Support group - Miscarriages

Hi destitonia,
I detox cos I choose to do it...
I met people who detox a few times before they actually plan for baby! I only did a good one for once. I also met people whose doc said they have very slim chance to get pregnant already, also can conceive.

Hi elmo,
Yap... nowadays people in their 20s already getting high blood pressure! Asthma is actually a very common disease in the young in the UK. Far more common than in Singapore. I was surprised...
Yap, it's not easy to change one's diet and lifestyle... lol... I am still trying to... haha... sometimes cannot resist the temptation. But for the sake of baby, must really try to and keep reminding myself...

hahaha.. I prefer the bird nests to the chicken essence... Last time my hubby will make sure I drink. Every nite he came home would go and count how many left.. hahaha... bobian...
hama... I am not sure leh... some people say must drink bird nests, some people say cannot cos next time baby got phlegm.. dunno how also... I still take when I feel like drinking something sweet... kekeke...
cos i heard pple saying that for 1st trim, better dun take cos its a bit Liang..
take it during 2nd and 3rd trim.. but moderate taking of it...

never heard that it will cause phelgm... but instead heard many saying that babies will have smooth glowing fair skin.. and they will be strong..
my sinseh told me bird nest is only for beauty. :p Eat liao mei mei... he say Hama.. better... the frog thingy...dunno how to spell.
for bird nest it's better to cook yourself if you wan to eat cos those bottled ones (unless the better quality ones) might not bee too liao largi worse....
When I was young, I have those cronic cough... almost long term on cough med and when I grew older.. thou not so bad... but ganna cough very easily... then my father made bird nest for me to eat once a mth.... big bowl... after 1 yr... I dun get cough so eaily liao...
but I find those bottled ones dun give me the same effect... when I try to take to recover after cough.... so can feel the difference lor...
but cook ownself very mafan man... so sometimes I just eat...cos I like to eat. :p
hama... bird nest is for "Run"

Destit, ren yi ren...I know...cos I dun like also... I still have 20 odd bottles left at home... keep staring at it... but still dun drink. :p
dont you all find it strange that why is it friends around us do not have a single problem with their pregnancy. but we have to suffer hell? isn't it so unfair? i think its more than bad genes, all those medical stuffs. sorry to say this, but i feel tat its more like a curse? the chosen few who is destined to suffer? its so unfair.

the majority no need to go thru any such sufferings, but only the selected few of us. not only once but several times. its beyond medical reasoning i think.
hi undiscern,
I definitely do not think that it's a curse cos I believe that everything happens for a reason.
Medically, miscarriage are getting more and more common.
My gynae told me that he has at least 1 miscarriage everyweek.
hi lyn, can you email me the detox diet..thinking of trying detoxing for some time before preg, but never got determination to try..see this time whether will have ..
kao_biggrin.gif email :[email protected]

elmo, i took one bottle today..will try to keep to alternating bird nest and chicken essence, if not really wasted..cannot give as gift to other people in future also, not very nice..
I am not very sure. My cousin told me to start taking bird nest and take those that need to boil myself one. hee... maybe as time goes by when I know more, I let you know ;) I might not take bird nests unless my MIL buys and ask me to boil. She asked me if I know how to boil bird nests and gave me a slow cooker last weekend... hahaha...

I also like bird nests... kekeke... I like the sweet taste. Is white fungus "liang"?
For my detox, I took a series of products and went through a program. Both me and my hubby. Not cheap though... The program I went through needs a lot of determination and perseverance. My hubby went through another program.

hahaha... What I can say is, what you have set to achieve, better to persevere and continue on. Then success will be yours...
hi Lyn..

My Mil brew birdnest herself for me last week.. I was kind of worried that it might be Liang..

I dun take birdnest often and never buy those concentrate bottles ones.. Normally, it was MIL who brew it for me and hb..
Hi shirubia and jaslyn,
You can read through my reply to quando and see what you want to know. I dun really know what you want to know. For the detox program, I read a number of books and found out which gives the best results before I really go into it. I do take a series of expensive organic products. Well, to me, I pay for what I get. For health, I am willing to spend
. If money can buy health, it's worth spending
. That's my point of view now
One's diet is very important.

I had a miscarriage last month when I was 3 month pregnant and had a D&C done in the hospital.

Just wondering anyone out there can advise me (who were ever in my case), when did your menses come? Is it on the same date that you had done a D&C?

Hello gals!!!

hey Lyn, Congrats again.. We need some bb dust here! how's your checkup? everything shd be fine huh.

Hello jackie, sorry to hear abt your loss. for me, my menses came abt one mth after my d&c.
Hi Gardeline,
Thank you
Yap, the checkup went well
Only that I have put on too much weight too fast already.

Hi jackiejon,
My AF came 10 weeks after D&C for first one, and 4 weeks after D&C for second one. After D&C, it's just spotting or slight bleeding.
Do take care of your health now and eat nutritious food
Hi ladies

Just came across this thread and its seems like someone is promoting some products for detoxification.... Conception is a Gift from GOD... So halfway through your life, GOD decided to change his plan for you, could be for better, he may take away his Gift of Conception. Its is true that in order to conceive and be able to have a smooth 9mths, one needs to have a healthy body. Dextoxification is just to get rid of the toxin that is build up in your body over the years. I have never heard that detoxification will help in the conception of baby? I have never heard of detoxification products that made you conceive after taking it. So, ladies, don't because of one's theory which is not proven, rush in to buy the products. Its takes 2 hands to clap and in order to be able to conceive, both husband and wife must be healthy. The best way to check whether you or your husband is healthy before trying for a baby, go for pre-conception test... Ladies, cheer up, relax and you will eventually get a miracle from GOD. GOD could be just holding back his Gift of Conception a teeny weeny bit longer, so relax and enjoy your blissful happy time with hubby first.
hmm... thot this is suppose to be a thread for MC support?? pardon me but I got a feeling that someone here is promoting certain health products here just like those MLM health products..
hi lyn,
what if i am someone not determine & dun believe in detox???i simply dun hv determination to do this & that at certain timing of the day or stop myself from my bad eating habits. i can cut down but not totally dun eat. i can die.. somemore this type of detox programme must be for few mths & it sure cost me a bomb.cos my sis also from MLM & she also ask me to detox & eat this & that which does not interest me at all.

I ever heard a ttc frd oni take DCC for a period of mth & she also conceive naturally. although DCC is exp herbs but she also got proven from her coic & another forum i saw be4 anyhow any do forget which forum aldy. i gues i still believe in tiao-ing our body thru tcm mediciation. cos my colic i think after mths of med & tackling to her health pblm i suspect she is pregnant aldy.This tcm i also saw her for 1mth but stopped her a 2mths cos of the inconvenience to her plc.
Hi Ladies,

I do agree with Juz my advice. I've noticed that some1 had been in this forum for sometimes and most of her posting, she was talking about health product. I myself hv a miscarriage before and I know the feeling of it. That so called some1 is smart, she is making use of her talent here to sell her product . All miscarriage ppl are very down and they dont hv a clear mind to think, the only thing that they can think of is how to hv a smooth preg again. And this some1 acted as an angel here to sell her product.

Pls think carefully! If one product can solve all fertility problems, then I think the whole Singapore infertility Specialists hv to close shops.

Kindly relax and take great care, yr b b will b here soon. Pls go gynae if you hv any problem.
Juz my advice, guest22, curious & B-aware,hard-selling, i think u are all the same one person right? If u say lyn is trying to sell some products, she is not advertising in public, only interested parties need to email her. That's fine. This is a free forum, whoever is interested to find out more, find out more, no obligation. She is not pointing a gun at your head to purchase any items. On the other hand, you use 4 different nickname as guest to talk bad about her, makes me wonder what your motive is really.
And if you have no intention to be properly chatting here, I'm sure all of us in this thread will sincerely appreciate it if you leave and stop ruining the ambience for chatting here..
yes dest, i fully agree with what u said..

Juz my advice, guest22, curious & B-aware, u pple have not been chatting in this thread and do not know what all our chatting is all abt.. so pls dun come here and said something bad abt others, cos u know nothing at all..
Hi Sisters

happen to pass by this thread so read abit, n oso curious abt tis health prdt thingy so kpo n read on :p

I myself married for 5 years and i totally agreed with wat lyn said, if our body is no good of cos we have baby, our baby oso will have alot of problem, so recently i oso taking health prdt to build up my body then i will conceive and i hope to conceive naturally.

I oso hate to drink chicken essence (cant say anything abt chicken essence here, if not kanna sue). haha...., but recently i read all the article about our immune system and realise that alot of disease is still need our immune system to fight for us so no matter wat health prdt we are taking is better to be careful if not we are not building up our system but is feeding our cancer cells.

Sister lyn

don mind can PM me your tis health prdt, thks. Maybe we can share abit
hi dest,

If you really don like chicken essence then don force lor, i everytime wan take chicken essence sure vomit, cant even swallow, if can you take other chinese herbs like dong cong cao, red dates all these oso help to bu your body, is better to have more vegetable like celery, broccoli and fruits to build up your body, tks

hope i am not unwelcome here, haha...
hi hama, my throat a bit sore today...i think dom too strong for my throat..

hi yukiko, besides chicken essence, taking a lot of bu tang also.. i got at least 5 boxes of chicken essence, only drank 2
hama, my mum say i cannot drink plain water..for the past 3 weeks, the only fluid that i take are nan1 zhao3 cha2 and milo and soup... miss drinking plain water..

You are wrong.. The postings are done by three different people. So it goes to show that what we say are sincere and true. WE are not here to spoilt the ambience but just let you ladies know the intention of the promoter. Its obvious that she is out to promote her health products so that she can be promoted to be lead of a team. How I know, simple... cos we know her. Yes we are happy that she finally managed to conceive after two failures but she did one mistake by putting down one poor girl who is trying her best to conceive but not successful as yet. WE felt very sorry and sore for the poor girl that is put down by her....
Hi Jackie,
So Sorry about your loss... please take a good rest and take time to bu yourself back. Your whole cycle will jump start again in about 1-2 mths. Mine came back after 1 mth exactly....

Hi guest22, curious & B-aware,hard-selling, I dun think anyone is hardselling anything here.. It's unfair for you to suggest it that way... we are all trying to share our opinion and giving support to the gals here...

I for one is also getting very conscious about the food we take and I do believe that the food we take and the environment we are in, affects our health and eventually our conception.....
Yes, I also believe that children are gifts of god... but god also give us the ability to learn wat is right and wat is wrong.... just my opinion...
Actually there is nothing wrong with health prdt, we jus sharing watever we all know and as elmo say god give us the ability to learn wat is right n wrong, there are alot of health prdt around us and it is very important to know wat is the best for ourself and not jus listen to wat pple say good then we intake, we have to really study and find out more before we intake.

hi destitonia, ren yi ren....
it will be over soon.....I know how you feel.. but its better cos drinking water will make you feel bloated... I dunno the logic... but it's true...
does it mean tat a body not healthy cannot have baby???????
then why is there so many unwanted preganacy ard in teen. they are not rich enough to buy tonic but they still conceive. what is a family is poor does it mean they cannot conceive since they got no $$ to buy detox pdt......

if detox pdt is really so miracle wat doc are for???? Here being miscarriage website is alry sad enough and ppl should be taking more tonic and not washing all nustrient away by detox.

Ladies, pls have 2nd tot and tink crefully b4 making decsion tat u regrat for life
am wondering hw cum so many GUESTS here to post such remarks.. whther to buy onot its their own prob. u cant stop ppl from introducin and u cant stop ppl to ask and enquire rite.. anyway the person here didnt really says anything abt the product wat. its always up to ppl to believe it. since u all are so free, y not write to those slimming products company to complain.

juz mind ur own business and get off of this thread pls.

p.s : its true that those ppl whose body are weak are more prone to have m/c(s). thats y supplments is to make our body to intake all the vitamins.
my remark is to those who want to have 2nd tot ppl can choose not to believe oso just give me 2 cent of advise. Just feel tat some ladies are down due to miscarriage and might make the wrong decision and take the wrong lead adn regreat whole life.

There are really ppl out there will do anything mean just to have more income for themselve. Miscarriage might not be really due to poor body they are still many reason behind it. Could be genetic gene, accident, fate etc. Do not blame all to the body be fair to your body.

too much vit or other nutrient oso no good will lead to overdose and cause fatal to bb. even in 1st tri many tonic cannot be taken too sure u all know. some rich ppl alway eat bird nest although ppl say good does not mean must eat alot. eat too much bb will ahev asthma oso. Some pregnancy mummy use excuse to enjoy good food and in the end the bb suffer.
Even have bb the mother have to have 2nd tot

Above is just my view hope will not offend other only for those who wish to take advise
hmm.... den wat does detox program means?? Isn't tis pure selling of detox products?? Its not that we are too free, its just that we want to warn you ladies here that not everyone is suitable for detox program. If you really wan to get rid of toxin in your body, go seek medical professional help. By just listening and buying from a promoter who is not a qualified person in the health field is dangerous and could do your body more harm than good....

Hi ladies

sorri to kaypoh here but just saw my fren yukiko posting here and wondering what's she's doing here :p

i do agreed in order to have a healthy bb, we need to have a healthy body to start with. frankly speaking, if anybody tells me that by eating this and that will helps me to get pregnant i will definately try it but the problem is when we are desperate for a bb, we are game to try anything without the knowledge of what works for others may not work for us....seriously i think that we shld not share our pregnancy joys here...we should be more sensitive to other ppl feelings rite?
