Support group - Miscarriages

JJM, sorry.. All of us don't fated for an Ox. Doesn't matter, there is still a Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon and so on. Cry your heart out and move on. I am also losing my #2 at 12 weeks. I was almost passing the 1st trim. After D&C, bleeding/spotting on & off is normal. It will take up to weeks. Take some tonic & build your health back. We will be here for you and oneday we all sure can graduate

Thanks for the support!

Lynn - mini confinement...not sure considered or not, MIL cooked more nutritious food, those ginger chicken and liver for dinner. Other than that, I just avoid eating seafood, cold items, etc.
Oh, not consider AF, the nurse told me that when I discharged, maybe she just said that as it seemed similar. Thanks, then I need not worry.

lovinglife - Ya, sigh....really not destined to have an Ox Baby. Sorry to hear about your MC at 12 weeks. My was 7 weeks although should have been 8 weeks, as baby growth was slower than expected. Bec of this, had injection every other day for a week, my happiness only lasted a week as before than were worries & worries. How many weeks will this last as has a followup appt with gynae next week?

Yes, let's all work hard in TCCing when ready.
JJM: yeap no need to worry it will stop in a week before your follow up appointment.

I've been taking TCM since 1st m/c last year march. so far have helped abit. sort of like body not as weak as before.
JJM, yeap as Lynn said. Don't worry, it will stop very soon and turn into on & off spotting mode.

Lynn, can I check does your 1st menses flow changes after m/c? I thought it will be super heavy type and longer. But it seems like shorter now which is good!
Lynn, shorter days means shorter cycle too? My cycle went longer after I gave birth to #1. Now with m/c, I hope it can bounce back to "original". Just pray lah :p

Wonder where are the rest? How is everyone?
ladies, i here i here! hee
i really cant detect when is my ovulation so wonder i got ovulate or not or not. good news is that AF just reported yesterday. so i felt relieved cos it means the cycle is re-starting now ah. pretty chun also cos its exactly 39 days from D & C ops ( same period cycle before i was pregnant)
the gynae prediction is pretty accurate for the arrival of mense. but not the ovulation part cos i kept getting BFN on it. will continue to monitor after my mense is cleared!

just went library tdy to borrow 2 books called 'taking charge of your fertility" and "the fastest way to get pregnant naturally"
try to learn more information and get ready for the next one (if it happens within this year!!)
Lynn, glad to hear that! Shorter cycle is better lah, as long as LP remains.

yaya, good news indeed!! Congrats! So are you going to start ttc?
lovinglife, har nor.. i going to start after Mense cleared..cos Gynae got commented its okay to start as long as i am ready.. u all le? going to start along the way?
but hor, i dunnoe my LP. LOL!

yaya: probably last month didn't ovulate. but don't worry about it! next month will be better.
yaya, yes me too. Going to start busy after mense cleared lor hehe. By the way, I am under monitoring cycle with my gynea. Going back for follicles check on CD12. Pray the egg/s will grow

How about the rest? Let's pray for soonest BFP and sticky vibes!
lovinglife, is this normal sympton or not?
u come across any?> i was worrying no egg then thought how come mense come when no positive result after testing OPK.
yaya, some women just don't get OPK+ but they still ovulating. Maybe you have missed the surge, who knows? Anyway, it is pretty normal that body changes after the trauma. Don't worry too much. It takes time to regulate the body back.
honestly, this is 1st time i heard of it..

i quite keen in getting the clearblue fertility monitor. but v expensive ..cost around 200+ if getting online.. what u all use to monitor your ovulation? temp and cervical discharge method?
yaya, it's pretty normal for not ovulating every month. Don't worry too much ok? I am using ovulation strips (those less than 1 dollar type) and clearblue digital. Once tested +ve, I will use clearblue to double confirm. On top of that, I monitor temp & cervical discharge too. So far it matches.
yeap. didn't ovulate can also get menses.
I have yet to confirm this with gynae though. heard from my TCM.

maybe you missed the surge, and besides its just first menses after d&c. it's normal. just wait for the next one and monitor.

lovinglife: how to know for sure when ovulate sia.
hi ladies, the m/c was confirmed today aft i went kkh 24hrs clinic due to spotting (red!!) again. sac haf dislodged fm the womb but haven dropped out of the V yet. will be taking test to find out reason for multiple m/c tis time. meanwhile, gynea took HCG test and scheduled a repeat HCG test on wed morning to double confirm.

my no.3 chose to grew wings on the same day as my no.1.. such a cruel fact for me to accept.
Bluberi: *hugs* and don't think too much. just rest well now and get back to health so that can tcc again after all the test results come out.
Lynn, only BBT or blood test are able to confirm ovulation has already took place. Do you temp? Our body temp will rise after ovulation has occured.

blueberi, my heart goes out to you.. sigh.. Please stay strong, with us.
Hi, ladies

Do not be disheartened and please be strong.

I have been through mc in year apr 2006 naturally. And i conceived again 1 week after my mc. Even my gynae, families n friends commented that it is such a miracle and amazing. God is good and all things are possible.

Take goodcare and i pray that God will blessed all with a healthy pregnancy and babies real soon.
hi ladies, juz wanna check something.. besides the chromosome test, wat other test can be done to check the cause of m/c? my gynea oni told mi when to go for the test but nv say wat test it would be.
Lynn & lovinglife - so busy as back to work, thanks for your advise. Going for checkup later, sigh!!! a long way to go b4 able to TCC again.

Nevertheless, shall pick myself up and jia you with all!
bluberi, hug!!
not too sure what other tests can be done. in fact, my gynae didn't asked me to go for any test after 2 m/cs. but recently i was diagnosed with hyperthryoid, gynae suspect it could be the reason for my previous 2m/cs.
you must rest well, k??
lovinglife: nope i do not temp. but the couple of times that i did test with OPK it was positive though.

bluberi: your gynae will be able to advice you what other tests you need to take. so far i've taken the karotyping and hormone FSH test.

funne: what's hyerthryoid?
lynn & lovinglife, gynae said i might have m/c, premature or weight light bb if the thyroid level is not controlled.
the dr treated my hyperthyroid said the same thing. and he said might have hyperactive bb next time also..

JJM, i got pregnant 1 circle after my chemical pregnancy. gynae gav green light to try.
funne, even now already passed 1st trimester still have risk to m/c? I hope your gynea is monitoring you very closely. Try to stay healthy and rest as much as you can
It's fine to try straight away again after chemical pregnancy. but as for if a d&c is done. its better to wait till after 2-3 cycles. cause as far as i do know, for d&c uterus lining gets scrape quite abit.

funne: so now you have to keep your thyroid level under control or it will have implications?
what's chemical pregnancy? My gynae said that can try anytime now but I'm afraid as I heard that if you try again too soon, high risk of m/c.
JJM: Very early miscarriages - those which occur before the sixth week LMP (since the woman's Last Menstrual Period) are medically termed early pregnancy loss[2] or chemical pregnancy.[3] Miscarriages that occur after the sixth week LMP are medically termed clinical spontaneous abortion.[2]

hows everyone doing here? seems pretty quiet here also. currently, me finished my mense liao and now doing charting (something which i reluctant to do before)..
so sorry to see so many new comers in this thread...

blueberi, i think u still rem me right ? i was here in year 2008 feb...regret to see ur posting here again...u must rest well and do a good confinement

i feel that duphaston is very important when i conceive again in 2008 sept after my m/c...i never fail to rem to take my dusphaston 3 times a day for 12 weeks...even until 12 weeks later my gynae ask me to stop but i still dont feel secure..i continue till 20weeks detail scan then i stop dusphaston finally...another important thing is must rest rest and rest...dont be too stress in work and walk less during 1st trim...also cannot carry heavy stuff...i did all these and now i got my bundle of joy in my arms...take care ladies !
hi girls would like to check out when did ur menses come after D & C? Done D&C a month ago and my menses has yet to come so im wondering if it's normal.

I jus got the news that my bb is not growing.. Been 7 wks liao but bb still very tiny n no heart beat. N thru my blood test, my hormones level did not increase at all. Would like to go for 2nd opinion. Is that true my bb not growing? If going to D/C ops, should i go back to my gynae at TMC or should i go KK hospital? I very confuse and afraid. Pls help..
same thing happen to me for my 1st pregnancy. when was the last check up before this? if it's 1 week before this, yes, most likely it's true because foetus at this stage grow very rapidly and gynae can tell the growth. I had no choice but to go through D&C as well. went to my gynae to do it because she will have all my records. before i went for D & C, i seeked 2nd opinion too because I didn't want to regret my decision and you know deep down was hoping for miracle that may be by a slight chance my gynae was wrong. Brought all my previous scans to the 2nd gynae and she too confirm no hope. Don't lose heart. I got pregnant 3 months after D & C and my girl is 20 months now and I'm expecting girl no.2 this oct again
Hi ariajo,
thanks for yr advise. I went for checkup every 3 days from last 2 wks since i got spotting and today i got the news.. N the doc said that the D/c ops can be done when u r conscious unless u opt for anethesia which require another extra $200. which D/C ops should i opt for? Is it painful?? Do i need to be admitted?

Hi Jeslin,

the same thing happen to me just a month ago. My baby was not growing at the average rate, saw heartbeat on the 7 week, but the size of a 6 weeks old. Heartbeat gone on the 8th week and very little growth since the last check. Thus had D&C on the next day. At first, was intending to go for 2nd opinion, but the size of baby was really very small as compared to the supposed length. I just could not deceive myself and had cried till no more tears for days.

I went for full body anethesia as does not beared to go thru the process when conscious. Now shall have to wait for my AF to come.

Jia you Jeslin!
