Support group - Miscarriages

Hi glimmerhope,
When was your D&C? I am also waiting for my menses but I know not so soon.

Hi Janello,
I drank longan red dates for nearly 3 weeks. Just back to normal meals these few days.

icic for me i stopped drinking the red dates tea after 2 weeks but still taking the chix essence on and off.

i had my d&c on 31 apr recently wen to see dr and he said menses should come end mth so i just hope it will come. When was your d&c?
Hi glimmerhope,
My D&C on 5 May. So today is Day 22. I presume mine will only come 5 weeks later or even longer. I think it also depends on how long your pregnancy before the procedure done.

Hi tub,
You will be pregnant again when your body is ready. To wait for 1st menses because it is easier to time your next pregnancy. When was your D&C? Have your menses reported yet?
my d&c was about 3 weeks + back. menses not reported yet but i have the feeling that my womb is shrinking. the same feeling i had after giving birth to my no. 1. i hope AF comes soon...
yeah actually we're not practising any prevention now. so will ttc after AF reports if nothing happens between now and AF reporting.

dunno if we're too weak to try again. may see tcm to tiao in the mean time.
tub, good luck to you and everyone who are trying
we did not practising any prevention either while waiting for AF. if it happens, it happens. i believe that we will get pregnant when our body are ready. let mother nature takes it course.
gers do you get depressed when you hear friends or ppl u know being preg?? and closed friend letting you see their ultra scan pics of their babies..and you keeping a happy face for them?Or when shopping or walking down the streets.. u see couples with babies?Hmmm... sigh.. i feel upset and depressed..sorry for the ranting..
glimmerhope, *sayang*.. yes, i feel the same as you too. i still count how many weeks am i now if i not m/c.. it's tough have to keep a smiling face infront of people and tell them we are already ok. no such thing call ok if you have gone through yourself. all we can do is keep ourselves occupied.
*hugs thanks.. ya i thought i was ok but when i hear or see ppl with babies it just trigger my emo thoughts..worst some ppl will just simply tell me get over with it and get on with life .. i agree ppl who had gone thru what we had will understand...
halo all, i am from this thread last year feb (during CNY) if u check back the archieve...i have delivered to my bundle of joy (baby boy) this he is 3 weeks old already...celebrating bb full month next sat

like all of u here, i was very depressed when i m/c last year...everything doesnt seems to work smoothly...even got scolded by mil for the most silly things that i never did...however, i did not give up trying...i bgt lots of OPK and HPT on the 2nd month when my gynae gave the green light to try again...every month i was very disappointed when i tested negative on HPT...i keep on trying and trying...until the 6th month i succeeded. but i did not see the gynae immediately cos i was very afraid to hear negative words...i waited until 8th weeks but i took good care of myself during those weeks of waiting...dare not anyhow eat things or take herbs also...finally i break the news to my families and frens on my 20th weeks

i hope all of u here will keep on trying, u will succeed like me very soon...dont listen to wat others say if u dont like to hear...have faith in yourself. can pm me if u wanna chat. take care !
Hi Porky,
congrats! I am like u have a miscarriage last yr feb. U still remember me?

Hi gals,
i understand how u all feel cos i have a miscarriage last yr Feb. Though i already have a son at that time but nothing can replace my lose baby. I am one of the lucky ones to have good news. I was preg again 2 mths after my miscarriage and give birth to my 2nd boy last dec. So gal dun be discourage.. Somemore i have PCOS and i need clomid to help me to O. So i am blessed and i am sure u gals will have successful preg soon.
Hi jappoh,
When did u start taking clomid? I started taking clomid last mth but still negative when i tested for ovulation from cd9 to cd19. sigh
jappooh ! of cos i remember u ! we are both from mtb sept 08 before...and the sad incident happened in feb...i also got back my lost baby now...feeling very happy whenever i look at my baby. motherhood is so amazing !

gals, dont give up ! u will be holding ur bundle of joy very soon
May: can. I take TCM in the morning after breakfast. multivits after lunch. then TCM again after dinner.

only western med and TCM cannot take together, must at least 2 hours apart.
Hi morning gals,

Congrats to Porky & Jappooh! Your stories has definitely brighten up our days. Thanks for sharing

I am in the D28 (4 weeks) now after D&C. Ovulated last week and I will be seeing AF or BFP in another week.. Anyone also in 2WW?
which one are u asking?

I start clomid in end 2004 and took for 6 cycles. for the 1st 4 cycle i didnt actually track ovulation. SO try and doc didnt ask me to go for blood test as well. During the 5th cycle i tell with the kit and notice that when i take clomid i O very early at Day 11. So try from day 10 to day 12 and 1 strike the 2nd mth with this method. That is my 1st preg i give birth to my elder one in Feb 2006.

In yr end 2007 i take clomid again and use the kit to see O anot. I only strike during the 2nd mth but i have a natural misscarriage. i got preg again 2 mths later with 1 cycle of clomid and give birth to my 2nd baby boy Dec 08.
lovinglife, how u check if u ovluate?
my gynae told me that my egg is growing and will be ovluating within this week through scanning. dunno whether can take her word or not? cos i been testing Ovluation kit to see if its positive..but sadly, no news at all.. i am worry that i cant ovulate after the discharge now is quite little. sometimes yellowish mucus. does that means its a sign of ovulating soon?

my gynae gave me green light to try cos she said my womb lining resume back to normal already and so can try if i want to. fyi,my mense havent come since the bleed from ops stop..
Hi Ladies, me too just had a m/c.. =(
Very very upset.. Yesterday went for my 2nd follow-up (supposedly 9 weeks plus) and saw the baby but no heart beat.. We did see a very good one at 6 weeks plus thou. So my dr says baby is dead oredi.. Going for D&C on Monday..
But cos I didn't tell my parents or in-laws re the pregnancy, they dunno anything. I stay with my hubby only. How to "bu" huh? I have no clue at all!! Can just eat a normal diet with all the necessary food groups & nutrients?
Pls advise. Thanks in advance..
hopeful, be optimistic! i know its quite sad..but have to be on positive side oh!
like what funne said, order confinement food to eat? or ask ur mum to brew some herbal soup for ya????

glimmerhope, how the doctor knows ur are ovulating? through scanning or blood test? i related my visit with my gynae to my sis in law(we sharing the same gynae) the gynae didnt tell her anything (scanning on ovary and told the patients where are the eggs etc) like this before
yaya, my gynae also said i was ovulating soon based on the scan. i went back after my menses ended after the chemical pregnancy..
hee.. i wonder how to see from scan.. :p
yaya, I monitor my BBT, mucus discharge and of cause together with ovulation kit. So it was quite easy to pin point when I have ovulated.

hopeful, sorry to hear about your loss too. I ordered 3 weeks confinement food from caterer like what funne did.
funne, oic.. my gynae told me she can see the egg is growing and the womb lining has resume back to normal cos need to receive the egg. but these days kept experiencing dryness if not some time, milky yellow discharge (anyone knows whats the symptoms of milky yellow discharge)?

i currently using ovulation test strip and so far is all negative.. amake me think if my gynae got see wrongly from the scan or not... cos she told me the egg will 'ripe' soon
hihi.... does any1 noe where can i find good pig trotter vinegar in food center or anywhere? i just did my d&c and hope to eat some pig trotter vinegar, can advice? thank U
funne, I used Natal Essentials. Thumbs up for the food especially their soup is really thick. Can see a lot of herbs putting in.
yaya, the doc told me i was ovulating when i did a scan, 2 weeks after my d&c, he said he saw the eggs in my ovary and menses should come by end of May. True enough it came late May. Honestly, when he said he saw the eggs in my ovary i really cant figure out how to see it frm my scan.

hopeful, dun be discourage, we will Jia you together!
Hi ladies, thanx for your encouragement! I'm slowly getting over it, i tink.. trying hard not to tink too much lah..
Me went to the confinement food websites to take a look at the menu but the food seems like things dat I won't eat leh (some of them lah. like liver, kidney, pig's trotters etc..) Is it really necessary actually? I'm thinkin if can just eat a normal diet..
hi jappooh,
Which day did u start taking clomid? My gynae ask me to take from cd2 to cd6 but i only started taking from cd4 to cd8, tested for ovulation since cd11 to cd20 but negative.
Btw, wat's the cause of your miscarriage? is it related to clomid? saw from the internet that one of the side effects of taking clomid is miscarriage.
U r so lucky to have 2 kids from taking clomid. Did u experience any complications during ur 2 pregnancies? Thanks for ur advice.
Hi all,

I am new to this forum. Just had a mc, did a d/c last thurs, baby found to have no heartbeat at 9 weeks, even though there was one at 6 weeks.
bit of a shock for both me and my bf as we did not expect such a thing to happen.

Even though the pregnancy was unplanned, we have already decided to get married, and have already booked the bridal and hotel packages. Even the wedding date has been confirmed and both our families know and have given us their blessings.

My boyfriend was extremely excited to be a daddy, it was me who was having doubts, always complaining how a baby can ruin my career and social life. Finally, I accepted the marriage proposal and got myself mentally prepared to be a mummy. I was even planning to sell away my car and take a step back from work, to concentrate on my pregnancy and being a first time mummy.

Then, as quietly as god gave us his gift, it was also quietly taken away from us. It was heart breaking, not knowing how to save or protect your own baby's life. How did its heartbeat stop? I spent the whole night before my d/c praying for a miracle, seeing my bf cried for the first time was just as painful. I know he's also trying very hard to be strong, as he needs to take care of me and support me as well.

right now, we are once again at a crossroad of our lives. We decided to postpone our wedding, as we wanted to get a place of our own first.
Being pregnant once made me realise that being a mummy is so much more valuable than my career or my social life. My boyfriend says, now I can enjoy my life again, but if given a choice, I would not, I want my baby back, I want our baby back, I want to build a happy family with my bf, who has been standing by me throughout these tough times.

Currently, I am doing a mini confinement at home. really realised that life goals have changed, I wanna ttc again soon...After reading all the threads, I am very encouraged by all of ur brave ladies out there who wanna be mummies or who are mummies. =)
zbabe: *hugs* I was in the same situation as you a year ago. i totally understand how you feel. the only difference was that i had already ROM-ed.

Don't think so much now, just rest well and get back to health and soon you will be able to tcc again
zbabe, sorry to hear about your loss too. I was mentally & financially ready for #2 arrival when found out pregnant. A lot of plans were on my mind to welcome the little ones. Sadly to say she choosed to leave us and put us on sorrow. Do take your time to heal and move on. You can always TTC again when you & your bf is ready
Zbabe, it happened to me also, the heartbeat of my first baby just stopped. But now, I have 2 active children
. So, don't be discouraged. When you & your boyfriend are ready & married, you can ttc again.
glimmerhope, jsut to check. when ur gynae scanned that u r ovulating, did u go and do OPK to check it? cos for my case, i did OPK since my gynae told me will ripe within 3 to 4 days.but keep on getting negative result and the discharge was v dry and even if have, its milky colour type... i worry about whether i did ovulate or not.

ladies, anyone have the same problem???
