Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Chin & Gitz,

Thanks for your advice

I will be waiting until 8 weeks since no bleeding/spotting yet. I'm also going to get a 2nd opinion from another gynae this coming week.

Hoping for a miracle
Hi all

I have sought a 2nd opinion. Still empty sac...sigh.

Now I'm thinking whether to do a D&C next week or just let it bleed naturallly.

Any advice?
Hi Paradox

I was in the same position. Dr asked me to do DnC but i scared DnC will scarr the womb and caused further infertility issues so i refused. Anyway my sac wasnt too big so i simply stopped all my supplements and let it bleed out. Then 2 weeks later went back to scan and check make sure everything is out.

Contrast to DnC, i was able to not touch/damage the womb which i believe is best. My TCM agree too. But by bleeding out, it was a very very heavy AF, i bled so much have to be hospitalised. It wasnt pleasant so can understand why some ladies rather just DnC and get it over.

Guess you have to weigh and see. If dr is very skilled maybe still can DnC and wont have any adverse effects. Usually dr will want to do DnC, its a faster closure i suppose and you can start healing sooner. But after DnC must wait 3 months before trying to conceive.
Hi sunflower seed

Thanks for sharing.

Is the bleeding really very bad? How many days were you hospitalised?

I'm worried that if I bleed really badly and end up in hospital, my gynae will also do the D&C in the end.
Bleeding was bad, 2 times the load of a normal AF. But i was hospitalised only 1 day as my vital signs was good, blood pressure, temperature, appetite etc was ok. I can somemore play games and surf net on hospital bed.

If you can bleed out everything cleanly, wont need DnC. I didnt need DnC when i went back to check 2 weeks later, thank God! Dr say inside all cleared on its own. Phew! But then again, my sac was small maybe that helped. If your sac already quite big then bleed out may not be for you cos may not clear all out properly then still need to DnC in the end.

Actually got pros and cons to DnC loh. DnC gets things over faster and no heavy bleeding and no need hospitalise usually. But can risk scarring if not done well and must heal over 3 months to let lining grow back. So must trust gynae will do a good job and then you must take good care to recover first before ttc.

If dont DnC and let it bleed out, its more natural and can preserve the womb as much as possible. But must tahan the heavy bleeding. But if all goes well as in all bleed out, lining will be ok to start conceiving 1~2 cycles later.

For me its my paranoial that i dont want anything touching the inside of my womb thats why i didnt want DnC and lucky for me, bled all out cleanly. Otherwise DnC may be a more straightforward option actually. What did your dr say? Does he advise must DnC? Maybe your sac quite advanced, better to DnC?
anyone taking bai feng wan everyday after D&C. the EYS staffs say we must take one tube everyday and each cost $8.

need to rant:

gosh.. so expensive. anyway i bought about 2 weeks supply.

very sickening.. miscarriage is so expensive don't u think so?
my hosp bill is oredi a sum since i stayed in TMC for 1 nite.

then still must buy chick essence, soup tonic..blah blah.

and i told my gynae that only retail theraphy can help me get over my loss! so i can't imagine our expenses will be rocket high!
Hi Gitz, i totally agree that miscarriage is ex! I stayed in TMC a total of 3 nights. Total damage: 3000+ (before cpf)!! haiz..
Hi sunflower seed

I also don't like the idea of D&C. My sac is small so the gynae whom I went to for second opinion gave me the option of bleeding naturally.

I've stopped duphaston 2 days ago. Now waiting for the bleeding to start.

When did the bleeding start after you stopped your supplements?
hi lynn, so sorry...just saw ur question to me (Porky: is that to say duphastion can really help a pregnancy? or where u taking it as a precaution?)

i cant say that duphaston can really help a pregnancy...but at least it has helped last pregnancy, the gynae did not suggest duphaston to me...and i lost it at my bb is gg to 3mths soon...i can say if i got a 2nd child, i will still take duphaston until 20weeks to stabilise my pregnancy...
how long are you gonna wait? coz my gynae told me that the empty sac / water bag will still continue to grow = a growing belly!!

my belly was bloated at wk 8 (though i still hv left over fats fm Baby no. 1).

maybe give yourself a timeline. and go back to check with Gynae.
i mean even if you wait for bleeding.. maybe not every thing will be flush out.. and also will hv stomach cramps when bleeding.

just my 2 cents worth

well some say D&C helps one to be even more fertile for the next cycle coz our womb is being washed clean.

anyway my Gynae told me that i can start trying for another one after my 1st cycle of menses since my womb is almost back to shape. but i think i wanna wait first
Chin and Lynn,

Thanks for sharing. My doc send for blood test and genetic testing.

Got back the blood test result, now waiting for genetic test result. I had yet to receive my bill. Praying that it is not to ex.

Sigh....yeah agree. Miscarriage also so very ex.

My AF just came. First AF after D&C. But the color is very much darker than usual and there is blood clot. Is this normal ? Anyone facing this as well after the D&C?
Dear ladies,

I went for my third scan yesterday and doc still couldn't find the foetal pole at 8 weeks plus counting LMP and confirmed mine to be a failed pregnancy. She has given me 3 options: to wait and let it flow out naturally but not too long, do a d&c surgery and lastly to insert a pill below there to remove it (not sure how is it done)... i was hoping to let it flow naturally but if it doesn't, how long am i supposed to wait? and thus, reading that some of your opinion is better to d&c to ensure everything is clean out properly, i would like to know more about the procedure of d&c.

Please help me.....

ps: thanks lovinglife for sharing this link...
where did you all go for d&c? i'm with nuh gynae but i did a cyst removal with kk 2 years thinking if i should go back to kk or not...
Hi fairie2010

I'm also in my 8th week, diagnosed with an empty sac. I prefer bleeding naturally but after stopping duphaston for 4 days, still no bleeding. I'm intending to go back to my gynae for advise soon. Probably have to go for D&C then.
Hi fairie2010

I have already gone for 2nd opinion last week. But still the same diagnosis.

U should consider going for a 2nd opinion too
Paradox, after stopping my supplements, i bled in 3 days, heavily like AF and all was gone by the next 24 hours of admission to hospital. I went home with a day 3 AF flow that lasted another few days then become light spotting.

Its ok to wait for it to bleed out but yes, do check with the doctor if the wait is too long and nothing is coming out.

Gitz, you mean gynae say after DnC can try immediately after 1 AF? Strange, my dr say must wait a few months beacuse after DnC, lining will be so scraped, even if preggy also wont implant. Read in some websites they also say wait 3 months after DnC to try again.
Hi all,

I'm new here and wanna share my m/c story. I'm a mum to a 17mth old boy. Had a natural miscarriage recently which I didnt know of...i guess it really is not meant to be from the beginning...

i checked using the test kit on my own when i'm late...den i can only see a faint line...worried i made an appt wit my gynae immediately...gynae did an ultrasound scan and he can only see a sac but no he said mebe its still too early...4/5 weeks only...he asked me to come again in 2 wks time...the day b4 my appt with him, i had a spotting...i was worried and i went to KKH a&e...i was lucky coz my gynae was there...he did an ultrasound scan and we can see a heartbeat...however, my water bag seems, i had an appt wit him again in 2 wks time...the spotting turns into bleeding...but not a heavy one though...i had a week's mc...the bleeding continued for abt a week and stopped...i was happy but worried...and i had a strong instinct telling me not to expect much...i dunno y i'm feeling this way...

so, 2wks later i met my gynae again...i didnt gained much weight...only gynae did an ultrasound scan and he cldnt see anything...his face was he did a vaginal scan and this time round he really can't see anything...just one fine line which is my he broke the news to me telling me that i had a natural miscarriage and my womb looks fine...he comforted me...i felt lost but somehow deep inside me i had expected it...i told myself that wateva dat happened, happen for a reason...i'm not giving up hope and i will try again...

so ladies, lets just look at the bright side coz i know wat we went thru is a blessing in least we r able to conceive even if its for a short shows that there's still hope for us...cheers

"A Life may last for just a moment.... but memory can make that moment last forever..."
hi ladies.long time no chat..
my doc said can try again after 2 cycles. i also went to see a TCM doc, he said best to wait after 3 i guess that's roughly consistent.

i think if the doc is very experienced, D&C is a fairly safe procedure. It is true that there is less trauma to our bodies if we miscarry naturally. But if we can not expel everything, then there is also a risk of infection - and you still have to end up doing a D&C to clean it up.

for me - even after stopping duphaston for 3 days, i did not miscarry naturally. so i opted to proceed with the D&C - as I really need a closure to move on.
I opt for D&C as well. works better emotionally. But seriously D&C is trauma to the body.. some say its even worst then giving birth. sigh.

can feel that my body now is alot weaker then before the 3 m/cs...
Hi Lynn, perhaps you can share your d&c experience with me as i'm considering of going for d&c as well. What do you mean by d&c is trauma to the body? Do you feel pain and does d&c requires cutting of the body?

Appreciate if you can share with me as i'm really scared...
nope.. no pain and does not require cutting of the body. it's over before you know it.

what i meant by trauma, is like your general whole person as a being, might become weaker etc..
Oh dear, Lynn, you got take more tonics?

Fairie, maybe i share, DnC to me is a trauma because it involves scrapping of the womb which i feel unless the doc is very skilled, if they dont scrape properly, may leave scar inside then will become another problem. But DnC is indeed more to the point and after the procedure, you basically can start to recover. Whereas natural mc have to wait till everything come out, process is lengthier and must tahan the mess for a while. And natural mc only suitable for those whose sacs are small and can naturally expel. The only good thing about natural mc is womb is left intact, no scraping so better and chinese medicine believe no scraping, no ops wont affect the 'qi' of the womb.
hi Lynn and sunflower, thanks for sharing...i get a clearer picture now...

am going for 2nd opinion and if result is the same, i will decide for d&c...

for D&C i did mine in TMC..
i think the scary part for me is the process of being send down to OT. as i nvr go for operaion b4. and when i was wheel down.. i felt stressed as there were few passer by waiting for the lift with me while i was on the bed.

then the painful part is the injection on my hand to inject the sedative.

but the next moment.. i must have black out.. coz when i woke up.. i was back in the ward. i even ask the nurse if my D&C over oredi? coz no pain no feeling at all.

but then at least i can revert back to my normal routine and no need to worry abt bleeding. and i felt that my energy level is back compared to before when i was still bleeding b4 D&C

i agree with Chin lee.. i opt for D&C bcoz i want to move on and not be thinking when i can stop bleeding
dear gitz and all, thanks for sharing with me..this gives me a peace at mind if i do decide with d&c...and i was also wondering for those who bled naturally, what are the symptoms you get before it bled naturally? i've been getting stomach cramps recently and is always being prepared that i might just bleed just want to have a 'ready' mind when it does happen...

and i also have a bulging stomach, could be becos of the growing sac...after removing, will the stomach become smaller or will it remains?
Hi all

I started bleeding a bit yesterday. But stopped after that. Only strands of blood when I wipe.

Will see how it goes during my gynae appt next week. If still no heavy bleeding, will opt for D&C.
hi paradox, i have not bled yet but i only took duphaston for the first 2 weeks when i had brown discharge for 2 days... now i have already stopped taking it for 2 weeks, thus i am not sure when will i start to bleed...instead i got very thick white discharge, not sure if this is normal...

going for my gynae appt next week too, 2nd opinion...hope the gynae can give me the best option what to do next...

i started with light pink discharge.. only see it when i wipe. and it came on and off

then after 1 wk.. started to be like menses. one night.. blood clot start flowing out and a bit of stomach cramp

then i went to TMC's A&E at night.. coz i scared i may have complication like excessive bleeding.

when i was being warded.. it was weird coz the nurses came coming to check on my pad . so not used to let other people see my stained pad. haha

i still hv a tummy.. but its leftover fats fm my baby no. 1

fairie.. you will still hv a growing sac though no baby. so you will hv a bulging tummy
hi gitz, so far i have not experience spotting or menses yet...though i felt cramp on my stomach and pelvis if got empty sac, i think stil better to go d&c to remove it..since it will still grow and my tummy is really growing bigger every day...*scary*

another question that comes into my mind is if d&c surgery is expensive? will it costs more than a $1000?
i think whether to choose DnC or natural MC is a choice of your own. When i had my miscarriage in 2006, i also toyed with both ideas and I heard how some ladies womb was scared because of DnC. So, i asked my gyane. She told me she will not scrape my womb too clean. So give me a feeling that she knows what she is doing and she actually encourage me to go for DnC. She said some ladies prefer to wait but the agony of waiting is not a very good experience and for some ladies, after waiting, the body could not clean out the sag properly and might caused infection and excessive bleeding and in the end still need to go through DnC. She said why don't I choose to go for DnC when after that I can recover faster? So, in the end, i choose DnC. After DnC, i did not experience heavy bleeding but only spotting.

one week after DnC, i was scheduled to see my gynae again to ensure the womb is healing well and indeed it was. The spotting is a way of the womb healing process, shedding the womb lining according to my gynae. I remembered spotting for 2 weeks? then then it stopped. I have 1-2 weeks of no spotting before my full mense came.

So, pls think over your choices and most importantly is that you must be comfortable with your gynae's skill and your decision. My gynae sounded confident and i just follow her advice and my heart. Then, I just wanted to move on, recover and try again after my aunt told me after DnC apparently we're more fertile - because everything inside so clean already..haha.. So, we just let nature takes its course. We didn't really try but didn't stop intercourse either to let my body rest.. I was thinking see how it goes lor..Leave it to fate. But i do make sure I did a mini confinement.. Drink DOM, boiled nutritious soup to drink like cordiceps (boy, so expensive!!), "se quan ta bu", etc..

3 months later, i got pregnant again (unexpected pregnancy
) My girl is 21 months now and I'm expecting my no.2 this oct
hi ladies... it's 1.5mths since my 3rd M/C.. still no sign of AF reporting. supposed to go for check-up with hubby at KKH last fri but appt was re-scheduled to tis fri coz my gynea was not available. i dun even koe wat check-up we are going for.. hope the test result will not be bad.
my gynae told me sometimes the body did not recognize the failed pregnancy and sag continue to grow..abt the expenses, i think you can claim some from medisave. check with your nurse, ok? the most important thing now is to recover and look forward. jia you!
hi aria jo, thanks for sharing your experience...this gives me the confidence in trying this is my first pregnancy and also a failed one...and this bad experience will leave a scar in me ... which makes me afraid of trying i do not want the same thing to happen again..and another d&c...

yes this is what i am afraid of, that my body is unable to recognise the failed pregnancy and sag continue to grow resulting in infection or even cancer to some mum is very worried for me on this and urge me to do a d&c asap instead of leaving the unwanted in the body. i will be going for my 2nd opinion at KK tmr and hopefully the doctor can give me the best option what to do next...
bluberi, AF is menses? did you went for d&c or was it a natural m/c? 3 months is quite a long time since it cleared, better see gynae fast...
fairie, i encountered similiar situation as yours.
had my first ultrasound scanning on last 2 sat, but cant see fetal pole at my 8 weeks pregnancy. Gynae said may be unhealthy pregnancy and ask us to come back again another week.
Last thursday night, got my first bleding so went to see gyane on last friday. Gynae advised to do wash off procedure. But we want to seek for second opinion so immediately go to KKH ,
still cant see the fetal pole and had a blood test of HCG level and wanted to back again for another HCG test on today.
Too bad, cant wait until Monday, i encounter tummmy cramp and bleeding more heavy on Sun morning, so go KKH 24 hours clinic and did blood test. The result shown my HCG level drop, so confirmed it is
abnormal pregnancy and did the D&C yesterday and discharged today...
fairie, yup.. AF is menses. my 1st M/C i had to go for DnC coz was 9wks n heartbeat stopped, 2nd and 3rd was natural M/C at 7wks. my bleeding stopped in less than a week.. it's oni the AF decided to play hiding game.. dun wan to come. juz nw u were enquiring on DnC cost rite, last yr i did at TMC, it was ard 1k (incl doc fee).. paid 600+ thru medisave, the remaining also paid via medisave using part of the $450 i claimed for antenatal fees. nt sure if other hospital charges the same.
Miss Taurus, yes, we are exactly in the same predicament...when did you start to bleed? I want to be prepared for it as far i always get wet and thought that the bleeding has come but turned out to be white i'm patiently waiting for the bleeding if really is a m/c...tmr with all the u/s and HCG testing, think should be able to confirm current status already...

so jiatlat, d&c costs so much...din expect this costs to be incurred also..sigh...
Hi all,
I did my d/c on 3 june, did my confinement for 2 weeks, then first period came end of the month (24th June).
Till now, discovered second period not here yet, so went to do a pregnancy test and guess what???
posive...oh man...
what shd I do????
only one cycle then pregnant...
then somemore din know I am pregnant, so i ate watermelons, drink cold drinks, drink tea, coffee and even alcohol....even went jogging last week!!!
how how???
what shd I do??? worried too
having tummy aches now...
Hi all

I started having heavy bleeding on Sat. Had cramps on Sun early morning and bled out a blood clot which I believe is the sac. After that, no more cramps. Now only spotting.

Just visited my gynae today. She confirmed I have bled out the sac so no need for D&C. She said I will still have spotting for a week or so.

Hopefully my cycle will be back to normal soon.
fairie, i start to bleed since Thurs nite and it only occured in night time only. Then Only Sunday, i found the bleeding more heavy and got some blood clot. yes, you should go for HCG test which give us a confirmed answer. wish you good luck!
zbabe, congrats!! perhaps u shd visit ur gynea asap.. maybe gynea will give u duphaston to stablise the pregnancy.

mi having crampy feeling since morning, maybe my AF is finally reporting soon.
zbabe: congrats! make appointment to see gynae soon

i just went for my follow up checkup today about a month after d&c. everything looks good. was advised to take a longer break before trying again...
zbabe! congrats! quick quick go visit your gynea!

lynn, glad to hear everything is in order. get your health back and don't rush for it. take care!

fairie, i hope you stick with us in March thread!
all the best!

congrats!! dun worry so much first. what is done is done. i suggest you book an appt with gynae next week, anything after 11Aug. You'll be abt 7 weeks from LMP and should be able to see heartbeat or at least see a sag and fetal pole! but between now and then, if you have spotting, see gynae immediately. All the best!
It's not all dooom ok? There are ladies that got pregnant immediately after miscarriage.

good to hear that. my gynae told me to rest 3 months too but hehe, i did not listen to her.. as long as you're comfortable and feel all right, i think it's ok to have intercourse but of course not purposely trying for baby lah. but who knows, baby dust rain on you leh?

lovinglife and aria jo: yeap. this time shall rest as long as I want.. and not think about it, if it's meant to be mine, will get preggy again then need to hope that it will stick with me. lol >.<

after 3 d&amp;cs.. i'm abit scared liao. now waiting for cyst to disappear.. so far from 4cm become 17mm liao~~~
