Support group - Miscarriages

Hello gals!!!!!

me long time din come in.. work busy.. hehe

Hey lyn, are u preggie? congrats to u if you're.

Coral, welcome back!

Hamasaki how are u?
hi Gardeline, I'm am well... thanks for ur concern..

how abt you.. have to rest well.. dun overworked urself.. take care yah..
really quiet. Year end everyone busy? Or all on holiday liao?

Today my gf went in to induce birth of her bb boy. We're preg at the same time so Kaden suppose to be due now too. Well, at least she made it. She had a miscarriage last year, but now, she has a healthy boy. I'll look forward to mine. And wish everyone good luck too!
hi coral, dun despair.. u will be a proud mummy one day...

We will be here for you to give u our strength and support.. Jia you...
Thank you Hamasaki.

Yesterday I went KK and saw lots of preggie...really have the urge to try again. Maybe should not think too much then will have courage to try.
Good morning gals!

How are you gals getting on? Hope you will have a great weekend!

Hi Coral,

Hope you have enjoyed your trip with hubby
Many things can never be forgotten and remain in our memories
But we gotta accept the inevitable and move on
As time goes by, we will become even stronger and nothing will beat us next time
You will be a very good mummy... Jia you!

Hi Gardeline,

How are you getting on? Busy at work? Gotta try to release some stress and rest well ok?
Thank you
I am going for my gynae's visit later after I post this
Ermmm... seems like judgement day again...

I am trying very hard not to think too much now
It's not easy, but I will definitely be able to overcome the fears this time
. Oh dear... I feel like crying liao...

K k.. I better stop now.. later hubby thought what happened to me...
Lyn, keep us update of ur visit..

DUn worry too much dear... Everything will be fine and smooth sailing for u.. God Bless...
hi coral, was reading your earlier post and just wanted to encourage you to let go and face the days ahead bravely. don't think we will ever forget the sad incident but don't let it affect your daily life, ok
just try when you are ready, don't rush to it

how come you usually will get feverish before AF? did you ask your gynae or something?

what are you working as? you seem to be very stressed at work?
Hi all,
I am new here..lost my boy 2 weeks ago..he was almost 24 doing my confinement..sigh..just 3 more months ..

wanted to find a place to talk.. and encourage each other..
hi dest, sorry to hear of ur sad loss...

mind to share what happened.. All the gals here are very suportive to each other...
<font color="aa00aa">Good Day ladies,</font>
How's everybody today &amp; how's your weekend? back office...lots of things to do. Haven't got time to read all previous postings....

Thanks for your concern, I'm ok now. Few days later going KK for another opinion....still contemplating whether to go for the jab or not. Sigh!! My colleagues suggested not to jab &amp; juz TTC or go for IUI that can quickly conceive....I really dunno what to do how...sigh!!!
hi hamasaki,

was really grieving for a long while, both me and husband.. felt his active movements, had a name for him, had some clothes for him bought by my BIL..

i felt no movements from him over a weekend, which was weird cos he is a very active went to gynae on monday, thought it will be safer, then gynae did a check and told me there's no heartbeat..our hearts crashed, we were awaiting for his arrival so much..

anyway, i had to be hospitalised and delievery induced..after that D&amp;C was performed..gynae saw my baby and saw that the umbilical cord was twisted hence stopping blood supply to my baby..he said it was a 1 in 1000 case.. I was asking myself, asking God why am I that unlucky 1, why am I not the 999 others? I do not want it to happen to any other people either, but just felt so upset and angry.. it was considered a cord accident and accidents can't be prevented..gynae told me even if i had gone to him earlier, he could not have done anything to salvage the situation..
Dear Dest.,
I'm so so sorry to hear about you. Don't wish anyone else to go thru what we all went thru. But that's beyond our control. I lost my boy when he's 24 wks too. That's in July and he's due this week. so I'm trying my best to keep calm. My gf who's preg at the same time just delievered. I'm very happy for her cos she went thru a miscarriage last year. But she believe and is not afraid to try again. So pls be strong during this tough period and we'll be here to listen to you if you need to talk.

Beautiful, I'm busy cos I look after teh research work and perofomance of our company in the asia pacific region, so kind of stretched as many things happening in the region and I have a very dynamic boss, so sometimes can't keep up with her.

qwer, please take care of your health first. Once you're healthy it's easier to TTC. Don compromise your health for TTC sake. A healthy body means healthy bb too.

Lyn dear, pls do take care and continue to stay strong and cheerful.
Hi coral,
Thank you for yr encouragement..was your case like mine?? accident?? sigh.. i have one colleague, two cousins who are pregenant at the same year CNY is the time when they will all deliever.. i hope i will be strong enough by then..
take ur time to grieve, and i do hope that u will be strong and stand up once again..

take gd care and do pop in to chat with us...
thks for yr encouragement..never thought there are so many of us around who encounter such losses.. through this ordeal, i think the bond between me and hubby has become closer..

by the way, i see many pple mentioning AF. What's AF?
hi destitonia,
please take good care and take bu as much as you can as you need to nurse back your health....
Dun ask why it has to happen to you... but trust that everything happens for a reason... so you must be strong.... *hug*
Hi Coral, dun be scared... must be courageous..... once you think you ready...just go ahead and try.....if not, dun plan at alll... just ML and dun use any contraception....

Lyn, why you feel like crying... I'm sure everything will be alright. Take care now... you have the little one to think of as well.
yup dest, like many of the ladies here said.. do rest well and not think of what had happened..

let the past go away... God Bless U..
hamasaki : ic ic.. hehee..

elmo : thks for daily meals now consist of ginger and seasme oil and nothing else..and the worst thing is all these for nothings..sigh..sometimes think liao quite depressing.. but will be strong..what to do?
I know that it seems that we dun have a choice when such thing happens to us... must keep our faith that we will all be proud mothers one day.... dun think that the bu you taking is for need to make sure you nurse back your health...
dun take cold stuffs and liang things for now... take chicken essence every morning ... on top of those you taking now.. not to forget the red date tea..... and also try to rest as much as you can for now.. you will feel tired cos you supposed to be resting...
that's what my mum choice, have to stick to it cos i also scared if never bu properly next time have baby will have problem.. i tried taking chicken essence, really cannot stand the smell and taste..i switched to birds nest. is it bu as well?
coral: can i just ask you, how long did it take for your bleeding to stop? then how long did it take before your AF resumes normally? cos me and hubby hope to conceive another baby soon..
hi destitonia,

so sorry to hear about what happened to you.. i wish i can go over and give you a big hug!
take your time to heal... it is very difficult and sometimes hard to accept why such unfortunate things happened, especially when you had to be the 1 in 1000 cases. for me, i lost my bb too at 24th weeks. bb was structurally not right. rare congenital disorder that rarely happens too, but it had to happen to me.

took me a while to accept reality too, especially when we were so thrilled about this new addition to the family. all this happened about half a year back. i'm starting to put the unhappy past behind me and move on. of course, it is easier said than done. i'm still on that healing path, moving on slowly but surely. maybe you and your hubby should go fer a getaway once everything is over.. it helps. i'm going for a trip this week. to me, it marks the beginning of a new chapter for me and hubby..

important thing I've learnt is not to rush that healing process. take as long as you need to grieve. if you need to talk, come here and brawl your heart out. this is a place where you can find understanding, as all of us have been there before.

so, be strong ok? take this time to rest and eat well, and 'bu' your body back to tip-top condition so you can try again soon!

bleeding usually last for a few days, followed by intermittent spotting which lasted for almost 3 weeks in my case. will take a 2 or 3 cycles to regulate. did your gynae advise you to tcc only after 3 cycles? that was what i've been told.
Hi Destitonia,
Hugs hugs... Hope you are recovering well at home
. Take your time to grieve with your hubby
Wish you a fast recovery physically and mentally
It will not be an easy journey, but you gotta try ok? Hugs hugs...
Bird nests and chicken essence "bu" differently, I think. That time I took both on alternate days. I also dun like the smell of chicken essence too. kekeke...

Hi qwer,
I think if you remain not so stressed about TTC, you will be able to conceive naturally

Hi coral,
Dun get too stressed ok? Try to do some relaxation excercise

Yap, I am trying to stay happy again
Now back to reading my books to find some directions and peace

Hi elmo,
Thank you...
I am ok now
I did cry on Saturday but secretly
Think I was pretty nervous. hee... lucky my hubby dunno, else he will be worried. When I was at my gynae, I waited outside the clinic at the lift lobby.
Hi bellybutton,
Didn't know there are so many of us who lost our babies during mid trimister..really helps to know that i am not alone..have some cousins and colleagues who m/c but that's during 1st 10 weeks..i thought no one will be able to understand what i am feeling..glad to find company here..
i 2 weeks plus..should stop gynae said once menses come can try liao..he say should be about 6 weeks time..

hi lyn,
i cannot stand the taste at all!! dun want to try again ..hehe cos really very the smelly
Hi lyn,
read abt yr ttc journey in other threads, really admire yr courage, positive attitude and perseverance.m very glad that u r on yr way to fulfiling yr dream of motherhood. i hv ttc for 4yrs, hv endo n adeno, did lap 4yrs ago, gone thru 2 ivf n i fet, all bfn. jus discovered that i may hv scarring in my uterine cavity which affected impantation. so going for hysteroscopy to clean out. understand that u change yr diet and probably went on an organic liver detox. i wld like to try that route too, pls share with me what u did and where can i get the deox stuff.thanx n wish u a smooth 9mths .
hi dest... many of the gals here went thru many ups and downs during their TTC and preg time.. so we all understand how each other feel.. cos we been in their shoes be4..

now its the time for u to build up ur body strong and TTC can wait till u're sure ready Emotionally and physically..
hi destitonia, that makes 2 of us... cos I also cannot stand the smell of chicken essence.. I got to force myself to drink it and I gulp it down in 2 mouthful. :p
I still have lots of chicken essence at home.. all gifts.. but cannot tahan anymore... I stop after taking for 20 days... bird nest is for different bu so will be for different purpose... you need to bu qi and bu xue now... take more red dates.
Hi quando,

Thank you for the compliments and well wishes...
It was a journey not so easy for me and my husband. I have grown up stronger now

I wish you a fast recovery from the surgery that you are going through.

To me, after so many things that had happened, health is very important now. I have a different view in pregnancy now which not a lot of people will agree with me
. If I am not healthy and cannot support a pregnancy, I will not force it cos it could mean my baby will not be healthy. I looked into the health curves too. People will tell me the hormones jabs will help to support the pregnancy, but to me, what's the point of forcing it? So I have rejected my gynae's suggestion

I looked at cancer patients getting younger and younger. Why? Have you thought about it? Why do we need a children's cancer fund now? Did we have that 10 years ago? Have you ponder why? I did ponder why and it's very long to explain. It gotta do with our health curves. In summary, if we do not take good care of our health now, our next generation will suffer.
That's where they talk about diseases are genetic. If diseases run in a family, why is it happening in younger and younger people?

Now I believe I have a healthier body to support the pregnancy
. I started off with slow detox for a few months cos I was skeptical about it. I even met someone who tried for 1 week only and BFP already. Both husband and wife detoxed for 6 months before even trying. They told me pregnancy will come easily to a healthy body, cos that's how nature made it to be.
I also heard about couples going through many years of TTC and successfully managed to conceive. haha... The skeptical me did not believe it till I tried it... I am a researcher... so my training has made me to be very skeptical about things in life... hahaha...

For my current pregnancy, I strike after my hubby had a very fast detox for a few weeks. He was still under detox during conception. We did not try... just ML without contraception...
hahaha... For me, I went through very fast detox. I just finished the detox and within one month BFP already. It was pretty unbelievable. But before that, I had a slow program for a few months already. hahaha... I find myself so stupid to have all the stress of TTC for 8 months for my second unsuccessful pregnancy.

Now, my gynae told me my fibroids will certainly grow back in this pregnancy. Fingers and toes crossed... So far so good, no fibroids
I had very very big and multiple fibroids in my first lost pregnancy. They grew very fast, faster than my baby. It's a blessing in disguise

Nowadays, there are so many detox programs out there. It will be better to choose one that is natural and has the results you want. It's my friend who recommended me the program
. I can share with you what I did in more details. Or I can see if my friend is free to share with you cos I might not know a lot of things in details...

Err... I dun prefer to "advertise" my personal email here. Can I PM to you? I see if I can PM you...

Take good care. Dun give up ok? You will be a mother one day
elmo and destitonia...
I also cannot stand the taste of chicken essence. That time my gynae asked me to take one bottle daily! Gosh... yucks... kekeke... now I dun take anymore... hee...
hehee..well..must still try to take , if not later the body not bu enough have problem conceiving.. i think chicken essence is to bu qi and bu xue..

lyn: this detox thing you talking about is when and why must do?
hi beautiful,
I tried dom once..very strong leh..but still can take it..when my hubby cook for me, he will add dom mum told me to take bird nest/chicken essence in the morning and dom at night, so far i have taken bu in the morning but night time always forget..
hi lyn, I agree with wat you say on the genetic thingy.. I also think very strongly that our body is infested with all the Genetically Modified products so much so that our genes are affected thus causing so much illness in the younger generation... not just cancer, asthma and many more that we dun know yet.
So, it's really very impt to have a healthy lifestyle...
It's really an unhill task trying to avoid intaking all the junks into our body...

hi destitonia, this recipe was given by my ex-colleague's malay masage lady. cos i love chicken essence but not DOM, she taught me to mix both and the result is superb!
