Hi Mayling & Sophie... sorry to hear about your lost .... now you need loads of rest and take bu.... hugs....
hi dest, I hope u will be strong...

Knowing that ur darling is in Heaven watching over u.. He too does not watch to see u getting so upset over him... take care..
hugs...sorry to hear abt ur loss.

we are kind of in similar condition, was also 9wk + threatening abortion for like 1 mth.. D&C last monday, yes.. will have cramps.. for me it is like mense cramps

u may wanna take a bit of "confinement stuff" so that u build up your heath back, I took a week rest before back in office, and avoid food like seafood, cold drinks. and also have to take daily small cup of DOM.
Hello gals!

I am rather happy for my cousin today
. The oncologist said she's doing very well this time

Hello hama...
kekeke... I will wait for my gynae to tell me the gender when he can see it
My tummy getting more obvious... but I can still wear my normal clothes. I hope still can "tong" for another month...

Hi bluebells,
How have you been? Busy with work? Seldom see you online lately...

Hi missy,
Thank you... Wah... week 12 can see the gender already... So fast... My morning sickness has subsided
Fingers and toes crossed that everything will go smoothly this time

Hi beautiful,
Try to release some stress from TTC
Stress can hinder conception
Fingers crossed for you that everything is ok
I do agree with Coral that the process of bringing a baby to this world should be filled with joy and love

Hi Mayling,
Sorry to hear about your loss... Hugs...

Hi Sophie,
Thank you very much for the recommendation

Sorry to hear what you have to go through. I do understand the emotional roller coaster part. Meanwhile, try not to think too much and rest well
And most importantly, eat well

Hi Starlite,
You can PM to me now

Hi destitonia,
Hugs hugs... I know you are a strong lady
Hope you will recover soon

Hi elmo,
Long time no "see"... How's your holiday? How are you doing?
hello lyn, been thinking of u these days...

really glad that ur cousin is doing well now.. all the best to her...

think its abt time that ur tummy/belly is showing... good good... bb is growing up strong and well..
I guess DOM contains alcohol and I am sensitive to alcohol. Don't think I able to take it. I wonder taking chicken essence is sufficent anot.
Mayling & Sohpie,
Very sorry to hear about your lost. Take real good care!

Mayling, black chicken soup and chicken essence should be enough le, juz dun take "liang" food for abt 2weeks to 1 mth as u need to make ur womb warm
mayling, on top of that, dun take water... drink red date tea (those you drink in confinement)... can help relieve bloatedness and bu xue....

as for DOM, you can use it to stir fry like chicken and mushrooms with ginger and sesame oil..... then no alcohol liao...
lyn, I'm good.... was a good break....kekekke.. but now back to work stress again. :p but will try to take it easy cos rather laid back during the holiday.
Happie for you that your pregnancy is progressing well.... have enuff rest and take nutritional will be fine.
you may wan to try wat I did:

If you can go to Chinese sinseh and ask for "Sheng1 Hua4 Tang1"... it's to be drank after giving birth to remove all the "dirty blood".

Please abstain from any cooling / cold stuffs from now for the next 1 mth. No crabs / prawns.
Just take more tonic and more ginger. Dun drink water. Drink red date, "Gou Qi Zi", Dried black Longan, "Dang3 Shen1", "Bei3 Qi3" and some ginger. Boil for 30-40 mins and drink as water.
It will help to get rid of the bloatedness, "Bu Qi", "Bu Xue", and "Ming2 Mu" - good for eyes....
it's very impt for you to take all the nutritional stuffs and also to get rid of the "wind" in the body. That way you will be able to nourish your body well.

1) Everyday drink the red date tea mentioned above like water. Dun drink water.
2) Morning drink a bottle of chicken essence on empty stomach. After 10-15 mins take your normal breakfast
3) Lunch/Dinner, mee sua with soup or tonic soup with rice and veg. and remember use lots of ginger.
4) drink DOM before you sleep every night.
Your body is in a very good state to absorb the most now. So, dun let it pass.... take as much as you can.

E.g of tonic soup.
1) "Dang Shen", "Bei Qi", "Huai Shan", Gou Qi Zi, black dates, add half/whole black chicken with 1 bowl of water and 1/2 cup of martel.
You can chose to fry some ginger slice with sesame oil and then add normal chicken followed with martel before pouring into slow cooker with the herbs to boil.
2) Fry ginger with sesame oil and fry some chicken/meat. Can add mushroom is you wan. add water boil and add some salt, pepper and soya sauce... after water boil add mee sua.
3) "Pao shen with Chong Chao" and gou qi zhi , black date with black chicken.
However, I have chosen to mill "Pao shen and chong cao" into powder. Can take 2-4 everyday during this period.
Remember to ask for "Lao Pao shen". It must be warm in nature. Not those cooling Pao shen
4) Fry ginger slices with sesame oil, add chicken dice, add mushroom... stir fry... add some seasoning, add 2 tablespoon of DOM and fry... then add a little of the mushroom water used to soak the mushroom. This also quite nice. Very sweet.
5) After your blood clear Totally, can drink "Dang gui bu xue Tang", "Ba Zhen" and "Bai Feng Wan" with black chicken
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the words of consolation and support, and for the advice on D&C cramps. It's a relief to know that cramps are normal. My mum was about to drag me to the doctor to see if cramps are normal, cos she was getting worried seeing me look pale and always rubbing my tummy.

Hi Elmo,
I just had a D&C. My mum is cooking confinement food for me now - she said I should do a mini confinement of 2 weeks even though it was a m/c. Can I eat those stuff that you recommend to Mayling? Or should I wait for the after-D&C-bleeding to stop totally then eat them?
Hi beautiful, I'll be going for 3 different types of scan. I think my situation is different cos they suspect I have stones or endo. So it'll be ultra sound and x-ray scan. My case shouldn't apply to any of you here.

One good news is my colleagu7e who had ttc for a long time broke the news to me that she's 3.5mths preg now. And no sign of preg yet, except getting tired easily. Very happy for her and look forward to my turn.
Lyn, what you have now is the happy swell. The only time when a ladies don mind having a swell. Noce, isn't it? Keep smiling.
destonia, be strong. Every time I look at Kaden's pic I also feel strong emotions. Ya, sometimes I would think why rob me of my handsome bb? Then maybe like you say, he's too good for this world. Let's take consolation that our bbs are somewhere better.
Sophie & Mayling, pls take good care of yourself during this time.
elmo, hama, lyn, thank you for your encouragement..think i should be getting on quite went out with colleague, talked about my baby and didnt lose control of my tears..hehe..jus that when i saw him last nite, it was..jus so emotional cos he is so perfect..we lost him becos of an accident, not becos of any malfunctioning organs..or improper growth..still a bit bu4 gan1 xin1..still find myself asking God sometimes why did this happen? why so unfair..sigh.. anyway, got to move on with life..

just wondering..when u ladies got yr first af, is it ok to use tampons? cos i cannot survive without tampons!!
Mine was a biochemical pregnancy and D&C is not required as my HCG level drop quickly. I am confuse is this considered miscarriage and a need for mini confinement.
Hi Mayling,
I'm not sure if you are still bleeding now, but if you are, remember not to take dang gui as elmo mentioned.

My gynae told me dang gui can cause more bleeding, so better not take it if your bleeding has not stopped yet. E.g. DOM contains dang gui. I also checked out a Eu Yan Sang Herbs Book I have, and it says the head of the dang gui is good to bu the women's reproductive system, & the tail is good for blood circulation i.e. may cause more bleeding. So just play safe, don't take anything with any parts of dang gui if you are still bleeding.

Take care of yourself!
hi mayling.. i got biochemical in May oso.. i didnt do any confinement.. but i do take DOM alt days and chicken essence lor
dest.. personally i feel that dun use tampons 1st.. wait till the 2nd AF then start to use.. as its safe to let any blood clots out 1st :p

i know u're a strong lady, do keep it up ok

can start eating the confinement food now, dun need to wait. I only had confinement for a week, this week have to settle myself.

Yesterday I just buy chicken and pour a bottle of chicken of essence + bottle of water + dates into the slow cooker to cook.. supposed to be very bu also.. and very easy to cook.

Dom contains dang gui? mmm i din know cos mum keep telling me to drink.. me still have spotting on and off.
