Support group - Miscarriages

hi icy, sorry to hear about your loss..we are all here to support each other.. AF means Auntie Flow hehee i also ask the same question when i first came here..

normally after the d/c, the bleeding will be more, but gradually become lesser and lesser each day.. for my case, is like that..
thanks hamasaki
or u can say ECA as well... instead of ML or BD...

hehehehehe.. the 1st time i heard ECA, i thought was those school sports.. luckily someone told me that its not.. I laugh till i nearly drop...
Hi Carol, Destitonia & Lyn, thank u all for yr encouragement. I will constantly remind myself to be strong, positive and forward looking cos i want to provide a better body for bbs to stay in future.

Hi icy, sorry abt yr loss. I know how u feel.. initially I also cannot control my tears when see bb and pregnant woman cos reminded tat i was pregnant but with time, u will become stronger. Right now, it's impt to take gd care of yrself now for a speedy recovery, try not to walk ard too much.. Fm my own exp.. first two days, i stay at hom and spotting becomes lesser, i thought physically i m ok. Also, gynae told me tat actually i can go back to wk the next day after d&c but he gave me 1wk mc cos i so sad. I got the impression that i can recover almost immediately so move ard as normal. But spotting become worse and took longer to clear and hence delay AF.
Hi Joy, don't mention it. We've all been thru the hard times and hope to provide support for each other. It's not easy and we'll never be the same again, but we just gotta be strong lor. Just come in when you need to let off your emotion. Over here, ppl understand.
Wow, so many differnt terms. I like BD best. Just like the Penguines, they do a BD every year to reproduce.
Hi coral,
Wish you all the best and can TTC soon

Hi icy,
So sorry to hear about your loss. Do try to eat well and nutritious food
Eat some confinement food
Take good care... Dun think too much...

Hi Gardeline,
I am good, thank you
Today, my cousin got a very bad news, but I am still strong
I tell myself cannot cry, later will affect her emotions...
It's better to see gynae about your condition. We gotta face the reality
. Last time I also like that... very scared to see gynae... but towards the end, it was sweet
Gotta hang on

dunno why cant sleep the whole of last night, the cramps continue.. start wondering if 5 days MC is enough. this morning, wake up and heard radio abt how parent to be prepared things for their bb... start feeling teary again.. so went shut down the radio.. *sigh* havent get over..
hi icy, take ur time to grieve... dun rush..

Last time, i took a very long time to get over it.. sometimes walking or going out and i can just burst into tears easily if i saw any preggie or little babies..

had depression as well, but luckily thru pple support, i am able to slowly let go...

we be here for you... jia you..
Hi icy,
It's normal to feel how you are feeling now
. I never watched the TV, listen to the radio, read the newspapers for many months till I felt better
. There are too many things that are baby related. Just avoid things that make you sad for now
Hugs hugs...
Gals... now I feel like crying leh
So sad... My cousin's breast cancer is now stage 4 already cos her chemo got no effects on the cancer cells
Doc said we can only try our best now and be mentally prepared that no chemo can help her
I see her hubby I also feel so sad... cos he wanna cry but cannot cry. I also try not to cry in front of them oo... I also dunno how to help them now. I can only accompany them for doc's appointments and clarify things with the doc... What else can I do to make them happier??
so sorry to hear of it.. its must be a tough period for her whole family now..

u can only be there to give them ur full support and console them.. that's the only way out.. I think for the moment..

really hope there will be a miracle for ur cousin... Hope she can recover soon..
hey lyn,

dun let it affect you too much.

try to let her enjoy life doing the things she want to do, little things like going to the park, having her fav meals etc would cheer her up.

when my dad was diagnosed with final stage cancer, we fulfilled his wishes to go Aust for a holiday and also other bits and pieces in singapore.
Dear lyn, I know how you feel. My uncle is also at the last stage of nose cancer now. His chemo has cause him to behave weirdly. We also dunno what to do to help him and when i see my sunty cry, I feel so helpless. Sometimes my uncle will wake up in teh middle of the might go downstairs and dug up the small trees carry home and claim it's a delivery for him. Or he come over to our place and took all the fish away. We know it's not him doing all these, but there's nothing we can do. Iguess at a time like this, we can only help to fulfill any wish they have. No words we say can be enough to comfort the family, just be there for them. But please take care of your health too.
Her mum just had a heart bypass last week. So many things happening... My mum told me cannot tell her mum what the doc said today lor... I feel like bringing her to join the support group in breast cancer foundation, but I dunno how to go about it. She cannot go out now, cos she just had her chemo and she will have life threatening side effects these few days
In the next few days, I gonna help her to jab on her tummy... dunno if I dare to jab or not ah... so scary...
Haiz... cancer is so bad. Really can go "qing jia dang cang" ah... Worse come to worse, they gonna sell their house for the treatment already
Insurance also not enough cos so many limitations.
hi all..indeed, all these things make us realise how fragile life can be.. i think the lesson is to appreciate people around us and to treat today like as if there is no tomorrow..
Yes, cancer is really costly. After the last incident, I realise how costly medical care in Spore can be.
This time I told the hospital to downgrade me to te public class when i'm going for all my checks. Can't afford another 30-40k of medical fees. When teh nurse saw the amount of test that I gotta go thru she told me it's gonna cost a bomb. So I think if I have to stay in hops this time I'll op for C class. My fren told me her Mum's breaset cancer treatment cost only 7+k cos she stayed in C class so heavily subsidised by govt.
Lyn, don't be afraid when you help to to jab, remeber the pain cause by the jab is to help her get better.
agree that the medical costs in singapore are very high. i didn't know until when i went through laproscropy and the bill came up to S$5k+! just for the surgery and 2 nights in hospital! thank god that i was able to claim from my company the full sum...
She already spent more than 15k on just chemo and scans already. That is excluding the surgery for mastectomy.
Haiz... I feel so sad. When I reached home, I gotta act as if nothing happened and be happy. Her family called me to find out and cried... I almost cried also... Sigh...I gotta tell them the truth else if anything happens, it gonna be too sudden for them. I gotta control my tears. Her hubby also cannot control. He already started crying at the doc's clinic. What I can do now is to buy whatever is healthy food for her, and keep her company. Doc said we gotta be mentally prepared already cos if her chemo does not work this time, there's no more stronger drugs already.

Life is so fragile. We better cherish our health and cherish the people around us and what we have now.

I will try to help her to jab. Her hubby asked if I dare to jab, I gotta say yes to make him feel more relieved when he goes home. So since I have agreed, I gotta do it now...
<font color="0000ff">Hi all,</font>

How's everybody doing?

I'm fine...juz very tired and very very sleepy everyday.
Dunno why...been busy with work ever since I back to office and always find myself not enough sleep. Furthermore nowadays rain almost daily
...alamak...all my washed laundry hard to dry leh!!

So sad to her abt your cousin's plight. Do try and make her happy at least for this period. And pls dun blame yourself for not being able to help her much. U hv already done a great job in accompanying her to hospital and giving her all the mental support etc. At least try to make her happy is the most important thing now....
Life is so fragile. My colleague's wife is down with lukemia. Found a doner, but not perfect match, 70% chance, she's only 26yr old and they decide to go for it. Now we're trying to help him raise money, they need at least 60k for medical fees. Financial stress is the other burden when one is sick. Insurance pay out is usually not enough.I guess health is the greatest wealth we can have in this world.
u can pick up a BCF brochure from the clinic when u go see doc wif ur cousin, or can ask the nurse. my colleague had breast cancer too...
I really dunno what is happening around me now. Last nite went out for dinner with two friends. One of them whose mum had been in coma for a while passed away last nite. Then this afternoon received an sms from my Sec school friend that my teacher passed away. Sigh... all the bad news at one go! sobs sobs...

I gonna see my gynae for blood test and scan later. Hope I will get some good news... Now trying not to think too much... Just listen to soothing music
hi Lyn, i really dunno what to say to console u..

just hope u will stay strong and all the best to you for ur check-up later..

take care and dun think too much..
lyn, dun let all this unhappiness affect u k. you are a strong woman and u can do it.
but if u really cant then dun force it upon yourself ok.

i always believe tt in SG, cannot afford to get sick. too expensive to get sick here.. sighhhh..
Congrats Lyn! Need some good news around.

I've been laughing at the smallest things these few days, colleagues say I gila. I told them I cherish everything that can bring laughter cos we really need them.
Hi coral,
Wow... yalor.. gotta cherish everything that can bring laughters and happiness
I am starting to think positive again
My cousin will recover
"Believing is power".
Thank you

Hi hama,
I saw baby today
. My gynae's machine can see 3D! I was amazed at the 3D image. I was given a 3D printout of baby
At first, I dunno how to see. And I asked "How come got so many bubbles?" hahaha... Then my gynae told me they are not bubbles, they are the hands, legs, head, etc. kekeke... very "mountain tortoise"...
I dun have blood sugar
phew... I dun have to see gynae so often already
next appointment is 3 weeks later...
hi Lyn, biggest congrats to you..
That's really wonderful to see ur little darling growing up strong and healthy...

btw, how does the 3D scan looks like.. I have yet to see such be4...
Congrats Lyn. So so happy to hear this. Yes, we get what we expect, so think of the good outcome.

How many week is you little darling now?
I'm in such a dilemma now. Hoping I'm pregnant yet afraid my condition is not good for pregnancy. To be more rationale, I should treat my condition (if it exist) before getting preg, but I wish I'm preg and I'm actually fine then everything is well. I'm in a confused state.

hi coral, if your condtition endangers your baby, why not wait till you are fine then ttc. i'm sure you want your baby to grow well and fine..
