Support group - Miscarriages

java you so funny lah you! i was also confused after reading your post...u made me think decimalpoint really got implants!!

Hey Ocean, hang in there. Actually you are considered in the safe zone already, so even if you have to induce labour i'm sure everyting will be a-ok!
My good friend delivered at 35 wks cos her waters leaked. and her baby is growing well! So just take care these few days and get ready to be a mama!!!

java, u really blur lah! make me go back read my post to see if i mistype or what.

yes folic, will not be taking anythg other than folic, cos i really very sensitive to medicine one. that's y not even DOM now.

ok going to pack my bag for work tomorrow!
ocean, so sorry u hv to go through the scares. don't worry. i am sure u and ur baby will be fine. rest well and keep us updated. ur baby may pop anything

decimalpoint, ur boss seems so hard-hearted! but glad that u r recovering and u r going back to work. but remember not to strain urself too much. still need to rest well.

miao miao, gd that ur checkup went well. take care and update us on ur next checkup.

sum, thks for sharing. my sinseh also said lots of reasons for m/c. dun want to dwell on it. been on his medicine for 6 mths liao. hope to get preggie soon and baby is health. *pray pray*

my sis-in-law gave birth last night. went to visit her just now. dun noe how to describe the feeling i had when i saw the baby. i felt so emotional and she's so beautiful! and i can see the joy on my hubby's face when he carried the baby. felt like crying when i see that.

gals, i promise to upload the photos over the wkend. been busy these few days.
yes tiny, agree with what u said.. get ready to be a mama ocean.. good luck..

hi millie ang, dun worry.. u're not alone in the TTC process. we jia you together okie..
I'm sure both of us can graduate soon.. hopefully by next year, there will be baby news coming from the both of us.. in no time, we will be able to carry our little angels in our hands..
Let's Jia you for one another..
Yes, u r right. The reasons are hard for the doctor to pinpoint. It had been two mths since my m/c & I've somehow accept it already. Right now I'll juz take care of my own body well. I'm sure u can cope with it well too. Take care!
millie ang,
You're welcome! Baby dust to u!!

btw, my sis-in-law's EDD is 31 Dec. But she still not given yet. Everyone is getting rather 'impatient' to see her baby boy! We were saying the boy boy must have been njoying inside his mummy's womb & doesn't want to come out. I also can't wait to see the little baby!! I think I want to carry him in my arms too!!

Baby dust to u too!!
Hi decimalpoint,
Dang gui is also hormones, just like EPO. My doc did ask me to take DOM two weeks after D&C. I had myomectomy togather with D&C. If you have fibroids, I think better check with your gynae before taking EPO or dang gui. EPO had helped in my fibroids' growth and my baby lost the battle to the fibroids
... My doc has adviced me not to take EPO nor dang gui. I have not taken dang gui nor EPO since...

I think you missed some of the posts... hahaha... decimalpoint did not has breast implants.. Just that she need an excuse to tell her boss about her medical leave for M/C. So one of us came up with telling her boss that she got breast implant...

I think Ivy Lee shotgun 7 years ago... cos she married and had baby same year. Then maybe not ready for second one.... then now ready...

Ok gals... Have a good day... I gonna be running around today. My love nest almost ready for my wedding
Will take some pictures and upload somewhere
Good morning gals,
How are you all feeling this morning? Last night as I was snuggling in my warm bed going to sleep. I was thinking how lucky we Singaporeans are, at least we are not worrying about not enough water to drink, clothes to wear, love ones gone...
My heart really goes out to those tsunami victims. May God comfort them during this difficult time and provide for their needs.
Lets all count our blessings and treasure our loved ones.
This is a message for hotcakezzz...

hi there, I have replied to your email. Hope you get my reply. Take care!

hi gals,
i was not feeling well yesterday... had diarrhea & felt nausea the whole day... dint eat much.. jus plain porridge... i think i hv lost some weight again...

hey miaomiao,
glad to hear ur gynae's visit went well... now u can enjoy ur New Year's celebration liao hor??

hi folic,
thks for ur explanation on gynae's visit... i will ask her abt mine during my nix visit... so did u managed to buy the bb's cot yesterday?

dear Ocean,
i think rite now u r in KK for ur nix check-up... we'll all pray for u here dat u will hv a safe delivery... Be strong ya... Look forward to seeing ur princess' photo....

to all the TTC-ians, lotsa bb dust for u guys...
Hi gals!

I am on leave today.
Had a very lazy morning doing nothing but surfing web and reading my book. The weather is so nice for just lazing around.. but my poor hubby would have gotten caught in the drizzle while playing golf!

Tubby, take care. Hope you feel better soon. Try to take smaller meals.. it will help curb nausea and also easier for you to stomach. I lost 3kg during 1st tri as well, from all the loss of appetite and throwing up. But, I have lots of spare fats
so, for you, do try to take some crackers or small light meals in between to get some calories!

I did manage to buy my baby cot yesterday. Feels that things are slowly getting into place. The bed will only be delivered towards end Feb though.

Hi Ocean, hope you have a good checkup. Do update us. Take care!

eugeneelie, it is possible that one does not have any symptoms prior to miscarriage. There is a medical term for it - missed miscarriage. That means, the baby has stopped growing for a while but the body has not started the process of expelling the foetus. Hope everything is fine for you.

thanks sum for yr baby dust.. i got it.. will keep it well.. (hahaha)

hi ULN, i agree that Ivy is a hot-gun case.. she was abt 2 or 3 mths pregnate at that time already..
thanks ULN, for baby dust.. i gave U some too.. We share share it.. Good luck..
hi java, i agree that we are lucky to escape this terrible tradegy that claims so many lives.. my heart almost sank when i first saw the news on TV last week..
Tears almost came down my cheeks when i heard that so many have died or missing..
And we S'pore just so lucky to miss this terrible tradegy that hit so many Asia Countries..

MAy their souls rest in peace and the Missing be found asap..

God Bless All Of Them !!
hi tubby, take care..
hope U get well soon and rest more..

wow a baby cot folic.. that's great.. everything is moving smoothly..
best of luck..
Thanks folic,

i am confused, a few of you are pregnant but why are you gals on this thread???

Can someone please explain the terms d&C, PCOS to me.

I am starting to read this thread right from the start, I think it will take me some time :p
hi all,
Had a heavy lunch with my colleagues as its the last lunch together for this year. Now my stomach feels quite bloated.

hi eugeneeelie,
Hope you are alright. Yes, some of us like ocean, Tiny, myself, folic, tubby, etc, are pregnant, after a lost. Previously we had a miscarriage/stillbirth. We remain here to give each other support and also "counsel" others who just had miscarriages.

hi hamasaki,
I think u are so nice. Always replying to everyone's postings.

hi folic,
wah good life lah you, can stay at home and surf net.
i cant help but feel sad.. coming to the office daily is killing me... ppl kept asking hows your bb doing.. i didnt have the courage to tell them i miscarriage...

how did you gals break the news?
Hi eugeneeelie,
I understand how you feel. Can I ask how many weeks were you when you miscarried? Its not easy to tell your colleagues esp those not so close ones abt your miscarriage. But they will find out sooner or later, so might as well just say you miscarried. Usually they will just say sorry and at least they will not ask how's ur bb doing, etc. News in the office spread very fast. Do come here and tok to us more often, trust me, u will feel better everyday. Take care.

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens: but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us." ~ Helen Keller
thanks java...

27 Dec. I went to see a doc for some medication for my allegy and i told her to do a scan as well, cos i dont feel pregnant then the doc cant detect the heartbeat, but the scan shows that I am 7weeks 5 days pregnant.

The whole night i cannot sleep, went to KKh next day and my gynae said he is 99% sure i have a miscarriage, cos there is no heartbeat detected. my heart sank, once i got out of his room.. i cried.. i cannot accept the fact, i still cant, I dont have MS, no bleeding or tummyache..

The gynae asked me to go back on 3 Jan double confirmed.

what a way to end 2004 & start 2005
Whatever the results may be on 3 Jan 2005, you've to stay strong. Most importantly, you must rest well & eat well. Sometimes cry it out & you'll feel better. It's better not to hide your feelings. Talk to somebody who's close to you & can give u a listening ear. Else you can always talk to us here. Don't think too much ok?
Thanks Sum...

My EDD was August 9, 2005, was so looking forward to have a national day bb.. now the dream is shattered...

can I ask how long you gals tried again before you get pregnant?
hi java, me nice mah.. (kekekek)..
cos U gals have given me so much strength and support when i lost my baby and right now, me TTC.. U all given me so much courage and support.. Gave me so much Baby Dust to me..
Got to thank all of U gals for being with me all this while..

U are nice too Java.. Glad to know U in this thread.. togeher with the rest..
hi eugeneelie, do take care of yrself.. take some time to grief and when U feeling alrite...
try again for a 2nd baby...

Do come over to this thread to chat with us..

take care gal..
how did you gals over come the grief???

my hubby have been very supportive & loving, but the more supportive & loving he is, the guiltier I feel
. And I dont know how to put it across to him. Every time, I said sorry, he kept telling me it not my fault.
hi eugeneeelie,
Could your gynae see the sac and embroyo? How come your gynae ask you to wait until 3 Jan and check again? Maybe all is not lost?
I think the important thing is not to blame yourself. When these things happen you will sure question yourself the "what-ifs" and whether you can do anything to prevent the same thing from happening again. Some things cannot be explained and you just have to take the courage and try again for another child. In the meantime, eat more "bu" stuff and later on when you are emotionally ready, you can try again.
Hi Java,

The gynae can see the sac & embroyo, the only thing that is missing is the heartbeat

The embroyo is 17mm, which is the estimated lenght for a bb 7weeks & 5 days

what are the "bu" stuff?? have been reading the thread right from the start.. so much abbreviation.. until i blur
hi eugeneeelie,
Please take care of yourself ok. Don't think too much. You must not stress yourself with all these guilt and self-questioning. It's nobody's fault that this happens. Take enough rest for this weekends and don't think too much. Feel free to talk to us here ok.

Me too had a missed abortion sometime in June this year. It was my 2nd gynae's visit when no heartbeat was detected. At that moment, I also thought it's like the end of the world for me. But I came across this website.... I get great comfort for all these kind frens here.

I slowly move out from my dark corner and begin to accept the fact. Then after two cycles of AF after my D&C, I ttc again. After few months of ttc and now, I succeed again.. In my 10weeks+ now.
So I'm sure you can do it too.. just like some of the gals here. They have all been through the same grief, be it at which stage of their pregnancy.

So the most important thing for you now is to take enough rest and don't worry your mind sick ok.
Hi All, me back at home!
BB water level is still below average, but increased compared to Monday at 5.3cm. Doctor told me this level is fine as long as it dun dropped too much and that BB's heartbeat showed that she is moving well!
But i tolddoc that from wk 35 to wk 36, BB only grew 33g only!
So little!! But he said it's ok as BB is considered average weight.

So now, i had 2 options:-
1) To continue close monitoring
2) To induce labour as planned
Of cos, to induce labour is safer as no one knows if BB's water level will suddenly dropped further.

I think my BB is quite noti as she can have one day measurement at 5.1cm, and the next 2 days 3.3cm. And just last wk, her level can be <font color="ff0000">2.6cm</font> and then 4.8cm.
Goosh..... and the doc also advise to say that maybe it is better to induce. So hubby and i decided to induce tomorrow!
But hor, now i start to feel abit scared!

Well, <font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, maybe u r right! I might see my BB before yearend!
You know, i think my BB wanna to celebrate New Year Day, Hari Raya and Chinese New Year!
Actually, i was thinking if i delievered next mth, then can no need visitings
cos i be doing my confinement!

<font color="0000ff">Sum</font>, u have been reminding <font color="ff6000">Decimal Pt</font> to take care and rest well!
But hor, must remember, u also must take care of yourself hor!
I know at times you can feel very sad, but trust us, we have all gone through this before.
Slowly, you will be a little bit by bit, grow stronger day by day!
But first, both of you must recover physically! Jia You!

<font color="119911">ULN</font>, wow, u think too much lah!
Hahhaaa.... actually i dun mind a 01 Jan Baby
, but i guess it all depend on my BB. Heard that if 01 Jan born, BB can choose to enrol with either 04 or 05 Babies!!
Dun noe true or not!
Oh, think i get carried away!
Most impt is a healthy baby!

By the way,<font color="119911">ULN</font> how is ur wedding preparation? You know, i still recall those moments when u r telling us abt ur pain after ur M/C.
There, i was worried for u as it appeared that u seemed to be recovering slower in term of health than most of us!
But then, i realise cos u had an operation! Now, glad that u r better!

Wow, <font color="0077aa">Hamasaki</font>, u got X-ray eyes?
The way u decide Zoe's breast having full of milk!! Hahhaa....
Buay Ta han.... kekee..

<font color="aa00aa">Tiny</font>, if i am not wrong, after me, will be u right? You are currently in ur 34-35wks, is it? Do take care too!
Jia You! Next will be <font color="ff6000">Folic</font> and <font color="119911">Java</font>. Must all hang in there!

<font color="0000ff">Millie</font>, thanks!
Hey, though i am preggie, but i can understd how u feel! When i was hospitalised in the ward, i saw those little new born pushed to their mummies! Oh..... i look at them with envy.....
So nice, they got babies in their arms and here i was, lying on the bed wondering if BB is healthy and whether will i have one..... But i guess those are just some of the sad moments
whereby our hearts is being block! <font color="0000ff">Millie</font>, i always feel that u r very strong, and i strongly believe that u will have ur little one in ur arms!
Just that, try to relax!
This is what i really learn. That day when the water is only 2.6cm, on the next day, i sort of relax and leave it to fate when going for scan, the level had increased!
So must relax and stay positive!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> dear, hey, u r right to say that i am in KK at ard 12 something!
How u feeling today?
Must rest alot hor!
Dun worry abt weight loss lah, cos it is common for preggie to loss weight in 1st trimester and begining of 2nd trimester! Just make sure that u must eat something! And oh, though i think wun help much, if possible, drink more water too! At least 8 glasses!

<font color="ff6000">Mao</font>, glad that ur checkup went well too!!
Isnt it wonderful to see the little darling growing and moving?!

<font color="aa00aa">Eugene</font>, i'm sorry to hear that the gynae stated that it is a 99% sure....
I do hope that the scan is wrong... but pls try to have more bedrest for the time being! By next Mon, you will noe the result! Whatever it is, like what <font color="0000ff">Sum</font> said, stay strong and try to be positive! There is still a chance!

As for how long to try again after M/C, for 1st trimester loss, the advice is usually 2-3mths. But most imptly, i think at least must wait till after ur 1st menses!

<font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, how r u doing now? You shld hv already settle in ur new hse liao right?

<font color="0077aa">Jujube</font>, thanks for your concern too! Seriously, it is great to have u gals around for support!! <font color="119911">Java</font>, think for me hor, it is more like you all support me!
hi eugeneelie

it's hard but pls try not to blame yourself. It's not your fault although we all try to find out the cause of the loss and think that it could be something that we did or didn't.
I also had a 'missed abortion' at 2nd gynae visit. Was devastated when the gynae kept quiet after the scan coz he was very chatty during 1st visit.

think i saw java post the quote before sometime back and it moved me to step back and to stop staring at the 'closed door'.

do come into this thread often, just reading through may help you emotionally.

Sum, i don't experience weak legs but very obvious that i have a weak clench of fist now. Seems like I did not regain the strength in my fists/fingers. At times I can't even open a packet of potato chips.

all the best running the last lap to delivery

if u can choose, try avoid delivering on 1 Jan coz believe in most companies the 2 days childcare leave per year is to be taken till 'no more than 7 years old' meaning if the child turns 7 on 4 Jan 2012, u still can take the 2 days off on 2 and 3 Jan. If 1st Jan then u won't be able to take. I think so.
Thanks all for your encouragement
At least it good to know that so many have conceived again.

Hope you gals have a good holiday.. see you gals next year.
Hi <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>.. nice to hear from you again... here I wishes you a smooth delivery and a healthy princess. Must update us on your birth story yah...

<font color="aa00aa">Joyce
hi ocean,
Nice to hear from you again. Was wondering how you are doing leh...

If I'm you hor.. I'll opt for induce 'cos I definitely cannot take the stress of seeing the water level going up and down, and then going in and out of hospital leh...

You must take care ok. Waiting for your good news hor!!
Oh <font color="0000ff">Joyce</font>, so long din see u in this thread hor!
Or is it cos i in and out of hospital, miss out ur postings!
How u doing? U r also in your last trimester, right?

<font color="aa00aa">Whitefloral</font>, hmmm.... i dun noe leh... suddenly, i am in my last lap...
Still not prepared yet as i always thot i be delivering my BB in 26Jan.
As for the Childcare leave, for my company, they base on year. So if my BB is delivered in '04, i will loose 2days of leave.

Anyway, was thinking if i going for 2nd child, then it does not matter!
But hor, after so many frights, sometimes, really scare....

<font color="119911">Mao</font>, u r right! Actually, i told doc tmr will induce. But back home, i start to feel scared!
So ask hubby to let me log in! Me usully dont log in at hm as computer at home is very slow!!
Very impatient waiting! Keee...

Oh, by the way, <font size="+2"><font color="ff6000">Happy</font> <font color="ff0000">New</font> <font color="119911">Year!</font></font>
Dont think i can log in after tmr cos i be at mum's hse!
Hi ocean, glad to hear from u..
Wow, u are going to see yr baby tmr.. That's a great super news..
Wish U and baby well..
God bless the both of U..

remember to tell us yr birth story..
take good care gal and rest well after giving birth..
back from work, dinner... such a long day! feel i am getting a bit "slow" in work, memory not so good, hard to pay attention during meetings(2 meetings today,both more than 2 hrs). hopefully due to long break from work and not m/c!

eugeneelie, i was from the aug 05 mum thread, any impression? i disappeared from that thread cos i no longer can feel excited or engaged about what the girls are talking about. like looking at them through a glass globe. my dr asked me to wait for 2 weeks, but 2 days later, i was bleeding like nobody's business, husband decided to bring me to hospital at night, and next day i did the D&amp;C. i cried all the way after coming out from the clinic, while waiting for my husband to fetch me and all the way home when dr told me it's a 50-50, cos somehow i just knew it is really not 50-50, the odds are against me. people looked at me with such sympathy when the walked past the lobby where i sat waiting for my husband, but i cldn't care less. i just let my tears flow and flow while the stares go on. sigh.... dun want to say already lah, think about it again i want to cry. i think the worst part is the waiting, on one hand you hope for a miracle, yet on the other hand your heart feels so heavy. hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
do come here often, the girls here are great, i feel very encouraged and supported here. and the wonderful news that some of them are due soon is very heart warming! so ocean, wish u a smooth delivery! though i have not "known" you for very long, i really really in my heart hope for the best for you!
Alamak, <font color="119911">Decimal Pt</font>, u r home so late?
How can?
Pls try not to work so late, hor! Must try to rest more!

I was browsing the threads and one thread just happened to remind me of my previous bad experience after D&amp;C..... i felt so sad and sort of miss the little angel that had left me!
Goosh.... should think too much since tmr i need to be induce!

<font color="0000ff">Hamasaki</font>, thks! U take care too and i hope by the next time i log in, i had more good news!!
hi ocean, i hope there will be good news from me the next time U log in.. Also to hear more super good news from U and baby..
Must keep us gals update of yr progress and baby..

U take extra care since tmr is the day U are going to deliver..
Wish U a smooth delivery..
May God Bless both mother and child..

hi decimal, pls do take care of yrself.. And get more rest.. try not to get home too late..
Take care gal..
Dearest Ocean,
How exciting! I feel so happy for you. Soon your anxiety will be over and you will be able to hold your baby in ur arms!
All the best my dear, and don't be afraid ok? You must have a good experience to share so that i can be encouraged by you and look forward to my turn, and all the others in this thread too!

Let us know how it goes. God bless you!


PS: yup, i'm into my 35th wk this Sat.
Ocean dear,
I'm so excited for you!!!! So you will see your bb either tomorrrow or on 1 Jan. May you have a smooth delivery, dun be garang if you feel painful, just take epidural, it will help you relax and the cervix to dilate faster. Look forward to hearing your birth story and see your bb pics.

hi tiny,
how come u log in so late. no good to sleep late leh.
so u also excited? Soon it will be your turn.

hi whitefloral,
hahaha u very funny leh. Are you in HR line? You seem very clear of the T&amp;C involved for childcare leave. I think if bb decides to come out on 1 Jan, mummy also cannot do anything.

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! Hope next year is a better year for all of us. Those TTCians will get pregnant and those pregnant will have healthy babies in their arms.
Hi all,

I have not posted for a while. Hope some of you still remember me.

I would like to check with you gals know whether after a m/c, will we experience hair loss, you know like the one we experience some months after birth?

I had m/c 4 weeks back and now, my hair is dropping like nobody business. I used to have hair loss problem but recently weeks it seems to have worsen. So would appreciate if you could share your experience.

Hi Ocean,

Very happy to learn that you are finally going to give birth. I was also induced the last time when delivering my boy. Maybe i worried too much about the pain and dont really have time to enjoy the labour don't be like me...relax and enjoy the birthing process.
Hi gals!

wow so many postings!!

Ocean, hope you will have a1/1/05 baby!
So excited! This will start the 'train' of 2005 babies!

Eugeneelie, It is indeed sad that you are in such a situation during this festive period. The process of recovering emotionally is a long journey but I think it would help you if you voice your thoughts and feelings here. We have all gone through similiar experiences and would understand the turmoil that is currently going through. The quote that Java provided is one of my personal favourite as well.. if you watched the sound of music, you would have heard sister marie said that as well.
Most importantly, you must not blame yourself for what has happened. I believe everything happened for a reason but sometimes, that reason is not known to you forever. It is difficult to accept 'no reason' as the answer but sometimes, that is indeed the case. Take care!

Hello gals,
Good morning. I was sick and was om MC the last 2 days. Feeling very nausea and keep wanting to throw out, and feeling very tired. At first was so happy, thot I graduated liao but hor just a false alarm lah.

The doc suspect I got stomach flu as there are lots of "wind" in my stomach.At the same time she also told me my symptoms are very similar to ms but just to early to test cos I am only CD22 when I saw her. Anyway, this morning at CD24, I'm so kiasu that I tested but
. Haiz, think this month another month wasted again.

<font size="+1">So excited for you!!!!</font>
Hope to see u on TV tomorrow being having the 1st baby on <font size="+1">1 Jan 2005</font>. Jia You Jia You.
ocean, was worried when i didn't read any postings fr u. glad that all is well. so excited for u. u'll be holding ur little princess in ur hands soon.
u didn't say what time u r going to hosp today. maybe u are already in the delivery ward now!
do update us on ur delivery process and on ur little princess.

u'll be the first among us here to deliver. pray that it is a good sign and like what folic says, we will have babies popping continuously in 2005!

tiny, i am so excited that u r next!
we've gone through so much together and now, i'll have to jia you liao. hope to join u as a 2005 mum!

hamasaki, sum and ULN, thks for baby dust! we all jia you ok! ULN, how's ur wedding preparations?

eugeneelie, so sad that u have to face such an awful situation over the new yr. it is going to be difficult but no matter what the outcome is on mon, u'll have to face it. we pray that it'll be good news but be prepared for bad news. it's impossible to state how we overcome the grief but we did. the process of healing takes time and varies among different pple. impt is to accept it, grief for it and be positive for the future. having loved ones around help. do come in and share with us ur thoughts often. it really helps. take care!

starlite, cld it be hormone change? i didn't have hair loss but my hair became very oily hair after my m/c! had to switch to shampoo for oily scalp for over a mth. u may want to check with a doctor to confirm?
Hi <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>, yah. Am reaching 32th weeks in this Sun. Ok, last but not least, must 'steady pong pi pi' in your delivery!! Jia you! Jia you!

Me still in office. sob, sob. This morning gotta solve a support case. Going home soon.

hi starlite,
Did you just rebond your hair? After I rebonded my hair, it drop like crazy.

hi joyce,
At first I tot who is BabyJoy. eh u one week before me.
