Support group - Miscarriages

hi 11th weeks, i've finally did a d&c yesterday coz every part of me is still growing as if i'm still pregnant but no bleeding after waiting for so long, went to another gynae which my friend intro at paragon and had the last u/s scan, the shape of my sac has started to become distorted and the yolk sac has grown bigger and still no foetal pole, so the gynae was v sure this is a failed pregnancy...i was thus convinced and since the gynae was free to do the d&c for me on the day itself, i did it immediately...felt v weak after that coz of the anaesthetic ...had bleeding think due to the surgery..could be dirty blood.

Today the bleeding stopped...i do feel better now that we can reset, restart and try again! yes, like most of you here, i am considering going to chinese physician to 'tiao zhen' my body before trying again after 2 cycles...any good physician to rec? my friend was telling me ma kuang is good but i know it's ex as you know, chinese medication is slow process and to go back and take several courses of medication, gonna spend quite alot...

Good luck to us all!!! and thanks for all your assistance and advice you have given me here...i really appreciate it!
Hi Fairie:
Good to hear you are now on a new chapter. I think it is tough to accept the news but once I know we can close this chapter and try again, it feels like a release. I also don't have bleeding so it is hard to believe that the baby is no more. My D&C will be on coming Monday.

i just did my d&c this morning. so far so good, felt sleepy which is prob due to the GA i had. abit of spotting only.

now started to take those confinement food. the nurses at my gynae's clinic recommended me to do mini confinement for 2 weeks but i think i will do only 1 week since i will be on 1 week's HL only. accordingly to my mum and MIL, must use this time to really tiao yang our womb to make it stronger for future pregnancies.

lynn, did you request for lab test after your 3rd m/c? maybe that will help to find out the cause?

fairie, there is one tcm at marine parade which is pretty famous that you can try. i'm currently seeing one tcm at AMK which i find her pretty good and motherly. i seen her for about 6 months and did acu as well. i believed the acu did help to improve my womb condition which helped in getting me pregnant. just tat too bad, it did not last.

JTML, good luck for your D&C on mon.
dolphy: 2nd m/c. already sent the bb foetus for testing lo. we did find out what's wrong.
chromosome abnormality and i'm a carrier.

so each time i get pregnant.. i have a 50% of m/c.. but now 3 times liao.. i'm not having much hopes already ;(
Hi redqueen, yup you are right..very tough to accept it since there is no bleeding and signs are still showing...but the u/s proves everything and we got to accept it afterall...after your d&c, rem to have a mini build up your health for your next pregnancy...

dolphy, you got 1 week HL, so least can rest till gynae did not give me any HL/MC...but luckily i did it on friday had fri, sat and sun to rest before i return to work on Monday...and my work is desk bound so not much of carrying heavy stuff and walking i guess still not so bad......are you referring to Mr Ban from marine parade??

i think after my anaesthetic goes off, i feel slight on and off pulling cramps in my stomach/womb area...wonder if everything is okie or not...i was told to have a follow-up appointment in 3 weeks' time after d&c, how about you ladies?
went down as in feel cold?

cramping is actually your uterus shrinking back in size. are you still bleeding? if yes, it could just be your uterus trying to push out all the blood.
lynn, what is chromosome abnormality? is there any medicine that can improve the situation? does it got to do with the egg quality?

fairie, you didn't ask for any mc/ HL from your gynae? maybe try to take a few days leave before returning to work? from the day i know my bb has no heartbeat, my gynae put me on 1 week's mc coz he can tell my emotions were not good to go to work. so he gave me another week of HL after d&c to recover both physically and mentally.

ladies, try to drink more red dates drink than plain water. now is the time to bu our womb which is why we should eat those confinement food to keep our womb warm.

i had abit of cramp only on the night after d&c. today is pretty ok and little spotting. going back for followup appointment in 2 weeks' time.
zbabe, congrats! feel happy for u!!!! and wish u have a smooth and success pregnancy this time.
for me, i am still TTC....hope i will hear some good news soon.

lynn, still have 50% for successful one right? try and try again lor. understand its a difficult path, but have to hang in there and dun give up k.

i wonder got any herbal medicine to aid in fertility or not? i find that my cycle is stretching longer and longer.. dun seems a good news to me
laura: yes. 50% chance, but 50% does not mean normal baby.
I have a higher chance of having an abnormal baby if it didn't result in m/c.

not say no chance. its a matter of how many m/cs before getting the one.

dolphy: there's no cure. its just how i was made.

more info:

gynae will only get you to check if you've m/ced twice.
Hi all... so glad to know there's such thread around..

thanks Redqueen for introducing..

last week into my 9th week of pregnacy, as usual like the last 3 sessions I had with my gynea.see nothing but only a growing water bag, but worst this time, waterbag isnt growing anymore. it's sort of confirmed my fear.. I think i really had miscarriage like my gynea suggested might be

i was still beaming w hopes before this. Did my 2 bloodtests, i will know my results by tmr or tues. I hv prepared.i would like to do my d/c on wed if results are negative.

shall come in here for more advices on the recovery part. thx
shannen, redqueen,

I'm so sad to see you all here! I so hate to see the Mar10 people fall out.

Just understand today that my relative will likely be a late Mar10 or early Apr10 first time MTB. Happy for her, and perhaps even a lil envious, but hoping at the same that things will work out for her. It's very strange, but everytime I M/C, one of my relative will go on to get pregnant. I'm the suay one. :D


Good to hear that you have "reset". The blood is "post procedural bleeding". I had very slight bleeding for a day, better than my previous round. So was pretty glad. My MC has ended and will be going back to work on Monday. So sad man! My team mates were wondering what happened to me and sent me a flower basket some more! *faint* Now just wondering when will my menses report again. Hope to TTC in Nov09. If I do get pregnant again and end up in M/C, I'm gonna give up liao. :D
*hugs* same here optimus..
I oso beginning to accept the fact liao.. gg to see if my results are out (bloodtest) today. I hope to get it done soon, i very afraid it will get self-discharge itself I am not prepared for tat.
Likewise having to go thru d/c sound scary as well. i never been to an operation theatre and need to go thru GA rite... sound scary..

I intend to start ttc again in Nov09 too..hope we are very successful this time.

Ladies here... all been thru alot.. let's jiayew
Hey yaya,
thanks alot!! =) haven't heard from u for a while..
do hope to hear good news from u soon! must inform me ya =)

to all, do take care of yourselves during confinement, eat lotsa "bu" stuffs and dun let cold wind or water do into ur body, or else we will become weak in the future.

lynn: jia you jai you!! dun say no hope! dun give up babe, anything is possible =)

The blood test results any good?

Abt GA, twice I've been put on GA for D&C and I always feel so "rested" after that. Just get knocked off... no dreams no nothing. It's like falling into a deep deep sleep. Hand gets a lil numb when they insert the chemical and the needle hurts like a huge ant bite. The anasthetist will talk to me and I will reply her things and suddenly, I just stop talking, and I don't recall what was the last thing I said to her either. So nice if I don't need to wake up. Can sleep forever! :p

Maybe that's why Michael Jackson likes to take jabs to go to sleep.
Hmm.. the blood test is to double-confirm tat the pregnacy din go well .. I did asked my gynae, if scan we see nothing, but if blood test shown my hormone level did doubled , how.. he cant gv me an answer , i think this is highly not possible.

He told me if my pregnacy went fine, I shd be seeing at least 1.5x increase in hormone level. my first blood test measured 7 thousands+ i think.. so if still the same or decrease = bad lo

no matter how happen we gotta stay strong n go how.. never waste our lives & hurt our love ones..
lynn, yes i continue bleeding again altho the 2nd day after d&c it stopped it's back and im getting bad cramps...that i had to take the painkillers...

optimus, yup! reset but felt lost and empty now that it is really not not able to control my emotions at work...and went back to see the gynae and got mc till tmr...hopefully i'll be able to focus work by wed...i was also supposed to be in the same month as one of my cousin...but now end up you, i am also envious but happy for her too that she has passed the 1st trimester and going on to the second...i am also the suay one...

to all ladies here, let's all jiayou and not give up!
June Eng, normally period will come abt 4-6wks after m/c. i m/c on 15jun and my period oni came on 07aug which is abt 7-8wks aft m/c. so dun worry too much.

I am diagnosed with early miscarriage last nite , was abt 6-7 weeks preggie. Will be going for D&C next week as having flu n cough now.

Strted having spotting few days back and little bleeding and was very sad cos been wanting to have a 2nd bb to play with my son who is 20 mths old .

I learn to face the truth after crying for 1 nite cos if bb no healthy keep so no use .....

lastly , i would like to know if there is any followup required after the D&C cos my gynae din mentioned abt that

Hi fairie:
yeah better rest. I thought I can control my emotions but actually not. haha. Mind keep wondering off. Strange ha? Worst is still have to be professional at work. I'm still keep wondering if it was something I did or eat. But I keep remindng it is not anyone's fault.

I think my doctor say must go back 1 more time to check if the evacuation is complete. So he will check if clean, then can try again.

My SIL also pregnant same time hahahha. Eh, Dun think you sway lah, don't entertain such thoughts ler. I don't think anyone deserve this kind of thoughts.
Hi fairie

Hope u r feeling better now. Take good care

Hi optimus

Remember me? I'm also from Mar2010 thread. Really sad to see the few of us ending up in this thread...sigh

Btw, did all of u do a mini confinement?

For me, I opted to bleed naturally so din go for D&C. I did not do any confinement. Only drank some red dates tea and chicken soup.

When can we try to TTC again?
i feel so sad to see so many March2010 end up here..

fairie, optimus, paradox, redqueen & shannen:

don't blame yourself for the loss. 1st trim is always so fragile and unpredictable. it is the way how God does the quality control. rest well, reset and try again when you are ready. trust your body. you will be able to conceive again when your body is ready. JIAYOU!
ahjo77, you will have a follow up appt in 2-3 weeks time after d&c to check your uterus. gynea needs to make sure it has properly evacuated.
paradox, i did 3 weeks confinement. 1st week on total confinement (lunch & dinner), 2nd & 3rd week just dinner only, weekends lunch & dinner. because i had returned to work after a week of MC. it is suggested to have AT LEAST one menstrual cycle before trying again.
same here, i got 1 v close fren oso EDD Mar, her LMP oni 1 day earlier than mine, tot we can go thru together, but too bad for me, i hvnt tell her

u know this yr n next, so many colics n frens, preggy, i was still happily counting down for them n putting myself into the queue list, but i din make it

Well..wat happen had happened, we gota move on ;)

May I know for the confinement catering, do i nid to make early booking w them? i mean how long do they need, anyone any idea?
May i know which caterer you guys got for the confinement food?

I also like to know if any one claim the insurance for the D&C or mainl claim from medisave?

ahjo77, i oso searching.. but i a bit budget contraint.. try not to spend too much , the op n consultation already gg to spend a bomb. I shortlisted newbaby, gg to take juz 1 week with lunch n dinner, $360

I hope it's good. I think i will oni consume 1wk+ HL, cant MIA from office too long.

ya, i was gg to ask oso, can claim from insurance or nt.. i wonder IF we need to hospitalise, shd can rite? Coz my policy include hospitalisation. I will check out w my insurance agent for more details.

Thanks for the info, ladies.
Tks bluberi, dun wat happen to me also..kept worrying. Intially worried abt bb when it was still alive, then worried when it din grow, then worried abt the D&C and then now worrying abt world really upside down now..really sad still.cant control my emotions.can just cry anytime..

Yes, I remember you. And so not looking forward to see you here too.

I didn't do any real confinement in the end. Only drank essence of chicken (pathetic, right?) and ate some ginger meat for 1 or 2 days. As for chicken soup, when I eat chicken rice, I'll hv the FOC soup (lagi pathetic). I didn't do any confinement for my 1st M/C either.....


I understand how you feel completely and now I feel like crying too. The first time is always the hardest. People who have never gone through this will never understand.

Give ourself time to grieve properly and try/learn to move on. It will not be easy and it may take some months, perhaps even until the next time we conceive again, but we will -try-. But during this difficult time, we will not be alone. There will be people/things/situations around us that will help us to cope, whether we know it or not.

During my 1st M/C, I was actively attending Bible Studies, and we were then at the Book of Job which talks about this good man, rich and successful with many children and how he lost everything overnight and became alone. It addresses questions on suffering, though not all are answered, talks about how Job copes with this suffering and how he ultimately remained faithful and trusting, though he has all this questions of "Why me?!". So while I was in my own "personal hell", I know I am really not alone as I am blessed with all these experiences around me that helped me to cope.

In my recent M/C, my boy is the cheerful imp in his own happy world who will make me laugh with his antics and shower me with many "I love mommy". And I realised that this round, he is my blessing. I am very grateful and appreciate having him around more than ever, especially during my 1+ wk MC.

We will learn from all these experiences in the process. We will learn to grieve, we will learn to move on and emerge stronger, we will learn to appreciate even deeper the fragility of life, and when we are finally blessed with a new one, we will be even more grateful.

In every "bad" thing that happened, we will see some good that will come out of it. None of these experiences will go to waste. Take care, youself and everyone here!
You know, after all the m/cs. I throughly believe that god is fair. definitely have to lose something and gain something.

I think gota confirm with the insurance provider ba cos some gota M/c in after 21 weeks then can claim while sme medical is need to be hospitalised then can claim .

My office one seems like is need t be hospitalised than can claim but not sure if TMC can claim boh.

Also wondering if the gynae fees is included into the hopsital bill or in another bill.

My "suay mouth" gynae after my 2nd M/C tell me candidly that I maciam must have one bad then one good one. I was thinking, nothing good to say then shut up lah. :D

If hv to lose something to gain something, then how to explain about those who hv 2-3 kids but never M/C in their life?

1. God is super duper unfair.
2. There is no God. Other people are just heng while I'm just super duper suay.
3. No idea. It's X-files!

On a lighter note, I have good reasons that point to why I'm the suay one (born loser). Went out for lunch just now and halfway it rained. No umbrella. Went to shop for umbrella. Only spend at most 5+mins. Before I step in to the shop to buy, it was raining. After I step out, stop raining liao. !@$#@^%^&%
Hi all,

July I had a miscarriage and I did post some question on the DC.

Yesterday I went for my gyna follow-up and did a HSG test. Everything is fine but my doctor ask me to do a "cleaning womb" proceduce. It is a proceduce that he will inject some anti-botics in to clean the womb to prevent scarring and infection. May I know is this proceduce neccessary??? I ask a few of my friends and they also got doubts abt this. Anyone pls help?
Optimus Prime : that's not what i meant. maybe those who have 2-3kids, might have other problems, like financials, hubby don't treat them good etc etc. you never know.

I'm not pinning much hope. if god wants to give me a child, he/she better give me one that's normal without chromosome abnormality. (i'm a carrier) if not i rather have none.

all these m/cs, D&Cs are doing serious harm to my body which i HATE to admit. urgh.

@pple: why is there a need to do that? I thought just take oral antibotics after the D&C should be good enough.
lynn>> I had taken the oral antibotics after the DC, not sure y need to do a inject antibotics in from the virginal.. that's why I want to ask whether all ladies here got do this "extra" procedure??

I also have a wonderful boy who really played a great part in helping me to look on the brighter side of things. I felt bad for him though as he really looked forward to having a sibling. When he knew that I was pregnant, he kissed my tummy and said good nite to baby everynite.

I was so sad when I broke the news to him that baby is not growing. He said next time mummy drink more milk so baby will grow...hehe

He's such a little angel...really hope to grant his wish of having a sibling soon.

Let's all jia you together
Hi Lynn:
Hmmm means everytime you pregnant you must hope that the baby does not have the translocation?
Maybe it survives and it has the translocation but it will be normal like you?
Hi @pple (jeslin),
the oral antibiotics will cause yeast infection on the virginal, hence sometimes we feel itchy and all.
that's what happened to me, and my gynae says its pretty common, so she gave me virginal infection pill to insert into my bottom. =) I din have an injection, just have the pill inserted in me.
JTML: yes. each time pray lor. if have the same translocation, next time when he/she wants to have kids will face the same problems i facing now.

zbabe: was there a need for the pill antibiotics?
hi ladies,

can i check how many days do you have spotting after d&C? i had more bleeding today and is fresh red. not sure if this should be something to be worried about. coz on sat and sun, it was more brownish. plus today, i started having cramps. i only had cramps on sat after the d&c but none on sun and mon. not sure why today started having cramps n more intense.

optimus and paradox, i envy you that you at least have your boy to comfort you.

stopped crying for the past 2 days but today my tears started rolling again.

as for insurance, if you have healthshield, you can submit for claims as well. i did mine at Mt A, when paying for final bill, the nurse was able to know based on my IC that i had healthshield and said that she will submit claims to AIA on my behalf together with medisave.

@pple, did your gynae said why you need that injection? is it because after the scanning, your uterus is not fully 'clean' which is why your gynae suggested that?

i'm trying real hard to focus on what are the good things that surfaced from this which was how well my hubby takes care of me and how he told his family not to say anything that will hurt me. he even told his mum not to say anything about trying for another one and stuff. my MIL and SIL were real nice too. my SIL gave my MIL $100 to ask her to buy herbs for me to bu. my MIL prepared alot of bu food for me and called everyday to make sure i take my meals. my family were also trying to console me. however, at times, i will still think why did god choose to take away my precious darling from me? why me? coz it was real hard for me to get preggie with my condition of endo + pcos + hubby sperms not so good. i'm doubtful i will get preggie again due to the pre existing conditions. sighzz.. sometimes it is still tough not to have negative thots about this.

lynn, hopefully your next baby will be a healthy one without any chromosomes abnormality. there is also 50% chance of a super healthy baby.
dolphy, i think its 50%.. its more like 25% same DNA, 25% totally normal.

don't think too much about it. just get back your health first.
hi ladies... gotten my blood test results from my gynae this evening.
1st test, 7000+ , 2nd test declined to 5000+
so confirmed i hv m/c.
i doing my d/c tmr, kinda scare... nevermind in my life i enter operation theatre, on GA somemore.. hope everytin be fine,. i asked my gynea, he said he b using vacuum, not scalpg de.

June, mi also keep on worrying.. when nt preggie i worry i am infertile, when preggie i worry bb nt growing well n will have heartbeat anot, when m/c i worry how it affects my chance of next preggie n also when menses come so dat i can TTC again. nw menses come liao i worry if i will ovulate anot..
