Support group - Miscarriages

congrats Ocean! 2 nights ago, my sis dreamt that i had FOUR baby girls running around! She said they were 2 sets of twins...! I must have been thinking about it last night after she told me, cos I dreamt (last night) that we saw that my baby is a girl during the scan! So funny. Earlier in the pregnancy I had dreamt that it was a boy.
must be too excited to find out.

Hi Linda, long time no hear. Hope all's well with baby keeping u busy!
<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, <font color="0000ff">Tiny</font> and <font color="119911">Joyce</font>, thanks!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, u noe i went to Guanyin temple to pray before i tested positive right?
The lot is a good one and i was told that i'll be having a boy. So hubby and i thought that we might be having a boy, but it turned out to be a gal!

We suddenly remembered my last pregnancy whereby we lost our BB. That time, we had a bad lot and was told to have a gal. So we are wondering, if the sequence shld follow...
Sigh... better dun ponder too much on the past, but hubby and i was abit disappointed as we both like boy. However, we are happy to learn that BB is growing fine!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, actually, i read that the earliest to tell BB gender is at wk 15. Jia You!
I am sure that u will soon have urs soon. But in the meantime, "bu" your body and relax yourself!

<font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font>, let's wait to hear from you soon! You be seeing ur gynae soon right?

<font color="ff6000">Poohy</font>, so u wun be having a scan tomorrow lor?

<font color="0000ff">Tiny</font>, u'll be going for ur detailed scan too right? I remembered that ur EDD is abt one wk plus after mine, right?
Hi Millie, Odie, tiantian and Ocean,
Thank you so much for all your encouragement.

So happy for you leh. You r having a gal gal. Congrats!!
I also want my first to be a gal gal but as my hubby is the only son so think my-laws will hope for a boy boy lor. Anyway, healthy is still the most important lah..
yup ocean, my appt is a day after Joyce's...10 Sept. But gynae didn't mention abt the detailed scan, so no idea if i'll be having it.

hey don't worry too much! Girl or boy, healthy is the most impt. so be glad ur baby is growing well ok?
Dear all,
Sorry for not posting lately, gone back to work since last friday, very busy unable to talk to you all.

You are a brave &amp; strong mother!! I will pray for you just like the way I pray for myself last few weeks. I understand very much how you feel cos I just been thur all these. You do the right thing! Trust your god &amp; let him bless both you &amp; your baby. You will have a perfectly healthy baby under God care. On top, you are bless by all the ppl here!!!

Really happy that you are carrying a baby girl. I always love girls.... I hope for girl too although mine turn up to have a little 'bird bird' but most importantly our baby must be healthy &amp; strong! This is most important then anything for pregnant woman like us!!

Tmr seeing my gynae. Very excited &amp; looking forward to see my little 'bird bird' again... Can feel his movement since last week &amp; the feeling is getting stronger &amp; stronger lately. Is a very funny feeling in e stomach but very enjoying... Hope this good news will bring hopes &amp; happiness to every mother-to-be.
Hi Ocean, so cute
Your baby is just like mine... always sleeping one and the buttock always high high up
I have a very strong feeling that mine will be gal gal too.

Hi Tubby, yah, I think that was very sweet. I know she is waiting for me and hubby to have a kid. Although she is 80+, has 10 kids and 20+ grandkids, she still would just like one for her youngest son, sort of like complete her life. But she never give me pressure or anything like that. btw, you should believe what Ocean said. There is some truth that you are likely to conceive during or AFTER a holiday. Me same case... no luck in Italy, but got a made in Singapore right after that :D

Tiny, detailed scan is usually at about 20 weeks.

I am happy that I will get to see my baby again soon. I have a scan at Dr Ann Tan for the nuchal scan (to check thickness of neck for down syndrome) next Thurs and the usual gynae visit the week after that. But I think after that gynae visit, I will sign a package, which means only monthly visit. So I must make good use of the opportunities in the next 2 weeks to get a good dose of my u/s machine addiction!

Hi Ocean,

Congrats!! you are carrying a bb gal!! I have always love bb gals and also wish my 1st one will be a gal as well.


Jia you hor.
hi all,
Yesterday went to my mum's place, felt better coz more ppl to tok to. I was offered a job with the American coy I told u all abt, who didn't mind me being pregnant. So wasted that they cannot offer me the 2 mths ML coz I'll be working < 180 days there before my due date. The basic salary also so so only. I also dun have bargaining power coz I'm pregnant now and no coys will have me at this time. So I tot I will just work first, if not happy, after delivery I will bargain with them again.

hi ocean,
Congrats on having a girl girl! I will be going for my detailed scan at 19th wks, which is on 27 Sept. In the meantime, I'm praying hard!! Its normal for ppl like us who did not experience smooth pregnancies before to worry abt the outcome of the current one. Again such things are not within our control, our job is just to sleep well and eat well. I oso always ask my hubby the "what-ifs", he will tell me "What will be will be". So look on the bright side.

hi wang2boy,
Thanks for praying for me. I also hope I will deliver a full-term, healthy and normal bb boy.

hi folic,
All the best for the scan. Will be praying for u! Yes u must get a good dose of the u/s, after the 2 appts, u will also be waiting like me for 1 month before the next appt.
folic so funny first we have POAS addiction and now, u/s addiction.

Java, congrats on your job offer! at least it will keep u occupied and hopefully u will have less time to worry abt the 'what-if's . When do u start?
Hi Ocean... say hi to your little princess for me. I like daughter... cos she will be closer to mummy and I can doll her up :p

Java... good luck on your new job!!! Although the job may not be a dream job... but at least it will keep you occupied during the day time and bring you some income. American companies are more pro-family... so it may turn out well for you eventually. As for your baby... I know if we are in your shoes... we will feel the same way as you do.... but nonetheless I still hope that you will stay positive and have faith in your God.
hi Tiny, odie,
You know I wanted to join this coy alot, but since they didn't get back to me after 2-3 wks I already gave up. Last Monday morning, I was praying for strength and deeper faith, but at the same time thinking what I am going to do for the next 5 months till I deliver. Knowing that I will now and then ponder abt the "what-ifs". Then that morning, the coy called me to offer me the job. Like wat Tiny said, although the offer is not very fantastic, but its something to occupy my mind. Afterall u all know job and $$$ is not my priority right now. I only hope that my boss will be more understanding if I have to take leave to see gynae, etc. I'm not sure when I'll be starting, but its not so soon, maybe 20 Sept. Later I'll be going down to sign the letter of offer.

hi tiantian,
How are you? Nowadays I'm so caught up with my own troubles and never really followup with you and the rest.
Good luck to you Java.. Hope that yr new boss is good to you..

Folic, how did U know that U might be having a baby girl. Mother instint izzit.

Congrat Ocean for expecting a baby girl.. I like baby girls too but I prefer to have a Baby boy first then followed by a baby girl.. Pressure from my MIL.

congrats on having a bb gal
Me too hope that my first child will be a boy so that he can take care of the siblings... but i think gals are closer to the parents.


congrats on your job offer!!
yes poohy. I too felt that baby gals will be closer to the parents.. Mostly is closer to mummys.. Like me lor.. I am always sticking near to my mum when I was young.. I have to drag with her everywhere she go, if not I will cry..

same here!!! I follow my mum everywhere even when i was in university. Even now, I spend my whole weekends with my mum and hubby. lol. But then still better to have boy as first kid though.. cos I was the oldest kid and I dun like it. Keep having to be burdened with taking care of younger brother etc I want my gal to be the youngest princess at home ... just like I always wish for myself..
But since cant really choose.. I will be glad if the child is healthy no matter wat.
Hi Java, congrats on getting the job!

Hamasaki, it is just an instinct.. also donno how to explain. I was right the other time... so now waiting to see if I am right again

Tiny, I think you are most addicted to POAS
But yes, the u/s addiction is quite hard to suppress.. since we cant buy a machine for home use!

Poohy, looks like all eldest daughters wish they have an elder brother.
But most frens who have elder brothers tell me it is not so true that it's good to hv a big brother
I am the eldest in my family too

<font color="119911">Java</font>, congrats in getting the job!
Well, at least it is a company that u wanted to work with and
this is a good start!!

I agreed that we tend to think alot especially more towards the negative side
. Sometimes, it just cant be helped. There is nothing more than any Mum-to-be to wish for a healthy BB and smooth delivery! Jia You!
We are all here for you!

<font color="0000ff">Miao</font>, <font color="aa00aa">Wangwang Boy</font>, <font color="0077aa">Odie</font> and <font color="ff6000">Tiantian</font>, i am opposite from you all leh! Like <font color="0077aa">Poohy</font> and <font color="119911">Hamasaki</font>, hubby and I prefer to have a boy first!

So, if we had a BB boy
, the pressure is not that high. And me being a lazy person, i think i prefer to cut my BB gal hair short and no need to dress her up!
Hubby already object to it!! Kekee...
Think we think too far liao!

<font color="0000ff">Joyce</font>, so yours is next Thu and <font color="119911">Tiny</font> next Fri? Ok, remember to update us on ur little one! Isn't it exciting? I always feel excited and yet anxious when i went for u/s! My mind will only start to relax when i see the little flickering heartbeat!

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, really, ur BB also like to stick little buttock high in the air!
Hmm.. let's see if ur mother's instinct is right or not!
By the way, pple said if we have BB gal, our luck is quite good. Try to buy some 4Ds!! Will strike small small!
<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>, u going for jab today right? Remember to have complete bedrest after that, ok!
Be a good gal hor!! Guai!

<font color="119911">Pageup</font>, how are u recently? Din hear from u quite some times! Busy at work?
folic, no lah....i think ocean is more addicted to POAS!!! i was inspired by her, remember?
actually i was very guai, for all those months i tried, i didn't test, only when i had a feeling (which was right! Instinct...) then i tested...again and again...and again
Just to make sure my eyes not playing tricks on me mah!

how come ur babies all so cute one, can stick the buttock high in the air. you mean they are lying down sideways, but the buttocks lifted up? how adorable.

By the way, Folic, does Dr Ann Tan specialise in fertility issues? I have a friend looking for a good recommendation and I'm helping her to ask around. She's been trying abt more than a year already, after a m/c too.

ya going for jab later. I was thinking maybe I dun need complete bedrest already .. cos I had been feeling perfect for past week... I guess the sch probably is gone ..


so have u recommended any gynae to your fren yet ? If she dun mind kkh, they have very good reproductive endocrinologist (RE/fertility specialist) there, ie. Dr Sheila Loh (head), Dr SF Loh and Dr CT Yeong. I am personally seeing Dr CT Yeong currently and I think the RE in kkh are really knowledgeable and efficient. As you know I conceived both pregnancy thru fertility treatment under kkh/kkivf. Without the fertility treatment, I think having a child would be a remote dream for me. These 3 RE have very good reviews from patients so far.

I just remember another gal in this forum seeing Dr Ann Tan and she did clomid/iui cycle and was successful first try. But I am not sure whether she specialised in fertility issue... just know that she can be very agressive and result-oriented.. which is actually a good thing for couples with fertility problems
hi java,
congratz on ur job!! at least u got something to keep ur mind occupied for the nix 5 mths.. jus remember to rest well over the weekends...

hi Ocean,
whenever i hear ur description of bb sticking her backside up in the air, i tried to visualize but hor, cannot leh... but it sure sounds veri cute from the way u put it... am really happy for u..

hi folic,
hehee... i'm not TTC-ing yet lah... jus wanna take a break... when i'm in yokohama, the view from the hotelroom is fantastic, can see Bay Bridge &amp; the nightlights of the city... so got mood to 'create fireworks' in hotel, but too bad lah... ;p

me juz hope dat 2nd AF will come as expected, after my spotting stops on Sat, i saw alot of EWCM, so i'm expecting it to be here in 2 weeks..

i hope ur instinct is rite too!!! keeping fingers crossed for u...
Hi Tiny,

I donno much about Dr Ann Tan. I just going to her for the scan. I think you can check out poohy's recommendations. Cos, afterall, she succeeded

Tubby, never mind, the holiday effect will last for a few more months.. till you are ready! :D

Ocean, is it? I bought toto yesterday liao :D

oh, i just heard some good news. I don't know if I posted this before. I had a fren who just found out that she is preg. She actually had some problems (not sure wat) but doctor told her that her chance of conceiving is actually next to zero. And if she does, it is likely to be etopic. Anyway, she just got confirmation from her doc that it is not etopic and everything is progressing well. She has low blood pressure and that makes her very giddy now, so she is resting at home. Glad that she managed to get pregnant naturally.

hi Java,

Congrats on the new job. It's good to be kept occupied. The pay is not important. So when are you starting your new job?

As for myself, having my 3rd AF now. Although my chinese sinseh has given me the signal to TTC again but I 'll wait for a while as I am planning a trip to Japan in NOV. Hope to have a made-in Japan bb.

Hi Folic,

Really feel happy for your friend. If you remember, my gynae also say my chances of getting pregnant is also less than 1% but I conceived without any aids. FYI, this female gynae is very famous in KK. Think poohy should know who I am referring to.
Hi ocean,

Thanks for asking about me.
I do pop in once in a while to see how you ladies are doing. Just that I don't know how to contribute

I hada super long 1st AF and I'm still waiting for the next one or maybe some unexpected miracle?

Congrates for the little baby girl.. I like girls too.

To all you ladies here, keep up the spirit. We will conquer all difficulties and be a proud mother of our very own healthy babies.
Hi gals,
I just came back from signing the letter of offer! wah piang, I just went for 4 hours, now come back already feel so tired. Dunno how I'm going to tahan working 5 days per week. I'm starting 20 Sept, so in the meantime I can still have my afternoon naps. I plan to take cab to and fro Suntec. Like so long never work, lost my "shrewdness" and like not so street wise liao.

Hopefully my pregnancy stablises and I dun have to rely on the utrogestan pills anymore. I'm really scared if I'm prescribed anymore bedrest, not very good for a new job, somemore I will be on 2 mths probation before confirmation. Pls pray for me yah!
Ahem <font size="+2"><font color="ff6000">Tiny</font>, what did u say?</font>
For one moment, i was thinking wat is this <font color="ff0000">POAS thingy</font> that u n <font color="119911">Folic</font> talking abt being addicted!
Then u suddenly mentioned my name and i think mus be the Pregnancy Test Kit, is it??!!

Hallo, i tested hor, cos i got reason mah!
One is to determine confirmed no HcG level and then also to confirm before i took the antibiotics for my urine infection!
Afterall, i heard got expiry date
, wait <font size="+2">expired liao</font>, how?? Keke..

<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>, no
, u cannot be a noti gal. Must guai guai rest on the bed after ur jab as this is oil-based jab right? The last time i had that jab, cos i walked alot, think the jab being heavier flowed down from thigh to my knee and became swollen!
Then the next day, i had allergy! <font color="ff0000">So u mus be a gd gal to stay in bed</font>

<font color="119911">Folic</font>, yes!! I strike a few small small 4Ds, like my BB's EDD date.
Then my collegue was guessing if i am having a gal cos another of our collegues having BB gal also strike a little bit!!

So <font color="0000ff">Pageup</font>, maybe, we might hear some good news from u?
I really hope so, u know! Also hope to hear from <font color="ff6000">Odie</font> and the rest who r currently ttc-ing!

<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, jia you as well!! Wow, but u really can wait?
Hmm.. ok, good to remain relax and not too stress up. But then, we will have to wait for ur <font color="ff0000">Made In Japan</font> BB lor!

Oh, thats remind me of <font color="119911">Jus</font> too! <font color="119911">Jus</font>, have ur Chinese sinseh give u the green light to go ahead?

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, thanks! Actually, to say BB sticking up buttock in the air is more like she lean her buttock at the waterbag. But as the scan is black and white, it really appeared high in the air!
Not to worry, i feel that once ur body had recover, ur cycle shld more or less stablized!!
Just relax urself hor!
same same with me poohy.. No matter if its a boy or girl, the most important thing is that must be a healthy cubby baby.. I'm still sticking with my mum even when I'm at University last time or spenting the time with her on weekends and PH now..
but dunno why am I so sticking with my mum.. I guess its becoz She Likes to hold my hand when I was young but sometimes, she is so blur one. Always hold my hand but than funny always Knock my head to the lamp-post or the table this and tat that's why I became a Sotong.. hehehe.. My hubby was saying Ah yoh yoh.. still likes to stick with mummy when U have grown up and I always talk back to him >> U 2.

Hope you are right folic.. I guess woman instint is quite accurate..

Hi ocean, Where did you heard that having baby gals is that U are lucky and should buy 4-D. How abt baby boys leh.. Not that lucky izzit..
<font color="119911">Tiny</font>, yah, we all got reasons to test!!
But hor, u test again.... and agin... and again leh..... Hmmmm...

<font color="ff6000">Hamasaki</font>, actually abt having gal more lucky, i also dun noe lah!
But i did strike a few consolation at $60 recently. It happened that another collegue whose due date is earlier also like that. So before i noe abt BB gender, my collegue is actually speculating that maybe i am having a BB gal too!

<font color="0000ff">Java</font>, try not to worry too much! I know it is difficult but maybe u just try to relax more. By the way, how many wks are u now? If u r already in ur wk 14, most likely, u r abt to stop relying on the utrogestan pills.

The doc din prescribe me with dusphaston anymore when i in my wk 14, even though i still having <font color="ff0000">intermittent spotting!</font> But do take care of yourself hor!
Hi ladies,

It has been so long since I last posted
Was wrapping up a project
Good to hear so many good news!!!

You are always so thoughtful
Always remembering all of us!!!
Actually, the sinseh told me to try only in Oct, but me, being ME, cannot wait-lar
So, would be trying this cycle
But at the same time, am trying not to put too much pressure
Otherwise, take the fun out of you know lar. Kekeke

Actually, when my AF arrives for the last cycle, felt really disappointed though we did not exactly try during the last cycle
And like you, got hooked to POAS, I used up all 3 (can you imagine!!!)
And in the end, all negative
So disappointing

Your baby so cute, always stick her buttocks high up!

Pageup and tiantian,
We will jia you tog!
And lets hope that we strike this cycle!!!
Baby dust to all who are TTC-ing! 'clipart{happy}

Have been reading the past postings!
So happy that you are now pregnant!
Must take care of yourself, ok

Eat more, rest well and must take care of yourself and baby, ok!
I'm in Wk 15, my gynae said pregnancy should stabilise by Wk 16, so I'm left with 1 wk more of utrogestan. Dunno take too much of hormone pills will cause side effects or not? I'm so reliant on the utrogestan that I feel like asking my gynae to let me continue taking until I deliver. haha. To me ultrogestan is like a safety net.

hi hamasaki,
Yes I hope things will get better from now on. Actually I have many things to count my blessings. All along I was hoping to work in an American coy, coz I usually they are more flexible and independent. Both my previous coys are local coys and not flexible at all. Also I'm blessed with another child again. So having a job that I like and a bb on the way, what more can I ask?

hope to hear good news from u too real soon.


ok ok yes mdm.. I trying not to move ard too much after the jab liao ! ;)
wow java, you're a lucky woman.. Is that so that American coy is much better than the local ones.. Hmm, I am thinking of changing jobs now.. Dunno which jobs is good..

Hi ocean, I think becoz baby girls are closer to their mummys so they will help mummy to win more $$ and when they are born, they can get more toys and new clothes.. Whatever things that they want, mummy got the $$.. Baby girls also bond much faster with their mums..

For the Boys case?? dunno what to say..
Hi Java,

So you are going to work in Suntec??? I'm oso working there at T4, you? Maybe one of these day can meet up for lunch but hor, I beri shy leh..

Hi Ocean,

I have actually cancelled a trip to Japan when I realised I was pregnant in Apr. Thr worst thing is I only discovered it 3 days b4 departure, meaning I have already paid in full and to cancel at such short notice, I would have to pay a 100% penalty.

But luckily with my gynae's letter and a very understanding travel agent, I was able to claim back 75% of the travel fare after a two months wait. So all is not lost lah.

So I don't want history to repeat itself but to "loong" until Nov lor
hi tian tian, the travel agent company is good to you.. Most places won't refund the $$ back but U still manage to claim back 75% of it..
Good day to everyone!!!

This week feels like it has more than 5 days. There are weeks that fly by so quickly and the weekend is here before you know it. This week... haizzz.... another 1.5 days to go.

Java... same like you... I am still waiting for news from this american company which I went for an interview sometime back. Initially I thought that it had gone down the drain, but 2 days ago my agent told me that they are impress and want to keep me warm for now. Currently looking at other applicants and should be able to hear from them by 10 September 2004 if I'm selected. They gave me a good feel... well at least they are ok with it even though I told them that I am planning to start a family. It is reassuring when they said that for american companies they evaluate a person base on merit and experience... not on her personal background. But I guess competition is stiffer since most pple would prefer to work for american companies as compared to local companies. So I'm keeping my fingers and toes cross for now =)
hi tiantian,
I will also be working at T4!!! Sure we can one day meet for lunch, go eat Gelato ice cream!
hi tiantian,
ai yoh no need to shy lar. I also ask folic to meet me then she say she very shy. I'm the talkative type one, so dun worry. Only nowadays I feel tired so always look sleepy sleepy.
Hi gals,

I am so busy today! only now then got time to come in. I think I must have looked very pale/tired today. A colleague saw me in the toilet and then later sent me a mail to say I looked tired and ask me to take care. So sweet!

Odie, hope you get the job!

Java, hope you have fun working in suntec. It is a nice place, just that traffic can be quite a challenge. Taxi queues in the evening are quite bad! Ok lah, I will meet you for lunch one day, when I go to my suntec office, ok?
Then tiantian can come along also
You send me a Pte message lah, then can pass me your contact details lah, then I can contact you when I go to Suntec.

Ocean, you so heng! Strike a few times some more! I not greedy, just strike tonite's toto can already...
first prize 2.8 mil ah! hahaha dream dream dream...

Jus, good to hear from you. You also become a POAS addict?
Hang in there! Sure will have good news one day!

Hamasaki, what kind of job do you do? You mentioned station.. police ah?

Snuffles, are you still lurking around? remembered that you talked about coming back in Sep or something like that.. hope you post soon!

Hi folic, I'm working in Mediacorp station now but I might be changing job soon to the CPIB or police-force.. Just got a letter from them..

Hi Hamasaki, oic.. so you always see super stars? I prefer mediaworks program though

How's everyone doing today? Friday liao! I finish 2 meetings since 8am. Now, no more meetings so a bit no mood to sit at my desk to work. Some more my hubby on half day to play golf.. wish I was on leave too!mebbe i shd!

Today, I took out one pair of pants which used to be just fitting for me. I tried it to see how much bigger I have 'grown'. Now, that pants can't even zip or button! So although I can't see myself growing bigger visibily, the pants tell me otherwise!

Hope to see some posting soon.. damn bored!

