Support group - Miscarriages


Thanks for taking time to type out this lovely story & share with us. It's a beautiful story with lots of meaning in it. Thank you!
Where's everybody these days???

I took half day leave today. This week has been a hectic week for me. So today went home to sleep. Shiok! Slept for 1.5 hrs! You know I've been going through my past postings in this thread and cosolidating them into a pregnancy journal. I've also pasted my tummy pics in it. I will let u all see once I'm done with it.

Last week I bought this book Amazing Grace for Mothers. It contains many short inspirational stories of things mothers and mothers-to-be do for their children. Recently I've been praying to God to help me be a good and patient mother. As I was reading the book, I realise that God is teaching me that to be a good mother, I have to be a good daughter too!

Hope everyone have a great weekend!
Hi hi Java!
i'm here, just too lazy to write. besides, my server something wrong for the last few days, dunno why. so kept getting kicked out..
jujube, like Folic says, long cycles doesn't mean no hope. i know how u feel...i hated my long cycles cos the wait was killing! and esp disappointing when nothing came out of it at the end. but hey, my cycles somehow regulated itself after 3 mths post m/c, and became shorter take heart, my dear. Miracles are plentiful! Look on the bright side, ok?

whitefloral, i read the long story...and was sobbing thru half way!!! thanks for the reminder. i sent it to my hubby...hee..but don't think he will have to patience to read it tho!

Millie, enjoy your trip!

Lastly, just a piece of news to share with u, my baby has finally turned
Thanks for sharing this touching tears rolled down as I read....

I sent it to my hubby too...but i doubt he will finish reading the whole story...

Was reading office mail at home when I saw the long email article from my boss. Tears started to roll when I was reading half way through and by the time i finished reading, I was sobbing and my hubby asked me what happened.

Asked him to read it and he patiently went through it and said it's touching.

Sum, I just cut and paste, not so 'on' type the whole thing out.

Went to see a Eu Yan Sang physician to see if my body needs to condition for ttc. She said I have a weak spleen but generally ok.

I also went to a Eu Yan Sang physician to 'bu' my body. He prescribed me 15 days medicine...already cost $115. Very expensive....
Hi gals, how's everyone today?

I had a busy weekend ;)Instead of going Pontian, we changed our destination to Malacca instead. So we had chicken rice balls there
Then we visited a peranakan house musuem, then headed back to JB. Visited my MIL, then took niece out for nasi lemak dinner. YUMMY!!!
Felt so sinful though.. cos I have been on a rather strict diet of mainly home cooked food.

Tiny, that's great news! Your baby is turning down already! Very happy and excited for you!

ok, gotta go..
Talk later!

hi gals,
Good morning..

i went for my gynae's checkup on Sat... everything went well.. gynae let us hear bb's heartbeat.. strong & loud... hubby was surprised dat the beating is so fast... as usual lah... the moment bb showed up on the screen, i will ask gynae: how's the heartbeat... she was like 'dun be so kancheong.. heartbeat is good... i let u listen...
as added precaution, she ask me not to walk too much... dun go for x'mas shopping.. go out wif hubby's company... she had wanted to see me in 4 weeks' time... but i told her i can't wait dat long.. hehee... so my appt is in 2 week's time... on 24th...

now hor... i am worried abt incompetent cervix.. aiya... somehow i think my previous gynae dint do a good job... i was not given the pill to insert to soften my cervix b4 D&C... was afraid dat my cervix is being 'damaged'... imaginations running wild again... aiii...

hey miaomiao,
i cleared my urine test on Sat... dint take anything sweet dat morning... onie milk & plain water... so u might wan to take note of dis for ur nix visit...

hey folic,
u had quite an eventful weekend leh... i dint go anywhere at all... wanted to watch 'Treasure Hunter' but full hse liao...

hey java,
u meant u went thru' every individual postings dat u hv posted & copy to ur journal? isn't it quite alot? admire ur patience leh...

hey Tiny,
congratz!! u r now in the final stage towards holding ur bb in ur arms... will pray for a safe delivery for u & bb...

hhmm... i wonder where's our dear Ocean... hvn't seen her postings for abt a week orady? hope she's doing good... Ocean!! I miss u & ur cute icons.. do post soon ya... take care!!
hi tubby,
Glad to hear that your checkup went well. If you are really afraid of incompetent cervix, you can always ask your gynae to check your cervix when you are in your 2nd trimester. Dun give yourself unnessary worries, just eat well, sleep well and leave the rest to God.
Yes, I actually went through almost every posting and cut and paste relevant parts to my journal. My journal is now half complete from June - Sept. I was quite free last Friday afternoon, coz I took half day leave to sleep at home. But after I woke up, I had nothing to do, so did this lor.

hi gals,
This week is my 30th week and can feel my bb's bones getting harder. Visually can also see my bb moving in my tum tum. There was one time folic asked me if my next milestone is 32nd week, since my milestone during my 2nd tri was every 4 weeks. But eversince I hit 28th week, everyday is a milestone for me. Hopefully I can remain sane and reach till 40th week!
Tubby ah tubby! )Glad you have a good visit at the doc. Don't worry too much lah... incompetent cervix is something that can be checked easily and also fixed. If you worried, jus get your doc to do a check for you regularly and if needed, they will put in a stitch.

Java, I think that's a good way to do the journal. I think I will do that soon. I am starting to feel that I am being unfair to this litte one inside me now.... mebbe do it during my off days now.

Hi Tubby
Good to know that your bb is doing well....i tot normal check up is once every month?

I will be seeing my Gynae this has been 1 mth since my last visit...can't wait to know the progress of the little one.

Tell you gals something, I realised a strange thing over the weekend. When I woke up in the morning, I found the left side of my tummy slightly higher & harder then the right side. It went back to normal shape gradually after I got off the bed & started to walk around.

Hubby said it happened becoz i was lying on the left side when i slept. Funny right??
Hi Java
Glad to hear that you are progressing well everyday. Yesterday was another good milestone for me.. I am 100 days away from my EDD yesterday. So today, the countdown will be 2 digits days liao
I was counting mentally that with 99 days, and assuming I deliver 2 weeks early, I will have 85 days left! That sounds nearer than it ever could be!

Hi Adora, I am sure you are looking forward to your next visit! Do keep us posted! Yah, it is funny to see the tummy shifts
Once I felt the baby's haed when my tummy suddenly become this one sharp 'hill' instead of a round ball. I am also starting to see my tummy move when the baby moves.

hey java,
do share wif us parts of ur journal when u r done copying...
i can imagine ur boy reading the journal when he's older... & let him understands the milestones u hv crossed for him...

hey folic,
ya.. i intend to bring it up to my gynae during my nix visit... i jus hope dat she won't take it lightly... at least make her write down in my records dat she hv to check for me every visit...
congratz!! u r jus days away from seeing ur lil' gal...

hey adora,
i tot for 1st trimester, usually wil be 2-3 weeks intervals... during my last visit, gynae seemed confident dat she can see me in 4 weeks' time.. but hor, i can't stand the long wait lah... moreover, still in 1st trimester... i rather go more frequently...
mabbe ur bb is on the left side of tummy cos u slept on the left... so cute... i can't wait to see my tummy movements...
hi folic,
Did you read the online book I sent to your email? I felt so touched by it and the drawings are so nice! Wah you even count the no of days. I didn't dare to count, coz it will make it seem even longer.

hi tubby,
I think the journal is more of a guideline in helping me with the testimonial I intend to give during my boy's infant baptism. Also during the days of frustrated motherhood, I can always take out the journal and read how much I went through and learnt during this pregnancy.

hi adora,
Probably the placenta shifting. Do you gals know that after pregnancy, your uterus will never go back to its pre-virginal state. Meaning when you turn to one side, you can feel it "dropping" to that side, then when you turn to the other, it will follow as well.

you gals can take a look as well.
hi java,
thks for the link... it jus warms my heart reading thru' the book...
the pics r really nice as well...

oh gals...
jus sharing wat my hubby told me over the weekend.. he said he got a feeling dis bb is a boy.. u know how he came to dis? cos he said from the ultrasound scan, bb is a botak.. hence a BOY!! alamak!!! i really dunno whether to luff or vomit blood when i heard dis... ;p
<font color="0000ff">Folic</font>
Yes, I can't wait to see the scan to know what is BB doing inside now....esp after reading the story Java sent.

<font color="119911">Java</font>
Thanks for sharing that...I enjoyed reading it...

Oh didn't know placenta can actually shift, I do have the "dropping" kind of feeling when I turn from side to side.

<font color="ff0000">Tubby</font>
For my case, visited Gynae at week 4, 7 &amp; 11. I am seeing him again this week &amp; I am at week 15. Anyway it is better to see Gynae at shorter interval because I think 1 mth is such a long wait.
Sometimes I wish I have a "scanner" at home so that I can see BB's movement &amp; progress everyday.
Hi java, thanks for the link. Very sweet book. I did not get your email though.

Tubby, I see my gynae every 2-3 weeks initially, but after 16 weeks, I 'graduated' to the normal 4 weeks schedule.I think I will revert back to 2 weeks after my 32 weeks.. if I remember correctly. I am looking forward to my visit on 27th!

Hi Java, I love the story very much. My eyes was watery while I was reading... so touching...
Now have the urge to give birth, hoping to see my bb soon... really.
May God bless us.
Hi... how's everyone? Disappeared for a whole week cos its been a really busy and crazy week. Hopefully life will slow down a little.

Looks like Java, Ocean and Tiny are really into the final lap. Jia you jia you =) Ocean how have you been? I think its been almost 2 weeks since you last posted. I hope everything is going well for you.

Tubby... I should have did what you did. Somehow I think that scheduling my next visit 4 weeks later is a bit too long :p Hmmm... I hope my thoughts won't run wild and spirits will continue to be high in the meantime.

Baby dust to everyone TTCing.

Everyone... have a good week ahead!!!
Hi there ladies,
Java, I shall have a look at the book many good reviews!

I've been seeing my gynae every week since 2 wks ago. He made me do another blood test to check my haemoglobin levels, and found it a bit low, 11.5 At my detailed scan it was 11.2 so he made me do a full blood count test (last Fri) to make sure i don't have that t...dunno what...but i remember Folic you mentioned it before. cos he says if i have it, and i consume too much iron, it's potentially harmful. i'm so bad at these things, everytime he tells me i understand then when i walk out i forget all the technical terms and dunno how to explain to others!!

Anyway I will know the result this Fri, so pray that everything's ok. As for baby, she's growing well and she was 1.6kg 2 weeks ago. Thanks everyone for your prayers &amp; support!

To those's lots of baby dust mixed with Christmas magic!

aawwww... java, thanks for sharing! That was really sweet. Especially for the reminder that angels are watching over all of us!

For those who are carrying your little ones, continue to have

and for those ttc, don't give up

hi Tiny,
How come you started seeing the gynae every week? So fast? I will pray for you that your haemoglobin levels will go back to normal. I also look forward to knowing my bb's weight next week.

hi tubby,
Strange that your gynae ask to see u 4 weeks later. During my 1st tri, I see my gynae every 2-3 weeks.

Hope everyone have a great day ahead!
Good morning girls!

Tiny, what did I mention before leh? Thyroid ah? But don't think that's associated with haemogoblin levels leh. Anyway, as long as your doc is monitoring you, should be ok.

Today marks the start of my 26th week. Yesterday, I finally went to the cupboard to dig out the old preg books that I bought previously. I feel I need to read more liao.. given that I am already tracking into unchartered territory
. But the books did bring back some memories, especially one that is in a calendar format. It shows the growth of the baby week by week and is in a table calendar format. The calendar was showing week 22.. the week I stopped flipping the last time... I am glad I have progressed at least 4 more pages than the last time but at the same time, it also reminded me of my baby Jie. Dec 18 would have been his EDD.hmmm.. looks like the weather and holiday mood has gotten me all sentimental again.

Have a good day everyone!

Big hug for you Folic! Don't look back already ok? Now it's all the way to the finish line!
You're doing great...and will continue all the way till you finish the book!

Err..I thought you mentioned before leh. Not thyroid. something to do with the low hb levels, and apparently if i have it, my hb levels will never go above 11 point something.

Java, I've been seeing him weekly since week 31. Maybe cos of this hb level thing? i also dunno but i feel safer that he asks me back every week. For my 1st trimester, i saw him every 2-3 wks, then in the 2nd tri-30 weeks, only once in 4 weeks! I felt so jittery and not so 'fang xin' lor. Luckily all was fine. Guess for us we need tons of assurance!!

Tubby/Odie, i think it's good if you ask to see your gynae earlier too. Normally cos of our history they would monitor closely too.

I wonder how Millie is doing in Turkey! Must be enjoying herself...and doing some b-dancing too! (hopefully baby-dancing and not belly-dancing
) Millie, wherever you are, have fun!
Hi Tiny, I see. Thalassaemia.. you could do some blood test to find out if you are a carrier or not, correct? If only one of the parent is a carrier or major, then the chances is about 25% I think.. I don't really have info but my fren's sister in law has gone through similar pregnancy. Her baby is normal and is about 3-4 years old liao.

morning gals..

me woke up at 10 jus now... damn shiok!!

hey java,
i oso dunno how come she says 4 weeks... she jus seemed confident dat me &amp; bb will be fine lor... anyway, when i saw her on 4th dec &amp; she asked me to go back 1 week later, my mind oso run wild lah.. cos thinking how come 1 week? is it becos she saw something 'not rite' during the scan &amp; wan to monitor me closely...

i am looking forward to nix visit cos i will be discussing the package wif them... hubby has asked me to ask them earlier... but i jus refused to find out more... jus take 1 day at a time... the last visit, her nurse told me she will brief me on the package... so it's like a milestone for me...

hey Odie,
i think hor, until gynae has checked thoroughly dat my cervix is fine, i will insist on 2-weeks visits... U must rest well hor... u seems rather busy at ur new job...

hi Tiny,
i'll pray for u dat everything will be fine... &amp; wif ur gynae monitoring you closely, U &amp; bb will be fine... *hugz*
Hi gals,
wa... so much to catch up with you gals. Glad that most of you are well.
I got some questions and hope someone knows. Is it possible that a pregnant woman will not feel breast tenderness? Do the pregnancy symptoms show after implantation? Does it take a while for the symptoms to come?
I dunno if I got myself pregnant again... My menses is late. This will be my second menses after d&amp;c. I feel nausea when I wake up in the morning
but I dun have breast tenderness. I have put on 1kg in 4 days! And I start feeling giddy this morning...

it is possible for the symptoms to appear before menses due or not at all. Each pregnancy is different. The only way to confirm if you are preg or not is to take the test.

Hi gals,
Do u think there's an consequence in taking my prenatal pill twice in a day? Nowadays I'm very forgetful, I can forget that I've taken the pill and pop another again in 5 mins later. Usually I will put the bottle on my desk to remind myself to eat one after lunch. After taking it, I will put the bottle back into my bag. But sometimes I forget to put the bottle back into my bag. So I end up wondering if I've taken the pill or not??? *scratch head*

hi folic,
Its natural to relate familiar things with the past. Dun worry abt being sentimental abt such things, I think u are doing very well. I'm your pregnancy buddy remember? We will walk these last lap together!

hi tubby,
Eh u dun make us envy u leh. Me everyday wake up at 6.45am. So tiring!!!

hi Tiny,
I also hope to see the gynae every 2 weeks after my next week's checkup. But my gynae only comes back on 9th Jan. So that's like 3 weeks later.

Since this morning my eyelid keeping jumping. I keep telling myself that its because of lack of sleep. But keep thinking that dunno izzit something bad going to happen. So post my bad vibes here. Pls help me sweep it away. Thanks.
hey ULN,
may i know how late is ur AF now? my 2nd AF is also late by 1 week... i kan-cheong spider went to test when i'm late by 2-3 days... got BFN &amp; kwai kwai wait for AF to come... u can always test to give urself peace of mind..
for my current pregnancy, my breast soreness &amp; nipple-sensitivity dint appear until ard week 5-6... whereas my last pregnancy, nipple was painful when i'm week 3-4... so like Folic has advised, every pregnancy, even for the same individual, is different... i hope u'll get the results u wanted...

hehee... from nix week onwards, i can sleep until 10-11am everyday liao... cos my last working day is dis friday... the co. says no budget for me to stay on... i think it's good dat i can rest well during dis period... getting tired &amp; giddy easily nowadays... but hor, of cos, no money liao lor.. hv to depend on hubby's allowance...

me oso same as u leh.. always forget whether i took my pills.. so hor, i resort to counting the total no. of pills in the bottle &amp; everytime i pop the pill, i wil say aloud to myself dat i've taken the pill liao...
mabbe u can call ur gynae's clinic &amp; ask them abt taking 2 pills at the same time...

i am taking out my big broom &amp; helping u sweep away all the bad vibes NOW!!! *hugz*
Hi Java buddy.. thanks
For pills,I jus put them into the pill box with days of the week. That's the only way I can remember. As you can see from my msn name... i think my brains have holes and I keep forgetting stuff. As for the bad vibes.. I help you sweep far far away!

Tonite got wedding dinner... in Marina area.. hope I won't be too tired tomorrow.
Hi tubby,
Read that you have been feeling tired and giddy lately. Me too leh! I have this gorgy gorgy feeling in my mind -- like I'm floating in the air like tat. I wonder is it because of the duphaston that I'm taking daily that cause such an effect leh.
hi tubby,
Let me tell u, u will not be spending much money during the 1st trimester. Coz your morning sickness will confine u at home. Last time when I stayed at home, I spend less than $50 every week.

hi Holey Brains aka folic,
That's a great way to remember! Having a daily pill box.
Hi Folic and tubby,
My menses is 5 days late already calculated from my 1st AF after miscarriage assuming a 30 days cycle. I getting a bit kan cheong. I dare not take the test. I used to have a very accurate 28 days cycle. It seems like my hormones haywire already and I am getting lots of pimples.

Hi Java,
For some vitamins in the prenatal vitamins, vitamins such as C are water soluble. Hence if taken in large dose at one go, these vitamins will be dissolved and passed out in the urine. As for water insoluble vitamins such as A, D and E, will become toxic if taken at high doses. However, the dose that consider "high" is very high which will not be high in a multivitamin tablet.
I am also taking medication 3 times a day. I also forget. The way I remember is to put the number of pills to be taken for a week. Then if I forgot whether I have taken, I will count the number of pills left.
hi miaomiao,
me not sure abt the effects of duphaston... but i tot it's quite normal to feel giddy during pregnancy... jus hv to rest more...
u'll be seeing ur lil' one dis sat rite? it's a veri nice/wonderful feeling when u see him/her growing...

hi java,
ya... not working i won't spend oso... onie bus/mrt fares &amp; occasional lunches outside...

hi ULN,
i can understand how u feel... cos u r not mentally prepared for a new pregnancy now... mabbe ur recent outbreak &amp; delay in AF is due to ur stress for upcoming wedding... dun worry too much... but hor, to play safe, no rigorous activities until AF comes k? take care...

can i ask the preggie-mums here... is it normal to feel slight pain/discomfort ard the vagina area during 1st trimester?
yes tubby,
Indeed, I'm really looking forward to my visit this sat. Have been praying very very hard lor. I'm trying very hard to take a step at a time now.
hi tubby,
What kind of pain in the vagina area? Internally? izzit a dull ache, sharp pulling sensation? So today u also woke up late?

2 more days to weekend....
Can't wait for the next 2 weeks, at least its a 4 day work week.
So how r u gals going to spend the Christmas holis?
I'm looking forward to this Friday. We'll be having our company's Dinner &amp; Dance this Friday so it'll be a half day of work for us. Hope I don't eat too much 'cos I got my gynae's visit the next morning huh!!

Then next week, I have organised a Christmas BBQ party at my mum's place on Christmas eve. Hope it'll be a fun 2 weeks ahead for all of us leh!!
hi java,
ya ya... it's like a dull ache or pulling sensation... not really sharp acute pain lah... &amp; it's at the interior of vagina, not at the exterior of it...

aiyo... me woke up at 7am today... cos i'm working lah... last nite went for wedding banquet, slept at ard 1am plus... now so tired...
fri my last day liao...

ya... nix 2 weeks will be short week... veri shiok for working pple... but i think my x'mas will be spent resting at home... got a gathering at my fren's plc dis sat...dat's it... hehee... abit boring lah...
Hi Gals,

I am struggling to stay awake. Like Tubby, I went for wedding dinner yesterday (mebbe same one??
). Then I had difficulty sleeping. I have sat through 4 hours of meetings and now struggling to keep my eyes open!

Actually, yesterday I heard some very sad news. I have this classmate whom I know is pregnant, cos she works in the same office building as me. She is supposed to be due in Jan so I was surprised to see her not preg yesterday. Then she told me she had to terminate her preg, cos something wrong.. she didnt elaborate. I feel so sad, cos she lost her baby in 2nd tri too, around 20+ week. I am glad she looks well and generally calm but at the same time, I am conscious that my own preg state might make her uncomfortable. I hope she recover well and get another healthy baby soon.

hey folic,
mine at Intercon lah... u said urs is ard marina area rite?
i oso hv difficulty sleeping after dat... dunno wat i so excited abt.... hehe....

i'm sorry for ur classmate as well... hope she'll be blessed wif a healthy bb soon... even until now, i find it difficult to tok to others abt my last pregnancy... i'll choke on my words &amp; turn red eyes...

my close fren's wife is 5 mths preggie when i saw them during dinner last nite... he dare not tell me earlier for fear of upsetting me... i'm glad my frens ard me are quite sensitive towards me...
Hi all,

I'm actually new to this thread which was recommended to me by a good friend after she learnt about my miscarriage last week.

I was into my 6 weeks of preganancy but the doc. still did not detect any heartbeat of the embryo.

Gynae advised me to see him two weeks later to review, but unfortunately two days after visiting him, I had some brown discharge.

After a more detail scan done by the radiologist last week, it was confirmed that it's most likely a missed abortion for my case and i went thru' the D&amp;C.

I went back for a review with my gynae today and was told of the possible reason for the miscarriage.

Would like to check with you gals whether did you go thru' any test like husband sperm's quality, blood test (for wife) to confirm the probable reason for miscarriage? My gynae advised that we could go thru' those test to check before planning for our next preganancy just to make sure everything is ok before we try again.

Also, what was the time interval before you try again? I heard some said 1 yr later cos the womb is weak. My gynae said 3 mths would be sufficient as age is not really on our side (I'm 30 this year).

Appreciate your feedback and advice.
Hi Starlite

I also had a m/c recently, after which I went for blood test &amp; urine test
My husband went for sperm analysis
Nw I am waiting for results

Its better to test before ttc again
My gynae also say I can start trying after 3months as me almost same age as you

Take care
Hi Starlite,
I had the same experience as you last yr. Found out i was pregnant in Aug, but had a missed abortion with spotting, and had a d&amp;c done on 18 Sept.

I did ask my gynae if any tests were necessary. My gynae has differing views from yours and Positiveme's. He told me that frankly speaking, a high percentage first pregnancies end up in m/c and most of the time the results show that there's nothing wrong with either party, esp. if it's a 1st trimester loss. He recommended that tests be performed only in cases of recurrent m/c, and asked us to try again naturally. In fact, he said that it'd be good to wait for one cycle to come before trying again (as opposed to the usual '3 mth' waiting period that we often hear of). He explained that waiting for one cycle would ensure that everything is back to normal and it would also be easier to track/date the pregnancy if you do conceive the next round. But he did say, of course, that you should only try again after one cycle if you feel prepared - both physically and esp. emotionally cos usually it's the emotional part which is harder to deal with. As for the physical part, different people have different experiences. At your post d&amp;c check up, your gynae would be able to advise you if your uterus has gone back to normal, if everything has been cleared, etc. These days d&amp;cs are rather neat procedures and everything should be fine in a few weeks' time.

I guess ultimately it's up to you and your hubby to decide if you feel it's necessary to go thru the tests now, or if you'd like to try again naturally. Guess the former would be more assuring to a certain extent.

Do take care now.
Hi Tiny and Postiveme,

Thanks for sharing your experience and giving your advice.

Actually, this was my second pregnancy. I have a son who is 17 months + now. We had started to try for another one in August this yr. I had a previous cyst operation before and as such, my left ovary is smaller than normal. Hence, gynae advised me not to delay too long if plan to have a 2nd one. Moroever, he also said age is not on my side. hubby felt that this gynae of mine seems to think that a woman who is =>30 yrs old is very old like that...

I have not discussed with my husband whether to go thru' the series of test as yet. Hence, just tot of getting some advice and experience from those who has done it. For those who has not, why did they choose not to do it??

So Tiny, you are how many weeks pregnant now? So, did you try again after your 1st cycle?

hi Starlite,
I'm sorry to hear abt your lost. Actually if you had a successful pregnancy before. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with your hubby's sperm, etc. Whenever such things happen, its natural to ask the "what-ifs" and think of taking tests to find out what's wrong. Like what Tiny said, why dun u try after one menstrual cycle? I dun think u need to wait 1 year, unless u are not emotionally ready. Take care yah.
