Support group - Miscarriages

apple, D & C ops not painful. its a day surgery which took around 15mins to complete the ops and a few hours to rest before discharged.

Mandy, my 1st cycle came 38 days from date of D & that normal is around 6 to 8 weeks. some even said up to 12 weeks.. so take that as a guide ba...
porky, i dunno the role of duphaston but i did faithfully took that during the 1st trims but still i lost the bb...

mandy, i got my menses about 30 days after the d&c but this differs from body to body. don't worry unless it hasn't reported for more than 2 months ba!

apple, usually it's a day surgery and i think most of us go through it under GA. don't be afraid. it's nature's way of elimination. we all go through that emotional struggle here. hugz.
tubtub, thanks for informing me. Though menses will come soon so kinda got me worrying haha. Btw is there a need to wait for a few cycles of menses before we k try for a baby again?
my mense came during 1st cycle and now i more worry about ovulation. i think i didnt ovulate last cycle.. not sure about this..i hope i did!!!! haiz.
hi ladies..i have been lurking around a bit, since last year actually.
I have a wonderful 3.5 year old boy, and had a m/c last nov. Did a D&C. we started trying again after 2 cycles (as advised by my doc). Was overjoyed when we tested positive 3 weeks ago!
to my horror, i started spotting (same first sign of miscarriage for the last round)..and this has since progressed to full scale menses like bleeding. This has gone on for the past 1 week.

I have the doc twice, the last visit being last Tues. They could not find any sac initially but my hcg is increasing at a good rate, so they sent me for a detailed scan to see if the pregnancy is ectopic. After 30 minutes of great discomfort, the radiologist located a ring like structure (no heart beat) in the uterus - so not ectopic. Nothing was visible in the sac.

I am now on duphaston. My doc thinks that perhaps it is still early on in the pregnancy (according to my LMP, I shld be 7 weeks, but according to the hcg count, I am only 5 weeks). Granted that since my D&C, my cycle has been erratic. I am due to go to the doc again in a week's time for a scan to see if they could see anything. I am all mentally prepared for the worst news given the circumstances - but I just hanging on and hoping that a miracle could happen. The only positive thing is that my hcg is still increasing nicely, and I am still suffering from nausea/ MS.

It is hard to believe that this is happening again, so soon.

I must really say I admire the strength that many of you have.

For those wondering about D&C, don't worry. It is really not painful, it will be over before you know it.
Hi all,
Though throughout the short pregnancy, i had spotting. But i was elated when i saw the little heartbeat flickering on the scan monitor for the 1st time. But on wk 10, the doc confirm tat bb no longer have heartbeat. It was like on a roller coaster as i was just given hope but 2 wks later, a death sentence was given. Yes, i too still felt the nausea and morning sickness though bb has no heartbeat. Tat made me feel even worse.

Couldn't come to terms with it and dragged the d&c for 1 wk+. Nitemares every nite. Blamed myself n husband for the loss. I was just cracking up in the head. Crying everynite to sleep then nitemares again. It's like a viscious cycle.

I couldn't take it any longer and started to pen everything down on a 7 pages long letter to my hubby.....It's kinda like a an emotional relief to me after tat....

Then i read online and books to find out why mc happen. I just can't destined myself to fate.

Causes of Miscarriages:
1)High levels of antiphospholipid antibodies
2)Immune System Rejecting pregnancies
3)High Prolactin

Then i went chao du my baby. i also went to TCM to tiao my body. Before i know it, i got preggie again 2 mths later. It was totally an unexpected surprise! This time, i make sure i walk slowly & rest enuff. I'm just into my 4th mth and hope things will get better. Press on & May all of us will be a mommy soon.
Hi ladies, I am just found out preg too. I was surprised and in total shocked. This is my 1st normal cycle after D&C. Never lose hope!
may, cos i didnt get the positive result during my last cycle. but i got it yesterday and this morning!!! tried ML yesterday mornign before testing. but i got up pretty fast and clean it up before going to make breakfast. not sure whether that counted or not... then hubby was pretty tiring yesterday night, so didnt try afterwards!. hope tonight can try before its 'vanish'

Lynn, sorry to hear that.. remember to eat BU stuff. dun give up k!

lovinglife, congrats to u!! i hope to hear good news for myself...
My visi this morning confirmed that there is no heart beat, and there has never been one.

Lynn - I am also going to do my D&C this Wed. Second time in 8 months - my doc said that there should be no adverse effect on my body.

Einnoc - thanks for sharing your story.. and glad to hear a happy ending.

lovinglife - congrats! rest a lot..take care.
yaya, you will be ovulating within 12-48 hours after 1st surge. hope you catch your eggie and join me in March mtb!

chin, thanks! do take care too and try again when you are ready.
Lynn - sorry to hear abt that! Have a good rest after yr D&C! Jia You and I'm sure that your wish will soon come true.

lovinglife - congrats, so happy for you! Must take good care of yourself and enjoy every moment of yr pregnancy.
dear forumers...i am new to this thread...and i guess after reading so many emails, such incidents do happen..i have a m/c 2 weeks ago, and its heartbreaking thinggy...both me and hubby are trying to go thru this....and its kind of painful for us...afterall its after 1st kid after 2 yrs of trial...

And guess wat i am the 3rd m/c in my office...within a period of 1 mth ~ there is 4 m/c cases in my office...

I am also not sure why its so hard to conceive these days and some fellow forumers even advise me to leave my current job - stating its haunted..

Now i am both stress with coping m/c and change of job which actually i find the current one - comfy...not sure if anyone can share their tots with me??

hi Ginger, u are not alone also. i realised i am the 3rd case in my office as well. quite surprise to learn that.. thought of leaving my current job, but now thinking twice. will take thing as it goes along and not stressing myself as earlier. believe the stress affected my earlier condition lor.

lovinglife, hope lor. i got positive yesterday also. just felt abit discomfort on the right side.wondering whats happening inside. hope its good news 2 weeks later.
laura_yaya: that's fast! strike again? I had right side pain this time around. It was a cyst in my ovary.

now waiting for D&C to be done tmr, and the cyst to go away.

advised to go on a 6 months break to recover before ttc again..
hi ya ya
thanks for assuring

now i kind of think its something we gotta cope with as working ladies..unlike our mothers, in the past when they have less stress and lesser chance of m/ environment "dirty" or not is another matter...

same here, thinking of leaving the office and fellow colleague told me to leave too..but haiz..leave doesnt mean can get a job FAST, in this kind of H1N1 and bad economy condition...

hey to advise how long u rest before u trying BB again? thanks!
hi ladies..

i was also thinking that it could be the stressful nature of my job that cause the 2x miscarriage for me. when i was pregnant with my boy (who is 3.5 now), i was not working.
i asked my doc whether stress causes miscarriage - she said that in the past women have gone through war, and they have gone on to give birth. she thinks it is not stress related.. i read somewhere else however that stress produces a chemical in our body that suppresses hormones that support pregnancy.

so go figure - it really depends on our own body at the end of the day. xian - go to go hospital tom to do the D&C. personally the part that i find toughest is when i was waiting to be wheeled into the op theatre. Last year, there was woman waiting also - with me, but she was waiting to give birth, by C-section.
chin: *hugs* i agree. it's while waiting outside the op theatre. and down the aisle.. i hear ladies giving birth.. and babies first cry. sigh.
lynn, can understand the pain we had when we were waiting for the ops. haiz.. quite depressing actually.
i tested Ovulation Positive la!!! not P postive! lol. not sure whats happening inside yesterday. i experience abit discomfort around the womb...funny is i also tested O Positive yesterdae too but didnt try lor..cos like no mood for it. so i already got 3 days positive liao le..-.-''
ginger, i am trying after 2nd cycle(current one).cos i didnt experienced O after 1st cycle.
good luck yaya

hope that u will bcome a mummy soon!!

ya when i was waiting to get into the ops room...can u imagine the Ops Theater door is not close i can kind of hear the equipments clinking inside the freak out!
yaya, discomfort might be the ovulation pain. hope you catch the eggie.

ginger, sorry to learn abt your m/c.. you are about to go back for review checkup right? check with your gynea if your condition is ok to ttc.

lynn, be strong!
loving life ~ ya check up is end of the mth lo....also guess he will be telling us wats wrong with BB..cos we sent for lab test...
yah ginger, the lab test is inclusive in the package. i had mine done too. try to do mini confinement and eat all the heaty stuff to keep your womb warm.
lovinglife ~ kekekeke ya i ordered confinement food lo...and now doing mini confinement...i definitely know how warm it is without bathing :x
eh lovinglife..u got MSN..maybe we can take offline to chat..cos seems like only both of us active here...kekeke u PM me la..
no la...cold drinks, sea food etc etc...i am all restricting....i already set my mind rd i will do alot of things that i didnt do tis round..
ya lo....yesterday night i went thru a list of stuff i must bear in mind for my next round...

bo bian...every bb is a inorder to have this miracle to happen, we must take extra precaution lo.
oh ya.....i also thinking of tat....but not sure when to take lo....i think mayb next week can take liao...? cos next week is 3 weeks after my d/c...

i am taking those from yu ren sheng...not sure if they are call BFW too...
yup i am taking YRS type too. very exp hor! you can take after menses is cleared. i don't really bled after d&c. just some spotting on off for few days only. are you gonna to try right after?
loving life ~~ kekkekee...i think forum now really only u n me talking :p

no....think btr to check wif gynae i also read some articles to avoid ML for 1st mth from dc to let womb rest, they said the sentence - no harm resting a few more weeks..which is also true la...

by way which hospital u went to?
yaya: LOL! I tot WAH so fast strike liaos. hahha. I seriously would advice you not to try too soon. I had D&C done this year feb 09. strike again may 09. didn't work out. D&C done again today. I feel like my body is damn dmg after all the D&Cs. =/ (both times were accidents, we wasn't actively ttc-ing)

and now i have to rest for 6 months - 1 year before trying. and find out if there's anyway to prevent the chromosomes abnormality being pass on to my baby that resulted in the 3 m/cs so far.

this time not taking confinement food liaos..

I can bath like usual, but i wont be washing hair everyday la. plus take tonic soup for 15days straight and take the longan red date tea which my MIL insist i take. other then that just medicine to 'pu' blood and qi from TCM doc.
ginger - yes, that was TMC. and would you believe it - it happened to me again. there was a woman going for the C-section, and i did hear her baby's first cry - probably even before she did!

i am very tired today after the D&C - more so than the last round. not sure whether it is cos i lost so much blood (cos i have been bleeding for 2 plus weeks already!)..or that i am just so weary. but in a way, i am glad to be able to move on.

Lynn - i think i am going to really rest this time around. not think of ttc for a while...going to "tiao" the body first...6 months sounds abt right.

i also ordered confinement food - but the taste is not so nice..the soups are pretty good though.
Lynn - i was wondering, did your doc ask you to test for anything? i am wondering if there is a way for us to find out the cause of chromosome abnormality. this is the same reason my doc gave me for my recurrent miscarriages.
lynn, no la. i was pretty worry about not having O.. since i start tracking the BBT and with OPK, i am quite happy and relieved it went back to normal. gynae told me to try after 3 cycle, but after scanning, she said i am ready to try anything since the womb lining went back to normal. ( note: that wasnt what she told me before ops..funny)

since i have already detected the O liao and did whatver i can already, so only have to see fate liao.i do hope i will get it and have it eventually la..but have to ti tian you ming now.... *cross finger*
by the way, anyone has facebook? mind exchange?
chin: how come you bleed so long?! the first time round i bleed for about a week, second one less then a week. this time.. D&C done yesterday, bleeding has so far stopped. but i'm expecting it to have abit more of blood discharge here and there.

yes I did the karotyping during last m/c. I'm a carrier of the chromosome abnormality which can be passed down to my future kids. so just need to see lucky or not if the egg doesn't have the genes, then good and at that time the pregnancy would work out.

yaya: yeah. and must tiao body first.

lynn - the bleeding i had (mind you, not spotting) was before the D&C. and now, after the D&C, the bleeding has stopped. An irony isn't it? It just confirms that my body was rejecting the pregnancy.

i see - my doc has advised that she would rather not test now since i have had one normal pregnancy.
