Support group - Miscarriages

Hi undiscern,
Oh I see.. Duphaston is also hormones. Your gynae will be in the best position to advice.

How's your wife now? How many weeks? Is she having spotting or had history of miscarriage?
Hi lyn

Any ideas whether can i bath after the DnC for M/C?????

sori to ask stupid question cos i noe not allow to bath after delivery, how about M/c?

when can i start drinking red dates plus long gang drink? how about chicken essence? immediately or after the bleeding clear????
Hi yoko,
I continued to shower after DnC
. Of course, with warm water. The weather in Singapore is different from where the tradition of cannot shower comes from. In this hot and humid weather, it's ok to shower.

You can start drinking the red dates longan now. You can drink chicken essence daily too.

Take good care ya?
Hi yoko, I also bathe after D&C, but usually do so in afternoon, not at night.

Hi m&m, how are you ? long time no hear from u ....
Hi undiscern,
Wow... You are very knowledgeable and resourceful. Are you in the research line?
Perhaps your wife's situation is good, hence no need for injections.
Does your wife need to do bloodtest for HCG every alternate days or weekly?
<font color="0000ff">Good morning gals!</font>
How are ya today? Today is a bright, sunny day

But I am not in my best today. Perhaps it's my hormones playing tricks on me. I did not sleep very well and now very tired.
Poor lyn. I've not been sleeping well for 3wks. Cos hb not around and me alone at home Miss him so much. My eyes had been twitching, prob from lack of sleep. But so happy that I'll be seeing him tomrw morn. Can't wait to fly there now.

Lyn, try your usual method of listening to soothing music, can prob 'calm' your hormones down.
yup, me in research line. only did the hcg test two time to see how much is the increase. was abit worried when dr says increase not 66%, but after i found the info, I feel better abit. hopefully that piece of research will be adopted by local gynaes. which i think will becos it has been published in a top medical journal recently.
Hi coral,
You must be counting down by the hours now to see your hubby again!
Enjoy your trip and take lots of pictures ok?

Hi undiscern,
Wow.. you did a search on the medical journals. Are you in the medical research? I am in engineering

Recently, I think it's last month, there's a conference in America. There's an interesting research on the hormones jabs during pregnancy. It's a 20 years research and the conclusion is that the hormones jabs does helps in stabilising a pregnancy.
That's what my gynae told me
. I only listen but did not follow
Thanks ladies. I'm going to log off soon and head home for last minute packing and off to airport later tonite.

Lyn, the thing abtr the jab, what I realise is the older gyneas believe in them and the younger gyneas keep telling me research does not support the effectiveness of the jabs. Will prob do some research on that soon for I'll need to decide if I'll go thru those jabs again...The side effects really horrible.
Take care all. And enjoy the holidays.
Hi lyn, me in engineering too. thanks for the info abt the jab. well as wat coral said, our dr is a young one so he said the jab may not be really usefully.
hi hi lyn..
i was surfing the TCC thread &amp; was reading abt ur story..i just wanna to say that u r indeed a very strong &amp; postive lady..i also noticed that u hvnt been surfing that thread now..whatever it is, i just wanna say that i m very touched by ur determination &amp; wish u all the best..take gd care..cheers~
(just a little intro on myself: i just got married this 2nd oct, was initially trying very hard to have a bb aft the few days of marriage, i guess now is really tooo early to know anything, beside i m not sure on the signs..was thinking that it might kinda be too early for me to get pregnant since it's barely less than a mth to the happen to surf the TTC thread last night &amp; see if i can get any tips/signs etc, reading the archives..happen to see abt ur frm apr till aug..thks for sharing..really thks..u r right, must learn to relax ourself &amp; relax..alwz take it easy..i m keeping my finger cross..also dun think that i will get pregnant..this week hv a frustrating week &amp; seems to be easily irritated..this happens when my period is coming the next week..anyway, also hope i will be able to share gd news w/ u soooon)
Hi Wendy...
Wow... You are resourceful... I seldom visit the TTC thread already. There are many new gals whom I do not really know. The old TTC gals have moved to MSN. kekeke... So we usually MSN and chat about anything during the day. hee...
What I can say is, try to relax and dun plan too much and getting pregnant will be an easy task. Meanwhile, also try to get your health to the best first
For my second pregnancy, I went through lots of ups and downs trying to get pregnant. That was a stressful and frustrating period, and also a strain on relationship with hubby. That time, I could not get pregnant and I needed clomid to help me. Now I am more relaxed and focussed on other things and getting my and hubby's health to the best, and getting pregnant is not difficult
. I hope keeping it will be easy too
If you feel stressed joining the TTC thread where everyone are comparing and talking about nothing else but TTC, do avoid it for a while till you are mentally more prepared to read about the ups and downs there.

It's easy to say relax. The doing part is not easy at the beginning. But gotta start somewhere...

I wish you good luck!
Baby is really a gift of God.
Dun give up
I have a cousin who tried for 4 years and now have a very cute little boy...
Hi hamasaki,
I am great! I have been busy with creating my own blog
I went for a wedding dinner last nite. Din know I will put on weight after the dinner
I put on 1kg already
hee... getting a bit vain :p
hello lyn.... what sort of blog u're creating now ? travel or personal or....

huh, just having a wedding dinner will put on 1kg that fast.. OMG...
Good morning gals!

It's a short week this week!
Enjoy your holidays...

Hi hamasaki,
I am creating a personal blog this time
I have not been travelling much, so I have nothing to create about my travels

I have not eaten so much for a few months already. And during the wedding dinner, I eat and finished everything!
hi ladies

i first posted here on the morning before my D&amp;C and was previously active in this thread when I lost my 1st bb at 10weeks in aug 04. That was a dark period of my life and am thankful to all the girls here for your support.

have delivered my girl on 5 oct 05. do perservere and never give up. Once again, my heartfelt thanks to all of you who have given me that much needed listening ear and sound advice
wow, when ur blog is up, (hehehehe) can i have a peek...

now i really feel like eating all those yummy wedding dinner goodies.. having 3 weddings next mth and on dec...
(pocket burn hole liao)
Hello hamasaki...
hahaha... The one I went was Conrad and the food was nice
I have another wedding dinner next month. Dunno where yet... :p Hope it will be good. Last month went to Rendevous... yucks... I eat 2 course dun wanna eat liao... End up going out for supper after the wedding dinner...
Sure... but I dun update my blog daily :p. Do you have juju's blog? There's a link to my blog from there

Hi whitefloral,
hi hi lyn..
thks for ur reply..really very nice to be able to meet u here..i m very touched &amp; impressed by u..i guess it's really very important to be positive &amp; stay stress-free..i do noticed that there's alot of "traffic" at the thread...u r right, it's better for one to stay off the thread for a little while if really quite stressful..i m sure that things will work out well for u..relax &amp; take good care of urself..ur result will be fruitful one day..cheers~

lyn, can u pls advise me when will be the best time to test for pregnancy?
Hi Wendy,
My gynae adviced me to test one week after AF overdue
. If you test 3 days after AF due, using first morning urine, you should be able to see a clear positive

to you
Dear ladies,
I'm now surfing net at Community Club. 2.30pm will log off.

I'm still on MC. Back office 2nd week of Nov. Went Laparoscopy on 26 Oct to remove 2 cysts in ovary. Gynae said must do immediate cos quite critical, said may rupture anytime! Now ok, can walk normal but still pain a bit.

Pls dun worry for me, I'm ok. Will write more when I back office, or when I hv the chance to pop by the Community Club again!
Hi Whiteflower, Congrats and thanks for sharing this good news with us.
Qwer, take good care for now.

Just back lots to do so no time to read all postings will come back again when I hv more time...

Lyn I also created my own blog but no tiem to update frequently...
hi gals!
it's been a while.... cos I have been rather busy lately... :p
Hope everyone is doing well.

Continue to stay positive ya?
Qwer, please take good care.......

hamasaki, my hol so so. See some really beautiful places and ejoyed wine tasting in Chianti and Venice is really a special experience. But also encountered some discrimination that spoils my hol. However,I won't say all Italians are bad, I met a few nice ones too. Guess my mood also affected by my AF, cuase me to have fever during trip. But then Hb say, looking on the positive side, we know that my system is normal since AF so on time. On the whole, I'm glad I went, seen the places I want and a nice time for the two of us ever since the ordeal a few months back. But we couldn't find any unforgettable food there, so I had to cook pasta for us during the wkend to satisfy our palate.
Dear ladies,
I'm back here again! Thanks for all your concerns...I'm well. Now at cyber cafe again! My gynae suggested me to go for 4 mths jab to shrink and dry up the existing blood clots on my intestine. I'm still considering. Next appt end of Nov will then decide.

Btw, how's things for everybody? Hope you all are well too!!
hi qwer,
this Bluebells. (can't use previous naming, someone apparently got similar name since the last time i logged in).

how r u? didn't read previous posting, just saw wat u written. how r u? everything alright?
Hi Bluebells,

I'm alright. Dun worry. I can go cyber cafe surf that means I'm ok liao keekee.....juz now inside dunno is it healing well or not. gynae told me whether or not I want to get preggie, I hv to go for the lap &amp; injection...sigh!!
hi coral, pls do take care and hope ur fever is down now..

hi qwer, hope things will get brighter for you soon... hang on..
Hello gals...

I just sneaked in here while waiting for water to boil to cook my spaghetti
. I went to Bintan and it was great fun there
Lots of bikini babes... haha... bikini babes playing beach volleyball also have...
If the guys know, sure drool...

Hi coral,
Welcome back to Singapore! How's your lovey lovey time with hubby in Italy?? Got take lots of pictures?? Hee... must be very nice hor? I would love to visit Italy again if I have the chance...
My blog used to be a very sad one. Now I want to change it to a happy one
I try to write down the happy things now
The past blogs will still be there though...
Our past can never be forgotten, but we will be able to accept it and move on

Hi qwer,
Gotta rest well
hope your wound is recovering well
Remember to "jiak por" hor...
Hi all,

I haven't been in for a long time. I would like to know how long after D&amp;C that you gals start trying again... I have a dilemma now..Going for holiday next month and menses will come around that time. was intending to take med to delay it slightly but heard from gynae it does have some effect on ovulation. My next menses will be my 3rd cycle - where I can start trying again... any advice?
Hi GT,
I think it varies from cases to cases and gynae to gynae. After my first m/c, I was told to wait for 3 months. After my second m/c, I was told to wait for 2 months. The most important thing is you gotta be healthy again
As long as you are both mentally and physically prepared, it should be fine
Enjoy your holidays and dun worry too much

I think I am a little confused of what you really want. You wanted to take medication to delay menses, and at the same time you wanna try for baby??? I thought you can only choose one??
hi hi ladies!!

sorry busy at hardly come in....

me feeling much better
hubby wanted to start ttc this month but i say no as i want lose some weight first...and like parents in laws are treating us for a japan trip during chinese new year..and mean i won't start ttc until back from japan....but menses might come during the trip and i will feel very very will have cramp also tot of seeing gp for delaying menses pills...but think it might mess up my ovulation timing all over now...contemplating whether to japan afterall...cos this is a free trip...and might not have chance to go for such expensive trip if preggie...cos alot of commitment....


wanted to congrat u earlier but didn't log in!
congrats to you on your pregnancy!take good care!
Hi GT, I knew I would have my AF during my Italy trip, but I'd rather go thru the trouble than eat the med incase it disrupt my system and I know I'll have my AF again during this month when I go KL, but I think I'll stillbear with the inconvenience than take the chance with the med. I think the little inconveneince is worth it than the risk of disrupting our system if we wish to TTC.
Hamasaki, my fever subside after 3 days, I usually get feverish when I have my AF.

Lyn, you preggy? I keep my blog neutral. Never write about my downs, mostly it's a reflection of daily life than my inner most feelings. I only write abt those here. where I know the people understand what I mean.

I'm thinking of trying soon, but very stress at work, so in a fix now. But I know there'll never be a good time, it's depends on how I prepare myself and how I manage my time. I know hb miss bb. During our trip one nite he suddenly told me he's thinking of Kaden. Italy is a place where yousee lots of pple pushing their bbs around in prams and we see lots of cute bb stuff. He told me he actually went to check on bb stuff before I arrive. I know he wish to have his own bbs. Me too. But can I take to pressure of getting preg will I be haunt by the past. I'm not sure. I know I want a bb, but what if...I dare not think further. I think I shan't think too much but just face things as they come else I'll never be able to walk on.

Antoher rambling session. I know you gals will bear with me. Thank you.
hi coral, glad that u're feeling better..

I hope u will be strong my dear.. Leave the past behind and look forward to new beginnings..
u sure can make it..
