Support group - Miscarriages

take gd care folic.. hope after U have given birth, the preg hormones will go back to normal and U won't need to inject yrself with insulin ever again..

Hi everyone... haven't had time to actually check in the forum lately. Been busy with my work and my grandpa just passed away last week... so have been rathered tied up for the last few days. Otherwise everything is fine.

Still waiting for good news on that job... now it is 1 to 1 competition. Should be hearing from them latest by end of this week. My fingers are numbed from all the crossing :p

To all the preggies... please take care. For all the TTCs... good luck and lots of babydust =)

Will try and check in whenever I have the time on hand... otherwise will still be keeping everyone in my thoughts ;)
Hi girls, I'm back from Maldives! It was a great and relaxing holiday! Can't complain about anything if we had seen the most beautiful sunrise, sunset and crystal clear water. We even saw baby sharks swimming right in front of us!

Hope everybody is doing well. Odie, so sorry about your grandpa, do take care.

have been waiting for 1st AF and on Sun dreamt that i was doing a HPT, while waiting for result, i woke up. Then i saw red yesterday, for a moment i wondered if i cld have got preg and lost it again. today i see the flow, 1st time so happy to see AF. Seems like many of u have long cycles for 2nd AF, i started taking my temp today, but if the 2nd cycle's going to take so long, maybe will not contd temping and wait till after 2nd AF. I have irregular menses, din ask gynae if that affected the sustaining of the pregnancy. Will ask him before i ttc again.
Dear all,
It's been a while since i posted. been rather lazy the last few days...cos last wk my hubby & i were on leave on Thur & Fri so we had such a nice time, including the long weekend and now back to work a bit xian lor...

Ocean, u recovered form ur flu? take more vitamin C! I heard that during pregnancy u're supposed to have higher immunity leh. must be the weather. sometimes so super hot and then it suddenly rains.

odie, sorry to hear abt ur grandpa. But glad that everything else is fine for u.

Curly, I'm sure u had a great time! we went to maldives for our honeymoon and i really miss that experience.

To those TTC, lots of baby dust to u! Can't wait for the next batch of graduates! Will be really soon i'm sure!
hi folic,
I think I should be going on Thursday provided my HR passes the medical form to me by tonight. Can u send me an SMS? So if I confirm going on thurs I will send u an sms. How come u going to RH on thursday? izzit the regular checkup? I tot u just had ur checkup?

hi tubby,
Did u go to the new Punggol Plaza for dinner last night? The foodcourt was sprawling with ppl.

hi odie,
Sorry to hear ur grandpa pass away. I hope u are taking it ok.

hi curly,
u r back!!! I always wanted to maldives but quite ex. So I always end up going to Malaysian islands instead. There's a small island near Langkawi that you can see baby sharks too! I took this pic there

My hubby and I love the sea alot! We wanted to go to Lyang Lyang island near Sabah, but then I got pregnant.
Hi Java, I going to RH to see my regular gynae lor. Last week was the additional scan at another gynae mah. Anyway, just sent you SMS.

Hi curly, welcomme back.. glad you enjoyed Maldives!

Hi odie, sorry to hear about your grandpa! Take care!

Hi Tiny! good to see u again...

Hamasaki, I will definitely take care!

hi Odie,
i'm sorry to hear abt ur grandpa... take care...

& good luck for your final round of interview..

hi curly,
u makes me drool jus thinking of the beautiful sunsets & beaches.. must be veri romantic for both of u.,.. any pics to post for us to drool further?

hi java,
i went to my mum's plc for dinner last nite.. passed by PP (punggol plaza) & saw a lot of pple there... we intend to jalan jalan there dis weekend...
read from another thread dat NTUC is not opened yet... only 'koufu' & a handful of shops opened yesterday...

hi pageup & tiantian,
can i check wif u... ur 2nd AF is it heavier or lighter than ur 1st AF? mine is veri light... today is my 4th day onie & it's brownish spottings liao... aiii... now i'm worried dat my menstrual lining is really thin... hv discussed wif hubby & we'll go see gynae after my 3rd AF..
Hi Odie,

So sorry to hear abt your grandpa. Please take care.

Hi Curly,

Your description of Maldives also make me drool. Any picture to share??

Hi Tubby,

My 3rd AF last for 8 days which is the most normal since 2001. The flow is normal to light flow. Start having brown stain on the 5th day.

Btw, very sian cos today is only CD20 but saw brown stain again. Think AF is on the way liao. Don't tell me it has gone haywire again?? Why visit me when I am leaving for my holidays tonight?????
hi Tubby,

sorry, my 2nd AF lasted more than 10 days. Almost 2 weeks to be exact but very light flow. It's brown stain all the way from 5th days onwards. Think quite similar to yours.
Folic, hehehe...just read that your hubby struck TOTO.
So nice.... Must be your girl's luck! Wanna buy my Nokia 7200? Really, I put it up for sale on yahoo but just for you, will consider slashing the price.
BTW, glad the nuchal test is fine. It is actually a measurement on thickness of the skin at the back of neck. No need test one, just measure. That result, along with blood test you will be doing in your 4th mth will go into analysing the chances of a down syndrome baby.
As for GD, my cousin had it really bad during her 4th baby. Reduced her carbo intake also and it helped. And she lost it the minute she popped! So no worries yah!

Hi Java,
How are you and baby? too long liao, very lazy right? Hope you will be happy at your new job. Anyway, the most impt thing is to keep the spirits up!

Hi whitefloral,
Normally it takes abt 3 cycles for your menses to regulate after a mc, that is why some gynaes recommend a 3 mth waiting period. Dun worry so much.
Tiny, I'm already missing it!! Hopefully one day we will go back again...

Java, I agree that Maldives is ex.... Told my hubby that we must visit such places before we have a baby and we went! That's a nice pic of the baby shark! We didn't manage to take any pic of the baby sharks but it's always in our mind.

Ok ladies, don't have to drool, just uploaded some pics....
Hi Curly,

Wow it is sooooo nice............drooling again.

btw, may I know how much you pay for this trip and how's the weather there.
Tiantian, we paid $6.6k for 4 nights (half board). The weather was beautiful but there was a day with bad storm, so we had spa and watched dvds.....

Enjoy your cruise holiday and relax!!
Hi Linda! Thanks for the offer... I think I have set my mind on another model - 7610. I will go take a look tomorrow and if I like, I will buy that! btw, I still donno whether I am expecting boy or girl.. u so sure that it will be gal??

Tiantian, enjoy your trip!

curly, so so envious....
Glad you enjoyed yourself!
Hi tubby,

My 2nd AF is very heavy and crampy. Got to get a mc on the 2nd day. It is tailing off now.
My 1st AF was light though.. but it lasted for 2 weeks.

Hi Curly,

I went to Taj Exotica for honeymoon in Feb. That was a paradise. Did you see any Moray eel? They like to hang around near the jetty.

Odie,my condolence for you and your family.
Hi folic,
hehehe...all my frens had girls. So I kind of "naturally" expected a girl from you too. :p hehhee.... Actually, I also wanted to sell that Nokia 7200 and get e 7610..the leaf shaped one right? But I gotta sell the first one before I can get that...
sad.gif all making me DROOL with your honeymoon destinations... I am sure no one can beat my honeymoon destination!!!
It is at Woodlands Ave 4! HAHAHAHAH..... no honeymoon to mention of so sad....
hi tiantian...
think u shd be on the big ocean now... enjoy ur holidays...

thks tiantian & pageup for sharing wif me ur 2nd AF, i think every individual hv different experience... i think i will go for scan nix cycle..

wow Curly,
maldives is really a pc of heaven leh.... the view is simply awesome... better than i cld ever hv imagined... think must use ur pics to tempt my hubby liao... hehee...glad u enjoyed urselves there...
hi linda,

i'm sure when baby-Tory is bigger, u'll be able to bring her overseas & enjoy ur honeymoon... i'm sure will be sweeter then...
<font color="ff6000">Odie</font>
Sorry to hear about the loss of your grandpa! Pls take care of yourself hor!

Oh<font color="119911">Curly</font>,
so nice, the scenery was beautiful but the price is also awesome!! But am glad that u have enjoy it!! It is so heavenly!!

<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, have a good break for your cruise and see you next week!!
If can, maybe can create some fireworks in your room!

Hi <font color="0000ff">Tiny</font>, yes, actually i had already recovered from my flu! Hurray!! Got the feeling that BB must be rocking inside when i sneezed!
How r u gettin on? By the way, have u found out the gender of the BB?

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, if let say our lining is thin hor, actually the doc can give u medicine to help to hold the BB!
Hi Curly,
Your photos are very well taken. Actually the waters in Maldives is comparable with some Malaysian islands. But the resort in Maldive cannot be compared, its simply beautiful!!! Its like those kelong. I remember there was this documentary that showed the floor of the "kelong" with see through glass, so that you can see the waters underneath. Is yours like that? u mean u paid 6.6K per person??? That's really ex!! More ex than going to Europe holiday. That should be the way. Go to places for holidays, enjoy first, once you are preggie like me, can't go anywhere liao.

Hi tiantian,
Enjoy ur holiday!!!

Hi Linda,
How are you and Vic? are u a SAHM now? When u got time u must come in here and chat with us yah. I always very happy to see your postings.

hi Tubby,
Before my first pregnancy, my menses lasted only 4-5 days, where 4th day also just brown spottings. But after my pregnancy, my menses lasted 7 days. I'm not sure if short menses duration means the lining is thin, but during my first pregnancy, it held the bb well. Instead, in my 2nd pregnancy, problems like spotting happens, so like wat Ocean said, my gynae gave me hormone jabs and pills to stabilise the pregnancy. Now I just pray hard that it doesn't happen again. So dun worry too much. NTUC just opened today at PP. Lunchtime saw many ppl carrying NTUC bags.
<font color="119911">Java</font>, so u going for medical checkup today? Hmm..... ur HR pple really very blur hor!! Nevermind lah, at least u got another few more days to enjoy! Also recently, the weather is like raining season. Happy happy rain
for a while! Good for beauty sleep!
Hi pageup, I agree it was paradise! We wanted to stay at Banyan Tree initally but they didn't have enough room nights so we chose Taj Exotica. I don't think we saw moray eel but we saw a big fat stingray near the jetty.

Linda, don't be sad.... This is not my honeymoon! We didn't have one then bec we have no leave.... Like tubby said, bring your little girl with you to have a sweeter one!

java, $6.6k is for both of us and I agree that it's very ex. I do agree that with this amount, can go Europe.... No lah, we don't have see through glass floor but one of the restaurants is above the lagoon so you can enjoy the food and sea water/fishes at the same time. We didn't dine there as we get only USD15 off per person but at the other restaurant, we can order as much as we can (typical S'porean)!
Hi... how's everyone.

Not been posting in lately huh! Time really flies hor! Today is my CD32, if tomorrow my AF still not here, then I'll use my HPT on Sat morning.

Rather nervous about it lor but my AF has been very regular one leh!
Cont'd from previous:

I'm worried and at the same time excited. We did plan for it in this cycle lor but still feel rather lost lor. I don't quite remember the symptoms for my earlier pregnancy liao. Now, I do see difference in my nipple and my discharge lor. Also funny bloating of the stomach area.

But hor, I don't feel MS leh. So I'm afraid it could be a late AF so never have to courage to tell my hubby about my suspect.
Hi Java,
NO!!! Me working still. And I think to a certain extent, I rather work. least at work, I get 'personal' time. Seems like I am not as good a mum I would like to be. How's baby? How you feeling? I hope you are not attacked by MS for the spotting, remember to rest a lot with your legs up. And you are not supposed to exert yourself, which includes mopping and cleaning of any sort. Tell your hubby I said so! Not even squatting you know?

Hi Curly, hi tubby,
Not the same liao. Honeymoon is when 2 person just got married, sweet sweet lovey lovey then go enjoy. With one baby along and no longer so lovey, I think not so honey liao.
Somehow, I just happen to missed it... What to do? But I m going to Bintan with the entire family on my side next week and i shld enjoy that alot...
Chance to catch up with my fave niece and nephew!!

Hi Miao2
Dun worry, dun think. Just test! Every pregnancy is diff so cannot base it on your previous experience. I am keeping my fingers crossed hard for you!!!
hi Curly,
The more u describe to me abt your encounter in Maldives, the more I feel like going. Do u snorkel while u r there? See any fishes?

hi miao2,
Wow I feel so excited for you. Do keep us updated okie?

hi Linda,
Its true that at work u get more personal time, taking care of a baby 24 hours can be quite physically draining. I also dunno if I can be a good mum. My bb has been kicking more often nowadays. No lar MS left me few weeks back, feeling stronger and better now. You really sound like a mother u know? But I will keep your advice.

where is folic? she haven come back from her checkup?
<font color="119911">Linda</font>, i also have not go for my honeymoon yet!! No chances/time at all! After customary this year, while hubby and I are still deciding where to go, i found out that i was preggie. But sadly
, it ended in M/C.

So after resting for a while, i started to think of where to go again. And again, before confirming, i got preggie. And here i am, asking hubby to go for short trip, he tell me, wait till BB is borned!!

Plus hubby dun like to travel.... Wondered will i have any honeymoon or not now!

<font color="aa00aa">Miao</font>, good luck!! Hope ur AF dun come till after 9mths later!!
Hi gals,

I am back. Yesterday was really great. We had a check up at my regular gynae and can see a very active baby this time. My mini-me is sitting cross-legged and doing boxing. Then, as the doc focus on the face, we caught mini-me smiling widely at us. Managed to get a shot of that pic
Gynae was also very amused by mini-me. All is well, baby growth on track and looks very cheerful and lively. Doc wanted to try see the gender but cos baby is cross-legged, she says she rather not put her reputation at stake

I lost yet another 1.2 kg. Now, I put on 'fattening' diet to catch up on lost weight. But still must watch my carbo intake and sugar intake. The good news is that instead of doing the glucose test twice a week, I only need to do it once a week!

After my check up, I went shopping at Suntec. Java, did you get my sms yesterday? There are some pretty comfy shorts at Spring. You can check it out.

Linda, I bought my phone yesterday. I realised that there are many high end functions in 7610 (yes the leave shape one) that I don need, so in the end, decided to take a cheaper phone - 6230. Paid $348 after trade in. They are doing some very aggressive trade in for 7200... Didn't see details but was at the 300-400 bucks range if trande in plus contract.

Miao2, I hope you get a BFP. You mentioned that your cycle is regular, but how long is it usually? Baby dust to you!! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!

ok, get back to work.. I am getting really bad.. check forum b4 checking my work mail!! :p

hi java,
thks for sharing assuring me... somehow i jus lose all my confidence when i see the state of my AF dis time... in my mind, i sort of reasoned dat my m/c is caused by dis problem... hopefully by nix AF, things will improve... will see how..

hi Ocean,
is there really a medication to improve menstrual lining? during dat time, i took duphaston daily &amp; oso jabs in the buttocks weekly... oso dint help.. okie okie... shall not think of it now... jus rest my body for a while...

hi linda,
enjoy ur family trip in Bintan...
i'm sure Baby-Tory will be veri happy to play wif her cousins over there....
miao miao!!!

i am now crossing my fingers, toes &amp; even hair for U!! veri excited... like wat the rest said, it's been quite awhile since we got a BFP in dis thread... hope u can sprinkle bb-dust here soon!!

so fast hor... i hv jus finished my 2nd AF &amp; now u r orady waiting for a BFP!! really glad for u... remember to share ur good news wif us once u've tested positive okie...

every pregnancy is different... but hey! u do exhibit some symptons here mah... hehee....
<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, glad that ur checkup went on fine and that ur BB is growing healthily!
So sweet, can even see ur BB smiling!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, yes, those are used to help to support BB. Think <font color="119911">Tiny</font> was also given the jab too?
All these will help to hold BB.

However, if at the point of conception, maybe the sperm or the egg is not that good, nothing will be able to help if that being the case. Just like in a relationship, maybe the girl(egg) and the boy(sperm) after meeting each other, find that they are not suitable and break-off? I guess at that point of time, we are not fated to be the BB's parent! Sigh....
Hi all,
No need to test tomorrow morning liao... My AF came at about 5pm just now .. But funny leh.. never late before one. My cycle has been 29/30 days one. Even the first AF after D&amp;C came exactly on the day 30 after the op. Never late before lor.

But hor.. this AF really very very little leh???My AF for the last two cycles were really alot lot heavy lor. Don't know why?? Never like tat before. Prob. the body has not really tune back to normal yet. Anyway, try again the next cycle lor.

Sorry to disappoint you all leh.. So pai seh!!
Will work harder this coming cycle lah!! Work together ok.. for all others who's TTC'g huh!!
Tubby, Folic, Ocean, Java, Linda, Odie,

Thank you so much for all your wishes. I always know where to go to when I needed advices and help lor.
ocean, glad u're better! and folic, good to hear abt ur update. I didn't have a jab, but i was given hormonal support in the form of..err...can't remember...for the first 9 weeks. oh it was some Crinone vaginal gel. Hated it!!! so messy!!!

miao..don't despair...but actually if it's very very little, there's stil hope! maybe it's not your AF leh? monitor these 2 days and see how. if not u better test ok?

actually today's my hubby's bday, but this week i've been plagued by past memories - this time last yr i'd been bleeding from miscarrying one, while preparing for the d&amp;c (18 sept actually - that's tomorrow) to remove the other...whose heartbeat couldn't be detected at this point. what memories! But you know what, my baby has been really active these 2 weeks especially, and it's like constantly reminding me that everything's ok, and not to look back! This happens especially when i'm quietly lying down (which is also the time i tend to think the most). I love that feeling.
It's so comforting at a time like this.
dear miaomiao,

*big tubby hugz* i loggin especially at dis time to see ur postings... tot mabbe u can't wait &amp; test liao...

JIA YOU for the nix cycle... it's good to hear dat u r veri optimistic abt TTC-ing... Heaven will bless you wif a healthy child veri soon...

do monitor the state of ur AF, if anything unusual, better check wif gynae... mabbe since today is the 1st day, actual flow hv not start yet... see how over the nix 2 days ya? hv a good rest over the weekend..

hi Tiny,
i think it's unevitable dat we'll take a few moments during 'anniversary' to remember our lost one... ur angels will be in my tots tomoro...
it's really sweet to hear dat ur lil' one is giving you so much reassurance... it's like 'mummy, dun worry okie... u'll be able to hug me in ur arms nix Feb'

hey folic,
glad to know dat ur visit to the gynae is a joyous one.. &amp; to see ur lil' one smiling at u must be 'simply heaven' hor.. oso, glad to know dat u onie need to test ur glucose level once weekly now... keep up the good work!
Hi gals!! mind if i join u gals?? i haf been looking for a local forum for loss support &amp; finally chance upon tis.
a little intro abt myself first, i'm 26 tis yr, got pregnant in July 03 but sadly ended wif a miscarriage in Aug 03. my pregnancy came as a surprise coz we weren't planning for one. haf been ttc for 8mths since then. had tried all sorts of methods from charting to OPK kits but no luck till now.... giving up liao!! i began charting wif fertility friend in Mar 04 but recently gave up temping bcoz of all the stress from seeing AF mth aft mth. HB &amp; I decided to go naturally, let nature takes it course &amp; juz BD as &amp; when we like it.
now tat we are ready to becum parents, it seems harder for me to get pregnant. i tink my cycle has gone haywire ever since my mc. intend to see a gynae if i reach my 12th mth mark of ttc. in the meantime, hoping &amp; praying i will see a BFP real soon!!
Let's all 'jia you'!
hi tubby,
I'm not sure if there is any western medicine to improve menstrual lining. Last time during my confinement, my mum put some herbs in the soup and ask me to drink, following that she will massage my womb esp the area of the fallopian tubes. She said this will improve blood circulation and let all the bad blood and clots to flow out. I remembered my 1st AF was quite heavy. Perhaps you can go and see a chinese physician, ask them to prescribe something to improve blood circulation around the ulterus. Do you have lower back pain? The physician will also check your pulse to see if your kidneys are working properly. All these will lead to factors affecting blood flow and thus affecting the menstrual bleeding. I find that after my first pregnancy, my menses also go haywire and I have alot of vaginal discharge, in chinese they call it "bai dai". I went to TCM treatment for 2-3 months. The bai dai reduced, but after I stop few months later it came back. Even now that I'm pregnant, I have a lot of vaginal discharge, curd-like. Told my gynae so many times, did culture test and no yeast infection. Until now I still believe that those women problems are better cured by chinese medicine.

hi miao,
Hope u are not too disappointed, coz I am. Have a good weekend and try again in your next cycle. Remember RELAX is the keyword!!!

Hi Tiny,
Its very normal to think of the past during anniversaries. God has entrusted another child to you and He has showered many blessings on you. So take heart.

hi folic,
Yesterday I was at RH, saw ur doc's name on the list of specialist. During the pre-employment checkup, the doc lifted my pants and proceeded the press on the area near the rib cage. She did the action so fast that I almost sprung up from the bed. I won't let anyone press my tummy area except my gynae! Anyway she reassured me that she is just checking for my splint and is not pressing on my womb.

hi missy_lee,
Welcome to the thread, do come in here to tok to us, coz we are all guo lai ren. I also 26 this year. Took me 10 mths to get pregnant again. Although it may be mentally stressful to do temp charting, but it does help to track when u ovulate, etc. u can ask these girls here the things I did to improve my chances of pregnancy, like for example for those with inverted ulterus, do doggie style. Now when I think back, its quite funny, but it can be quite disappointing to try month after month without any results. U know RELAX is the keyword, once I quit my job and stay at home, I conceived liao. So maybe I was to stress in my previous job, thus affecting my chances of conceiving.
<font color="0000ff">Miao</font>, dun say abt disappointing us lah!
I must admit i did feel abit disappointed, but then, u just relax and try again next cycle!
Let's see who will bring the next batch of good news here!!
Do monitor ur AF hor!!

<font color="ff6000">Missy Lee</font>,
Like what <font color="119911">Java</font> said, RELAX is the key word! I also pray
that u will see a BFP soon!

Hi girls,
Thanks. yes tubby &amp; java, what u have said -that's exactly how i feel.
Surprisingly, today I didn't really feel sad or anything, altho the past week i've been gearing up for today. I just took a moment to remember my angels and am now concentrating on keeping the faith and looking ahead.

Hi Missy Lee, welcome! I can certainly understand what u mean by "now tat we are ready to becum parents, it seems harder for me to get pregnant." Life's always been like that, hasn't it? It took months before i got pregnant again, and we had worked very hard, only to be disappointed mth after mth. But I guess every passing mth is one step closer to it happening! And of course it's easier to say relax than to really relax (if u read my previous posts u will see how frustrated and disillusioned i often was)...but when u know u aren't in it alone, it helps a great deal! So I'm glad u came to join us here, cos the gals here are wonderful in making u feel good abt the whole thing!
Lots of baby dust to u. Meanwhile, enjoy BD-ing!
Hi Gals!

I stoning at home today
On Thurs nite, after my gynae visit/shopping etc, I went to Ding Tai Feng at Paragon to eat. Cos dinner was early, I woke up at 230 am feeling absolutely hungry. My hubby also
So we made milo and eat biscuits before falling asleep at almost 4am. Was so tired yesterday at work! Today, sleep until donno day or nite! hahaha

Missy Lee, welcome!! I lost my baby last Aug at 23 weeks, due to waterbag breaking prematurely. I got preg in Jul this year.. almost a year after. But I did not start TTC immediately though. It's good to take things ez
Personally, I find that charting and temping calms me down, cos I don't have regular cycles and I keep guessing when I ovulate, when to test etc. With temping, it somehow makes everything more predictable for me. If AF comes at the time I expected it, then I know everything is normal as well. Maybe you can look at temping as a source of help instead of a source of stress
Anyway, do join us and chat.. I am sure you will find lots of support and inspiration here!

Tiny, Big hugs on the special day. Look on a brighter side.. it also means that you have known all of us wonderful ppl for almost a year too
I think it is heartwarming that you have developed close bond with this new baby and I am sure everything will be ok!!
Anyway, glad to see you post that you feel ok today. Sometimes, it is the anticipation of the anniversary that is worse than passing the actual day itself!

Java, haha, you are so protective of your tummy!
I finally go and dig out some old maternity clothes, but kept the one that I wore to the hospital that day. My sis really hide all the things damn well.. I still can't find all the clothes... hahaa! I will ask her when she comes over tomorrow. I found the heartbeat listener though. You want to borrow?

Tubby, if you are worried, mebbe you can consult another doc for second opinions?

Miao, sorry to hear that AF visited. Never mind, jia you again!!

Hi Java, Folic,Ocean
Yes. I certainly need to learn to be more relax during my ttc period lor. Prob my mind was too stressed on planning my BD calendar that I kind of lose the mental relaxation liao. Anyway, thank you for all the encouragement. I'll jia you again.

I told my hubby about my AF visiting and how disappointed I was. He comforted me by saying that we will try try try until succeed. We did it once, we sure will do it again. Then you know what... I actually hugged him and cried. So silly me hor.

Hi Tubby,
Thank you for your comforting words leh. I do feel very disappointed when my AF came knocking late but my hubby is always the one who stand by me, giving me all the support and kind words of encouragement lor.

Hi Missy Lee,
Welcome aboard. Hope that you'll get all the supports and advices from the ladies here as much as I do. I'm also ttc'g now after my mc in June this year. Well, tomorrow will definitely be better huh! Let's all jia you jia you ok!
welcome Missy lee to the board.. Jia you.. we are all here to support U..

be strong Miao and keep on trying.. I believe yr dream will come true one day..

tubby, since U are having so many doubts and have many questions, maybe U can try to see another doc.. hopefully, he/she is able to solve all yr baby thoughts so that to rest yr mind at ease..
hi folic,
Tokking abt being protective of my tummy, now that my tummy more obviously protruding out, some frens has been touching my tummy. Close frens I dun mind them touching my tummy, but those not so close ones, I find it quite offending. BTW how does your heartbeat listener works? Izzit a doppler?

My hubby just left to help out in his coy's charity ball, so I'm alone at home. sianzz...
I dun think I will be coming into SingaporeBrides tomorrow. Dunno if I will be allocated a comp/laptop yet. I'll try to come in if I can.
Hi Miao

*Hugz* It is ok..try again next cycle, we jia you together. But I think we got to remind one another not to get too stress of ttc. Like what Jave mentioned earlier, relax is the key - to the chances of striking?

Hi Missylee,

Don't worry too much and let nature takes its course. If you want to, perhaps you can try other holistic approach like TCM? Many of us here are visiting TCM sinseh. I read that TCM has higher success rate of treating fertility problem than the ang moh medicine.

Hi Curly,

I think Taj exotica may be nicer than banyan tree because BYT only have beach resorts.
Here is a pic of the moray eel I saw along the jetty of Taj Exotica. It is very ugly but quite tame creature


Miao... nothing silly about crying... cos everyone here would be guilty of that. I had an exceptionally long cycle 2 months ago as well and I thought that the chances are there. Realised that it was probably because of stress after my aunty came knocking. And yes I cried too :p (So you are not alone). After that, I stopped counting the days and the cycle went back to normal. Look on the bright side... at least your cycle is still comparatively shorter than mine (or even some of us here)... which means your wait won't be as long ;)

Hi Missy Lee... welcome to the thread. Best of luck for BD. I know what you mean. The last pregnancy came rather unexpectedly for me and hubby too... cos we were only married for 1 month. We thought that it will take at least 6 months like most couples. After the MC... it seems exceptionally hard. We know that it is easier to tell others to relax in order to increase the chances... but harder to put it to practice... but other than that... there is nothing else that can be done. So for me, I have stopped counting the days, stopped looking at websites discussing about fertility and conceiving and filled my days thinking about other aspects in life. I still get a little disappointed seeing my AF... but not as badly hit as before ;)

Tiny... same for me. Time does heal all wound. No more crying and upheaval emotionally. Used to count the weeks and months after the MC... but last Tuesday I wasn't even aware that it has been exactly 5 months after the MC.
