Support group - Miscarriages

Hi gals! thanx for the warm welcome!
Congrats to Java, Tiny & Folic! have a happy & healthy 9mth. to the rez of the gals, good luck! i hope we all see our BFPs real soon!!

Hi Pageup, i oso believe in TCM. but i'm not sure where to find a good sinseh? is there anyone tat u can recommend? do they do accupunture too?

Hi Folic & Tiny, seeing your posts really gif me lots of encouragement. tis is my 9th mth of ttc liao! i almost wan to gif up ttc, i'm so afraid i will never ever gonna be a mummy. *Touchwood*! i nvr knew ttc can be such a long & difficult journey esp when i got pregnant so easily the other time. btw, did u gals do anything different during the mth tat u got pregnant? and did u gals see a gynae aft ttc for a while? sorry for asking so many questions.

my AF juz came tis morning but i had expected it to cum, so me not upset abt it. i juz went out to buy evening primose oil aft reading tat it helps the body to produce more fertile cm. i nvr or seldom haf EWCM aft my mc but then before my mc, i nvr take note of my cm... so not too sure abt my cm. hopefully the EPO works.

Hi ladies,

Been quite a while since my last posting
A little busy
I went back to KL as well hee hee
It was a good trip back home

Hi curly,
So good to be on holidays

Me n hubby actually wanted to go for a short getaway
But, kekeketight budget
Hence, shelving the idea till we are more comfortable

Hi all mothers-to-be (ocean, tiny, java, folic, poohy hope I didnt miss out anyone!)
Good to hear that things are going well for all of you

I understand how you feel
Anniversary is kind of emotional
Next week, Saturday is my babys EDD
I kept thinking that if nothing has gone wrong, I might have delivered by now, if not would be delivering soon
Sigh my hubby asked me not to think too much, but cant help it
Especially difficult when my SIL (who stays with me) is pregnant and giving birth soon in Nov the timeline is just too close for comfort

Welcome missy lee,
I am now TTC-ing as well
Now trying not to exert too much pressure on myself
Although me n hubby had just started TTC-ing about 1-2 months ago after the doc has given the go ahead, the disappointment is still unbearable
Felt that the stress really takes the joy out of the process
Both me n hubby felt the same
Guess would have to try to relax more

Well jia you together ok!

Miao miao,
I guess sometime when we try too hard, it actually eludes us
Your hubby is so nice and understanding

Baby dust to you and all others who are TTC-ing!
Hi Odie, thanx for ur welcome.... i understand how u feel. i, too haf stop counting my cycle days, stop thinking when i'm goin to ovulate & stop reading the posts in the fertility website.
we are now planning for our wedding in 2005, so at least there's something to keep my mind occupied wif. its been slightly over a year since my mc. i used to tink abt how big/old my baby would be if he/she was around. but not anymore....i guez time does heal all wound.

good luck to u!! let's jia you together!
Hi gals,

It's Monday again!

Java, the one I had is not a doppler. I can't remember how it works, but it is probably similar to the one you had. It is one of those u usually see at maternity clothes shop. Hope you have a good first day at work!

Missy Lee, I don't think I did anything exceptional in the month I suceed. In fact, my hubby was down with flu and I had a bad attack of muscle inflammation at my hips area. So, you can actually say we are not at our 'prime'!
I did start to eat EPO during that month though, but it was to help relief my muscle inflammation, and not so much for TTC. When is your wedding in 2005?

Hi Jus, so KL is home to you? Now that you mentioned KL, all I can think of is the delicious cha siew at Overseas Restoran at Jln Bukit Bintang...
I go to JB very often cos my in laws are there, but I think KL food is nicer! BUT.. the traffic is scary!
Don't think too much about the EDD... like I said in my earlier post, it is the anticipation of that day which is harder than actually going through that day
You will be fine!!

Odie, glad that you are getting on well!

Hi folic,

In a way yes KL is home
Cos I m from KL, while my hubby is a singaporean
At home, my mom would be there to pamper me kekeke

I m now staying with in-laws
Hiya still different one-lar would not be as frank to in-laws hee hee

Overseas at Imbi? I had my wedding dinner there!!!
Agreed, the food is superb
But traffic is a killer!

I would try not to think too much about it Thanks
Jus... glad to see you back!! =) Yup... I think I understand how you feel. After seeing all these celebrities getting preggie.... need I say more :p Don't fret kay... our time will come ;)

Folic... thanks. Good to see that you and baby are doing well too ;) When is your next checkup? Hubby going outstation today... me going to miss him and most likely we could be missing the boat again this month :p

Missy... you are most welcomed. That's a big project that will keep you occupied for the next few months. Good for you!!! Keep us posted of your preps. Seeing others prepare for their wedding reminds me of my own. Hmmm... how I miss those days :p

Wonder how is Java at her new job =)
Hi gals,

I am back!!! Hope every one is fine. Quite a relaxing holiday. Was busy clearing my emails this morning so din have a chance to come in and chat.

So many postings, really need some time to read all of them. Will come in and chat again when I have the time. Take care.
Hi <font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font> and <font color="119911">Jus</font>,
back from Cruises and KL!

<font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, ur hubby seems to travel alot hor? When will him be coming back? Come, let me give u a hug
, pretending that i'm ur hubby! Kekeke...

<font color="0000ff">Java</font>, do keep us posted on your Adventures in your First Day to Work!
Not easy hor, lots of things to familarise...

Oh <font color="0077aa">Miao</font>, ur hubby is so sweet!
I do agreed that it really can be very disappointing especially when AF is late giving us a ray of hope! But not to worry, with such a supportive hubby, i am sure that u will succeed!
In the meantime, as usual, try to relax and take care of yourself!
Hi odie,

Thanks for your welcome
Its good to be back as well hee hee
Ya-lor quite discouraging as well when I hear the news of those celebrities who are pregnant now

Hi Ocean,
Thanks How are you and baby?
hi all,
Finally I got my laptop, so now can chat with u all. First day at work so far quite alright. I think for the next few wks I will be doing mostly reading up, coz my boss is not in SG. No govt! Just now I was so bored I even went down to Carrefour to walk walk. Actually my office still doing some reno, so alot of sawing and drilling. I try to avoid the area that they are doing the reno and even requested a temp switch of cubicle.

hi folic,
I went to Spring and saw the shorts u mentioned. They are very nice and comfy, but too bad I already bought from hang ten.

hi missy_lee,
I went to Ngee Ann TCM clinic at Balestier to see the chinese physician.
<font color="aa00aa">Jus</font>, me feeling alright, just that at times, especially at night, tummy seemed to be bursting! Think i got lots of wind in my tummy!

Think BB is fine cos can feel her movement sometimes. However at wk 21, i still feel abit worry as it is not everyday that i feel her. So at times, i like to ask hubby what is BB doing and is she growing!
I guess there is still a cast of doubt in my mind!

However, must work hard in staying positive!
That's apply to all of you!!
hi java,

wow!! so good... first day at work orady 'no govt'!! jus relaz for these few days before the arrow starts shooting in...

remember i shared dat i went to Ma Kuang, asking dat sinseh to strengthen my womb but all he says is TCM kenot treat jus 1 area... instead, he concluded dat my stomach is weak, so treat my stomach first... after taking dat medicine for 5 days, i got spotting liao.... so i dun dare to touch TCM now leh... wow.. ur mum so good... even know how to massage fallopian tubes...

thks to those who advise me to go for another opinion... i will eventually... but not now.. cos it's onie 2 AF since m/c.. i guess the gynae will probably say it's due to D&amp;C, dat's why lining is thin..

for dis cycle, i will not touch TCM &amp; any other thing.. except folic acid.. hopfully i wont kena spotting again... &amp; see how my AF goes for dis cycle... oh ya!! after reading wat folic says abt temping.. i started on temping again today.. jus to monitor my cycle...

hi Odie &amp; jus,
ya lor.. nowadays there's really a lot of writeups on celebrities' pregnancy... see the pic of their blissful faces makes me wanna retreat into a hole sometimes!!
last sat, we went to a fren's hse warming.. they oso invited alot of their other frens &amp; almost all hv babies... ard 4-10 mths old... i almost burst out in tears when i see the parents sitting together, cuddling their bbs... luckily hubby saw my red eyes... i quickly held on to his hands &amp; squeeze damn tight.... for the rest of the night, i was veri quiet...

hi miaomiao,
ur hubby is veri sweet... wif his support, ur TTC journey will be a smooth one...

hi missy_lee,
welcome!! U'll find lotsa support &amp; caring words here... I do hope to hear good news from u...
hey Ocean,
u r so cute... asking hubby wat is ur bb doing.. when bb is growing inside ur womb...
dear gal, ur bb might belong to the 'wen jing' category, so not much kicks from her...

when is ur nix appt? can see ur lil' darling again...
Hi Java,

glad to hear that your first day went well. Hope everything continues to go well for you!

Hi Jus,tubby, I know wat you mean about all the celebrities preg. But you know what? I think there is also some bright side to that. Some of them had a hard time conceiving but they finally did. For eg, Sun had 2 miscarriages, Evelyn had PCOS, Zoe tried for so long etc.. So, if you look at these ppl and realised that they can be preg, you can also suceed one day also!

Tubby, have fun temping!
Remember, it should not give you additional stress!

Ocean, yah, we must all fight to stay positive! Ironically, as I enter 2nd tri, I start to get more fearful as well. It's like, as I get closer to 23 weeks (when I lost Jie),the fear sort of heightened. I guess it is a psychological barrier that I have to cross as well.

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, actually u r right lah!
BB inside me, i cant feel her, ask hubby also useless!
As if he got ultrascan eyes!
You know, actually gentle kick is good especially when they start to grow bigger. But still cant help worrying lah!!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, u also have a very sweet hubby!
So, dont worry too much! Give yourself sometime and i sincerely believe that ur turn will come soon!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, so nice ah! 1st day of work no govt!!
Yes, do avoid those area that is under renovation! My office is currently under a mini-renovation too. So one of my collegues asked me not to stay too late once the renovation started!

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, i understand what u meant. During my 1st trimester, between wk 5 to 7, i was so worry as i lost my BB at wk 7!
But when i crossed over that stage, my mind just relax a little bit. Yes, i also remembered that u lost ur BB Jie at wk 23. So somehow or rather, i also waiting to cross over that! Let's jia you together!
Java, your 1st day at work was good, then? No govt...haha...what a good way to ease into working life again!
All the best in this new job.

Missylee, no no no...don't say that! But actually i also wondered (when i was ttc) if i would ever get pregnant again. like u said, the 1st time seemed so easy...but after that, try and try so hard still can't. i remember that some mths were really pressurising, esp when i was monitoring my EWCM closely, and no matter how tired we were we had to 'catch the egg'!! It came to a point where neither of us were actually turned on anymore...rather put off in fact! so we decided not to try so hard lor, and also a change of environment (we started to camp out in the hall for a few nights...) and that did us good. Oh yes, and Folic &amp; Java may also mention, doggy style? hee...worth trying lor!
hi ocean,
Ai yoh I also feel like that. I find that my bb seems to move on alternate days. On the days he never move, I almost have panic attacks until I can't sleep well. But on the days he move, I rejoice and thank God.

hi tubby,
BIG HUGS to you!!!! I also feel like that when I see mummies with their babies. Even until now I still feel envious when I see babies. But dun worry, time will heal your pain. Slowly u will feel too sad the next time u see such a scene, reassure yourself that your time will come too!
Hi Ocean, congrats on your pregnancy! (hopefully i din miss out anyone tis time) glad to hear things are doing great.

Hi Odie &amp; Folic, i'm planning to haf my wedding in Sept or Oct... dates not fixed yet coz i'm currently still overseas wif my hubby but we'll be returning to sgp tis Dec.

Hi Jus, Odie, Tubby, i haf oso read abt the celebrities pregnancies. I felt like crying aft reading it. felt like its so unfair &amp; i've been trying so hard but its not my turn to be pregnant yet! but then again, aft knowing tat Sun Ho has had 2 miscarriages &amp; she is now pregnant, i felt happy for her. like wat Folic said, one day we will succeed too.

Hi Java, thanx for ur info. seeing tat u r pregnant now, ur chinese physician muz haf done a really gd job. did he do accunpuncture for u or juz gif u medicine to take? i'm goin to visit a TCM clinic, maybe Ngee Ann TCM when i return to sgp.

Hi Tubby, i hope ur spotting goes away soon. remember to 'bu' ur body well. i din really take gd care &amp; 'bu' my body aft my miscarriage. maybe tats y my body is still not ready for another pregnancy. i'm starting to take 'dang gui' &amp; EPO, hopefully it helps.

Hi Tiny, me &amp; hubby were oso turned off aft we tried too hard ttc. we find BD a chore rather than pleasure when we were oni b'ding on the rite days. tats y now we r taking things easy, letting nature takes its course. i oso like doggy style, plus i haf a retroverted uterus so doggy style is beta for the spermies to swim up to my eggies.
missylee, haha...actually i don't really like doggy style cos i find it rather animalistic. but we read that it was good for the spermies like what u said, and my hubby was so happy cos he likes it!
so it was a good excuse for him. haha..well, good that u like it then! Yeah, I guess relaxing is the key. in that way, if u strike it's a bonus and a nice surprise, but even if u don't u won't be too disappointed.
hi missy_lee,
I think TCM should take half the credit in regulating my menses and control my discharge prob. Most of it was temping and creating a more relax environment for conceiving. Last time we tok abt this before, when we ttc, we treat our hubbies more like sex objects for creating babies. Its more diff to have sex more for pleasure purposes. Esp when its ovulation period, we have to time the sperm to be at its optimum quantity and quality. It becomes really scientific!

hi Tiny,
My hubby and I also dun like doggie style, it feels anal sex!

I'm enjoying my second day of no govt in my office. I know it won't be long, but just enjoy while I can...
Hi gals,

finally got a chance to come in and chat.


A big welcome.

Hi Java,

Wow, good hor, no govt. Do you mind to send me a PM to tell me which floor you are working on?? Not convenient to tell you which floor I am working here cos I know some of my colleagues are also reading the some of the threads here. Don't want them to know who am I.

Hi Tubby,

Regarding TCM, somehow I feel that it helps to regulate my menses and build up my strength to prepare me for TTC's again. Your spotting may not be due to the TCM. It could be due to M/C. Don't know if you agree with me.


Another celebrity is pregnant!! She is Lisa Ang of CNA. She is 3 months pregnant. So happy for all these celebrity mums but deep inside my heart, I feel so sad for myself
hi tiantian,
I tried to PM u but u never enable that option in your profile. Lisa Ang is not very young. I always envy her because she is so slim and beautiful and always gets to go to those exotic places and spas.
Hi Tiantian, thanx for ur welcome
is the news of Lisa Ang pregnancy in the papers today? dun feel sad, your time will come. i'm sure u r gonna be a great mummy someday. remember, juz relax &amp; take things easy. i see u r oso doin TCM. which physician/clinic r u seeing? i'm interested in TCM too, heard it helps in fertility. dun mind me asking, how long haf u been ttc?
Hi Java, so shiok ah... no govt. guez u muz be enjoying now. u said TCM helps to regulate ur menses &amp; discharge. my cycles r regular but my ovulation r later as compared to before my miscarriage. i'm now ovulating bet CD18 to 22 whereas before, my ovulation is earlier, i tink ard CD14 coz the other time when i got pregnant, we actually BD on CD10 &amp; 11. another thing tat bothers me is my discharge, i'm not producing those fertile EWCM. i wonder if TCM will helps to regulate my ovulation &amp; producing EWCM?
Java, you not bad huh? One morning can come in twice
Tonight, I will go eat Japanese to celebrate my 2nd wedding anniversay. It is a small restaurant at Allson Hotel. Its specialty is home cooked dishes and not raw sashimi/sushi.. so I can eat to my heart's content

Java, Lisa Ang is same age as me.. not very young

Tiantian, you can also PM java at her nickname, which you find under the feb/mar mtb thread.

missylee, I think EPO will actually help in producing the EWCM. Maybe you want to try that.

Hi Folic, Happi Anniversary! me love jap food too, esp the sushi, yum yum... i'm actually starting to take EPO, juz took the 1st dose yesterday. hopefully it works!

I have enable that option in my profile liao.


The news abt Lisa Ang is in "TODAY". Ya, I agree with you, we must relax and take things easy.

I have seen 3 sinseh all together. First one in Thong Chai. Prescription too strong for me until my menses got haywire. 2nd one in Jurong East, very famous but I don't find her good. Currently seeing one at Fortune Centre for the past 3 months.

Her medicine seem to have worked on me as my last cycle was back to normal but am still monitoring the situation. If this coming cycle is normal again, then I would safely say that her medicine works.

Very paiseh, think I am one of the oldest TTC'ing here. Been trying on and off for the past 7 years. You can read abt my story in this thread from May onwards.


Wow, Japanese food again??!! When I was in KL last week, I had Japanese food for lunch and dinner in a day until my hubby got so sick..hee hee.. Anyway, Happy 2nd Anniversary. Enjoy yourself tonight.
hi missy_lee,
My ovulation also around CD20-22, before my first preg, the cycle time is 30 days, then after preg become 37 days. Maybe u can follow folic's advice to take EPO. I've not tried that, coz I always have alot of yellow discharge until I can't differentiate izzit EWCM or not. U can also take BFW.

hi folic,
yah I also know her hubby is angmoh. She looks so good on TV with her dimples. Happy Anniversary to you! Hope u have a great time at Allson Hotel. How come u always know where the good food are?

hi tiantian,
Don't lose hope okie? Why dun u try resting at home for a few months? Have u tried seeing a gynae?
missy lee, BFW = Bai Feng Wan. Tiny pills like po chai wan, must take one whole bottle at a time. Can buy from Eu Yan Sen.

Java, my weight explains why I always find good food. You can go try the Allson hotel one. It is mainly patronised by Japanese but the food is good. Their specialty is Okonomiyaki- Japanese pancake, made with flour, soba noodles, and seafood/meat toppings. Then I read all the IS magazine, food reviews etc
This place is recommended by my hubby, the 'half japanese'
We like to go there with a few frens, order the small dishes and eat

tiantian, yah.. Japanese again.
Bo pian, my hubby 'half japanese'.. he studied there for almost 8 years, so a lot of habits very Japanese lor.

hi all...
finally got internet connection at work... cos the PC crashed yesterday morning... hehee... old PC liao...

hi folic,
yup... will totally relax myself while temping..
thks for making me see things from a different perspective... (ie... the various success stories of artistes)... my turn will come eventually...
*hugz to u* as u ride thru' ur 'mental obstacle' ya...

write more later... got to rush some stuff b4 knockoff...
hey folic...
today is my 2nd wedding anniversary wif hubby as well...
we r going to the plc where we solemnized our vows for dinner later... i'm sooo looking forward to it...

sure brings back lotsa nice memories for me later...
hey tubby, so we got married on the same day?
I remember it was a very hot date, cos it is mooncake festival as well.

Happy anniversary!

Wow, <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, dun use hubby as excuses! Think u enjoy Japanese food very much as well!
Anyway, Happy Aniversary to you!

Oh yap, <font color="119911">Java</font>, u really not bad! Think it is a good start for u since no govt and u can get to know more pple in ur office in the meantime!
I do agree that once we are able to feel BB movement, we sort of relax our mind abit as it is a form of reassurance! But then, really hor, with such a gently little BB i had, i wonder when i can really feel her more!

<font color="aa00aa">Missy</font>, thanks for your wellwishes!!
I think hor, since that now u r preparing for your wedding, there is actually alots of work to be done. So, maybe in the mist of preparing for your wedding, just maybe u will have a double happiness!
Hi Folic, i heard of BFW, my mum oso tells me to take tat to regulate my menses. but i can oni take it when i return to sgp, rite now still overseas, can't get it over here. so i guez i juz keeping taking EPO for the time being.

Hey Tubby, Hapi Anniversary to u too!
such a joyous day today!

Hi Ocean, i certainly hope i will have a double happiness!
hahah oceans! oops! let you find out the secret liao.
because i don take beef, i don like to go to those steak houses or have western meal. Cos the choices would be fish(usually with creamy sauce and jelat) or chicken (usually use breast meat which i hate). So, if I want to spend money, I rather spend on Japanese meal or Italian meal.

hi folic, tubby,
when u say wedding anniversary, u r saying ur ROM date or customary?

hi ocean,
The thing is there is not many ppl in my office as mostly went to US for training liao. Next few wks will be worse.

hi folic,
I think soon I will be like u, liasing with US at 11pm at night.

hi ocean, Tiny,
I know why I only feel my bb on alternate days, I read from a website that around 18-22 wks, the bb sleep alot, around 20 hrs.

are ur place raining? My office is very cold. Even now when I'm typing, my fingers are cold stiff!
Java, my ROM and wedding lunch all on the same day. So I only got one date to keep track of.
So you will also become owl like me? Is your company HQ in the west coast or east coast? Maybe can discuss with them to have early morning call if it is better for you. If West coast, 8am is only 5pm there. During summer months, it will only be 4pm.

Hi Tubby &amp; Folic,
Happy Anniversary!!!
Enjoy your celebrations tonight!

Java, my baby doesn't seem to sleep a lot leh, this whole week, always moving and moving, from left to right to centre and up and down, even my hubby is surprised he can feel so much movement. Esp at night when i'm about to go to bed, and in the mornings (abt 6am, then again just before I wake up abt 8am). He normally will put his hand on my tummy when i tell him baby is awake, and indeed for about the next 10-15 min, he'll be thrilled at the kicks and punches. I'm afraid my baby won't grow cos we're both rather short, and we're hoping our baby doesn't have our short if it doesn't sleep surely can't grow tall!!

the sinseh i visited also say treat stomach 1st, gave me 5 days of medicine. i took them for 2 days n placed the rest aside. very bitter..will start taking the rest n go back to see him.
Hi gals,

So sorry har. Got a qn to ask all. I'm now in my 3rd AF after D&amp;C so I am sort of expecting the cycle to be the same as before. However, I noticed an abnormality in my menses flow.

1) Day one - very very light spotting with tiny bits of blood strands in discharge.

2) Day two &amp; three - very bloody heavy flow for 2 full days with occasional blood clots.

3) Day four - bloody flow reduces in amount but still bleeding red. (Sorry to be so detail and grozz har!!)

4) Until now, I'm still having red menses flows.

My usual menses comes out heavy for the first two days and then subside into brown discharge on the third day. Usually lasted for 4-5 days.

Is it possible that the menses cycle has not regulate back to the normal pattern? I'm just worried that my AF cycles has suddenly gone haywire. Just when we are planning to start ttc again!

Just to ask if anyone having the same experience as I do? I am now wondering if I should have waited for a few more cycles before ttc again lor.
Hi Miao2, to ans your question... from my own experience, my 1st AF aft my miscarriage was veri heavy &amp; wif lots of blood clots on day 2 &amp; 3. aft tat, the flow was lighter &amp; then finally brown colour. all in all, my 1st AF lasted for abt 5 days. my subsequent AF was back to normal, my usual cycle of 5 days wif heavy flow on day 2 oni.

i'm not sure if ur cycle has gone back to normal? probably not, based on ur usual cycle pattern. but then again, mine was a natural miscarriage, i did not haf to do a D&amp;C. maybe tats y my menses cycle went back to its normal pattern faster. if u r worried, i would advise u to see ur gynae &amp; do a check. take gd care.
<font color="ff0000">Tiny</font>,
u veri funny... y do u say ur baby won't grow tall if he/she won't sleep?? is it really the case? dun wori too much lah, i'm sure ur baby is juz happily moving ard in ur tummy.
Hi Miao, My cycles also took a while to regulate itself. But for me, I took more notice of the length of the cycle..not so much the bloodflow, although the first 2 AFs were rather heavy &amp; seemed to last rather long. Before m/c, i had very long &amp; sometimes irregular cycles (anywhere between 35-50 days!) but after 3 cycles, it seemed to shorten and become more regular.

1st AF after d&amp;c took 38 days to come
Cycle 1 - 39 days
Cycle 2 - 37 days
Cycle 3 - 32 days
Cycle 4 - 33 days
Cycle 5 - 32 days
(On my 6th cycle I tested +ve on CD29 &amp; CD31 )

So it seemed like on average it took 3 mths to become normal. but i think sometimes it may not be 'as before' (like for me, it shortened after a while) so as long as there's no major cramps or bleeding you shouldn't worry too much. But to put your mind at ease, perhaps you could check with your gynae?

The one thing I remember is that before m/c I never had spotting, but after m/c, many of my cycles began with spotting for about a day first before the actual blood flow. Dunno why also.

MissyLee, I heard that we grow in our sleep, so if we don't sleep enough (esp when we're young) we won't grow!!!
hi Tiny,
Every bb's sleeping pattern is different. Maybe ur bb is hyperactive kind. But isn't it gd, then u r reassured by the bb's movements. My hubby still can't feel the kicks yet, maybe few wks later. ur hubby must be really fascinated by the movements in ur tummy. u can ask him to speak in gentle tones to the bb, he/she is able to hear by now.

hi miao2,
How long does ur AF last? Your description sounds normal if u still get menses flow for another 3-4 days. If it continues very long periods, maybe u can try to seek a gynae's help?

hi folic,
Not too sure, maybe later when I meet my boss then will have better idea of the support calls.
Java, yeah, he speaks and sings to the baby in the most soothing tone he can..haha. his voice is rather low so ok lor, hopefully baby can hear. as for me, i don't think baby can hear me cos i have a rather high voice! And hyperactive is scary, man. but certainly like the daddy!
<font color="119911">Tiny</font>, i agreed with <font color="0000ff">Java</font> that at least u r reassured by BB's movement. Unlike myself, my BB is very gentle and doesn't like to move alot!
So till now, i cant really feel her and this can be quite worrying at times.

<font color="ff6000">Miao</font>, i think ur AF sounds ok too. However, it must be noted that after miscarriage, our cycle will either go back to the same as our previous pattern, or it may be a totally different pattern. Nobody can really tells.

Maybe u just monitor for a while.

Hi Java,

Sent you one PM yesterday. Pls check.

My hopes are still there but sometimes my mood get the better of me esp. when there are so many celebrity mums around.

Can't afford to stay at home as quite a few family members are out of job. Got to help out a bit. My gynae asked me to try naturally for a few months first b4 putting me on clomid. To be frank, I have not really started TTC'ing since my M/C in May. Will start my first "serious" TTC cycle next month. Pls pray for me.
