Support group - Miscarriages

me no have take TCM leh.. keke :p
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Confused,</font>
Ya lor, only 2 days course lor....

<font color="119911">Hi Choo,</font>
Wah your intention is to lose 10kg! U taking diet pills or exercise?
<font color="0000ff">Hello gals!</font>

I am home... Went out at 7+ this morning... Now so tired, feel like sleeping :p

Hi Gardeline,
Not me... I only take red dates drink on and off. Then boil soup with lots of red dates and other herbs.

Hi choo,
How do you wanna lose weight? Excercise? 10kg is a lot ah...

i wish i can take pills leh...i did skipping!!and cut down on carbo....
no choice lor...pile on these extra after wedding...and me love food.....
now only lost current pants abit loose liao..cannot imagine i lose another 10kg and need to buy new ones liao...pls give me moral support ok....actually i shdn't have gone on diet/exercise as pp ard me said i shd take a longer break to bu my i see my figure so fat really no wish lose all the fats before start ttc mah...


hihi!!so some will only have AF after 8weeks?
okok then i dun worry liao!how r u?good news?
<font color="0000ff">Hi Choo,</font>
Oh I see....exercise but not too strenous....u still hv to take care of your health leh....

<font color="119911">Hi Lyn,</font>
Thot u can 'nuah' at early went out ah!! At least now u can sleep already lor....keke...
hee... just now had a nap for a while :p. Just now got visitor so jumped out of bed suddenly and nearly fainted :p. Now I am ok already
Think I gave my mum a shock just now cos she's home with me...

Do you have a plan on what you wanna do to lose weight? Let's say you wanna lose 10kg, but by when? Set a target and work towards it
I helped my sis lost 8kg and she gotta change her whole wardrobe. I lost 4kg also gotta change my wardrobe ... kekeke.. but going to buy clothes so satisfying cos everything also can wear

Yes have the plan...but hope i can have the determination to do it lor....must do it once and for all and MAINTAIN!!
wow!! u sound like a personal did you help your sis lose so much weight?

I think within 2 months to lose 10kg shouldnt be too demanding right??
Dear Ladies,

Been long long time since I came in. Busy recently. I'm now 1kg away from my target weight, so will continue to work hard. The rest jia you. elmo, hope you have manage to shed some weight too.

Lyn, glad to hear that your life is so fulfilling.

Choo, how late is your AF? If too long better see doc, if within reasonable timing then don worry too much cos stress can dicturb the cycle too.

nydcheez, admire your courage to face it. I think it's good to take folic acid once your confinement over.

Will prob not have time to come in for the next few weeks, rushing my work so as to go on leave from 28 Oct. My hb's in Italy, so will go meet hime there for a short trip after he's done with work. Been alone for the last two weeks already, prob that's one reason why I lost weight.

Take care!
Qwer, that's great to hear that ur gal is well and healthy now..

U too have to take care and be careful..

Hi Gardeline, me still the same old me.. Exp: that I have recovered now... Thou at times, will still feel slightly awful at times..

Me never take TCM...
Lyn, dun suddenly jumped up... not that good for you..

slowly take ur time to rise up... (heheheheheh) let the person wait for a while for u...
Hello Ladies,
Wah I long time never come in, how come so quiet?

Wow, congrats coral, did u go on a diet or exercise?

Aiyoh Lyn ah, must becareful u know.

Gardeline, did u see a sinseh? Coz for TCM right, it also depends on your body, whether u belong to the "heaty" or "cooling" type, then u can decide what to take to bu yr body. For me, I am the "heaty" type, I take Ba Zeng n Dang Gui but not too often as these are heaty. These bu the blood. I also take Dong Cong Cao which bu the lungs or liver, I forget, my MIL bought for me so I take loh. :p Dong Cong Cao is good coz neither heaty nor cooling. Pao Seng also good.

Today at my gynae's I saw a familiar looking bb on the cover of a magazine. Then I saw the name "Cherish", wow Ocean (Where are You?), your gal gal become cover girl liao ah!
Hi nydcheez n orange 3

So sorry to hear abt yr losses, yes children are gifts from God, I guess we gals here can fully understand that after what we have been through. Do be strong. Like Lyn, I also believe things happen for a reason. Hugz...
heheheh droopy.. so did u buy any stuffs yet?

Saw some shops selling bb ger's hats and clothings.. whooooaaaa they are soooo nice...
really make me wanna have a little ger ger in future..
Congrats Droopy! Sure got lotsa nice stuff you can buy for little princess.
Droppy, I exercise and also try to eat less oily food, so eat soupy stuff most of the time . I'm very happy for my ah=chievements, hopefulloy, my Italy trip won't cause me to put on weight, all the cheese and pasta.

Hamasaki, no need to miss me I'll be back very soon. A short trip only. It's only that I'm very busy recently so can't log in. In n=Nov, gotta another 8 days working trip to KL, so may have little time to come in chat with you. You take care hor.
Hi hamasaki n coral

Coral, that's is indeed an achievement! Wah, u n hubby are always travelling.

hamasaki, in the end never, coz did not find one that I really like. I m a very yim cheem shopper, can shop whole day n buy nothing. Hee hee...
hi hi coral, u too have to take great care as well...

hi droopy, never mind.. Take ur own sweet time to buy and look ard for more beautiful stuffs that u like...

btw, when its ur due date ?
Hi everyone, thanks for your encouragement past one week. Went for my checkup on Fri, I'm recovering well. Zhou-gong is calling me ... zzz

Have a good week ahead !
<font color="0000ff">Hi ladies,</font>
How's everybody today? I'm fine...same old usual me...but juz something frustrating recently and I dunno what is happening....sian....

<font color="119911">Droopy,</font>
Hey...princess ah....good leh...can doll up etc....very different from having a boy one...keke.... My gal since 2 yrs old very 'ai mei'...everyday after I tie her hair or when she wears something pretty, she'll go to her bedroom &amp; see mirror! And also got mummy's heart...keke....

<font color="aa00aa">Lyn,</font> what <font color="ff6000">Hama</font> said, dun jumped up suddenly from the bed lah....take your time to get up. Juz let the visitor wait lor.
morning ladies!

hehe my AF finally came on sat...phew!
so happy....but i find the flow is quite a lot...change pad every 3 to 4hours....but as long as AF happy liao!

how's every one 's weekend??


me waiting for your 'slimming receipe'....!
<font color="0000ff">Hi Choo,</font>
Maybe u can try to drink warm water these few days &amp; avoid drink cold drinks n cold desserts.
Morning Ladies,

Qwer, yr gal gal so cute, "ai mei" is woman's "tian xing" mah, so it's ok...hee hee... there will be times we women feel frustrated loh, light exercises never fail to make me feel better. Or maybe can bring yr gal gal go cycling at the beach, can help loosen u up. Take care, yah.

Hamasaki, my due date next year March.

Hi Choo, good to hear yr AF is here. After that, can TTC liao!

hehe not going to ttc for next 2months...intend to lose 10kg before ttc!
wish me luck!


yoohoo!where are u??
Gd afternoon ladies...

Hi droopy, time flies.. A new yr is coming soon.. Soon, u will see ur darling in ur hands.. Take care and have a smooth preg and delivery...
Droopy, your bb will be born same mth as me1

choo, same here, I intend to go back to original weight before I ttc. Now, I've lost all 5kg and waistline back to pre-preg. So happy. So I may try too ttc from early Jan. If my mental health is ok, too. Jia you! Just to share with you how I lost the weight. I try to eat only fruits before 12pm every morning to help the system detox and I drink lots of water durign thsi time. And the rest of the time I eat soupy stuff and more fish and vege but less meat. I still indulge in my fav chocolate and ice-cream a few time a week. (I used to eat lots daily, so if you're not use to eat lots of such stuff, then try to eat as little as possible). And I do moderate exercise. I swim when I have time and do sit-ups at least 4 times a week plus 1-2 hrs of stretches, also 4+times a weeek.With that I lost 3kg in 2 wks. Hope to hear your good news soon.

wow!! congrats to your weight loss!!
must be so good to wear those nicer clothes right?

3kg in 2 weeks???!!wow u so much better than lost 2 kg in 2 weeks...
must buck up liao!!

me cut down a lot on rice...but for noodle..i bit hard for me..cos me like noodle a breakfast i had eggs or milk,lunch yang tau hau or cereal..dinner eat steamed cauliflower...also do skipping about 1000 per day...

it is so good to see the weight getting lesser and lesser!!
Hello gals

Droopy - Congrats. U can now shop for your gal gal stuff liao
Mine oso a gal gal leh
btw, when's your due date?

qwer - yo! your gal very cute leh. 2yrs old already want to be mei mei liao. ya! i agree, gal got mummy's heart
hi qwer, yah lor.. having a ger ger is better..

all their clothings, dresses and clips, accesorries are sooooo nice... Still can help them apply some make-up and doll them up like a little princess.. (drool)
so sorry to hear what had happened qwer..

i think u have no choices but to listen to what the doc advise.. think that's the only way to cure it once and for all..
sorry qwer, what happen to you? You still have not recover since the last time you fell ill?
Sorry, been out of touch recently.

choo, ya, it's so great to see how the weight decrease and also when I measure my waist I feel so happy to see the numbers getting smaller. Had felt so hopeless when I just delivered, luckily manage to lose them. But soon, hopefully, i'll put them back on again...for a reason, fo course!

I heard my colleagues daughter who's only 7 wants her undergarment to be coordinated with what ever clothes she wears and I heard she shop as much as her mum on holidays. Even boys are vain too. My colleague say her boy will choose clothes and go fitting rm to try and say mummy I want to buy.
<font color="aa00aa">Hello Gals!</font>

How are you gals doing? I am so so so tired for the whole day today
Slept almost the whole morning and afternoon
Later gotta go out already... so lazy... Just feel like lying on my bed and zzzz...

<font color="0000ff">Hi choo,</font>
You can follow what coral did
My sis went through juice fasting with a series of expensive detox products. But juice fasting is a very extreme way and gotta follow a plan, especially the recovery part.
I also like to take yong tau fu... But I dun take the deep fried nor the fishballs. I only take the vegetables and mee hoon

<font color="0000ff">Hi Coral,</font>
Wish you a fantastic trip to Italy with your hubby
. It's so nice to be able to travel around.
Mental health will affect fertility too
Try to overcome the past

<font color="0000ff">Hi nydcheez,</font>
Great to hear that you are recovering well!

<font color="0000ff">Hi droopy,</font>
Congratulations on your baby gal!
Yesterday I was asking my hubby if he wants first one to be gal or boy...
He kinda believed in that chinese calender thingy... Think he wants a boy boy... His friends and colleagues all gal gal... but my side mostly boy boy...

<font color="0000ff">qwer, hama,</font>
Yap... I am ok already. I saw doc on Sat
I got some medications for giddiness already
and wear a sea-band to help

<font color="0000ff">Hi confused,</font>
Congratulations on expecting a gal gal...
<font color="0000ff">qwer,</font>
Try to stay relax. I think the reason could have been being too stressed up recently.
Dun think too much ok?

<font color="0000ff">coral,</font>
Jia you!

<font color="ff6000">ok gals, I gotta prepare to go out already... Take care gals!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi coral,</font>
Oh it's bcos my AF is overdue lah. Then went to see gynae. He did a v-scan n found out the old cyst in the ovary has grown &amp; there is a new cyst beside it. Furthermore I hv endometriosis &amp; adenomyosis. So to conceive is quite difficult. He prescribed me medicine to induce AF &amp; told me to see him again once AF clears. He will then advise me on the solutions.

Pls dun be affected by my case. I'm ok...thanks. I'm going to see another gynae for 2nd opinion.
<font color="0000ff">Hello gals! Good morning! </font>

<font color="0000ff">Hi qwer,</font>
The endo and adeno condition are diagnosed by the JE physician based on pulse reading rite? In my opinion, I will seek western medical diagnosis in that.
Dun think too much ok? Hugs hugs...

<font color="0000ff">Hi hamasaki,</font>
Thank you... How are you today? Remember to eat healthy meals
good morning ladies!

lyn, the way you help your sis lose 8 kg is something similar to wat Coral did?
wow hope i can archieve my goals soon.....wish me luck!


Envy you got a girl!!
hope that the next round I am preggie(if i ever) i will expect a girl...i love girls so as to doll them up and girls are more 'tie xin'to parents...


Please dun think too for 2nd opinion.I know it is easier said than done..but please try to relax...wish you luck!
qwer, hope yur situation will improve soon. Guess now you can only relax and eat healthy food to help improve things.

Hamasaki, glad that you're eating proper meals now.

Thnaks Lyn, I'll jia you.

Choo, cheer up, so many of the ladies here become a Mum, we'll too. We have to believe.
ladies, need advice from u. wat is 'an tai' jab? my mom said once my wife confirm pregnant, should go for 'an tai' jab.

Also, as for HCG rise during early pregnancy, Dr said every 2 days, HCG should rise by at least 66% for a definite healthy pregnancy. Is this a hard and fast rule? any of u ladies experience less than 66% rise and still ok?

Hi undiscern,

"an tai" jabs are usually progesterone jabs used for supporting a pregnancy if there's any spotting or bleeding, or history of miscarriage. Not necessary your wife will need the jabs. Do consult a gynae
All the best...
