Support group - Miscarriages

I tried the OPK, it works wor. 2 weeks after d/c, it shows that I was ovulating. shown positive on the kit.

of course at the time, was just checking that everything was back to normal.

Hi yaya...

No.. AF reported last week. Am waitin for it to clear then can take TCM and try again..keke...

Ladies here,
Let's all Gambatei together ok
not sure le...funny is that my gynae said i was ovulating soon within 3 to 4 days later but i tried using the OPK and no positive results... wonder my gynae got see wrongly or not. lynn, i also want to check everything back to normal lor... now is kind of bothering me..

glimmerhope, havent.. gynae said mense should come by the next 2 to 3 weeks.this is the 2nd week liao... i waiting for 3rd week.if didnt come, i thinking of going to gynae to check again..

janello, urs take how long to come then? u got take any mediciation while waiting for ur AF to come?
you tried the OPK in the 3 or 4 days? or after 3 or 4 days?

I'm not sure though probably wait for menses to come this month and monitor again next month?
Mine came ard 9 weeks after D&C, been taking TCM along the way. Went to EYS before also, after taking the medic for 1 week, AF reported.

Nw am comtemplating should I go to EYS @ Paragon to consult the specialist there, but I read in the thread is abit more expensive compared to the normal one I visited ...sighz...
lynn, yah. i tried and also observe the cervical discharge.. so far pretty dry. then the the test kept showing negaitve lor..

janello, oic. i only take the shen hua dang during the 1st week after D & C..after that, i took BFW (1 bottle) once. then now is taking folic acid daily lor
i start the clomid from cd2 to cd6. Why do u start on cd4 to cd8? I use the kit to test for O for my 3rd preg and i get all negative lei. We just try and dun think so much end up i strike lei. So i think maybe the kit dun work on me.

There is no reason given for the miscarriage i dun think is due to clomid lar. I have 2 successful preg with clomid also.

No i didnt have any complication for both my pregnancies. I give birth to both my kids naturally without epidural.
seems there's a lot to learn here regarding TCM.
Just wanna ask, for me, my baby lost its heartbeat, but i did not experience any bleeding or spotting or pain. I din even know I have a miscarriage till I went for the scan at the gynae. I think its called a missed miscarriage.

hence, I believe its not my womb or body that have a problem. I read that its more of a chromosome disorder of the foetus. Is it something we can prevent next time? or its all up to chance??

I know TCM can help to bu the mummy's body, but in my case, the foetus, will it help?
if i wanna TTC again, I just wanna know if there's any ways we can prevent this again?
but I guess chromosome disorder is genetic and all? hmmm..need all u ladies' opinions on this...

Thanks =)
zbabe, could it be because ur body still think u are pregnant?
for my case, i didnt know it stop growing till a visit to gynae too. and also asked y no sypmtom, gynae told me about this probable reason. the blood discharge came around a week later. during that waiting period, i still got feel nausea, sleepy too.

did ur gynae do testing on ur fetus???
mine did. and got the result "nomolar something" gynae explained so long is nomolar, will not affect the next pregnancy..
Hi yaya,
yup, I still felt nausea and all even though my foetus stopped growing, but I had my d&c done the very next day after my scan, so after that I was back to normal (except still got some cramps or pain from the d&c).
I am still having some bleeding and some pain till now (been about 6days, normal?)

I am not sure if my gynae did a test on my foetus, she never tell me anything except that the foetus is prob not healthy. I read up mostly during this confinement period...
I'm seeing her for a follow-up consultation next week, prob will ask her.
shd me and my partner do a blood test to see if we got some genetic disorder? cos really worry abt the next pregnancy.

yaya, means all these is by chance? kinda feel helpless if we can't do much about this ya? ...
zbabe, hugz. i know how u feel. i lost my 2nd pregnancy when she was 7 weeks. stopped growing. but have faith that you'll have a healthy baby and enjoy motherhood in the near future. in the mean time, bz yourself wif your impending wedding. i'm sure it'll be exciting times for you.
zbabe : chromosome disorder cannot be prevented. It sort of like a by chance thingy.

It's even worst when its genetic when either you or ur hubby has a chromosome translocation which can be passed down to your future kids.. not forgetting added risk and higher percentage for miscarriage.

I believe this is the testing your gynae got the both of you to do.

yaya: I think it could probably just be hormonal, and your body decides that its not healthy enough to ovulate? don't worry too much. I was told it takes at least 3 cycles after m/c to be back to normal. *hugs* don't think too much and wait for AF to visit.
zbabe, its a letter form. i was briefed by my gynae before the D & C ops.
for my case, i didnt see any heartbeat. i remembered that time i was real sad and helpless upon hearing the news.imagine there is a heartbeat! and gynae told me that its beyond anyone control.. i think gynae would mean the poor quality of egg or sperm or the formation process... i was told by my gynae its pretty common for early miscarraage (be it heartbeat stop or no yolk sac). alot of things really cant be explained or prevented i think. my gynae told me miracle is needed for every pregnancy and the mother never worry till the baby is i know maintaining a healhtly pregnancy is real big challenge!

im new in this forum.

Just did a D/C last Monday. I was told by my gynae that our baby heartbeat stop at abt week 10. It was really very very heartbreaking.

Me and my bf decided to get married when we realised that I am pregnant. We rush through our wedding dates, hotel banquet etc. I cant help but to feel dat the miscarriage happens because I was too stress. Stress with issues like finances as it is a unplanned pregnancy, teling our parents abt the pregnancy, planning of the wedding in such a short time frame ...
Lynn (dreamiez), you mean there is such thing as genetic chromosome disorder? Then the couple will never have normal embryos no matter how many times they preggy because everytime preggy will have abnormal embryos?

Or chromosome disorder should not appear recurrently?

My case, 4 IVF transfers, all embryos didnt implant till the last one, but lost it at week 10 cos it didnt develop. Dr say abnormal embryo thats why. I am starting to wonder is it my DH or me got genetic chromosome disorder thats why so many IVF transfers, the embryos never made it, even the one that made it, finally gave way because it was abnormal to begin with.
my sunflower: yes there is. I'm one such carrier. it happens to 1 out of 500 newborns. It's just the way god made us. special perhaps?

some people are lucky and never find out about it for life. cause function as normal, the only problems we would have is when it comes to producing offsprings..

Nope, not all embryos will be like that. your ovaries will produce 3 types of eggs - abnormal, same DNA like yours (carrier) and the totally normal ones. just that chances of it being abnormal or same DNA is higher then normal. As well as having higher percentage of miscarriage.

but it doesn't mean that you will never have a normal baby. it just take some time, some help and trying along with some hope.

BUT it can also be a one-off case as in it just happened to this particular embryo de novo.

ask your Doc if you need to go for karotyping to see if either of you have the rare chromosome disorder or to rule it out?
lynn, okie okie.. i will wait patiently..meanwhile i will observe the discharge and see whether want to test it with OPK or not..
ladies, dun despair! must be hopeful k !

[also self consoling myself]
p/s: my hubby dunno is it casual talk or what. he sort of 'blaming' me for thsi miscarriage last sunday afternoon..saying that if we got baby, will play with him instead of doing nothing in a sun afternoon..sianz.
yaya: yeap. monitor if got white egg kind of discharge and test with OPK.

erh. I think your hubby just don't know what you're going through/feeling ba. sometimes they just speak what's on their mind without thinking what it might make you feel.

no one wants a miscarriage de. It's just god's way to make sure you get the best. I believe no one would want a baby that next time will bring you lots of problems etc.
morning ladies!

finally got time to come in. my temperature dipped this morning. i should be seeing RED these 1-2 days! i can't wait! everyone shouldn't give up easily. our time will come!
hi ladies.. few mths nv com in here since my 2nd m/c.. been trying for bb again n finally found myself preggie again last mth.. supposed to be ard 6.5wks nw.. but i started to lose my preggie symptoms last sun.. and got spotting yesterday. went kkh 24hrs clinic n did a scan.. sac was 5wks+ which the gynea commented was ok, but need to monitor n scan again 2wks later to see if bb is growing.

the spotting was brownish den had a taint of red.. but aft the progesterone jab, it went back to brownish again. was put on duphaston twice/daily.. tot the spotting stopped tis morning but i started to spot again juz nw after feeling crampy.. tis time the spotting is more reddish.. i'm really scared of having another m/c.

gynea said if one more m/c i will haf to do some tests to determine y i keep having m/c.

sometimes i feel my hubby blames mi for the m/c.. he was rather caring during the 1st m/c, but 2nd m/c onwards he like dun really care abt mi anymore. yesterday when he heard i'm spotting he juz said "liddat no hope liao right!!". it's really upsetting!!

am nw on a weeks long MC to rest.
bluberi, sorry to hear what you are going through now. continue to stay hopeful and hope for the best. there is nothing we can do to prevent for another m/c. men are not as sensitive as us. they don't go through what we actually went through..
Thanks for explaining Lynn (dreamiez). Ok, i think i should get a test done then otherwise keep failing IVF or MC and still dont know why.

Sorry, how to ask from doc, just say i suspect DH and myself got genetic problem thats why poor IVF success rate and want to test genes? Or say karyotype is understood?

How much roughly? Sorry i ask so many qnz.
Bluberi, my case same like yours. You try to lie down and rest and dont move too much. Let the spotting lighten. Maybe can call doc up see whether can double up duphaston?
yaya: I din get any letters for the d&c, i guess my gynae never do test.

My gal frens say first time m/c no cause for alarm to do checks yet, if twice or more, then its better to go. not sure, but maybe see what gynae says next week.

I think its true that a baby's life is a miracle, the whole pregnancy process seems so fragile, anything can happen anytime...
however, we shd not focus on the negative aspects =) lets all be happy mummies in the future, and look forward to our little miracle =)
my sunflower: yeap. just ask if karotype is needed and ask your gynae to explain more.
I had to get it done cause it was found that my foetus had it after we send it for karotype after d&c. the test cost me and my hubby $800+ for two person.

Each time i get pregnant now is a game of luck and chance. and i was told IVF is not an option for me.

yes. first time no cause for alarm. bu if happened second time its better to get the checks done.

zbabe: i think once you lost before, you will value the whole process alot more then those who don't.. some people thinks that it's a damn easy thing.
Hi bluberi,
i am Jappooh here. We did "talk" b4 last time. Sorry to heard that from u. Should get a gynae to check again to see what actually is causing the MC.

For your husband he is not the one going through it so he might not be that sensitive. Do talk to him abt it as planning for baby is 2 person decision If anything goes wrong it not the woman fault.

During my MC my hubby told me that take it is his sperm no good so i have a MC. He actually wanted to bear the responsibilty.. We cry together and say goodbye to our little one though i will never be able to knw how he/she look like.

Do stay strong. I believe u will have your baby in your arms soon.
thks lynn.. i asked my mum.. she think preharps my body not well enough to ovulate.. *sigh*... just wait and see liao lor

meanwhile, i just started working out. cos i realised that i kept on gaining weight. wonder is it the 'side effect' of folic acid?! cos my colleague also facing same situation as me.
i oso remembered u... please be strong..and hopes for the best... i know it's heartbreaking to have the same thing happening again and again.. meanwhile, since u r oredi on jabs and pills n mc.... do rest more and sleep...
hi ladies, thanks for ur concern n kind words.. after lying down for 2 days, the spotting seems to stopped today.. hope all is well n bb is growing.

lynn, my gynea nv push for test aft 2 m/c coz she tink it juz might be unhealthy foetus. for us, it's also a budget thing, it's nt cheap rite?

yaya, the kkh gynea dun recommend blood test.. he said scan 2 wks later better..
bluberi: I have no idea. but if it happens another time, it would be better that you get testing done.

my gynae felt that for me it was weird that i would have 2m/cs in a row at my age that why she pushed me to get the tests done.

yeap not cheap. but finding out is better then keep m/c right?
good morning!

bluberi, glad to know you are doing well! pls continue to stay hopeful.

ladies, my AF finally reported!!!! I am extremely excited for her arrival! It took me total of 37 days (5weeks 3days) after D&C.

yaya, yours reported yet? if not, should be soon too.
lynn, sorry for my ignorant. I happened to read your post that saying you are not suitable for IVF? Is there a reason?

sunflower, I thought feotus checked after D&C is included in the package? I have mine checked lei..
lovinglife: yeap got reason. cause I have a balanced translocation found out through karotyping. and for IVF you can't choose which egg is a good egg, abnormal egg or same DNA like mine.
Hi gals, is it possible to have m/c even without knowing that you are pregnant? had my menses 2 weeks ago but experience some spotting now. Am really worried.
lynn, i see. Your case is very rare. Is there any solution?

liele, you might experiencing ovulation now. Some women will hv ovulation spotting in their mid cycle. If you are ttc-ing, this is the good time to BD
lovinglife: yeap. very. happens to 1 out of 500 newborns.
I'm lucky my gynae has seen a case like that before. nope no solution/ no cure. sorta like try till succeed. I've read about some others who have this can m/c like 13 times and still no alive baby.

liele: you could be ovulating, cause just nice 2 weeks after menses.
lovinglife, no le.. my AF havent come... i got some cramp tdy.. tested the ovulation kit, still negative.. called the gynae, the assistant told me if i keep testing negative, that means my hormone not back to normal and the eggs not released out yet.. ji si wo le. now i going to wait for 2 weeks to see if AF coming..if not, i will go down for scannign again. MC will not affect the ovulating thing right? i quite scared if it does.. maybe i think too much liao..
u count 5 weeks from D & C ? not from the date u stop bleeding ah?
me now is the 5th W starting today..

blubleri, oic.. just that my colleageu went for the testing that time, so suggesting lor. seems that its quite accurate. cos test the HCG level. if pregnant, HCG level will be higher and increase as days goes by.. but i dunno how fast can get the result ah.

liele, yes.. i read that some dunno they are pregnant
lynn, I hope you keep trying and don't give up easily. It's defenitely not easy but tilt your head up and move on.

yaya, I counted D&C day as my CD1. Yesterday CD37 and AF showed at night. So I consider today is my new cycle of CD2. To your surprise, I don't have much bleeding after D&C. Just spotted for 2-3 days. Panty liners will do. I am seeing gynea tomorrow for some blood test done. Hope everything in order now.
lovinglige, oic... that time after D & C, also light bleeding. just that i drink shen hua dang and make it come for another 3 days.. total last for a week. my mil and mum wants me to totally 'cleanse ' up the womb lor...
yaya, yes, the nurse is right. In order to ovulate, your hCG level has to drop to certain level (below 5 usually). If your hCG level is still above 5, which means O will not be so soon. I have HPT test 2 weeks after D&C and it was BFN. O-ed few days later. AF reported on 14 days after O. My LP still remained. What a relief.
yaya, everyone has different set of body. Some still remain but some changes after m/c. I don't know if our ovulation system changes or not. I will leave it to my gynea to monitor.
guess i should trust my gynae.. i was quite relieved when gynae said my egg is growing and should ripe within 3 to 4 days..but that didnt happen when i test with become anxious and worry liao.
tdy got abit cramp.. hope its the sign of AF coming..
i asked the assistant what other test can test for ovulating. she told me urine test..zzzz.

whats BFN and whats blood test u will be taking tomorrow?
BFN = big fat negative. The home pregnancy kit that I took after 2 weeks of d&c to self-check for hCG hehe. Tomorrow I am getting FSH level check. You can google a bit
lovinglife: yeap. not giving up. I'm just waiting for my miracle to happen.

yaya: don't worry soo much, later stress all the more won't come. and you sure would freak yourself out more. it's probably just hormonal imbalance that's why its not here yet.

If i'm not wrong, if it doesn't comes back within 8 weeks, you would need to go see a gynae and check it out again? something like that.
My hope for an Ox baby was gone. Had D&C last Fri. Now resting at home and to report back to work on Mon. Really so sad that I cried for days as was really hoping for a 2nd child.

Now have to wait for 3 mths before TCC again. And getting pregnant is never easy for me.

After D&C, I encountered AF on & off and usually will have cramps day to day. Is this normal?

JJM: not doing a mini confinement? *hugs*
techically that is not AF. the cramp feelings is just the uterus shrinking back to its pre-preg size. don't worry too much about it.
