Support group - Miscarriages

Dear All,
I am dropping a line here as a form of encouragement. I had 2 miscarriages in the past but I had successfully given birth to a healthy baby boy last Tuesday. Ladies, please do not give up hope, the important thing is to nurse your body back to health after a d & c, and maintain a positive attitude.
For information, I consulted a TCM doctor and faithfully took all the medicine and accupunture for 4 months. I was also very religious with my gynae follow up. I took all the vitamins and supplements that was prescribed to me.
The TCM doctor that I saw is Dr Tan at Clementi and my gynae is Peter Chew at Gleneagles. Both men really help me a lot. Also lots of prayers help.

So ladies, take some time off to grief after your d & c, but remember to move on, stay positive and you will soon have your bundle of joy in your arms.

Hi all,

I immediately went to see my gynae today...
she could only see my sac and vaguely a yolk, but not too sure as it's only 4 weeks old..our guess is we conceived the baby while me and my hubby went on a short weekend trip around mid july...-_-"
never use protection cos too relaxed....!!

I need to go back to her next week cos she wanna make sure its not ethopic pregnancy...(is that the way to spell?). need to see clearly the sac and the yolk...

lynn: i also have a cyst still, can see in the ultrasound, its 3cm, but doc says will go smaller as time goes..

bluberi: yup, gyane gave me duphaston to stabilise the pregnancy, says lining may not be able to hold, but looks ok so far...

i am really bit scared after my d/c in june..cos never wanna go thru the same thing...I guess we have to be positive since it has happened..

anyone got similar experience?? one cyle then pregnant? maybe can share with me how to make womb stronger or smething?
dear ladies,

went for my 2nd opinion at KK, still cannot see foetal pole, thus gynae confirmed failed pregnancy, now is whether should i go d/c or wait patiently for it to flow out naturally (as what doc advises since my sac is not that big yet)...what do you think? i would like to know the cost of d/c at KK, if anyone can advise me? I checked with the hospital, they said i need to have the form by doctor in order for them to tell me the costs...

pinkMama, congrats on the birth of your baby boy.. i'm happy for you! I will continue to try again..and not give up! thanks for sharing your experience with us
zbabe, my d&c in May, preg again in Jul. you d&c in June and preg again in Aug? but i have one cycle of menses in between. my lining was in great thickness thus gynea let me try (i was under close monitoring cycle with him when i tried). i am under few types of medication to hold my pregnancy. check with your gynea if you needed.

1) Progynova 2mg
2) Duphaston (you already have)
3) Cardiprin 100 (it's actually baby aspirin)
fairie, the waiting of m/c can be very agonizing.. i think your body still "think" that you are preg thus sac is continue growing.. my d&c cost at TMC was about 1k+ but you can claim $500 from cpf.

My D&C will be done in the clinic at Bishan, instead of hospital. $600 inclusive of GST is gynae charges. $200 for GA.

For me, I have already started bleeding, but gynae still feel that it's better for me to cleanly remove/reset once and for all and restart 3 cycles later. If you read the forum and net, whether natural m/c or D&C, looks like got good and bad lah. I read about natual MC for those 9+wk and later pregnancies, wahrao, it's quite gory. I dunno if I can tahan the sight of it. :D But for your case, as it's quite early, think it will not be so scary lor.


Yours was done in hospital so can claim medisave, is it?

Wah your reply is super fast! :D

My first D&C was done at Gleneagles but in a clinic. So cannot claim medisave also. They say I need to be warded then can claim. Aiyoh....
yah yah

i was warded.. your d&c only in next week? i had mine done in the next day the moment i found out my bb has no hb. she was already 2.3cm.

I stupidly went to schedule the d&c next week. Think I was out of my mind. So this morning, I called to bring forward the appt to tomorrow/Friday. But before I call, I realised I was bleeding like menses. So the gynae schedule me to go in tomorrow anyway.

Btw, did you do TCM (chinese med) after your prev D&C?
I have no idea why different

my previous two was using my hubby's medisave. first time 700+ also (they had to refund me part of the deposit we paid) , second time 500.

latest i use my own medisave.. deduct 700+ they had to refund part of the deposit we paid too.

I did TCM. the doc gave me tonic soup made for healing the womb and 'bu' blood.
hello ladies... how are u all? hope u all are coping well.. notice quite a few already didnt follow up on thsi thread anymore.
hi hi lovinglife, how are u coping? for me, no news yet.. *sad*.. but will try again soon
Hi lovinglife,
thanks for the advice..

yup, i had one cycle of menses too, then pregnant..
my gynae seems quite worried about my pregnancy, she wants me and my hubby to be prepared even if it dun work out....

now i am only given folic acid and duphaston. I'm going back to her next week..

do ya still have ya cyst around?

and hows your pregnancy so far? since july ya?
i d/c in june, had period end june, then conceived in mid july!! very very fast....
thank god i did 2 weeks confinement, at least got "bu" a bit la...
pinkMaMa09, congrats!! thanks for ur encouragement.

zbabe, dun worry too much. u will have a smooth pregnancy.

i did D&C at TMC for 1st M/C. was a day surgery.. the cost was $1k+ in which i claimed $600+ from medisave.. actually if ur got keep ur receipts fm gynea, can claim back the antenatal charges (max. $450) fm ur medisave.. TMC used my $450 medisave claim to offset the balance $300+ for the D&C.. so i still got $100+ back in cash fm the antenatal claim (took 1mth to process though). but mine was last Jun, nt sure if still same nw.

sigh, my crampy feel was false alarm, no sign of AF reporting. countdown 2 more days to my KKH check-up.
hi lovinglife, $1000 sounds ex leh...i've yet to check KK or NUH how much but my friend just told me that she did hers in Mt E pte clinic at $500 only (no medisave was involved)...hmm...

yah..till now still no bleeding and cramps...i'm worried if i wait too long and it doesn't remove by will lead to infection...strange that no bb, the body will still "think" its pregnant...
hihi yaya! was wondering where are you hehe.. nvm try harder this month, your turn will come soon! i am doing great just have to fight with bad morning sickness. am 8 weeks today. seeing gynea next week. hope all is fine

hi zbabe, i was about the same. i conceived again 37 days later after d&c.. gynea says i must be very fertiled LOL. he don't seem to worry about because all was monitored by him. you shouldn't worry too because your body know best when she was ready
i don't have cyst from the u/s at 6 wks+. but during my 1st pregnancy, i had 7cm cyst and it slowly subsided and disappeared. my gynea said it is pretty normal to have cyst during pregnancy. take it easy

fairie, i did not check other hospital/clinic charges because my gynea only works in TMC.
Hi farie,
i did my d/c in TMC in june also, the procedure cost around 1k ++, but i stayed for 2 nights as I have to be on drips so I paid $2500 cash and claim $1500 from medisave, very ex...maybe cos I stayed one bedded ward and my hubby stayed with me..
that time i mc also no bleeding no cramps, still vomitting, so i tot i still pregnant, but went to check, baby no heartbeat...i removed the very next day le..never wait...

lovinglife: we are in the same situation!! so glad to find someone facing the same as me...
my gyane also say i very fertile..
just praying hard and looking forward for the best..=)

It's not that there's "no baby". In order for the body to be triggered into pregnant mode, there must have been conception, and implantation. It's just that the "baby" never grow big enough to be seen in ultrasound scan. The body may not fully detect that it is an unhealthy pregnancy yet and so continue to produce whatever hormones to sustain the pregnancy, tho it could be at a reduced rate. Until such time the body realises, then it will begin to reject/expel.

I've done my D&C this morning, which is a good thing. Cos I know the earlier I reset, the faster I can restart and hope for better "luck" next time. Hahaha! At least now there's a closure to this whole event.

Bad analogy perhaps, but it's like buying Toto. If you don't buy, you never know if you will strike. But if you buy and don't strike this round, you discard the betting slip, buy again next round and hope for better luck. Miscarriages is unpredictable. You'll really only need to start worrying if it's 3x consec failure. Else, it's mostly a matter of chance/luck.

The first time (assuming 1st tri) is almost always the most painful, because of the prior, almost naive expectation/s. For those people who have never gone through it, I hope and pray they will never have to cos it's not exactly the most pleasant experience. But then again, after you've gone through it once, it helps you to appreciate life/pregnancy from another perspective.

The "staff nurse" told me today that for most of the first tri, the "baby" is pretty much on its own in the pregnancy sac and feeding off the yolk sac. So there's nothing much you can really do to help it survive, an-tai medicine or no an-tai medicine (or talking to the baby for that matter). An-tai medicine help to protect the uterus lining, etc etc, but if things with the "baby" are not right from the beginning, it's simply set for failure. Yes, no doubt heartbeat may be detected at the 6th week but if the pregnancy is not viable, it will self terminate with "baby's" heart stop beating. It's amazing how our bodies are designed really, cos if this mechanism is not in placed, we will have a lot more babies born with many issues.


Thanks for the catering contact!
Optimus Prime and zbabe, i find $1000 v ex leh to do this minor surgery...that's why i'm hoping it will flow out naturally..and i can save on the surgery fees...but like what most of you say, the waiting is agonizing and worst still, with just a gestational sac and yolk sac, i am still suffering from all the pregnancy symptoms (bad nauseous feeling, headaches/giddiness, frequent urination, thick white discharge) which is affecting my mood and work performance...thus i do also want to get it done and over considering if i should go to my friend's gynae at Mt E where the surgery will be done in the clinic's surgery room..and it costs $500 (think coz w/o admission/ward charges etc)...

finally i have the size of my sac, it shows +18.24mm and x8.4mm..something like that...i also don't know what is the exact size...but anyway now is not important...but at least my next pregnancy i will be more prepared asking gynae such questions...
hi ladies, when you say your d&c at tmc costs $1000++, does it exceed 1.4k as KK is charging 1.4k. Which gynae did the d&c for you? Appreciate your replies.

Hi fairie,
my gyane is a lady doc, i digged up my bill for ya...
here's the breakdown:
Professsional fees:
1) gyane fees for the procedure : $800 (cash), 400(medisave) = $1200 (total)
2) GA doc fees: $200 (cash)
Hospital Charges:
1) Operating Theatre charges : $230
2) Accomodation : $430 (for one night, single bedded ward)
Hospital charges can claim about 40% from medisave.

overall my bill was 4k cos it included ultrasound and my medicine , and I claimed 1500 from medisave.

so i guess if urs is just a procedure, then prob about $1.4k cash?
or u can choose a 4 bedded ward then its cheaper =)
Dear all,
can I ask, why am i having quite bad cramps nowadays...
i'm already on duphaston, but still cramps quite bad. no spotting or bleeding, not much discharge. just bad cramps. I din drink cold it normal?? also, tummy feels bloated...
I dun remember such bad cramps in my last pregnancy...
Hi zbabe, so sorry u got to dig up the bill for me...really appreciate 4k is alot...yeah if it's just a simple procedure for me, guess about 1.4k also...hmm...

thanks again!

You mean your friend's gynae all in cost is $500 (incl GST) only??!! Is the GA fee included? Btw, mine is also inclusive of medicine (antibiotic + painkiller) and another round of scan 2-3wk later to see if the uterus is looking/healing fine.

This round, my HB also requested for a scan before the procedure. Cos he was not there the earlier time when gynae say cannot make it liao.

If you do it with your friend's gynae at Mt E, I suspect they will ask you to go back 2-3wk later for a scan too. If this is not part of the $500 package, then you'd likely have to fork out another $90-100 for consultation+scan.

Btw, the exact cost of my bill is this:

1. Gynae - $588.50 (inclusive of GST)
for D&C, medicine, consultation+scan 2-3wk later

2. GA - $200 (inclusive of GST)

Total: $788.50

Here's the contact if you need:

The Women's Specialist Centre
Blk 502 Bishan St 11
Tel: 65527377
tummy feel bloated is very normal but cramping is not at your stage because the sag is so small. continue to monitor.. any discharge, pls seek gynae's advice.
Hi Optimus Prime, thanks for the cost details. Did you do the d/c at TMC hospital and were you able to use medisave for this $788.50?

I just realise that my friend's gynae $500 is only for the d&c and it's not in the hospital, it's in the surgery room in the gynae's clinic, perhaps w/o the admission and ward charges, it's cheaper? hmmm
fairie, mine was done by dr. adrian woodworth.. 1k+ was everything paid thru my medisave.. i didn't pay cash at all, oni the deposit.

my period finally reported today.. abt 1.75mths aft the M/C. given go ahead to TTC tis cycle liao.

went gynea today coz was supposed to do test on why i had multiple M/Cs.. did DNA test for both my hubby n mi to see our genes gt prob anot, i got 2 other test, one for hormones level, the other i dunno is wat liao.. all is checked thru blood test. dat time gynea told mi the test maybe $300+, nt exceeding $500.. i tot is for two person, ended up is one each. DNA test is $370+ each liao.. add my two other tests and consultation is $1k. nearly wanted to faint upon hearing the amount. and all these tests can oni find out 50% of the reason for multiple M/C, gynea said 50% reason are unknown ones. win lor.. but gynea suspected is mostly due to my PCOS dat increased my risk of M/C.. according to him, 1% of women have 3 M/Cs or more. y i so swayed to be one of the 1%, super sad lor. he said i will need help to sustain future pregnancies.
bluberi: you're not alone. i'm in the 1% also. but then i do know that mine was caused by choromosome abnormality along with PCOS. ( I have mild PCOS, which so far has been corrected with TCM.)

each time can only pray for a miracle.
lovinglife, congrats! i am hoping to try this month but then my peak day is within the periiod my hubby went for i can only leave it to fate already..*sigh*..just learnt my colleague who is planning together with me (her peak day slighly later than me durin glast cycle) got envious when hearing it but feel happy for her la!
bluberi, how much was your deposit? it is a good thing your period finally come...did your gynae say why did it come so long after your m/c?

wah check dna test for each person so expensive ah? but at least with the test 50% also good to know where does the problem lies at...
lynn, mi also got PCOS, but dunno how serious.. tink aft the hormones blood test will koe.. but mine certainly nt mild coz i need 3 clomid to help ovulate. am trying tis cycle again, hopefully will strike. CD3 oni.

fairie, i paid $500 deposit thru credit card for the surgery, but did not used it at all. wait 1mth for the refund.
hi ladies, decided to go to the doc at paragon (used to be at mt e) whom my friend intro coz i called KK left a message for the doc, she hasn't called me i will book appt with paragon doc stomach is getting bloated/bigger each day that my hubby says my stomach looks like the month (11th week) i'm supposed to be even though there's no i need to get the d&c done and over with asap before friends or colleagues start asking me this i can't fit into any of my pants and skirts..end up wearing dress everyday

Optimus Prime, wonder if mine about 2cm can do in clinic or not instead of quite scared of going to hospital...remind me of the time when i went for removal of 7 cm cyst...

bluberi, yours is $500 deposit ah? wah..then on top of that..the remaining cost must be high also hor?
fairie, yup.. was told to put down $500 deposit juz in case i need to be hospitalised or needed other medication, etc. it was not utilised at all. hmm, if u have kept ur antenatal check-up receipts, u can claim n offset from the bill.. dun tink will pay alot aft deducting fm medisave. i didn't pay any cash to TMC wor, coz all paid via medisave n antenatal claim.
wow blueberi...yours didn't need to pay cash, just deduct everything from medisave? your gynae is at TMC hospital itself? so how much in all did they deduct from your medisave?

i had a checkup on tue and sadly, my bb's heartbeat has stopped. I'm into my 7th week. Going to see gynae tomorrow for a final scan before deciding on the date for D&C. Is it a must to do it in hospital?

does anyone know how soon will menses come after D&C?

i'm so sad everyday, crying buckets and i got problem sleeping in the night even though i'm very tired. how do you cope with your m/c?
fairie, yup.. no cash payment at all.. i was seeing dr. adrian woodworth, he's a TMC gynea.. 600+ was deducted for the DnC, was supposed to pay 400+ by cash. but i claimed 450 fm my medisave for antenatal fees with receipts fm gynea. they used the 450 claim to offset the balance 300+ fm the DnC.. i got back 100+ in cash fm the 450 claim aft they use the rest for DnC balance.

dolphy, sorry to hear abt ur lost.. my first m/c also bb heartbeat stopped, but was at wk9. one day we still see the heartbeat, same nite bad cramps n next day no more heartbeat. normally menses shd come abt 4-6wks aft D&C. first m/c i cried like no tml, on n off tink already still cry.. 2nd m/c only cry one day.. 3rd m/c also cry one day. nw i still on n off cry when i tot of my babes. but we have to tink of the bright side too n stay positive. most impt muz have ur family's support.
Hi dolphy,
same here, my baby no.1 heartbeat stopped at 8 weeks. And when I was lying in the hosptial on drips and waiting for do my d/c the next morning, i cried and cried the whole night, and keep praying for miracle to happen, but it din.
it was my first pregnancy and my first m/c, so very traumatic...
after that, I still cry on off thinking of baby no.1. I feel so helpless, so guilty. nothing I can do to help my baby, so sad!
and my hubby cried too....very sad...

My period came about 4 weeks after d/c.
Now, I am pregnant again, 6 weeks. still have phobia but have to be positive!! Now my mind is mostly on protecting my current baby, and make sure everything is fine. first trimester we can't really do much to prevent mc.

dun worry, u can try again when u are well again =) trust that we will have healthy babies =)
thanks bluberri and zhabe for your comforting words.

congrats to you, zhebe for being preggie. i hope it will be a smooth pregnancy for you.

just now went for scan again coz i was feeling crampy for the past few days. in the scan, the fetal pole has shrank and it is confirmed that my bb is a goner. will be doing D&C tomorrow morning at MAH.

it is real heart wrenching for all of us. one week ago, we were over the moon for detecting my bb's heartbeat. yet one week later, we fell terrible from the sky coz the heartbeat stopped.

just hope that my cycle will not go haywire after D&C.

does anyone see TCM immediately after D&C or wait til next menses before seeing TCM?
Hi Fairie and Optimus:
I am joining you guys from the March 2010 thread. My D&C is scheduled this coming Monday at TMC. No heartbeat and baby only 2mm. I should be 8 or 9 weeks already. First Pregnancy hiaz...I notice some of you go to chinese doctor to bring back to health. Does the medicine they prescribe clash with english meds???
dolpyhy: its up to you to see TCM immediately or wait till next menses.
this time ard i'm waiting for menses to come before gng to see my TCM. 4 weeks has passed, my menses not back yet.

for me 3 times m/c. 2 times after the menses haywire. so pretty much expecting this one to go haywire as well. takes about 3 months to be regular.

JTML: as far as i know you cannot take them together. take chinese and english med 2 hours apart.
Hey Lynn: you meant before the m/c will come if the period before is haywire?? Hey this is my first pregnancy, and my period before that is haywire ler...SAME...DO you think that is the cause???

I meant the period after the m/c and d&c done.

I have no idea if that is the cause. alot of things can cause m/cs and about 50% of m/cs has unknown causes.

it's just probably not the right time yet.
