Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Brenda,
Do you wanna go and see your doctor again for another blood test to confirm?

Hi hama,
I boiled my favourite soup for tonite already
kekeke... k... I gotta close my eyes to catch some rest already... 10 minutes left
Chat with you again.

Have a great weekend gals!

Hi ladies..

long time no come in....hope u still remember me!

so glad to have this thread..all the support you girls have given me when i was at my lowest point in i have looked positive...!!

just took out my right wisdom tooth in end oct..regret not taking out waiting for my lymph node to subside since wisdom tooth has already been taken out...

how is everyone? me shd only start ttc in jan 06..for a good year will take things still dun dare BD with hubby ah....second AF shd be coming early next week..


i send you one email on lymph node..see if u have the time to reply...once again,congrats to your pregnancy!
take good care!
Hi Choo, of course we remember you. Glad that you're bright and cheerful now.
Er, what's the meaning of BD again? Do you mean ML? Then that's a long tiem you're abstaining.
I'm also thinking of ttc in Jan 06 but think I have a strong urge to start soon. Prob after my biz trip after early Dec.
Hama, try to eat your meals at regular hours. Else nto good for your digestive system.
Lyn, I know you have to take care of cousin, but do remember to relax n rest your body.
Hi brenda, i agree with coral..i lost my baby 3 weeks ago when he was 23 weeks old..had his name, had clothes and all ready for's was very difficult in the initial few days..we were literally weeping the whole day.. Through this, me and hubby had a deep heart to heart talk and we bond much closer..that was important to me..also with the support of family it helped too.. try to think on the bright side..cos if God has this in mind, I'm sure He has some arrangements in place for us..
hi coral.. yup u're right... BD... baby dance (ML)... kekekeke...

thanks coral.. becos i ate lunch at 10am today so was not hungry till ard 3pm be4 finally took my lunch... (or should i say tea-break)
hi ladies, does the bleeding stop totally before AF comes? my bleeding is very light and bleeds on and bleed quite a bit and got a bit like menses cramp..

and also doe yr af come at the same time as b4 preg or it comes at different time?
Hi choo,
Ok, I will check my email and reply to you later
I am going for a swim after I post this

Wah.. you abstain for so long ah... For me, no more bleeding then start BD already...

Hi Coral,
I try to rest whenever there's a chance

Hi destitonia,
Are you having bleeding or spotting now? Bleeding should stop before AF comes. Perhaps you can call your gynae to ask? If bleed a lot with cramp, it will be better to seek gynae's advice...
Take care
hi choo, welcome back to this thread!
me starting ttc this month, but seems that things are not looking good cos of my fluctuating bbt
hi all,
i've found a new way of drinking chicken essence without the need to have to have the smell linger in your mouth after.. just tried it.. squeeze your nose real tight (cannot breathe) and drink the chicken essence. After finishing, put a piece of chocolate/sweet in your mouth(still pinching your nose), spreading the taste of the chocolate/sweet all over your tongue, mouth and teeth. When you are sure all the tastebuds can only taste sweetness, release your nose.. works wonder !

no more fear of chicken essence !
dest, you're so cute. So much effort just to drink essence. I find heating it easier to drink. But guess i'm not as afraid as you. Actually all my life I've never drink it cos I'm afraid of its smell only started drinking now...
hi coral, lyn, hama, for me chicken essence smell makes me want to vomit..but have to drink so muxt think of ways...reminds me of the wet market in the past the stall where they have live chicken..that type of smell so a bit bad for me..but now no more fear hehehee...

me later going out to walk walk for a while with hubby yeah!
Hi all, i have been reading some of the threads on this forum on and off since i lost my bb in May this year. Has found comfort here knowing that i m not alone but has never post anything cos was uncomfortable to the idea of sharing online till today.

hi destitonia, in my case, spotting becomes lesser two days after my d&c. I do noticed that resting more and walking less does help to clear the blood faster.
Hi all

Finally my AF came on Friday :-D I was so happy. I have been waiting for it to come so that can start to try again.

Since this is my first AF since I had my D&C done last month, I noticed that my AF is quite light flow. Is it normal?

morning Coral,lyn and all girls!

wat a good to sleep in bed...
yup still dun dare to ML with hubby even my second AF is due soon...dun know why..maybe afraid it will bleed down there..since didn't do after knowing i was preggie in end july..

but will try after this AF arrive...if not hubby said he can't take it liao...


saw your posting here...wat can I I feel that you are a brave lady....bu back your health and soon GOD will bless you with a healthy bb soon!!


You take good care ok...
me still waiting for your email reply....cos I am seeing a ENT doctor soon...
hi choo, i dun think i am brave..i'm just not thinking about it..i wanted to do a scrapebook for my baby, bought a nice book, calligraphy set, scan in pics of my baby but no courage to start..when i did the scanning of the pic, the tears already drop non-stop...i dun think i deserve being called brave..maybe coward is better hahaa but having supportive parents, in-laws and most importantly hubby helps me think less and go on with life..

dun say that....I know it is even 100times to lose a bb at later stage than earlier stage..for me,my bb was only 9weeks plus...still that time I felt like the whole world is crashing.....when i think of my bb now...i will imagine ' bb has ald passed 1st trimester etc etc..'....i am glad i have my hubby with family and my parents in law all supported me....glad the sad chapter is in my heart...i still miss is really a miracle...a gift from GOD....just too bad it wasn't meant to be mine...

now i am doing very fine...will try start 'production'next jan....will heed lyn's advise..not to be stressed up and just i know i am a real worrier...worry for things unncesscary.....

very glad to have this thread here...

when i saw ARPIL 06MTB having gathering...i told my hubby how i wish i can join them....
when i had my m/c sometime back, many of the gals here gave me strength and support...

really so glad to have met so many kind ladies here.. thru their support and my own hb support, i manage to get over it...

I really hope time will heal all our wounds..
Gdafternoon, today I'm not working. Went to see doc. They suspect my endo might be abck again or I might be having stone in my urinary tract. What news, just when I thought I want to start ttc. Can't plan our life too much huh? Now just gotta wait and see. Dare not go do all the screen cos afraid i might be preg, so will have to wait a few more wks to confirm if I'm preg b4 I go treat my condition. This is the year I see the doc most in my life, more than the past 20+ yrs added together. Wat to do, just gotta face these challenges and look forward to a better tomorrow.
Sometimes I feel that I got over it but other times, I feel sad all over again. I lost my bb at 12 wks and it came as a shock to me. I dun want to accept mc but there is no way that I can run away from reality. It was my first pregnancy and i must admit that i m ignorant. My hb has been my pillar of strength during this period of time. Frens and relatives had shown their concern but it is v diff for them to know what it is really like for us since I m the only one in the family to mc. Some days when I m feeling better, an insensitive fren pass some hurtful remarks. I tell myself over and over again not to be affected since they din do it on purpose, but still feel hurt. Dun know if anyone here hv the same experience.

Several mths passed and i hv started ttc but sadness seems to be deeply rooted in my heart. Feel lousy abt myself for not being strong and brave as much as i hope and want to be. Admire u gals for your courage and strength.
Joy, don put too much pressure on yourself. Now that you start ttc, all the more you should relax and not dwell on unhappy things. We get what we expect. So look forward to a happy future for a smoother preg. I think it's ery diff for pple who had not gone thru what we went thru to understand our plight so they might say something that hurt us without realising it. Don't let those things bother you. Look forward. We'll always keep a special place for our little angels for we must make space for the bbs who are joining us in future too. It's not plain sailing, but we just gotta bite our teeth and press on. That's how I caryy on with life. Remember our love ones and remember our Mums. They had such a hard time giving birth to us, so cherish ourselves and live a happy life.
Hi joy, i know what u mean..for me, i have cousins and 3 friends who mc in their first of them visited me and she was telling me she too felt sad during that period, if it's not meant to be, then it will not be..then she ask me to rest well and say i still young can always try again..during that time, i know she was being kind and wanted to lend me her support, but during that time, all i could think was how can my loss be compared to yours? i can feel my baby in me, i have his name ready for him, i even have clothes ready for him..i know it's very bad for me to think this way of my close friend, but during that time all i could think was how can it happen to me? my baby was well and fine, detailed scan showed he was healthy, he was very active, kicks me very often, wat happened was an ACCIDENT! why must this 1 in 1000 accident happen to me?! sigh..that's life..God must have something in place for me...though my loss is less than a month ago, i have moved on quite fine because i have my husband and mum always by my side...I try not to think too much cos there will be no end to it..what is meant to happen has happen, the only thing i can do now is to hold on strong and believe that my baby has found peace..the next few babies will all be fine with their brother's blessings..
Good morning gals!
Today is a cooling day
Good to keep sore throats away

Hi Choo,
I am feeling great today
I have made up my mind which directions I wanna go towards
At least I have a direction now

Try to read things and do happy things
If you feel sad by going to the MTB forum, try to avoid going there
We gotta try to move on

Hi Destitonia,
Hugs hugs... Believe in yourself
You will be able to walk out and be happy again soon
If you want to make a book for your baby, just go ahead and finish it asap. Try not to hang to it for too long
. Then try to do happy things and have happy thoughts

Hi Coral,
Hugs hugs...
When we meet challenges, try to think of the solutions only ok?
And you will be a stronger person as time pass

There are many people out there who are worse off than us. There are many things in life that we cannot control.

Hi Joy,
It will take time to get over it. Yes, we gotta face reality in order to move on. When I realised that, then I can get back on my feet and move on. Of course, on and off will think about it. But I took it as everything happens for a reason. It will make us stronger
Many people might seem insensitive towards us, but we cannot control what they say to us.
We gotta work on ourselves and not get affected by what others say
Hi Lyn,

No worries, I'm strong. Ya, now waiting for the verdict before the next step. So at this moment also no stress. Feel frsustrated and stressed out will only make things worse.
hi all,
just did my D&C yesterday, lose my bb at 8 weeks cos it is not growing well. i asked my gynae, and she is the one who believe anything also can eat., wondering how else should i do during these 2 weeks??
Hellow gals!!!

Lyn, how are getting on?

coral, i believe u have grown strong after going thru so much. things will definately turn for better, no worries. good luck.

hello hamasaki

i've got i qns.. as mention earlier i have missed my AF for the past few mths and does tt means tt i'm not ovulating?
icy: *hugs* *hugs* where did u had ur D&C? sad to hear tt u have lost your bb. well for me, i ate anything loh but of cuz u muz remember to eat more BU(very important) hor.
Hi gareline,
thank you. i had my D&C at MT E medical centre, my gynae clinic. They call it evaculation.

my mil is doing a mini confinement for me.
hi Gardenline, do u wanna check with ur gynae abt that problem cos i'm not too sure..

maybe ur body have not return back to pre-preggie time..
but if u dun wanna go, u will always feel worried and that wun solve ur current doubts..

still best to see ur gynae.. dun think of those negative thoughts..
hi hama,
u are here as well. hugs

gareline & hama,
I wasnt feeded with much info? like when should my spotting spot and when should i expect my menses to come again?
hi icy....

my menses came back almost immediately after my m/c.. started bleeding for a few days.. then stop..

but ard 2 or 3 wks time, it came again.. sort of weird but doc said its okay...

did ur doc said when expected ur menses will come back..
hamasaki, prob loh. sighh.. zhuo nu ren zhen can..

icy, my spotting lasted a few days and my AF came one month after my D&C. well, each individual have diff experience one.

i just bleed a lot yesterday and then it became spotting today.. doc din tell me so i very confused.. my mil told me will on and off for a mth..

what is AF?
yah zhuo nu ren zhen can.. all of us must jia you.
