Support group - Miscarriages

wow, today its the day where Ocean is going to see her little darling..
Tha's great Ocean..

Wish U best of luck and a smooth delivery..

hi tian tian, we jia you for one another.. I too thought that i have graduate earlier when i missed my period, but ended up its a false alarm..
Let's try it again and again and again.. I'm sure one day we will succeed..

Hi Java, wishing u Happy New Year too..

Take care all gals..
hi there,
java, i've been sleeping late these few terrible hor? dunno why leh! party mood i think!!! and my baby has been sleeping late too...she's awake from 8pm every night till about 2am when i finally go to bed.

millie, yes...i remember we started posting at the same time last year! Hey, you can make it! Then our babies will be born in the same year! Jia you...and when my baby arrives, i will make sure she gives u lots and lots of baby dust. Praying for you my dear friend!

Have a very happy New Year everyone. thanks for journeying with me thru out the year!
hi everyone!!!

Wishing everyone a Happy 2005, may all ur dreams come true in the coming new year...

i am not feeling well again... stomach got lotsa wind... loose stools... aii... making me veri worried... my GP told me diarrhoea has not effect on bb... but still, i am worried...

hey Ocean,
i think u r being induced dis veri moment!!! or mabbe, nurses r shouting at u to PUSH PUSH PUSH... or mabbe u r carrying ur princess in ur arms now... i am soooo excited for u... can't wait to hear ur birth story... do remember to take lotsa photos for ur princess & share it wif us here... ALL THE BEST!!! JIA YOU JIA YOU!!! *hugz*

hi tiantian & hamasaki,
hope u hv better luck nix mth...
*hugz & bb-dust*

hi millie,
i oso wish u all the best for ur TTC attempts... Waiting for u to post ur BFP here... good luck!!

hi starlite,
i dun experience hair loss after m/c.... mabbe it's a short-term hormal imbalance... do observe for a while first, if getting worse, perhaps better to see a doc... *hugz*

hi eugene,
*big hugz* we have all gone thru' the same path as u... every individual's grieving period is different... there's no definite time to it.. pls do take ur time to grieve... do not rush thru' it... only u urself know when it's time to let go... all of us will support u here shd u need a listening ear... *hugz*
hi tubby, thanks for yr baby dust and well-wishes.. hope me, millie, ULN and tian tian will brings U gals some good news soon..

Take care gal and take yr medicine on time.. Dun worry of yr baby since gynae had said that it will not affect her.. Dun think too much and relax yrself..

take care gal..
hi gals, latest baby news..

SINGAPORE: The race to be first has ended in a tie.

2 babies fought neck and neck to be the first born in the year 2005 and both emerged winners.

A boy was born at midnight on 1 January at the Mount Alvernia hospital.

At the same time, a girl was born at Thomson Medical Centre.
The girl was born to celebrity parents, Darren Lim, a MediaCorp artiste, and Evelyn Tan.

She is named as Christen Lim Jin En... Both baby and mother are well...
hi all,
Its one of those sleepless nights for me.

hi hamasaki,
yah yah I saw the wan bao. Its so coincidental that Evelyn Tan's bb is first to arrive on New Year of 2005.

I was wondering if the other couple is ocean and hubby. But they gave birth to a boy, ocean's a girl, so cannot be. I wonder how is she now.
hi Java, yes Evelyn baby is expected to arrive on Jan the 3rd.. But who knows she gave birth yesterday..

yah lor, Ocean baby is a girl so can't be.. i think if i'm not wrong, she gave birth on 31 DEC 2004... (through induce)

I also woke up quite early on sunday morning, about 6 plus. Haiz, dunno why weather so good also cannot sleep.But hor at least you can sleep on monday, I still got to work leh. So Sianz....

I logged in a few times to see if Ocean has given birth but still haven see her posting leh.
Hopefully will see her posting soon.
I have been very busy with the wedding preparations and the love nest. The love nest almost ready liao. This Wednesday, the bed will be delivered. Then it will be live in condition already. I am getting a bit stressed from the wedding preparation. I just got my photographer last week...
I am now collecting addresses and sending out invitations
. I gotta tie ribbons to the cards as well and the ribbons is not easy to buy...

hamasaki, sum, millie, tiantian,
We will jia you togather
. I have started to take temperature. It seems like I am having a long cycle ever since the miscarriage. My ovulation period should be around this time.
But too tired and no mood to BD these few days.

If I dun get pregnant by March, my gynae gonna suggest injections again cos I might be infertile. If I do... gotta have injections oso to prevent another miscarriage... gosh... I hate those needles.

So sad to hear that. I pray that you will pull through this situation. hugs...
Hi gals!

I jus read in the Jan thread that Ocean has popped on New Year's Day noon time and her baby is named Cherish.

Baby is premature, so need some monitoring. Hope everything is fine.

Ocean, hope to hear from you soon!

Hi ULN, we jia you together.. I hope U will get pregnate before Mar, so that U do not need to take the jab..
Pray hard hard for U..

Can i know when is the best time and day to take the temperature.. Do we need to take the Temp everyday for a few mths at a fix time..
Really Blur abt it..
Hi Hamasaki,

you are supposed to take the temp the moment you wake up, before you actually get out of bed. It is best to take the temp around the same time each day.

Hi folic, that's a good news..
Juz hope that everything is fine with Mother and child..

But who knows and type the news at Jan Thread that Ocean has given birth on that day..
Is it she herself...
thanks folic for yr advice.. so should i take my Temp now or after my period of this mth has ended..
Just have to take TEMP in the morning.. No need to repeat taking of Temps after that..
Hi Hamasaki,

Ocean did not post the message herself. She informed another gal on that thread about her birth.

For temp taking, you should take the temp throughout your cycle. So, if you are starting to take, I would suggest you start on the first day of the period for this month, so that you can have temp for one complete cycle. You only need to take the temp once a day, before you get out of bed. So, put your thermometer by your bedside.

thanks folic for yr advice and info.. I got it..

Will start to take my Temp on the day my period arrives..

Take care gal..
Hi Folic,
Thanks for yr info.

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">CONGRATULATIONS!!!</font></font>. Rest well and hope to hear from you soon......
Hi Ocean
Congrats &amp; Take Care!

Hi Gals
I am quite worried these few days coz I am in my 19weeks now but can't feel any BB's movements yet. Hope BB is grwowing well.
Just like to say CONGRATS OCEAN!!! Welcome baby Cherish!!! It is such a meaningful name isn't it?

Hi Java, Hi Folic,
How things? Hope to hear good news from you all soon

Hi Adora
Dun worry, I didn't really feel anything till well after 20 weeks. Sometimes, maybe baby did move but we just didn't realised that... Too light.
Quit worrying okie?
Congrats to ocean and her bb Cherish!!! What a nice name! Hope to hear her birth story when she comes back!

hi all,
*phew* me just came back from TMC. I was in the clinic since 9am. Went for my glucose tolerance test and like what folic described, drank the F&amp;N orange drink, luckily it was not as awful as I tot. Then waited 2 hrs to take the blood test again. My blood sugar level is in the normal range, so no diabetes!!! Then after that, went for detailed scan with Dr TC Chang. I'm glad to report that the cysts in the bb's brain is GONE!!! I'm so happy!!!!! He also checked the blood and oxygen thru the umbilical cord to the bb and its normal. But he has recommended that I do the detailed scan again at 36 weeks to check the oxygen flow. He also said my bb is a tall and big bb, follow mummy. bb is now 2.25kg at 33 weeks. I remembered Tiny's bb is also quite big right?

hi adora,
Have you gone for your detailed scan yet? If the scan shows the heartbeat, then there should be no cause for worry. I'm sure your bb is kicking, but your uterus may not be sensitive enough to detect his/her movements. Have you tried taking some sweet drinks and lying down in a quiet room? That way, maybe you can feel his/her lighter movements?
Hi Adora,

don't worry.. one of my frens did not feel anything until 24 weeks!

Java, very happy to hear that everything is a-ok!!
It must have been a relieve for you!

Hi Linda! I am well and good. Baby is a very active little girl! I am getting a little impatient :D and hope Mar will arrive quickly!

hi java, wow, a great news from U.. Big, strong, healthy and mighty baby U have.. Happy for U..

Must remember to post baby's pic next time after U give birth for us Gals to view.. Okie.. Dun forget..

hi folic.. in abt 2 mths time plus, yr darling will be born.. Me also excited and anxious for U.. Must post yr baby pics for us to view and tell us yr birth story as well..
So when its the expected EDD..
Hi <font color="ff6000">Java</font>, glad that your checkup went so well. And your bb too. Since Ocean had popped liao, we're now awaiting for Tiny's turn, you.. me then folic and etc. How exciting!!

Congrats Ocean!!
Shiok!! I just woke up from my afternoon nap. I got slight flu and sore throat today. These few days the weather has been really cold.

hi tiantian,
Yes. I'm not working today.

hi hamasaki,
Definitely. I really look forward to carrying my little one in my arms and posting his pics for you all to see.

hi folic,
It is a BIG relieve as you know how concern I was abt the cysts.

hi joyce,
How are you? Any latest status of your bb? You are one week from me, but dunno between you and I who will pop first hor? It doesn't matter, so long bb is healthy and normal.

Hi Linda,
So nice to hear from you. How are you? How's Vic?
linda, java, folic

Thanks for the concern! I am worried because last week I was able to feel bursting air bubbles in my tummy but now nothing at all.

Had not went for any detailed scan. My last scan was in Dec. Will be seeing Gynae next week.

Does drinking sweet drinks help?? I drank a pkt of Ribena after lunch but didn't feel any movement leh. I even went to the extend of "shaking" &amp; stroking my stomach. Still no reaction
Hi <font color="ff6000">Java</font>, me so far so good.
I'll be gng for my checkup next thurs. So will update you again. Now, as long my bb kick and move everyday, I'll be very contented already. And not to forget, also prayed that my bb will arrive safely.

Besides, your bb quite big hor... mine only weighed 1.5 kg at my 30th week. Dun think he will grow so much in 3 weeks time, keke.
Anyway, let's see in my next checkup. Just like what you've said, as long bb is healthy and normal, it's good enuff.

May God bless us and our babies.
ocean, CONGRATULATIONS! hope to read your delivery process and see pics of your baby gal soon here.

java, glad to know that your checkup went smoothly and baby has no more cysts!

ULN, concentrate on your wedding first. then relax and ttc. hope you hit jackpot the moment you try!

hamasaki, i have been taking temp every morning before i wake up. it is quite helpful as i can see a trend. but i feel that it can be quite stressful as i would wait impatiently to see if my temp remains high after ovulation period. i don't want to continue taking temp but my sinseh said that the chart is very useful.
Congratulations to Ocean!
Hope everything's going well so far! Can't wait to hear from u.

Java, I'm sure u must be so relieved &amp; assured! Now can look forward to a happy delivery
Yeah, my baby was 2.1kg at 33 wks, and 2.4kg at 34 wks. Joyce, the growth spurt will happen soon for u too i'm sure! My next visit is this Sat at 36 wks, and I'm sure either she or I have grown a lot cos this festive season i've been feasting and feasting non stop. My family is carzy...we've had dinners almost every other day since Christmas eve! My aunts &amp; uncles take turns to host...i feel so super heavy now.

Adora, don't panic. The movements get stronger only after 20 wks. Maybe your baby is v well cushioned and happy so no need to kick u!!
Hi Hamasaki,
You need to take temp when you wake up every morning, before you brush teeth, etc. The nurse told me to have at least 6 hours of sleep. Or at least 3 hrs of continuous sleep to take the temp.
I am taking temp every morning before I get up. Sometimes I forgets... So I got a few blanks on my chart...

aiyo.. so many posts.. will catch up tomolo
Now back to tying ribbons for my cards...
hi millie, me is the 1st time taking Temp.. will be starting this mth on my 1st day of my period as what Folic has taught me..

I guess i will forget.. Me find that troublesome and i guess i will be like U.. Very impatient to wait to know when my Temp is high..

hi ULN, i'm too afraid that i might forget to take.. Coz i always like to jump up my bed once i wake up and quickly dash to the toilet..
Hi gals, good morning! looks like quite a bit of excitement in the last 24 hours

Tiny/Java, your babies sounds so heavy in comparison to mine. My baby is 1.02 kg at 28 weeks. It is hard to imagine that she will grow to 2+kg by 33 weeks!
I am looking forward to my visit in 2 weeks time. I would be 31 weeks by then.

Adora, don't panic now. I am sure you will feel your baby's movement soon. The more you concentrate, the more nervous u get, the more you can't feel. Just let it happen naturally!

Hamasaki, just try to get used to taking temp. after a while, it will become second nature and you are less likely to forget. My EDD is 21 Mar.

ULN, hope you are having a fun time preparing for your wedding!

Millie, Hope you get a 2005 baby!!

Morning everyone!!!! Today i feel extremely sleepy, coz last night got up at 4 am and couldn't sleep after that.

hi adora,
The more you worry, the more you can't feel your bb's movements. Its like that, happens to me all the time. So must RELAX!!!! Yes, like wat Tiny said, the bb only have the urge to kick if he/she is feeling cramp inside.

hi millie,
Thanks! Yes, I agree with your sinseh that you shd continue charting. Its very useful in identifying your O days and whether you are pregnant after the 2WW. Hope everything's well with you.

Hi Tiny,
Tok abt eating. You know what I bought yesterday to celebrate my NO DIABETES status? ICE-CREAM CAKE!!! I think I must still continue to watch my weight. You know at first I was quite worried, coz I notice that my tummy didn't seem to grow much, thus I was quite shocked to hear my bb grew 600g in a matter of 2 weeks. Also my weight gain was only abt 300g. So does this mean my bb absorb the other 300g from my existing fats? hehehe. Like that good man, my double chin is growing thicker.

hi joyce,
Yes like wat Tiny said you will get tremendous growth spurts these few weeks. Like me 1.6kg at 31 weeks, then 2.25kg at 33 weeks. So dun be too shocked.

hi hamasaki,
Why dun you put the thermometer beside your bed. It will become a habit whenever you get up to take your temp everyday, then you won't forget. But I notice that my thermometer stinks after I take it out from my mouth, coz of overnight saliva. So I have to wash it thoroughly with soap.

Yesterday night my SIL wanted to go to Kiddy Palace at Compass Point to see the bb cots. I did not want to coz that place holds sad memories for me and I didn't want to see the bb clothes, smell bb powder, etc. But I oblige since they were so keen, surprisingly I didn't feel too sad when I went in.
Java, so you only put on 300g also huh?
That's good. But hor, don't go over relaxed hor
Still must make sure you eat healthily ok!

ULN, don't feel stressed taking temps! My philosophy with taking temp is to take it as an exercise to let me know whether things are ok with, when I ovulate or whether I am ovulating at all. Don't use it like a prediction tool on when you will ovulate or when you should BD. That would take away some stress. Actually, a lot of documentations on temp taking states that it is not supposed to be used as a prediction tool on when to BD. The chart will allow you and your doc to discover what is right/wrong with your body. Jia you ok!

Hi gals

Thanks! Feel much better after reading your postings. Maybe you are right bb is comfy inside so no urge to kick his mummy. Yesterday, actually talk to bb, ask him to kick me hard
so I know he is well inside.
I will try to relax now and wait for my next visit....

Do you stay near Sengkang? I just visited Kiddy Place at Compass Pt last Sun, not many BB cots there.

Btw, did any of you have stretch marks? I saw some pics of the the marks &amp; it really scares me. Didn't know it can be so serious. Anyone of you have any good recommendations for Stretch Mark Cream?
hi folic,
yah u always remind me to watch my diet!! hehehe me eating sushi later, somemore tomorrow night got wedding dinner.

hi adora,
Glad u are feeling better. You are expecting a boy boy also? No I stay in Punggol. Where u stay? I told my SIL to go to Robinsons to checkout the cots. Actually Mothercare having great discounts also. Wait until you see my stretchmarks, it will scare you further. I'm currently using Palmers Cocoa Butter Stretch mark cream. So far I've not used any that is really good. My tummy still itches like crazy.

Me today really no mood to work. Just applied for my maternity leave for next month.
hi ULN, yup all of us here is anxious to see Ocean's post and baby pics..

hi folic, yes, i will try to remember to take my TEMP.. wow, yr EDD is near to my mum's birthday.. I can celebrate for U too..

WOW java, what is the thing that made U sooo happy.. Able to eat Ice-cream becoz to celebrate yr NO DIABETES status..

That' so funny..
my its the ear kind of thermometer.. juz have to throw away the old cap after i use it..
I will put the thermometer beside my side table which is juz beside my bed.. Hopefully, i will remember it..
hi ULN, ai yoh sayang sayang..
I have not yet even start taking my Temp but is feeling stressed up already.. Afraid that i might forget it coz i have a habit of jumping up on the bed the moment i wake up.

Let's us work towards it.. Take heed of Folic advice..
Hi Java
I stayed in Sengkang so I go to compass pt quite often. I think Kids Mall also have a wide range of cots.

Yes, I am expencting a boy. When is your EDD? So exciting, going to meet your bb soon...
I intend to try Mustela Cream, not sure if it works.

I love to eat ice cream, desserts have cravings for durians...maybe will buy some on my way home. Maybe bb will be more Active after these sweets treats ...

hi gals...
me feeling so sleepy for past few days... takings naps here &amp; there thru'out the day... i hope it's a good sign dat bb is growing well inside me...

Congratz to Ocean!!!
i believe we won't be hearing from her so soon cos she mentioned dat she will be doing confinement at her mum's plc wif no internet access... hv to wait patiently for 1 mth for her birth story &amp; pics of Cherish..

hey java,
glad to hear ur visit went well... now jux hv to wait for ur lil' boy's arrival...

hey Joyce,
i remember u bought a device in KKH some mths back... to hear bb's heartbeat... may i know wat's the name for dis device? i intend to buy it too...

hey hamasaki,
good luck wif ur temping.. dun get so stressed up lah... u hvn't even started yet...
mabbe in the beginning u r not used to it, slowly u will get the hang of taking temps 1st thing in the morning...
