Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Java,

I don't have very regular sex with my hubby and I heard pple said that sperms that are stored too long (not sure of the interval though) the quality are not that good. Not sure if that is true.

As for trying after one menstrual cycle, I don't think so. Would take gynae advice to at least wait for 3 months. My worry is that if i try too soon and something went wrong again, i will definitely blame myself for the rush.

I wanted to ensure that I'm physically and mentally ready before trying again.

Hi Starlite,

sorry to hear about your loss. Hope you recover both physically and emotionally soon. You should try whenever you feel that you are ready
There are instances of successful pregnancy for those who conceived even before their 1st menses arrive after D&C.

Hope to chat with you more often.

hi Starlite,
Have u tried temp charting before to track your ovulation? u can BD with ur hubby 2-3 days before O day to clear the old sperms, so that O day can have new fresh sperms. Yes, in the meantime, it more "bu" stuff like black chicken soup, etc.

gals, yesterday I bought a black chicken for $4.50. I find it very ex leh. usually its about $3+ only.
hi gals,
Just to find out from you hor.. Can pregnant woman go to hair salon and set the hair? Will the chemical from the hair gel and hair spray harmful?

I will be having my company's dinner & dance tomorrow and my colleagues are planning for us to go to the hair saloon together leh.

Thank you. miao2
Hi Starlite,
We did try after my first cycle post d&c. For me it was because I had very long cycles and I was reaching the big 3-0 so we didn't want to waste any time. However, it took a while before I finally managed to conceive again. In fact, we had tried for 6 cycles and I was really discouraged (if you read back on my previous posts you'd be able to tell..)and even contemplated fertility programmes by then! But God had other plans for us and the cycle I was going to ask my gynae about the options, I had conceived. Looking back, I think my body was adjusting and my cycles were regulating themselves first. That was in May, just after I had celebrated my 30th bday. Now I am almost 33 weeks into my pregnancy.

I know what you mean about age not being on our side. But I believe that 30 is as old as your gynae makes it out to be! True, our eggs are deteriorating, risks are higher, etc..but it really doesn't mean it's the end of the world lor. If you've managed to have a healthy child already then perhaps you can be more confident of conceiving again, without going thru the tests. Would u consider seeking another gynae's opinion?

And yes, impt to start trying only when you feel ready.
Hi Folic, Java and Tiny,

Thanks for responding once again.

Pardon my ignorance, but what is BD huh?

My menses are also very irregular and hence quite difficult for me to determine my ovulation. I have also not done any charting or temperature measurement as just want to try out and see how things goes a few months back.

Actually for this unfortunate pregnancy, I have attempted for approximately two months only. That my gynae has said we are very lucky given my condition of a smaller left ovary and the suspected endometrosis condition. Well....ironically, I think it's more of a unlucky for me as it has resulted in a miscarriage..sigh...

Tiny, is this your first child? Really admire your courage to try so soon after the D&C. For me, think I would wait for 3 months as advised by gynae.

I'm not considering a second opinion at the moment. Quite comfy with my current gynae...he's very experience and I feel I can trust him.

Btw, which gynae are you gals with now? I used to be with Vincent Lee from Raffles Hospital during my first pregnancy. Now, I'm with Peter Chew from Gleneagles.
Hello Starlite,
Actually I have a friend who has a certain condition since young, and she only has one ovary functioning (something like that, altho the actual condition doesn't sound so crude lah!) But she has 2 lovely children now, aged 2 and 3. She's now 32. And as for myself, for both pregnancies, the eggs were released from my right ovary. So it seems like one side functioning is good enough! So don't worry ok?

Yes, this will be my first child. Like I said, we tried so soon cos we had already waited for a long time before my 1st period came after my d&c! So actually it didn't seem that short a time. Had enough time to grief and close the whole episode. Anyway, prob not good for us to have tried so quickly cos it turned out to be very pressurizing - prob also why i didn't manage to get pregnant for quite a long time! I guess with a healthy son already, you don't need to rush into anything so soon. So it's good for you to rest a while more and take things naturally once you're ready.

My hubby & I were just saying that even if i have difficulty conceiving again after this, we won't feel so sad once we have one healthy child already. Of course, we'd love to have one or two more...God-willing of course. But somehow, having at least one already takes the pressure of trying to conceive.

My gynae is Dr teoh eng soon at Shaw Centre. He's elderly but very, very experienced. Is there a reason why you switched to Peter Chew this time?


PS: BD = baby-dancing! as in, having sex to conceive...

Sorry to hear about the lost. Don't think too much ok & take things easy. My situation also quite similar with you. I've a 2 yr old daughter. 2 mths ago juz had a m/c...was also abt 6 wks pregnant then...but bleeding a lot (suddenly) for no reason. At abt 5 wks, foetus heartbeat could be detected & was very clear! But few days later bled a lot & then after 2 scanning, no more heartbeat. Very heartache...

As for your question whether to do any tests or not, well my gynae said exactly the same thing as Tiny's gynae.


Maybe our gynae is the same person, ha ha!
Starlite, sorry to hear about your loss. My gynae also thinks that women >30 years old, age will not be on their side. I am reaching 30 very soon already and age is already not on my side to have baby...
Pardon me, I just kpo... How long have you been with Peter Chew? How do you find him?
Hi Gals!

Hope everyone is feeling a little more chirpy now that it is Friday. I am supposed to go on leave today but decided to work cos hubby went to play golf and I am too lazy to brave the Orchard crowd.
I just got a new notebook in the office, so I am playing withit now.

Starlite, you are a good 4 years younger than me... don't panic. As an encouragement for you, my gynae thinks I can have 4 children, one each year from now... :D If I take her advice, I would be 38/39 by then. fyi, I am overweight, almost 35, lost a baby during 2nd tri in my first preg, have irregular and long cycles etc.. all factors against me. If I can do, you sure can.. afterall, you already have one lovely child

I am seeing Dr Thong at Raffles Hospital. I liked her very much. btw, why did you not continue with Dr Vincent Lee? What was your experience with Raffles Hospital? Would be good if you can share some experience with the hospital cos not many deliver there.

morning gals...

hey miaomiao,
i think hor, hair gel & spray r pretty ok to be used during pregnancy, cos it's exterior coating on the hair... ask the hairstylist not to apply it near to the roots of ur hair...
i was oso thinking along the same line.. wantd to do hair treatment b4 x'mas...

hi starlite,
sorry to hear of ur recent loss... if u feel the need to go for further tests, jus go for it to give u the extra assurance when u try for the next one... do discuss wif ur hubby to see if he's comfortable wif dis option... meanwhile, do make use of the 3-mth period to 'bu' urself... hv u tried Bai Feng Wan? it's veri good for the womb...

hey ULN,
hv u test? *hugz*
Hi Gals!

Hope everyone is feeling a little more chirpy now that it is Friday. I am supposed to go on leave today but decided to work cos hubby went to play golf and I am too lazy to brave the Orchard crowd.
I just got a new notebook in the office, so I am playing withit now.

Starlite, you are a good 4 years younger than me... don't panic. As an encouragement for you, my gynae thinks I can have 4 children, one each year from now... :D If I take her advice, I would be 38/39 by then. fyi, I am overweight, almost 35, lost a baby during 2nd tri in my first preg, have irregular and long cycles etc.. all factors against me. If I can do, you sure can.. afterall, you already have one lovely child

I am seeing Dr Thong at Raffles Hospital. I liked her very much. btw, why did you not continue with Dr Vincent Lee? What was your experience with Raffles Hospital? Would be good if you can share some experience with the hospital cos not many deliver there.

Dear gals,
I wis I can be more positive on a Friday morning with the holidays coming up. U know almost every night I'm freaking out thinking whether my bb is alright. Last night I almost got up to call WK Tan for an emergency scan. Then somehow bb notice my distress and kick me, so I felt more reassured. Its like my imagination will go wild, if the bb never move much in the day. Last night I was even thinking to myself, this is it, God is going to take away my bb again, its going to happen again. Pls pray for me that I will have a more stress-free pregnancy. Thanks.

Dear Starlite,
I think the rest gave very good advice. I know Dr Peter Chew, you are in good hands, he is very experienced and gives morally sound advice. I'm with Dr WK Tan at TMC. Dr Chew would be my second choice.
hey folic,
need to ask u abt nuchal scan... i know it's another diagnostic tool to determine a bb's health... but how accurate is it?

my sis went for dat scan on wed & results wasn't good... 1:39 & 1:9 for her twins... based on her age & other factors, her normal range shd be 1:100, she's 32 dis yr & 12 weeks preggie now... i was veri disturbed when i heard dis... her own gynae had advised her 2 options: amniocentesis at week 16 or another test (involve taking sample tissues from foetus & cultivate the tissues for testing, hv to wait for ard 3 weeks)

i think she's seeking 2nd opinion nix week... veri worried dat the results came out the same for her...
Hi Sum, so did you do any post m/c test? When are you thinking of trying again? During your mini confinement the last time, did you take Dang Gui? My gynae advised me not to take for fear of aggravating the endometrosis condition. So i only take stuff like pao sheng, dong chong cao, etc.

Hi ULN, I've been with Dr Chew for about a year plus. I changed cos my company clinic change so cannot go to Dr Lee, else will have to pay out of my own pocket. Dr Chew is 60 yrs old now, very experience gynae with over 30yrs experience. He also have a lot of customers though so even booked appt already have to wait quite long at times to see him. He's also involved in quite alot of talks and i saw him in tv program a couple of times this yr talking about pregnancy related issues.

Hi Folic, I've been to Raffles hospital twice, once for my cyst op, the 2nd is delivery of my boy. I felt that the nurses there are good when it comes to take care of patients and attending to their needs during their stay. They are very nice, patient, caring and attentive nurses. However, I don't have a very good experience in the delivery ward cos the nurses don't seems to be experience in administering jabs. I was actually poked 3 times by the nurses when they tried to get me on a drip and all 3 attempts failed. So you can imagine i was already in pain b4 my labour pain starts! The best thing is, my gynae succeeded after the first attempt...phew...if i would have known, i would have juz waited for him man and not suffered the 3 unsuccessful pokes.

So Folic, do you have any children now?

Hi Java, may i know why you choose your existing gynae over Peter Chew?
Hey Java,
A big *hug* for u. We're almost there, cannot give up ok? Being over sensitive is inevitable, but look, at least your baby co operates and signals to you that 'all is fine, mum!' maybe your womb is just too comfy and baby is enjoying the snooze!!!

Hi Sum, so you're seeing Dr Teoh too? I really like him. Do u know he delivered me? And coincidentally, he also delivered my hubby. So we will be thrilled when he successfully delivers our baby
Anyway girls, I'm going to see my gynae now. Will know the results of my blood test. Update u all later!

Dear all,

Today i'm feeling very right i shd be in my 9week of preganancy...but when i went for my scan yesterday it's shown the growth of the embryo still at 6week+.. worse of all, heartbeat still cannot be detect. but, my gynae said that the embryo is still growing just that heartbeat can't be detected only... anyone have the same experience.

Tomolo i'll going for a more detail scan done by the radiologist. hopefully, everything will be fine..... really praying hard...
Java!! RELAX!!! You are over stressing yourself and it's not good for your baby. I am very sure you will make it through this time round, successfully! Jia you ok?

Tubby, did the doc do a blood test together with the nuchal scan? The scan itself only measures the thickness of the neck and this, according to an article has about 75% accuracy. If a blood test is taken and the results read together, then the accuracy is about more than 90%. Here is more info on nuchal scan:
The doctor is right. These tests are screening tests and there are indeed errors. The only way to confirm is to do amniocentisis, which carries a risk of miscarriage. It is a tough decision to make. I am not sure how I will handle it if I am your sis. However, during this pregnancy, my hubby and I did agree that if we test results were not good, we will not do the amnio as it has a risk of miscarriage. But thinking back, I am not sure if I would be strong enough to mother a baby with complications should I opt to continue with a preg given bad results. I will be praying hard for your sis, whichever decision she makes, it will be a tough one.

Starlite, thanks. I like Raffles very much. Most people will have difficulty finding my veins anyway..
so I am sort of used to that
I lost my first baby and this is my second pregnancy, so I am not excitedly looking forward to Mar, when I get to see this little one

Tiny, hope you have a good doc visit today!

praying hard, hope things turn out well for you. There are instances where heartbeat is detected at a much later stage. This is common, especially if you have irregular cycles and your baby might be conceived later. Good luck!

Java, I will pray for you... hugzzz....

Starlite, I also have endo. Do you know if can take Dang Sheng? Dr Chew will be giving a talk tomolo. I have signed up to prepare myself just in case I am infertile, but maybe cannot go cos too busy with renovation and wedding preparation.

Praying hard, hope things will be well for you... I have read that there are instances when heartbeat can be detected as late as week 10.
Hi Java,
Press on! You are almost there at the finishing line, grining at me with a heathly rosy baby in your arms liao! Dun let all these moods get u down.. While it is impt to monitor, dun get yourself stressed out.
I am always having a prayer for you!!!
hi folic,
she hasn't took blood test yet... i tot usually blood test is during week 16 as well? her gynae referred her to a gynae in KK nix wed... we'll see how's the results... dat nite when i was telling hubby abt dis matter, i started crying liao cos i can imagine the stress she's going thru' now... hopefully it's jus a scare lah... thks for ur prayers..

now i dunno whether i shd go for dis nuchal scan... althou gynae hvn't mention anything to me yet...

dear java,
i had times like dis as well... got a sudden sick & frightening tot dat my bb is gone... at least u can feel ur bb kicks now.. it's the best assurance dat he can give u... dun worry... all of us here will be rooting for u... we look forward for u to post ur bb pics here...

hi praying hard,
since embryo is still growing, it may be a case dat heartbeat maybe detected late... i understand the agony dat u r going thru now... *hugz* at the meantime, rest well & tok to ur bb often.. ask him/her to grow well & u look forward to carrying him/her nix yr..
Praying hard,
The most important thing is to stay positive and do not stress yourself out. I know it is easier said than done cos I have been through it before. May god bless you...
Dear all,
Thanks for all your concern. Yah, I shouldn't let my imagination go wild. I will try to sleep better tonight.

Hi Starlite,
No lah Dr Peter Chew is not my second choice. I only heard abt him after I'm with WK Tan. Many good comments abt him from my church frens. My menses also irregular, so I went for TCM treatment to make it regular, and with temp charting I was able to track my O day.

Hi Tiny,
Hope you have good results! Look forward to hearing from u later.

Where and what time is Dr Chew giving the talk? What is the talk abt?

Hi folic,
You are really a hardworking gal. Even if my hubby cannot accompany me, I rather stay at home than go to work!!

Hi Linda,
So nice to hear from u once in a while. How's Vic nowadays? Must be turning into a beautiful gal now.

My company just issued us broadband modems, so that we can work from home when the need arises. Shiok!!! I can surf net from home faster now!
Hi gals

My check up yesterday went well....BB is growing fine. BB was moving all abt during the scan....he even show us high five a few times... can see his tiny little fingers too!

Hope I will be able to go thru every visit smoothly....
hey adora,
veri glad for u as well.... u must be veri touched when bb 'hi-five' to u...

can i ask: do u roughly remember at how many weeks did u managed to see bb's movements via ultrasound? i shd be ard week 11 at my nix visit & i'm hoping to see some movements of my child..
Dear All, sorry, was not able to log in as i was in in and out of hospital. In fact, i was given hospitalise leave till early Jan'05. But here i am, back to the office as there is really no manpower.

So here an updates of what happened....
, abit longgish....
But can dun read too also lah!
Cos in short, it is just that i am now considered High Risk Patient!!

<font color="0000ff">On 03/12/04(Fri) morning, i went for my Growth scan. It had been more than a mth since i last saw my BB.
Things seemed to be alright!

My BB was about 1.93kg at Wk32.
But when the sonagrapher give me the scan with another pc of paper, my heart dropped!
I knew that paper!
It was the paper that indicate my BB's water level was low at wk 23. Now, from the paper, it showed that BB's AFI was only 5.4cm. That is below the average of 6cm.
Thus, i was admitted cos if i dun wanna to be hospitalised, i need to sign a Discharge Letter to state despite MO's advise to admit, i dun wan and that i bear full responsibilty shld anything happen.

Thus i went to arrange for admission and told hubby that i need to be admitted to Ward 31. That afternoon, went for Fetal Growth Scan
at ADC Rm 6 to chk on the <font color="ff0000">blood flow</font> from the cord to BB. <font color="ff0000">Blood flow</font> okay, but found that the water level dropped from 5.4cm to 5.0cm!
So back in ward, the nurse did a CTG whereby this is to check on BB's heartbeat and Contraction.

The results showed that BB's heartbeat is ok, but there is some contraction. The nurse said i might need to stay for the night to monitor.... However, at around 6pm, the nurse came and told me that i can leave. But i chose to stay for the night since the hospital already charged me for a day and can check with doc on the next day for more details.

On 04/12/04 (Sat)
, the House Officer came with a Medical officer and said that my contraction was mild. I can be discharged but came back for scan again on 09/12/04(Thu).

09/12/04(Thu), at wk 33, i went for a scan at AMC and
AGAIN, my water level was low at 5.1cm. The specialist sent me for CTG to check on BB's heartbeat. This times, it showed a dip in BB's heartbeat rate
and some contraction. Doc was quite concerned about the drop in heartbeat as he worried that BB had some problem!
Thus, the doc sent me to the Delivery Suite to have a longer CTG to have a more conclusive result.

At the delivery suite, after an hour or so of monitoring, the doc told me that BB's heartbeat is okay, but i had contraction almost every 3mins. She checked my cervic and said that abt 1cm open, but that is normal, so nothing to worry.
But i was told to admit in Delivery Ward whereby hubby can accompany me, just in case i was in preterm labour. I will also be given medicine to take to relax the contraction to prevent preterm deliver. So again.... i was admitted in Delivery Ward Rm 15 this time. Sigh....

In the delivery ward, i was put on CTG strip and given injection on my thigh to strengthen BB's lung in case of preterm delivery. Blood tests &amp; urine tests were taken and also ECG to chk on my heartbeat to see if it's normal. A needle was poke on my hand in case i need to be on drip. Hubby was with me in the ward! There is a phone to call too!

Sidetrack abit, but just to share the esperience in Delivery Ward...
During the night, u can sometimes heard from another room, screams of mummies and nurse shouting<font size="+2">PUSH... PUSH...</font> And after a while, u can hear BB's crying!
It symbolised that a new life have come to this world!
It is so touching, but to me, i really envy those pple... Here I was, in the delivery ward, worrying about my BB's health and that there is some problem with her....

At around 3am, 10/12/04(Fri), i wanted to go to the toilet. Told the nurse, but was given a tub to ask me to urine on it. I cannot leave the bed. Goosh...
i cant even go toilet???? Anyway, at abt 4am, the MO said i can be push to the normal ward as my contraction seem to be mild. So hubby went home.

11/12/04(Sat), wanted to go back cos i realised that for this 2 days in KKH, i had not pass any motion. I have been very stressed!!
Was asked to go for another scan and this time, WORST!!! The index showed that I am only 3.3cm. Instead of maintaining at the 5cm before i was admitted, it dropped further and yet, there was nothing the hospital can do except to monitor me and BB's heartbeat!!!
So, i chose to be discharge and rest at home.
Maybe a change of enviornment is good for me and BB!
Again, was asked to sign the discharged Letter and to come back on 16/12/04(Thu)!!

Went back for scan yesterday! I am now and the level had increased from 3.3cm to 4.2cm. But still it was low. Again, was asked to admit but i felt useless. So signed the discharge letter again. Now had to go back for close monitoring twice a week</font>
hi ocean,
We were wondering what happen to u since u did not post for some time. I will pray for you that your water level will increase to a good level, I didn't know that stress could affect the water level. Tok to ur bb, ask her to "tong" few weeks more.

hi adora,
I'm happy for u that ur checkup went well.
dear Ocean,
was praying for u dis few days when i dun see u ard... when i read ur posting, veri worried for u... i think hor, really hv to discuss wif ur boss to let u stay at home &amp; hv a good rest... or u can choose to start ur ML early... since u got 3mths of ML...

at least now KKH is keeping u under close observation... i'll continue to pray for u &amp; bb...
is there anything dat docs can give u to increase ur water level? or any advise given to u during dis period? *bug hugz*
Hi Ocean, good to see you post finally. You have gone through a lot these past days! Hope you continue to take care of yourself and don't stress yourself over work. Some nurses told me that drinking more water may increase the water level. You might want to increase your water intake. Jia you Jia you! You are almost reaching the finishing line. I will continue to pray for you and your baby.

hello gals

Was on leave the last few days so did not log in to chat. Hope every one is fine.

I will pray for u and yr bb. Try to rest more and do not move around unnecessarily. If you can recall, my gf also has the same problem and she was asked to deliver the bb at 36 weeks. Pls ask your gynae what other options are available beside close monitoring. I think it may be a good idea for u to have complete bed rest. Take care.
Hi <font color="119911">Java</font>, <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, <font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>and <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>,
! Sometimes, i really wonder why do all of us here have to go through so much just to have a child of our own!

When i looked at those mums who had just delivered in the ward, how i really envy that their baby was borned healthily without any complications. I felt so happy for them and yet i really envy them!

Yes, I seemed to be so near the finishing line, but i also felt that i am standing on thin ice!
Trying be stay positive as i had always tell all of u. Now, i only wish that my BB can be delivered healthly.

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, it is almost impossible to be on leave cos for administration, there is actually 3 of us doing. My manager had left and still cant find a replacement yet. Thus, some of his job are passed to me and my collegues. Now that I am in and out of hospital, that meant that my collegue will have to cover 3 jobs..... Really short of manpower leh.... Though company is not really appreciate that i came back to work despite on Hospitalise leave till early Jan'05, but i guess it is more of responsibility. I try to relax myself lor!!
dear Ocean,
yes... pls keep urself in positive mood &amp; stay relaxed... if u need to vent, u can always count on us here... *hugz*

i hope ur colleague is appreciative dat u r coming back to help her... dun need to get stressed over work... jus treat it as passing time there...

u will be the envy of all of us here nix yr cos u r the first to deliver in 2005!!
it must have been a terrified experience for you. Will pray for you that your water level will increase. M/while have a good. I am sure everything will be fine.

Tubby &amp; Java
Thanks for your concern! Oh ya, forgot to tell u gals, mine is a little prince.

Yes , I was very touched when BB saying hi to us
....actually bb wasn't moving at first. So I asked my Dr why izzit that there is no movement &amp; he told us that BB could be sleeping. However, suddenly bb started to move &amp; "wave" to us....seems like he knows what we are saying &amp; wanted to assure us that he is fine.

Actually this is the first time that we saw BB's movement. The last visit at 11 weeks, bb seems to be sleeping, no movement at all.

Maybe before your visit you can talk
to your BB &amp; wake him/her up.
hi adora,
congratz to you on ur lil' prince... he's really cooperative hor... at week 15, let u see his gender liao...
i must tok to my bb &amp; ask him/her to cooperate &amp; kwai kwai....

i think it's cos my gynae freezes the screen so fast dat it's hard to see bb's movements.. nix time ask her to hang on for a while..
Dear ocean,

I really felt kan cheong for you when I was reading thru' your email. I can imagine the amt of anxiety you must have gone and is going thru' now always wondering whether the little one is ok inside you.

Not sure whether you have started charting the movement of your bb. Understand that towards the last couple of weeks, we have to monitor bb movement and ensure that they move at least 10 times a day. Perhaps by doing this, it will help to reduce your stress a little?

Dear Praying hard, try to look on the bright side. I know its difficult cos i have been thru' that just last week. But for the sake of the bb's health, you have to be strong. I'm sure he/she is trying to be strong too. Jia you!
Dear ocean,
I think u should think more abt yourself now that you are in a crucial situation. I'm sure your colleagues will understand, moreover u got hospital leave till next year. Dun be a workhaolic, think more for your baby. Actually I marvel your calmness, if I were you I would have freaked out already given my current panic attacks. Same like you I also envy others who seems to go thru the pregancy smoothly and without worries.

hi adora,
Congrats on your boy boy!

Tonight I'm alone at home, coz my hubby went for his coy's d&amp;d. Later when I sleep, I hope I can relax and sleep throughout.
hi gals, how are all of U..
Hope all are doing great and well..

too many msgs and couldn't finish reading and remembering all..

anyway, hope all had a wonderful weekends..
I did tell my bb to be kwai kwai the day before. Actually told him that tml we will be able to see him so he must face us as the last time we couldn't see his face.

When is your nx visit? Maybe at 11weeks, you will be able to pick up some clues to know BB gender. For me, we saw "something" in between the legs but too small to confirm gender at that time.

Have a good night sleep!
wow... tiny/ java/>>
u are here too... i happened to surf aimlessly thru the recent 12hrs threads and came into here...

wow, i can also feel v. strongly looking word by word your posting and follow thru the feelings u had... I will pray for u too... Be strong. But most importantly, u need to rest more... and only this will give birth to a stress-free, happy, adorable BB!!
Dear Ocean,
Sorry I was away last night for my company D&amp;D so not been logging in since yesterday afternoon.

We were so worried for you 'cos we've not heard from you for the past two weeks. I was reading your post slowly so that I did not miss out any portion of it. You must have gotten a great fright huh! Will pray for you and your bb.
Don't be stressed! Don't give up ok! You are almost there liao! Work is still work but rest and stressless is the most important for you now right? Take care my fren... JIA YOU! JIA YOU!

Hi gals,
My check up today went very well.
Because...I saw for the first time my precious waving the little hand at gynae says my bb is saying hi to mummy &amp; daddy leh.... I'm so touched that I almost cried.. then also saw my precious kicking the little feet. Precious now measure 2.77cm. Suppose to be 9weeks today.

My next visit will be slightly later. It was two weeks once for the past 3 visits. Now I will be seeing my gynae 3 weeks later. My gynae says if all goes well, I might not need to take my duphaston anymore after I reach the 2nd tri. Crossing my fingers now huh!!
that's a great news to hear from U miao.. Glad that things is going so well for You and yr precious baby.. Baby is indeed happy kicking inside U.. What a wonderful touching gesture that yr baby did.. Waving to mummy and daddy..
So sweet...

Will continue to pray hard for U.. take care gal.. and enjoy yr pregnancy..

no stress only happiness..
I'm not planning for another bb at the moment. I juz m/c in Oct...wanted to give my body a rest first. Maybe next year after CNY then see how... I don't want to get pregnant too soon...juz wana ensure that my body is very very well b4 I try again.

I didn't take dang gui. Only take ginseng &amp; cordyceps (dong chong chao). But now, I'm seeing Eu Yan Sang physician to 'bu' my body.
My gynae is not Dr Teoh...I thought our gynae talks the same &amp; have same thought they could be the same person. Mine is a female gynae at Gleneagles, Dr SY Chew.

Really a coincidence to hear that your gynae actually delivered your husband &amp; you! So he must be very old now?

My gynae didn't do any post m/c test on me &amp; I didn't request for it either. After the D&amp;C, she took the tissues extracted out for lab examination. Thereafter I returned to her clinic to get my report &amp; she said everything in order. I also didn't ask much.
Hi Gals,
Good morning.

Hi Miao2,
Glad that your checkup went well.The feeling of seeing your precious one waving at you must be really great.

hi Praying hard,
Stay positive. Hope you will be able to detect the bb heartbeat soon............

Hi Adora,
congrats on having a bb boy!!!!
Hello gals...
Hope you all are well...

Ocean, hugs... Hope you are feeling better now...

Hi miao,
Congrats on seeing your baby wave

I cried yesterday morning in my hubby's arms for a while... I thought of my lost baby. I try not to, but I did... I went for a seminar on Saturday afternoon and someone joked about me having a baby and asking me where
It straight away reminded me that "I had and now it's gone". I felt sad inside me though I can still smile and laugh.
I have symptoms of pregnancy... dunno is it cos I think too much and stressed up. I will test end of this week. If positive, miao will be my buddy liao...
Ok gals, I will keep myself busy today... Chat again..
hi gals,
Good morning! I could stop worrying abt my bb, so I brought forward my appt to last Sat. So last Sat, went to see gynae. As my gynae was doing surgery and not available to see me immediately. I went for CTG for 1 hr. *phew* bb very active and heartbeat normal. I told the nurse how come bb doesn't move like that at home and in the hospital move so much? The nurse say its always like that. After that went to see gynae, she did the usual things like scanning. bb is now 1.6kg and projected weight at full-term would be around 3+kg already. Also like Tiny's bb has turn downwards, but not engaged.
After the checkup, felt more relieved and could sleep better at night. My next checkup is 2 weeks later.

hi ocean, hope everything is going well with U and baby..

take care gal..

Hi ULN, its really a bad thing someone make U a laughing bag..
I hope U are feeling better now and wish U best of luck.. Take care gal..
