Support group - Miscarriages

JTML: nah. I don't have a choice. since there's no cure and no solution now. I can only keep on trying and hopefully one day it will happened.
My husband is afraid though, doesn't want me to go through the pain of losing another one.
I had my D&C this morning and have some bleeding still .......was pretty tired n sleep after that .....I als hope to moved on and try again in another 2-3 months so that my 20 months son have another sibling to play with .......

My mil did cook some red dates tea for me

will be on 2 weeks of MC

Lets all Jia you after 2-3 cycles
Chin- Yes, this is my 1st child. It wasn't easy to have this successful pregnancy. I have a cousin who had 2 m/cs after her 1st child. She had just delivered her 2nd child 2 weeks back... don't give up!

Lynn- Blighted ovum is whereby the sac is empty. The sac grows but there's no foetus inside...
I'm sure you'll have a successful pregnancy one day...remember to be optimistic and keep praying
Jia you!
wah 2 weeks of MC is pretty long! I still went to teach piano just now.. well, i felt tired now.. maybe i should cancel lesson tmr and just rest..

is it good to take chicken essence everyday?

even when we are well?
hi optimus, yup mine is a lady gynae...most ppl will say they are more insensitive...haha

ladies...i went for my follow up check up today...told doc the pain i'm having when going toilet or when i have urgent feeling to go to the toilet..she did an u/s and says i have a recurrence of my cyst and this could be the reason of my pain...she says it's not serious yet at 2 cm...but it will stay there and to prevent it from growing further, got to try a bb within 6 months...*stress* very sianz if i have to go through the same ordeal like 2 years ago...grew until 7 cm before i was willing to go for the op...

anyway, she checked and confirmed that my womb is healing and looking normal except for that cyst on my left ovary...other than that, i'm fine...

let's all jiayou!
wah Fairie:
You must jia you lor...Does she say why the cyst re-appear? Or she say it just happens???

HI Lynn:
Your husband very concerned for your emotional health ler. That is good support, at least you dun feel so pressurised. Maybe the one year your TCM doc can ready your body to optimise condition for TTC.

Hi Shann Yheng:
I don't take every day, I take alternate day, but it is because I drink the red date+logan+dang gui+IDunKnowWhat soup everyday. I also started to drink Dom every night. I am surprised I dun nose bleed lor from all the "bu".

Today I went out walk, end up very tired...Shann Yheng you very strong ha still can go around teach piano. I very grateful my gynae give me 2 weeks MC. Think I old already 31+ that why
JTML: He is, we plan to try after next year new year. If it's meant to be, nothing will take it away.

I had 3 weeks MC. lols. but was back at work after 1 week, and took tonic soup with rice, and red date tea at work.
yea i also have so many "bu" to eat.. dunno will be too much or not..

(1)the red dates/dried longan/ gou qi zi drink.
(2)Black Chicken soup, same ingredients as above but add dang gui.
(4)Chicken Essence
(5)Bird Nest

wei Lynn: Wah you dun want to rest ha??? I got 2 weeks MC also ler, I wanted to return after 1 week, but my DH and mum keep nagging me until I got no choice but to stay at home.

Shann Yheng:
LOl I also "bu dao Seow" now my mum say must eat all these as now the absorbtion is the highest!! My in laws also buy the "bu yao jing" for me and fish etc.
After all these showers of love, no choice must cheer up else is "dui bu qi" them ... All these not cheap ler...
eat 'bu' is good! but too much = will fat.

JTML: I didn't feel tired or anything after the D&C. still the same like before. maybe that's why so fast go back work ba.
hahaha, let's all 补 together! We all sure can make it next time round. I am going to try again end of the year, going to Taiwan my favourite place for holiday, and of course baby making haha!

Very good eh redqueen, your MIL can cook for you.. we are staying quite far. I am at commonwealth, in laws at admiralty. I gotta cook for myself. Hmm.. come to think of it, I also don't want my MIL to come and cook for me, will feel stressed lei.. (Just married in feb, so not very used to in-laws yet haha) I just boiled the red dates longan gou qi zi drink.. later still must go down and buy black chicken, and fish. Must we eat steam fish? 煎can?
Lynn: Fat? Yeah lor I fatter pants all got problem to fit...I did buy some looser one for my pregnancy in case I become big, now is not fat with fat with "bu" my mum say later will go slimmer one because our intake reduce mah...
Eh Shann Yheng:
Can lah, my mum is stir fry with Ginger and chong then addd soem water to make sauce with soy sauce, sesame oil and MIL is stir fry dry. All very tasty and nice ler...
Hi fairie

Glad to know that you are fine

I just had my 1st menses after MC today. Did not expect it to be so soon as my bleeding from MC just stopped like 15 days ago. Is it normal?

How many days after MC is it? Looks like even lesser than 29 days wor! And your menses report so fast! :D


Did your gynae say can try again immediately? Or must wait 2-3 cycles?
I can't wait for my mensus to come, i stopped bleeding right after the evacuation, for 2 days, today is the 3rd day, JUST had some discharged, but is red. It's thick like our normal discharge.
Not the bloody blood. but still...... so sian..
I want my mensus BACK!!
Hi Optimus:
My gynae say wait for my next period, after that one I can try liao, I think every gynae diff is it? He is very relaxed one, say everything can moderation.
Hi all,

I had a natural miscarriage in May (just 5 wks of pregnancy). After which, my menses gone haywire. For my past 2 menses, the cycle is ard 46 days. This makes me difficult to determine my ovulation period or rather, i may not ovulate at all. Has anyone face the same problem as me? Feel so helpless...sigh!
Edna, go and see a Gynae maybe he can prescribe some pills for your to regulate your mensus.
You may also drink 八镇汤 herbal soup, it helps to regulate mensus cycle.
HI Edna: Are you using a O monitor to help know when you ovulate? Maybe can really see if you did or not O.
Some traditional Chinese meds can help you regulate menses like suggested by Shann Yheng. ALso can use "Bai Feng Yuan"... After my miscarriage I intend to look for traditional chinese doc if my periods become haywire...Maybe you want to look for one?
Thanks Shann Yheng & redqueen for ur suggestions. =)

I'm using the O kit to help me but i dono when i shld start using the kit. I test based on my usual cycle but it shows neg. Makes me so confuse. I also took "Bai Feng Yuan" after my menses. It been 2 mths already but still haywire. Think it takes time bah. Any chi doc to recommend?
Hi optimus

I had MC on 29 Jul and the bleeding lasted abt 2 weeks until 10 Aug. My menses came yesterday which is like just 29 days after MC. Wonder if it's ok cos I tot the menses will only come back 4-6 weeks after I stop bleeding.

My gynae said can start trying after the 1st menses. So tot of trying this cycle.

What about you?
Hi Edna:
My group of church friend got 1, 2 miscarriage sees this doctor they are 6-7 months pregnant liao, I am thinking to go also but I have not seen the doctor myself. If you dun mind I can update the doctor details here when sunday I get the contact.
Then there are ppl in the forum who recommend this doc:
Chong Poh:
Blk 152 Serangoon North Ave 1 #01-324
Again I have not try myself, just thinking to go later since I am now only 10 days after D&C.
BTW after miscarriage - bai feng wan should eat more often ler, 1 bottle a day, normally I just once month and now I even start the ba zhen that Shann Yheng mentioned...
Hi paradox:
I dun know ler, I thought i start counting for my menses day 1 start form day of D&C that is what my doctor tell me so he say soonest menses report should be mid sept or end sept because I D7C on 17 August mah...I still spotting ler and brown discharge now...Your one can be normal ler since it is 29 days after miscarriage.
Hi redqueen,

Will wait for the details. Thanks! =) as for the ba zhen, is it those pre-packed type from Yu Ren Sheng?
yes your can get 八珍汤, usually pre-packed, can even get from supermarket, i found lots of 补汤 in sheng siong! thanks redqueen, i think i will look for baifengwan too!

i also bought, 十全大补汤。 

btw can we take 人参鸡汤? 
Ladies, usually DnC will take longer to have menses back de cos lining scraped thin so need to grown back then will bleed thats why take time. Also thats why gynae usually say wait 3 months then try again.

Natural MC dont affect lining so much thats why will have more regular AF faster and gynae usually say can try right away.

My two cents above from what i gathered these months ya?

Oh I see your MC earlier than mine. I think if yours come 29 days after D&C, shld be fine. Cos 2 wks of bleeding is post-procedural bleeding.

I am going back to my gynae for checkup tomorrow. Will see what he says. I'm not in too much hurry, partly cos don't feel like being to close to my SIL's EDD (in case I try early and really get preg early). Next, I hope to chart my O and mucus for a few months and with that and what I've read from the net, try see if can conceive girl. :D Actually, I don't have much incentive to get preg too soon, except to make sure I have my 2nd before 35 (I'm 33 this year. So not much time left also). It'd have been so good if the previous stuck on. Cos I was trying to siam some work in office, which is in the time frame of Mar to June 2010. :p So now that my plans are screwed up, no more incentive liao. Better not let my boss hear this! :D

Then again, will see what the gynae say first. May change mind if he says can try earlier, tho I suspect not. Cos this is my 2nd M/C and D&C already!

All the best in your trying!
hi ladies..
i did my D&C on 8 July..and my menses have not come yet. the last time around, it was 40 days before it came. i think for this time around, it should be similar. my mense cycle took a few months to stabilize after my last D&C. It went from 40 days to 38 days..then slowly back to 30 days. so don't worry, it will come.

i think i am not mentally ready to try again anytime soon - just want to take it easy for while..though age is catching up indeed. i turn 35 next year.
Hi CHin:
Do you have #1 already?
I am 31 ler, don't have a #1 yet. signzz...

Hi Sunflower: Thanks for your advise, looks like have to wait patiently hor since I had a DnC.

hee Optimus:
Boss not in this thread hhahhaha...
Hi sunflower, optimus, JTML

Thanks for your advice

optimus - I also hope to have a gal but I'm clueless abt charting so decided to let nature take its course. I'll be 35 next year so can't afford to wait too long

Heard that after MC will be more fertile. Wonder if it's true.
paradox, it was indeed true on me. after MC esp D&C, we will be more fertile. i pregnant again on the 1st returned menses. since your gynea already given green light, you can fang xing to try. all the best!
JTML - yes, I have a little boy who turns 4 at the end of the year. I had him when I was around 31..dun worry, you still have some time.

Honestly, we should all be thankful to have a healthy child..boy or girl does not matter at all.
hi ladies,

i just had a post D&C checkup with gynae yesterday. he already told me to try now even though it was only 2 weeks post D&C.

Now in a dilemma. i started hunting for new jobs aggressively after D&C and now waiting for 1 company to get back to me. the hiring manager will only be back in 3 weeks time to tell me the outcome of the interview. i worried if i try this cycle and managed to get preggie, will be stuck in my company for another year. work is getting more stressful coz we are undergoing re-org and with new mean boss who is not family pro.

on one hand, i will like to have a baby real soon but on another hand, i will really like to change job. sighzz.. i don't know if i should try this cycle or just wait for menses to report and then try. sighzzz...
dolphy: I would suggest you to wait 1 cycle at least. so that, lets say when u get preggers in the next cycle, gynae can count from the date of last menses ma.
Hi Dolphy:
If you get a job then how long will you wait before you start to try? After 3 months probation?? I think if you go to new job it is more difficult to want to get pregnant right?

If you try now or next month, means you want stay in current job then you can wait until get pregnant and finish the 4 months maternity leave then quit with no regrets!!
hi r u? my bleeding has stopped and cramps slightly better, altho i do get sharp pain sometimes...but all in all, it's better now
haven't been taken much bu also...think got to continue taking...should be able to take chicken essence now liao hor coz my mil says while it's healing, don't take...not much use...

JTML, my gynae says the cyst just happen to come back as there is a change in hormone again after she removed the sac...this is just how my body works..sigh..

paradox, congrats on your menses coming, this is good sign...hee... optimus, my gynae says actually can try now le...but then it would be better if i can wait till 2 cycles to try again, at least i have already monitored and make sure that my menses cycles are normal and tracking ovulation period will be easier she says now do wear condom...i haven't done it yet ever since after d&c...think my husband is afraid of hurting me inside...

i also intend to take chinese medicine but my husband says no need, let the body work naturally...what i need now is to exercise! ha! gynae says western would say just take folic acid is good enough....

my mum also wants me to take bai fong wan but i read somewhere that got cyst cannot take, as it will make the cyst grow bigger, anyone knows if this is true??? *confused*

anyway, do take care and jia you!!!
hi ladies, mi finally collected the DNA and other BT report fm gynea yesterday liao.. apparantly the DNA is checking the chromosomes one.. test result shown both hubby n i dun haf abnormal chromosomes, so gynea said is gd coz high chance of getting preggy again. my hormones blood test shows higher male hormones than female hormones, i got PCOS so tis is obvious.. tink the cause of my M/Cs either would be unknown or due to PCOS.. gynea check for signs of Lupus fm BT, also normal.

gynea encouraged mi to stay positive, coz i'm still young, 27 nt beri young lor. told mi he n his wife tried 5yrs until wan to give up then his wife gt preggy.. so y i shd worry so much when i'm oni trying for the 2nd yr.. haiz... he even joking told mi "ask ur hubby bring u go new zealand to make love". i replied i gt budget oni for sentosa after spending so much $ for the DNA test, etc. always tot tis young gynea was a man of few words, who koes he gt so much jokes yesterday.

TTC, TTC here i come again...
yeah blu beri:
good news ler, normal normal mah... and you are 27 hahhha, eh I am 31 ler...and no kids...can one can one Be positive. Maybe that why he joke. My gynae like to joke also, but that day I only see him 1 week after DnC, he also tell me no problem one...Ask me go for holiday.

But my previous pregnancy(although it failed) I really conceive after go holiday. I believe the holiday put a lot of stress and pressure out of BD...

Shann yheng:
Means when you preggy, it will dissappear good lah...your mum say... then Better Be Safe than be Sorry lor. I Now left with some spotting only. Yesterday some bleeding again so I thought my period reporting cos it was red but it is too early lah, I only 12 days after DnC...

I realised shopping really takes my mind off the loss. haha, today I go to walk and shop and just very excited to see all the skinny clothes and stuff. Can eat sashimi and stuff mah...
JTML, all my 3 failed preggy conceived in SG.. we tried before to TTC when holidaying in BKK, but failed.. tink our sperm+egg oni prefer SG. hahaha... shall stay as positive as possible.

i'm gg Hkg in nov/dec for work, was intending to extend the trip n ask hubby join (can TTC ma) but he cannot take leave during dat period. haiz...
I have a question, I kind of know what does BD mean, but can't figure out exactly what it stands for? puzzled =)

and AF too, what is that?!?!

So chim........
Sigh, I'm feeling so miserable today.. just heard that my friend has given birth through c-sect.

suppose to be happy for her... but i just can't bring myself to be.

why why why, why did god take away mine....
lynn & JTML, i discussed with hubby and we decided to do both at the same time. we will let god decide which is the right timing since both things are not within our control. we will just BD when the mood strikes us. but i'm not going to track my o and stuff.

i'm very eager to change job as my current boss will be transferred to another country. there will be major changes and new boss is a mean guy and is not family pro. so my work situation now is no longer family pro which will not allows me to keep taking mc to see gynae if i'm on clomid or do IUI.

i tried for 9 mths aggressively with the help of hormones pills, 2 failed IUIs, TCM before managed to conceive. so i guess it may take another 9 mths for miracle to happen again. will just let fate decide for me which one will come first.

fairie, think you need to avoid BFW, ba zhen, danggui and all those bu xue chinese herbs coz tat will make the cyst grow bigger. did your gynae say what to do with the cyst?

bluberri, good that your report came back with no chromosomes abnormality. think the next time you are preggie, must ask your gynae to monitor you closely and give u more progesterone to support the pregnancy. when i had my recent checkup with my gynae, he already planned the additional medicine he will give me when i do get preggie again to make sure the m/c will not happen. he mentioned about tablets to ensure the blood flow to the foetus is strong, more progesterone jabs and other medication.

shann yheng, BD means baby dancing and AF means menses.

lynn, don't be sad. try to focus on your next pregnancy will be a good and smooth sailing one. it is better when god takes away our bb coz he knows our bb will not be born healthy. it is better to lose him/her in 1st tri then to lose him in 2nd/ 3rd tri. last week when i found out another colleague is preggie, i was so upset too. had to control my emotions. i tried to focus on other things to distract myself.
Hi Edna:
I got the other chinese doctor from my friend but she say the doctor is quite expensive although quite good. And the chinese meds need to take 2 time a day frequency one... It is Eu Yan Sang at Paragon, the doctor name is "Zhong Xi Ming" 13th floor 08-09. The phone number is 67389796. I think I see the serangoon one. Budget tight liao after all the gynae and D&C etc.

Oh Dolphy: eh you quite knowledgable ler. Whoah you actually gone thru quite a lot to conceive too...Yeah lor you do both also good, anyway who can control when baby comes?

I am now so sianz need to go to work tomorrow. I don't know why suddenly I lost all my motivation to work. Just thinking about baby stuff. I got 3 friends who are delivering next 2-3 months but I really want to visit them when they give birth lah, they been very supportive to me... Just sour sour inside loh....

Hi Lynn:
understand... I really hope things turn out better for you. It so frustrating for you especially right?

Hi Bluberi hahah, come back SIngapore BD loh, maybe he will miss you in your absense and become more passionate.hahahhaha.

We been abtaining lately. I think my hubby still scared scared. hiaz....Then these few days rainy ...gloomy gloomy...

Went for checkup n gynae say wait 3 cycles. Then I say I asking again cos I hear some other people were given the advice to TTC immediately, or just wait 1-2 cycle. And his reply was "The standard is 3 cycles". So looks like if it'd be year end liao. :D


Yes, my boss won't be in this thread. She is single and unmarried and will prolly stay that way. She's also older than me by quite a few years. :p

Understd your feelings completely. When I heard my SIL recently confirm preg just abt a wk after my D&C, I was like, very good lor, the family just "buried" one and another is in the making!?!?! I dunno how to feel happy for her either. I just feel this is like a big joke on me cos if her bb sticks (which I hope it does), then the EDD will be pretty much around the same time as my supposed EDD if mine had stuck on. :D

Dunno what to say.........

The last time I M/C also the same. The HB's aunty (late 30s/early 40s) got preg and also delivered around my supposed EDD.

Really really dunno what to say......... except that I'm like the damned suay one in all of this! *helpless shrug*

Optimus Prime: me too!
and now i think my SIL is gonna have kids before me. she's getting married in dec this year.

I have friends who are peggers when i was and mine always doesn't stick and theirs all did. maybe just suay la. need go pray liaos.
