Support group - Miscarriages

haha... am really laughin away when i see these 2 posts by GUESTS. coz its juz a few mins after the 1st post.. Detox is suitable for everyone, its juz that wat kind of food/product that u takin for detoxing. if u cant take it already juz stop.. no one is askin u to detox till becum weak rite..

and suling, all the points u have given is useful and i believe all of us knows it.

p.s : me myself dun take MLM products, and am not siding anyone here.

anyone can do detox, but there are different types of detox. lyn did mention dat she did her own detox. but she also said dat she had read several books & researched the detox method dat is most appropriate for her. so different bodies respond to different detox methods. pls do not generalise if someone do not succeed thru 1 method.
from wat i read, she is NOT trying to promote her pdts at all. whoever is interested can jus pm her or watever & ask qns. ask qns dun mean u must buy. if dat's so, then dun ever make enquiries abt any pdts anywhere either.
i, myself, had went thru a bit of detox & do feel dat i'm healthier than before though i'm not preggie yet.
personally i'm not against or support detox or mlm, but i'm willing to give it a try & see if i can conceive.
like wat vege say when a person in desperate stage she will try everything ppl say. this is wat i afraid ppl out here might take the wrong move adn coem out to advise ppl.

u right we should not share preggie joy here let ppl go otehr thread to read. pls dun be down , and do not take think in harsh and think first b4 u eat or try something ok.. I sure u are ttc now tat why u share wif us your feeling.

i only sharing wat is true and hope gal here will have bb soon. in fact i am a mother of 1 so I can understand the process of ttc.

me too never take any tonic or mlm pdt so i oso neutral.
hi ju

i along never mention abt ppl name, but since u say Lyn then let u have my view.

yes u right she never say anything pdt good just try her own way. but in this thread like wat vege say a person in desperte will try all way to have baby. her sentence and detox way might mislead ppl out here. Instead ppl here should encouraeg each other to see medical profession to seek baby advise and not otehr thing. S'pore train med is so advance I'm sure they can help couple to conceive. if a person cant conceive no matter wat method or thing she eat osos no use

hope I did not offend Lyn on this.
Btw, is Lyn having her first baby soon?
my congrats to her
as far as i can see, only lyn is toking abt alternative health here. so i can't figure out who else u and GUESTS are referring to anyway.

anyway, if a person decides to believe or not, no one else can change his or her mentality. but i feel dat if someone does not believe, then the best thing to do is to keep their comments to their ownself.

for me, i dun trust western medical practices anymore. cos they din help at all
hmm... ju
You don't trust western medical practices anymore??? I take it as you are not seeking western medical professional help!! So you mean you are gonna to conceive and deliver by traditional way, i.e at home and not at hospital since you do not trust western medical practices!!!

Since this is an open forum, we are just voicing our opnions to let others have a better view....
hi ju

since u insist i refer to lyn then let it be.
if i not wrong u know lyn personally cos after reading soem post, u are not a regular poster her so i assume u know her, correct me if i am wrong again

i only give useful and general comment, like wat mei mei say abt my comment are all useful.

u say u dun trust western medical anymore, does it mean u are not a detox person? cos detox conside western medical oso sicne it gone thru testing by medical profession b4 allowing to sell in Singapore.

Again dun let harsh affect our life. A good example is Andrea de curs case. she wan to be beauty and perfect so take slimming pill and end up now cannot have bb. an guess wat she put all blame to the pill she eat and drag her colleague in. do we need to pity tis type of ppl? who find their way to hell
forgot to post just now, im only here coz i see my fren yukiko posting here, so dun shoot me hor if anyone of you dun agree with what i said... btw im not GUESTS or whatsoever just being kaypoh and post something, ok this shall be my last post liao coz i dun want ppl to misunderstand my motive here
when i say i dun believe in western medical practice, i mean dat i wun seek their help in ttc-ing. cos i had done so, & i was not given the help i had requested for.
i do my own way of detox, cos only i will noe how my body works. i dun follow any books or watsoevers cos their methods dun suit me. i found my own detox method to achieve the effect i wan.
i'm not pointing fingers at anyone & i dun wan to.
i'm jus stating this for myself.
There are so many old birds like BellyButton, Elmo, Hamasaki, mei2..etc.

Read thru their postings and you can see the difference. We understand that this forum is meant for ppl to vent out frustration and exchange ideas. But the thing is none of the old birds (above mentioned) talk abt products.

If one product can solve all fertility problems, then I think the whole Singapore infertility Specialists hv to close shops.

I've seen a real case from my frd's uncle took many supplements end up got cancer .
Hi vege C

haha..., i oso jus curious and come in read and post a bit, jus want to say watever prdt we consume, we need to find out more and not jus follow blindly, then think hor this is miscarriage thread so think tat all to post and saw your posting so come in and read again.

i also saw your nick and come in to kaypoh...i was wondering hw come you post here, keke...seems like we two are reali kaypoh, better stop now
hmmmm.. actually i do agreed with some post above. Its really seen like this lady keep on promoting the detox product at several thread. Believe that this detox should be MLM product. if given good view n advice, of course welcome, but if the other way round, mean will make thing more worst..

anyway since we are adult, should have BRAIN to think what should/shouldnt do. watever thing u do and action need to pay for it when thing turn up good or worst.
ok, been reading this thread on and off for the past one month but not posting here.

can we get back to the purpose of this thread which is a support group for miscarriages, rather than going on abt MLM.

granted that everyone has her own views abt such products and individual persons's behaviour online, let's keep to the topic that this thread is meant for.

after spending more than 2 years TTC, and the last 8 mths TTC with western medical intervention and ending up with a miscarriage last month, i can understand the agony of losing hopes and grasping any available ray of hope, be it via MLM or TCM or alternative health methods.

But in the end, it is up to each one of us to keep an open mind and exchange views, rather than putting down anyone whose opinion does not agree with your own.

aside of this issue, does anyone know when is a good time after d & C to start to take vitamins/tonics/supplements/TCM medicine?

or can start immediately after D & C?
hi babymaking,

me used to post here when i had my miscarriage early last year... had not done so for a while but i do read the thread on and off... saw your qn on when to start after dnc... I think normally it depends on the gestation age of the bb when u had the miscarriage. If its early pregnancy... i think depending on gynae, they may normally advise abt 1-3mths before ttc again...

i had an early pregnancy (after years of ttc and with clomid/metformin) which miscarried naturally without d/c. Though i went thru numerous blood test to make sure the hcg level subside to non-pregnant level to make sure no left over blastocyst cells... at that time we were indeed v desperate to have a bb... and the feeling was even stronger in the aftermath of the miscarriage of a very much wanted baby. In any case, after my bleeding for 6 weeks and hcg went back to normal level, i told my gynae i wanted to try again immediately.. so i took the medicine to induce my pregnancy (as I was PCOS) at 7 weeks after the m/c. i din take any tonic watsoever... just normal... we din succeed till 3 mths after when we finally resort to so-iui.

So there is no hard and fast rule... i feel its the emotional state that is more important... if u r still very much grieving ..then maybe u shd wait a while to cope with the grief first... if u feel u can already cope with it and your body feels ready... i feel that it should be ok to try again..
just my opinion lah...
Were all discerning adults responsible for our own decisions. This is a public forum and I believe all is welcome to share their views for or against anything. I guess we appreciate opinion sharing in an amiable manner and lets not accuse anyone of anything too quickly.

Hama, you preg too ah? Saw that youre afraid of cooling food.

My little understanding of hashima is that its better than birds nest but can be too han2 for ladies, so some advise nto to eat too much, esp those preg.
White fungus not really cooling and can be drank when cooked with red dates and dried longan.
Birds nest should be taken mid-2nd tri and not too often can cause phlegm. My two cousins ate too much (more than once a wk) so their bbs lots of phlegm lor.

Lyn, I know youre strong and wont be affected. When ones mind is clear nothing can harm us.

Ive been eating well last few months so think I should be ready to try soon, shall wait for my busy period to be over and hope to join the league of MTB soon.
babymaking, I started with one month of confinement food, and tonic at the same time. During my first visit to gynae (i.e one month after) he started me on multi-vit and folic acid since I told him I want to try for baby in near future. Not sure if my case apply to you cos Ilost bb at 6mths. But I really see not harm to bu your body. Guess so long as we don't over-do anything it's fine.
Just one more thing to add before I log-off. I think all of us are here to provide support for each other. So let's be friends and respect each other's opinion.
elmo : i know.. 10 more days...

coral *hugz* see u talk about your loss i think about mine also..sigh.. sometimes i really feel its so unfaIR, especially when i didn't have a good first 4 like shit and kept on having headache.. thought 5th month is honeymoon period..who knows lasted for only a month.. sigh...
guest using different nicks : i think we will all appreciate if you can just keep yr comments to yrself.. we do not appreciate your comments at all..
Hello gals...

Wow... so many posts today. I have been very busy today
Now rather tired already.

Maybe there's some misunderstanding some where with some one. Everyone has their own views from our experience, and the things that happened around us, and what we see with our own eyes. As time goes by and as we age, our views will change as well.

If anyone do not think the way I do, I will not force it and I do not have the intention to. It's your choice
. After reading rather widely, maybe not as wide as some of you yet, I do believe in pregnancy need a healthy body for a pregnancy with less problem. Less problem will be less stress.
You can disagree if you think otherwise.

I have a cousin who needed 4 months of complete bedrest and injecting herself to support her pregnancy. I have made my choice that I do not want that cos that will mean stress to my whole family too. I have already put a lot of stress on them after going through 3 surgeries. Cos when I cried in pain, my parents, my siblings and hubby cried too. I love and cherish my family very much and I do not want that anymore. It's not a nice feeling to me.

Regarding detox, everyone can just go to the library or bookshops to read about it. I will advice you to get the big picture first. There are numerous methods and programs out there. It's your choice again. What I can say is do read in detail first cos there are consequences if not done properly. I have made my choice after reading more than 10 books and spoke to many people who have been through different programs. Do you think I will harm my body? Or my husband's?

I have chosen a program which not everyone will have the determination to go through. I am not comfortable to post it here and tell everyone what I have went through cos I know, if not done the correct way, it's going to cause more harm than good to the body. There will definitely be people who will just jump into it without finding out the exact program. It's certainly not in my interests to harm anyone. Life is precious.

If you read a good book or watched a good movie, will you share or keep it to yourself? If you met a good gynae, will you share, or keep it to yourself? If you came across something good that can help those who need it, will you share? Or keep it to yourself?

Hi coral,
Yap, I will not be affected by this
Thank you for the encouragement
Everyone has their own opinion and beliefs and we are on the internet with lots of different types of people from a wide ranging background

I gonna tuck in early tonite
Tommorrow will be another busy day for me
Gotta accompany my cousin for her chemotherapy and give her the support she needs at this point in time
. I gotta be emotionally and mentally well myself

Glad that you are eating well for the past few months
. You will be able to fulfill your wish soon
Jia you! Meanwhile, try to keep positive and dun think too much
Do or read something to have some mental relaxation
. Do and think happy things
Hi destitonia,
Hugs hugs... Try to think happy things and recall the happy moments you had before
It will help in the recovery
It might help you too. By thinking and recalling the happy moments I had, I feel happy and helped in my recovery
. My happy days were when I often travel with my hubby around Europe. My happiest one was 4 days in Paris
. What is yours?

We will definitely not forget it, but we gotta try to get back on our feet and move on

Okie... I gotta log off already.. My hubby nagging at me already... I gotta leave my house tomolo at 7.30am then run around till midnite tomolo

Take care gal.. sweet dreams...
Hi dest, why cant drink plain water leh ?

When i had sore throat last time, the doc told me to drink lots of water and suck on Loz..
Hama, during confinment, they don't allow us to drink plain water. Same case for me.
Dest., for me like you lor. I was on bed rest, jab and very bad ms until hb cannot come near me else I puke. The very first week i'm allowed to come off bed and go back to normal life i discover I'm losing bb. Sad hor? But part opf life. We just gotta cope with such downs. Soon it'll be up for us. Jia you!
Lyn, I also think of my happy moment with hb to cheer myself on. Mine is the sunset in Hawaii and the delicious food we shared.
Now I do things that cheer myself up, and when hb see me happy, he gets really happy too.
Wish everyone a happy weekend.
it seem that someone have a lovely hubby who ask say this and that, and the wife go round telling ppl how lovely the hubby is.

So I wonder is it the poor hubby had married a little girl who dun know how to look after herself or the little girl had married a NANNY to look after her
I think the remarks given here seemed to be more of a personal attack now. Hmm, I often pop in here to read coz I just had a m/c last mth and it was comforting to talk to pple with similar circumstances. The aggression in some of the posts here seems unwarranted for and I think the postings speak for themselves as to who the aggressor is. Makes reading quite unpleasant, I must say. I think pple who miscarried are already quite down and want to seek comfort in this thread, not to find unrelated matters here n with so much bitterness.
hi poohy,

thks for sharing your story. It's hard to lose a baby be it whether it is in the 1st tri or in later ones.

esp so for those with TTC issues who have gone thru months and years of medical intervention and what not in order to conceive.

i have PCOS as well which means irregular cycles and no ovulation at all, on top of that hubby's sperm is of extremely poor quality, so was very very surprised when our first IUI did work with 4 tabs of clomid.

and very sad when the pregnancy ended in a d & C after 8 weeks, after trying all sort of progesterone supplements, jabs every other day etc etc.

right now i am moving on...planning to try TCM to bu and tiao body back frist before starting to ttc again.

making the decision to try TCM was a huge one as i totally don't believe in alternative medicine be it TCM or homeapthy or MLM products (or otherwise) promoting alternative health. not to mention that i am totally westernised and the idea of TCM really puts me off.

but experiences from friends and some of the gals here gave me hope that perhaps TCM may work where western practice have failed, so i am trying to keep an open mind and giving it a try for a couple of months and see where that takes me.

i just want to share my story so that anyone reading this can understand that it's not a easy deicison to not take conventional medical practice advice and do something totally it from conventional to TCM or alterntaive health.

and to those who are undergoing TCM now, i would like to find out, what has your experience been like and how long it takes to see the effects of TCM.

any input is appreciated.

thks for sharing your experience. sorry to hear about yr terrible loss. sorry i didn't read thru all the previous postings here, but how long has it been since your loss?

i lost the pregnancy at 8 weeks as stated in my previous post, that was a month ago.

coming from a westernised household, eh not very familar with the concept of bu and tonics, so have not been doing much excpeting drinking red dates drink (which gives me nosebleeds and worsen the bleeding) and chix essence..which i dun see any difference whether drinking or not drinking it.

henceforth, would like to know exactly what tonics and what qauntity is taken to see the effects?

in the meantime, i will be trying out TCM and see where that takes me.

me too was having severe PCOS hormonal inbalance condition... no ovulation at all too for years. Hmm... I just wanna let u know that taking clomid may worsen the LH inbalance becos it is actually indirectly encouraging your body to produce more of both LH and FSH. Just wanna let u know that there are other medical intervention and clomid is just the least of it. It also may dry your cervical mucus making it harder for conception which of course can be circumvented by IUI.

In any case the real cause of PCOS lies right in a metabolical disorder. Many many research has shown that the use of the metformin tablets (normally used in diabetics to assist in insulin control) can help improve PCOS condition to the extent of balancing the hormone level and causing ovulation to occur.

When I was doing so-iui, my gynae no longer want me to use clomid. Instead i took direct daily injections of FSH (also used in ivf) which directly stimulate the follicles. This will not increase the already high level of LH in our PCOS body. In addition I took metformin daily to improve the egg quality which will help in producing good quality egg that minimise genetic defects that causes early miscarriages. This is how we conceive our first son.

I just wanna share with u this becos... I too am very westernised in terms of health issues and do not fancy taking any TCM or products. Besides, at my point of desperation, TCM may prove to take too long ... and I always told my mum I dun have the patience of waiting for it to slowly "improve" my health if it ever ... In any case I am not trying to discourage u from TCM or watever... just wanna let u know that there are other western medical intervention that can more directly solve the PCOS problem. Hope I dun offend anyone ... I am not against TCM at all...
I think it have long term good... if you have the patience...
hey pohy,

thks for letting me know abt how clomid affects the LH and FSH levels in PCOS cases.

Did you do blood tests and when to test LH and FSH levels?

i am aware clomid has it's side effects, esp since i am on the maximum dose. but this is the first line of treatment before heading to injectibles.

Do you know if high LH levels can affect a pregnancy? i am curious to know as i wonder if that's the cause of my m/c.

how long were you taking metformin and at what dosage?

sorry for the many questions.

i do do regular blood test on the LH&FSH level ...
I think high level of LH may affect the pregnancy... just my opinion though cos ... hormones are supposed to be in balance... when they are not, surely it would be good news. However, early pregnancy loss are normally linked to the genetic makeup of the feotus... which is also linked to the quality of the egg and sperm. And the quality of the egg also is linked to hormonal balance eg.. level of LH, FSH.. etc

I took clomid + metformin for a few months... after my miscarriage... i ttc in this protocol for 3 months before embarking on injectibles/iui with metformin. The dosage I took is 1500 mg of metformin...
Hi babaymaking and poohy, my situation was the opp of your. I ovulate too many eggs at one go and they all stuck at my tube. So also no good, doc say my hormone hay-wire so sometimes never ovulate sometimes all come out at once. I had endo and polyps too. But after one lapro before my wedding, I cleared the problem and got preggy on my first attempt. But alas, the preg end in a bad way.

Babaymaking, I came from a family whereby my mum don really know much abt tonic so me also very clueless until I started reading the threads and talking to colleagues and some Chinese medical hall pple.
I'm rather bad at how to bu too. But I believe in moderation. I cook dong cong cao, I always ask the medical hall people to pack them into the right portion for each brew so I don have to worry about measurements.
I was ok drinking the red dates, I heard must remove the seeds else extra heaty. And try the diluted version, I guess yours too concentrated that's why bleeding. I drank that and my aunt also taught my mum to fry shredded giner with brown rice and black beans for me to mix with boiled water to drink. I abnstain from plain water for a month, water had never taste as good after that month.
I lost bb Kaden end of Jul this year, so 3.5 mths now.
thks poohy for the precise information. i will be seeing my gynae today abt this.


how are you coping..down the road?

thks for the tips. for me i use the seedless red dates, still the same side effect. anyways i stopped the red dates thingy already.

now just coasting along until i figure out what to do next.

it has been exactly one month since the D & C, feeling the loss more acutely today.
Hi lyn, my happiest day...frankly, it's the day when i know i preg..both hubby and me were so happy..

Hi hama, i also dunno why cannot drink water..hehehee...follow what my mum say only, then when i ask her, she also dunno..hehehee
dear bbmaking, sorry to hear of the sad loss.. no one would like such to happen and this is not yr fault..

stay strong.. we be here for you..
hi all,
haven't come in here for quite some time already, rather shock at some of the remarks here..hahha

i just lost my bb 3.5mths back w/o D&C. Actually thinking of TTC 6mths later but somehow, hb seems to anxious of having no.2 soon.

Babymaking, u dun hv the phobia of body not strong enuf for conceiving? I keep having this fear of losing another child due to weak body

Any of you still experience nauseaous, moodswing etc after hcg drop back to norm? dun noe why i'm still having it n ppl arnd me still comments i show signs of pregnancy.
hama, thks for your kind words.


actually my gynae said not to go for d & C and let the bleeding come by itself..but then i found out form another gynae that it can take as long as 6-12 weeks for a miscariage to happen naturally, as that point in time, i cannot stand the bleeding, much less for the next 6-12 weeks as it would be a constant reminder of my loss. therefore i opted to go for D & C.

today is exactly one mth since the procedure. there is no symptoms of pregnancy left, everything seems back to normal.

as to phobia of body not healthy enough to carry a pregnancy to term, yes, the fear is there. but have no choice but to conquer it.

there are days when i think that i cannot bear with trying again for fear of another loss, yet there are days when the idea of not having a baby at all is equally terrible to bear.

in the end, it all depends on how much you want a baby and what u are willing to sacrifice to get it.

as at
k, i've just did backlog reading and hv clearer views on the remarks by the guests already..hahahha

dest and coral,
read abt ur sharing on the lost of bb too, my hearts goes to both of u. Actually i think both of u very strong to be able to be in here to share your thots. Although in real life i got over it fast, going back to work two days after i naturally mis-c, but think till date, i'm still grieving and rather keep mum to forget it.

for my case, the hosp gabra so much that before i get my blood test, i mis-c at home in my toilet. but i had the same thots as u then, unbearable to think of going to lose the life that was in me then.

good for u to hv such determinations. Mebbe i should start to think more positive too and be more game in TTC.

mommies here,
jiayou jiayou n keep up the strong determinations! I have a 15mth boy which i TTC for a year before conceiving him. So i noe its tough at times to lie in those weird positions, go thru those probings n yes, the detox program (i din use supplements but natural) too. Oh did i mentioned those nerve wrecking moments of waiting to use preg kits?

After mis-c, i'm really shaky to go thru the procedures again but i guess if we all hold on to our dreams.. it will come true somehow

haiz, chix essence gulping days...
Today's postings are great! No fire fighting at all.

I do agree wif B-careful, Hardselling. Compare today's posting and the postings of that so called Promoter. She is indeed bragging her way telling ppl that she has been to Paris and lways talks about her hubby and all the health related stories. Whereas, babymaking/Coral/Hamasaki/Poohy, all are sharing their experiences and not bragging here.

Everyone in this forum are those unfortunate ones and ppl who are preg shouldnt come in and tell ppl how lucky she is.

Let me answer a few question here.
Why we cant drink water after miscarriage? - Water is consider "hong" thats y is no gd to drink water. Pls drink red dates, dried longans with few slices of ginger to keep your womb warm

I can understand your feeling as I've been thru it. Well, is not easy to cope with the loss. Guess we hv to tell ourselves to be strong and try to pull it thru. Try to take some bu to bu yr health back before TTC. If you really do not know anything about chinese tonic, would suggest that you go to TCM and seek advise.
Hello gals!
How's your day today? I just pop in for a while

Hi coral,
Wow... Sunset in Hawaii is indeed a very beautiful and romantic one.
I get what you mean when you say your hubby gets very happy when you are happy
. Wish you a great weekend
I made a collage from my trip to Paris with hubby. The collage will also remind me of the happy moments in Paris

Hi babymaking,
Do have faith in the treatment you have chosen
Hope you will be able to fulfill your dream soon
Take care...

Hi brenda,
Did you go for a checkup and scan after the natural m/c? Or did a blood test to make sure the hcg has come down already?
Try not to stress yourself too much ok?
Stress is also no good for our health
Conquer your fears by solving them
Jia you!
Babymaking, you asked how cope down the road? I'll say with the love and support of family and friends. I'm not a very strong person, i need constant self-motivation to carry on. I look at those i love around me and i look at those who are suffering more than me, then I tell myself not to wallow in self-pity. even if I can't be of help to others, I don't want to be a burden. Of course once in a while I allow myself to whine to hb or frens, btu it's not a gd habit if one wish to move on to happier life. I believe we get what we expect. So since the future is unknow I choose to think of it in positive note than in a pessimistic mode.
I'm also more discerning in the food I eat and in the activities I do. I also try to give my body more rest. I think I just get more aware of my own body. I want it to be a comfortable home for my next bb. Most of all, I strive for peace of mind and tell myself not to try too hard. Let nature take its course.
Think of the happy future and we'll be able to go a long way.
hi lyn, rest more.... and dun stay out too long, scare u might feel tired..

I had breakfast already.. will be taking lunch soon.. heating up food... hehehe
My view,
u very ticklish leh!! Can't help it i bo liao must reply u...

aye, i told ppl in other threads i backpacked Europe, always mention my hb too, post up loving family HK trip pix recently, told ppl that detox program aided in my recovery for cardio probs. So now should go find a product to promote and wait to be boot out of issit?

yah, went for a scan n blood test. that time hcg still not back to norm so gynae told me to use preg kit at home to monitor. preg kit shows neg after some time.

yupz, actually came in n saw so many of u trying like me.. i felt much better. At least i'm not alone.
Wah... hama.... so late then eat lunch? Got eat nutritious food? Gotta take care ah... I am going to cook dinner soon for my cousin before going out
. I ate out this afternoon, now not feeling at my best... think the food too oily already...

heheheh lyn, cos I ate breakfast earlier on so was a bit full...

tonight, u better eat something light and not oily food.. hope u will feel better later..
